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Pope John Paul II: "Adoro te Devote"

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Pope John Paul II: "Adoro te Devote"

Adoro te Devote, latens Deitas!

We adore you, O wonderful Sacrament of the presence of the One who loved his own "to the end." We thank you, O Lord, who edifies, gathers together and gives life to the Church.

O divine Eucharist, flame of Christ's love that burns on the altar of the world, make the Church, comforted by you, ever more caring in wiping away the tears of the suffering and in sustaining the efforts of all who yearn for justice and peace.

And you, Mary, "Eucharistic" Woman who offered your virginal womb for the incarnation of the Word of God, help us to live the Eucharistic Mystery in the spirit of the "Magnificat." May our lives be a never-ending praise of the Almighty who concealed himself beneath the humility of the Eucharistic signs.

Adoro te devote, latens Deitas. ..
Adoro te... adiuva me!


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