All About Mary
Encyclopedia Entries
Entries filtered by: Spirituality and Devotion
- A Devout Child of Mary Will Never Be Lost: Earliest References
- Activity of Mary from Heaven
- Adoration of Mary?
- Advent Calendar
- Advent Meditation with a Crèche
- Advent Meditations
- Age of Mary
- Akathist Hymn
- Alphonsus Liguori, Redemptorist Founder
- Angels
- Angelus and Scripture
- Angelus Prayer
- Angelus, Origin of
- Anglican Rosary
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Antiphons of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Apocalyptic Messages: How to React
- Apparitions, Basic Information
- Assumption Customs
- Ave Maria Translation
- Ave Maris Stella Prayer
- Beloved of the Trinity
- Black Scapular
- Block Rosary
- Blue Scapular
- Books of Hours Exhibit
- Byzantine Liturgy and Spirituality
- Candlemas Madonnas (Virgen de la Candelaria)
- Candles and Mary Statues
- Canticle of Mary, or Magnificat
- Carmelites
- Carthusian Rosary
- Catechesis by Rosary
- Catechism and Mary
- Chamber of the Trinity
- Chaminade, Name Origins
- Channel and Fountain Symbolism
- Chaplets Explained
- Chaplets: Various Kinds
- Charles Journet
- Children, Rosary Instructions for
- Chinese Litany of the Immaculate Mother
- Christifideles Laici Excerpt
- Christmas Reflection
- Christopher Columbus, Marian Devotion of
- Communion and Liberation
- Communion of Saints and Mary
- Consecration for Easter Week
- Consecration of Infants at Baptism
- Consecration to Immaculate Conception
- Consecration, Meaning of
- Consecrations: Kolbe and Montfort
- Contemplative Prayer and Mary
- Contemporary Spirituality
- Cord Rosary: History
- Coronation
- Coronations of Mary
- Crèche Collection of the Marian Library, International
- Crowning Mary, Origins of
- Dedication of Child to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Delia Tetreault, Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Founder
- Devotions
- Discipleship of Mary
- Divine Shepherdess
- Domina
- Dominicans
- Dormition, Meditation of Icon
- Dorothy Day
- Ecclesia in Africa Prayer
- Ecclesia in Asia Prayer
- Empress of the Americas
- Entrustment of Young People to Mary
- Entrustment to Mary by Pope John Paul II
- Espanol: Origen del Rosario
- European Congress on Shrines and Pilgrimages (2002)
- Evangelization with Mary
- Exaggeration in Marian Devotion
- Fatima and the Immaculate Heart
- Fatima Coloring Pages
- Faustino Perez-Manglano
- Fear at the Annunciation
- Fiat Rosary
- Fifteen Promises, Origin of
- Fifty-four Day Rosary Novena
- Francis Libermann
- Golden Rose
- Gospel of Life and Mary
- Gospel of Luke, Nativity Passage Commentary
- Great Novena of the Immaculate Conception
- Hail Holy Queen Prayer
- Hail Mary Prayer: History
- Hail Mary Translation
- Heart of Mary
- Help of Christians
- Holy Family and Saint Joseph
- Holy Family Homily
- Holy Kindred
- Holy Week Colors for Mary
- Home Shrines to Mary
- Illustrationen und Erklärungen der Lauretanischen Litanei
- Immaculate Conception: December 8
- Immaculate Conception: Theological Significance
- Immaculate Conception: United States
- Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Immaculate Heart of Mary Devotion
- Infant of Prague
- Jakob Gapp, Marianist Blessed
- James Alberione, Pauline Founder
- Jerusalem and Mary
- John Henry Newman
- John Stokes and Mary's Gardens
- Joseph Kentenich, Schoenstatt Founder
- Jubilee Entrustment to Mary by Pope John Paul II 2000
- Junípero Serra's Marian Novena
- Justice, Discipleship, and Mary
- Korea, Marian Devotion in
- Ladder of Heaven
- Lady of the Lilies, Origins of
- Latin American Titles of Mary
- Legion of Mary: Marian Studies
- Lenten Weekly Meditations
- Litany of Loreto
- Litany of Loreto in Context
- Litany of Mary
- Litany of Mary of Nazareth
- Litany of Mary, Queen
- Litany of Mary: Eleventh Century Irish
- Litany of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Litany of Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain)
- Litany of Our Lady of Prompt Succor
- Litany of Saint Joseph
- Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Litany of the Infant Jesus
- Litany of Work: Saint Joseph, the Worker
- Litany to Jesus in the Womb of Mary
- Litany to Mary, Queen of the Family
- Litany to Mary: Marianist
- Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Little Office, What is
- Luigi Giussani, Communion and Liberation Movement Founder
- Luminous Mysteries in Art
- Lutheran Rosary
- Madonna del Mirto
- Madonna del Parto
- Madonna del Terzito
- Madonna, History of Term
- Madonna, Origins of Title
- Magisterial Documents Index
- Magisterial Documents: Amoris Laetitia
- Magisterial Documents: Catechesi Tradendae
- Magisterial Documents: Christi Matri
- Magisterial Documents: Deus Caritas Est
- Magisterial Documents: Dives in Misericordia
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia de Eucharistia
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia in Africa
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia in America
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia in Asia
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia in Europa
- Magisterial Documents: Ecclesia in Oceania
- Magisterial Documents: Evangelii Gaudium
- Magisterial Documents: Fides et Ratio
- Magisterial Documents: Gaudete et Exultate
- Magisterial Documents: Gaudete in Domino
- Magisterial Documents: Guidelines on Doctrine for Catechetical Materials
- Magisterial Documents: Laudato Si'
- Magisterial Documents: Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1988
- Magisterial Documents: Lumen Fidei
- Magisterial Documents: Lumen Gentium 8
- Magisterial Documents: Marialis Cultus
- Magisterial Documents: Marian Devotion
- Magisterial Documents: Mary and the Church
- Magisterial Documents: Mense Maio
- Magisterial Documents: Misericordiae Vultus
- Magisterial Documents: Orientation and Proposals for the Celebration of the Marian Year
- Magisterial Documents: Pastoral and Catechetical Aspects
- Magisterial Documents: Pastores Gregis
- Magisterial Documents: Recurrens Mensis October
- Magisterial Documents: Redemptor Hominis
- Magisterial Documents: Redemptoris Donum
- Magisterial Documents: Redemptoris Missio
- Magisterial Documents: Rosarium Virginis Mariae
- Magisterial Documents: Signum Magnum
- Magisterial Documents: Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
- Magisterial Documents: Spe Salvi
- Magisterial Documents: The Life of Mary
- Magisterial Documents: Veritatis Splendor
- Magisterial Documents: Vita Consecrata
- Magnificat Meditation
- Magnificat Reflection
- Marcellin Champagnat, Marist Founder
- Marguerite Vourgeoys, Congregation of Notre Dame Founder
- Maria Bambina, Devotion to
- Maria de Talpa
- Maria dell'Olivella
- Marian Eucharistic Titles: Historical Genesis
- Marian Prayer: Reasons Why
- Marianist Dedication Prayer
- Marianist Doxology
- Marianist Spirituality Traits: Mary, Mission, Community
- Marianist Spirituality: Apostolic Mission
- Marianists
- Mariological Congress Joint Resolution
- Marmion, Spirituality of
- Mary Immaculate, Patroness of the United States of America
- Mary of the Nettles
- Mary-Likeness
- Mary, the Air We Breathe
- Mary's Last Words in the Bible
- May Altar: Origins
- May and Mary
- May Crownings
- May Devotion: History
- May Flowers
- May Hymns
- May Poetry
- Mediatrix, Coredemptrix and Advocate Declaration
- Medjugorje Chaplet
- Memorare Prayer
- Men and Mothers
- Militia of the Immaculata: Marian Studies
- Mission Rosary
- Model for Women, Mary as
- Model of Advent
- Montfort Consecration
- Montfort on the Rosary
- Most Popular Prayer to Mary
- Mother of Jesus as Title
- Mother of Our Redeemer
- Mother of Sorrows
- Mother of the Church
- Mother of the New World
- Motherly Mediation
- Music for Litanies
- Myriam, Origins of Name
- Nativity Set Introduction
- New Testament Litany of Mary
- Niño de Atocha
- Notre Dame d'Orcival
- Notre Dame du Bien Mourir
- Novena before Christmas
- Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception
- Novena in Preparation for the Immaculate Conception
- Novena to Mother of Perpetual Help
- Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy
- Novena to Our Lady of Medjugorje
- Novena to Our Lady of the Chain
- Novena to Queen of Apostles
- Novena, What is a
- Nuestra Señora de la Cueva Santa
- Nuestra Señora de la Luz Image
- Nuestra Señora de la Soledad
- Nuestra Señora de las Aguas
- Nuestra Señora de Olvido, Triunfo y Misericordias
- Nuestra Señora del Rocio
- O, My Jesus Prayer in Rosary
- Oceania Prayer
- October, Month of the Rosary
- Our Lady of America
- Our Lady of Atocha
- Our Lady of Auvergne
- Our Lady of Confidence
- Our Lady of Consolation
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Our Lady of Gentle Love
- Our Lady of Good Success
- Our Lady of Grace
- Our Lady of Grace, Title Origins
- Our Lady of Guadalupe, Coronation of
- Our Lady of Hope
- Our Lady of Kodiak
- Our Lady of Light
- Our Lady of Loreto and Aviation
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Our Lady of Mariapócs
- Our Lady of Mercy Symbols
- Our Lady of Mercy, Devotion to
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Brown Scapular
- Our Lady of Olives
- Our Lady of Penrhys Shrine
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Devotion to
- Our Lady of Pochaev
- Our Lady of Pompeii, Image of
- Our Lady of Prosperity
- Our Lady of Providence
- Our Lady of Ransom
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- Our Lady of Sorrows, Title Origins
- Our Lady of Tears
- Our Lady of the Cape
- Our Lady of the Chain, Origins
- Our Lady of the Chair
- Our Lady of the Clouds
- Our Lady of the Fire
- Our Lady of the Miracle
- Our Lady of the Rosary, Origins
- Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Origins
- Our Lady of the Sea
- Our Lady of the Smile
- Our Lady of Torreciudad, Image of
- Our Lady of Victory
- Our Lady of York
- Our Lady's Dowry, England as
- Passion of the Lord on Stamps
- Passion Plays
- Patronage of Nations
- Patronal Feastdays: Establishment
- Per Matrem ad Filium
- Perpetual Help Devotion
- Philippines, Devotion to Mary in
- Pilgrimage Sites in the Holy Land
- Pilgrimages and Shrines: a Delayed Recognition
- Poems by Carl Winderl
- Poems for October
- Polish Way of the Cross
- Pope Benedict XVI and Mary
- Pope John Paul II and Consecration to Mary
- Pope John Paul II and Fatima
- Pope John Paul II and Louis de Montfort
- Pope John Paul II and Poland's Marian Tradition
- Pope John Paul II and the Rosary
- Pope John Paul II on Mary's Faith
- Pope John Paul II on Priests and Mary
- Pope John Paul II on Youth and Mary
- Pope John Paul II Prayers
- Pope John Paul II, Intercession of
- Pope John Paul II: "Adoro te Devote"
- Pope John Paul II: "Bright Dawn of a New World"
- Pope John Paul II: "Mother of all Peoples" Prayer
- Pope John Paul II: "Mother, You Know the Paths"
- Pope John Paul II: "O Mary"
- Pope John Paul II: "Pastores Dabo Vobis"
- Pope John Paul II: "Veritatis Splendor" Prayer
- Pope John Paul II: A Pope For Mary
- Pope John Paul II: Angelus at Camden Yards
- Pope John Paul II: Angelus for Christian Unity
- Pope John Paul II: Consecration of Church and World
- Pope John Paul II: Easter Vigil 2002
- Pope John Paul II: Prayer for Priests
- Pope John Paul II: Theologian and Mary's Bard
- Pope John Paul II: Vocation Day Prayer
- Pope Leo XIII: Prayer to Saint Joseph
- Pope Pius XII and Mary
- Popes on the Rosary
- Prayer at Vatican Lourdes Grotto by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer before Work
- Prayer for Christian Unity by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer for Deacons
- Prayer of Cardinal Newman
- Prayer of Consecration to Mary by Pope John Paul II 1982
- Prayer of Elderly
- Prayer of Parish Priests
- Prayer of the Hours
- Prayer to Christ for America by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer to Mary by Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Prayer to Mary Help of Those in Need
- Prayer to Mother of Advent by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer to Our Lady of Aparecida by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer to Our Lady of China
- Prayer to Our Lady of Coromoto
- Prayer to Our Lady of Evangelization by Pope John Paul II
- Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
- Prayer to Our Lady of Montligeon
- Prayer to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii
- Prayer to Saint Joseph
- Prayer to Saint Joseph, Protector of the Church
- Prayer to Virgin Mother
- Prayer: Memorare to Saint Joseph
- Prayer: O Glorious Saint Joseph
- Prayer: Saint Joseph, Come to Help Us
- Prayer: Touching Jesus for Healing
- Prayers of Pope John XXIII to Mary
- Prayers of Pope Leo XIII to Mary
- Prayers of Pope Paul VI to Mary
- Prayers of Pope Pius X to Mary
- Prayers of Pope Pius XII to Mary
- Prayers of Saints to Mary
- Prayers to Mary, Help of Christians
- Prayers to the Immaculata
- Priest, Mary as
- Priestly Dimension of Mary
- Principles of Mariology
- Queen Mother in Old Testament
- Queen of Apostles
- Queen of Creation
- Queen of Families
- Queen of the Universe
- Queen, Mary as
- Reflection on Saint Joseph
- Regina Nostra medal
- Relics
- Reparatrix
- Resurrection and Mary
- Rosa Mystica
- Rosa Mystica devotion
- Rosary and Evangelization
- Rosary and the Family
- Rosary as Lectio Divina
- Rosary as Prayer
- Rosary Compatible with Science
- Rosary during Mass
- Rosary Encyclicals by Pope Leo XIII
- Rosary for Our Lady of Sorrows
- Rosary for Peace
- Rosary Introductory Prayers, Meaning
- Rosary Mysteries and Virtues
- Rosary Origins
- Rosary Painting of 15 Mysteries
- Rosary Prayed Before Mass
- Rosary Procession at the University of Dayton
- Rosary since Vatican II
- Rosary Suggestions from John Paul II
- Rosary when Distracted
- Rosary, Biblical Basis
- Rosary: Fatima and Blue Army
- Rosary: Glorious Mystery Reflections
- Rosary: History of the Term
- Rosary: How to Pray It
- Rosary: Luminous Mysteries and Sacraments
- Rosary: Luminous Mysteries as Enlightenment
- Rosary: Meaning and Value
- Rosary: Mystery Reflections
- Rosary: Protestant Views
- Rosary: Why Ten Hail Marys?
- Rosary's Three Benefits
- Roses of the Rosary
- Russian Rosary
- Sabbatine Privilege
- Saint Giovanni Bosco and Mary
- Saint Joseph, Importance of
- Saint Joseph, What about?
- Saint Thérèse de Lisieux, Marian Devotion of
- Sainthood of Mary
- Salvation and Mary
- Sampram, Thailand Entrustment to Mary
- Santa Maria del Sacro Monte
- Santa Maria della Strada
- Saturday Devotions
- Scapular, What is a
- Schoenstatt Movement: Marian Spirituality
- Seat of Wisdom, Meaning of
- Servites
- Seven Decade Rosary
- Seven Joys of Mary Devotion
- Silence and Mary
- Sodality – Marian Devotion and Catholic Action, The
- Solomon Islands Entrustment to Mary
- Star of the Sea
- Star of the Sea, Votive Mass
- Stations of the Cross and Mary
- Stella Maris
- Stella Matutina
- Stephen of Sawley: Mary's Joys
- Sub Tuum Praesidium Prayer
- Taking Mary into Our Homes
- Teacher of Divine Wisdom
- The Book of Hours and Our Lady
- Theotokos, Feast of
- Thomas Merton
- Three O'Clock Prayer
- Thrice Admirable: Why?
- Thunder Candle, Mother of God of the Blessed
- Titles of Our Lady
- Titles, Reasons for
- Titles, Source of
- To Jesus through Mary and Scripture
- To Jesus through Mary, Origins
- Traveling Statues of Mary
- Twelve Star Devotion
- University of Dayton Rosary
- Untier of Knots
- Vailankanni Basilica
- Veneration of Icons and Images
- Vierge Ourvante, What is
- Virgen de la Merced
- Virgen de la O
- Virgen de la Vega
- Virgin de Regla
- Virgin of Izamal
- Virgin of the Visitation, Invocation of
- Virtues of Mary
- Visitation Meditation
- Wakes, Rosary Prayers at
- Water and Marian Titles
- Way of the Cross History
- Week of Marian Prayers
- Who Was Mary?
- William Joseph Chaminade and Mary
- William Joseph Chaminade's Contribution to Mariology
- World Day of Peace 2002, Prayer
- World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2003
- Year of Mercy and Mary
- Youth Discipleship and Mary