New Testament Litany of Mary
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New Testament Litany of Mary
– Robert Bouffier, S.M.
Response for the following: Pray for us.
Mary, Daughter of Sion
Mary, Temple of the Lord
Mary, Ark of the Covenant
Mary, New eve and Mother of the Living
Mary, Faithful Remnant of Israel
Blessed Mary, ever full of grace
Response for the following: Pray that we may hear the Word of God and act on it.
Blessed Mary, you welcomed the Lord into our midst
Blessed Mary, the Holy Spirit came to you and God's Power enveloped you
Blessed Mary, you are favored above all women
Blessed Mary, the Lord has accomplished great things in you
Blessed Mary, you went in haste to render service to Elizabeth
Blessed Mary, you brought forth him who is our savior, Emmanuel, God-with-us
Blessed Mary, you took delight in Jesus' growth in wisdom, age, and grace
Holy Mary, from the compassion you showed at Cana
Response for the following: May we do whatever God asks of us.
Holy Mary, from your experience of anguish and loneliness
Holy Mary, from your joy at the resurrection
Holy Mary, from your prayer in the Pentecost Church
Holy Mary, from your life of fidelity
Holy Mary, from your hope in the fulfillment of God's promises
Holy Mary, from your love of God and God's People
Mary, Mother of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ
Response for the following: Lead us to your Son.
Mary, our Mother
Mary, Mother of the Church
Mary, woman of heavenly glory
Mary, woman clothed with the sun
Mary, first among the redeemed
Mary, image of the Church perfected
Mary, sign of hope and consolation
Response for the following: Receive us.
Lord God, our Father
Lord Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary
Spirit of Life and Truth and Love
Let us pray:
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, for the great things you have accomplished in Mary, the Virgin Mother of your Son. By the power of the Holy Spirit she is for us a model and sign of faith and hope. May we come to welcome you as she did, to treasure all that you send us in love, and to ponder the Great Mystery, hidden for ages, and now made known to us in Jesus the Lord. All praise be yours, almighty Father, through Jesus Christ your Son, in the Holy Spirit, now and forever.