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Our Lady of Torreciudad, Image of

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Our Lady of Torreciudad, Image of

Q: Can you tell me more about the Image of Our Lady of Torreciudad in Spain?

A: Torreciudad, a Marian Sanctuary in the Province of Huesca, was opened for worship in 1975. It was built beside a hermitage, which, since the eleventh century housed a Romanesque carving of Our Lady of Torreciudad. Torreciudad, the name of an ancient Marian title in high Aragon, is a center for international pilgrimage set in a landscape of singular strength and beauty, is a place of prayer and penitence. It aims to encourage Marian devotion and to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation available to the faithful. The shrine is open for visitors throughout the year and supported by the generosity of its pilgrims as well as the contributions of the subscribers to the Trust (Patronato de Torreciudad).

The shrine of Torreciudad, built by the architect Heliodor Dols and artist Juan Mayne , under the special impetus of Blessed Josemarí Escivá, the Founder of Opus Dei, holds several events throughout the year, particularly for students (and other young people), laborers, professionals, farm workers, and families.

The Marian Family Day brings a great number of families to the region of Altoaragó, to gather at the feet of a greatly venerated statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Marian Family Day takes place on a Saturday in the second fortnight of September from 11:00 am until about 5:00 pm. At noon, after the Angelus, there is the prayer of families to Our Lady, after which any of the families who so desire may offer gifts to her. Holy Mass, celebrated in the open air on the esplanade, forms the central event of the day, and afterward families can choose to take part in musical shows and other activities. The day ends with the praying of the Rosary in the presence of the travelling image of Our Lady of Torreciudad, which is carried shoulder high, followed by solemn exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.


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