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Passion of the Lord on Stamps

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Passion of the Lord on Stamps

As we enter the week of weeks, the week of Christ's passion, let us keep before our eyes the illustrated history of his journey through suffering and death to resurrection.

The visuals of this meditation are stamps from various countries. On these stamps the genius of great artists has captured the moments and stages of Christ's Way of the Cross.

– Originally compiled by stamp specialist, Brother Raymond Boutin, S.M.

The Last Supper

It all begins with a meal among friends to seal the past and inaugurate the memorial of God's new and final alliance with humanity in Christ. The Eucharist is born.

El Greco
Last Supper

Last Supper
Kenya, 1985
(Forty-third Int. Euch. Congress)

J. de Juares
Last Supper
Spain, 1979

Fra Angelico
Last Supper
Argentina, 1984
(Fiftieth Anniversary of
Int. Euch. Congress 1934)

The Passion Begins

After the last supper, Jesus walks with three of his disciples to Gethsemane, the Garden of Olives, where he prays for courage and strength.

J. Combet
The Agony in the Garden (XVI)
Andorra, 1967

El Greco
The Agony in the Garden (detail)
Ajman, 1969

Meister of Hohenfurth
The Agony in the Garden
Guinea Equatorial, 1973

The Passion Takes Its Course

Jesus is made prisoner, brought before Pilate, judged and scourged.

Jesus Pilate Before

G. Reni
The Scourging
Paraguay, 1970

H. Fronius
The Suffering Servant
Austria, 1979

J. Combet
The Scourging (XVI)
Andorra, 1968

On the Way of the Cross

Crowned with thorns, stripped of everything, even His robe, Jesus takes His cross and  walks to His death, stumbling and falling three times.

El Greco
Mysteries of the Rosary:
Jesus Carrying His Cross

Deus Vestibus Spoliatus

J. Combet
Jesus Meets the Women
of Jerusalem (XVI)
Andorra, 1968

The Crucifixion

P.P. Rubens
Elevation of the Cross
Côte d'Ivoire, 1983

J. Combet
Pierced with a Lance (XVI)
Andorra, 1968

Salvador Dali
Christ of St. John of the Cross
Guyana, 1968

Antonello da Messina
Christ Crucified
Grenada, 1976

A. Dürer
Ghana, 1978

Roger van der Weyden
Paraguay, 1970

Matthias Grünewald
Cameroon, 1977

San Marino, 1970

At the Foot of the Cross

At the Foot of the Cross
Dominican Republic, 1976

At the foot of the cross stood Mary, the mother of Jesus, and John, the beloved disciple. Together, and in Jesus' name, they were to form the original cell of His Church.

Jesus Dies

P.P. Rubens
The Crucified Christ
Rwanda, 1977

The Descent from the Cross

His body is taken down from the Cross, and entrusted to His friends and relatives.

P.P. Rubens
Descent from the Cross
Côte d'Ivoire, 1983

Descent from the Cross
Grenada, 1976

A. Dürer
Jesus Mourned by His Friends

The Pietà

Fujeira, 1971

Suffering and love are the ultimate ingredients of lasting beauty. Such is the message of Michelangelo's Pietà.

The Last Station of the Cross

Burundi, 1974
Juan de Aranoa y Carredano

Crucifixion, Pietà, and entombment–they conjure up waves of endless sorrow and despair. Is this the end of Christ's person and mission? Are Titian, van der Weyden, Veronese, and El Greco nothing more than inspired witnesses of an irremediable catastrophe and tragic failure?

On the Third Day

On the third day, Jesus manifests His divinity. He overcomes death, and rises triumphantly from the grave–promise of eternal happiness for all those who will follow in His steps.

Piero della Francesca
Burundi, 1971

M. Grünewald
Togo, 1971

A. Dürer
Ghana, 1978

Following Christ

The Stations of the Cross

We follow Christ in different ways subject to personal call and destiny. Whatever our journey, it will have to take after Jesus' own way. Passion, death, and resurrection are the central pieces of Christ's existence. They are not only the benchmark of His personal truth, and the cornerstone of His mission; they are also the source of courage, strength, and zeal for all His disciples. Thus, meditating the Stations of the Cross will lead us to the very source of discipleship.


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