Prayer to Our Lady of Montligeon
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Prayer to Our Lady of Montligeon
Our Lady Liberatix,
have mercy on all our departed loved ones,
especially on those who are most
in need of the Lord's mercy.
Intercede for those who have gone before us
that the purifying love of God
may lead them to full deliverance.
May our prayer, united with the prayer
of the whole Church,
obtain for them a joy beyond all their desires,
and bring consolation
and relief to our loved ones
in their suffering and distress.
Mother of the Church,
help us, pilgrims on earth,
the better to live each day our journey
towards the Resurrection.
Heal our wounds of heart and soul.
Help us to become witnesses of the Unseen God,
seeking already the things that the eye cannot see.
Grant us the grace of becoming apostles of Hope,
like watchmen waiting for the dawn.
Refuge of sinners and Queen of all Saints,
gather us all one day, in Our Father's House,
or the eternal Easter,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.