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Chinese Litany of the Immaculate Mother

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Chinese Litany of the Immaculate Mother

Litany of Mary, The Immaculate Mother
Translated from Chinese

Full litany in English

Mr. Paul, Jair Xin-Cheng is a lay Catholic from Taiwan; originally his ancestors came from Hupei Province, Beijing , Mainland China. He owns an AMS Solution Provider Company in Taipei, since 1987. Inspired by God, in the year 2000, upon doing a short research paper on the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception for a course on "Contemporary Marian Studies," his life was transformed. Like Mary, he experienced the unconditional love of the Trinity and his littleness, sinfulness, he called it. Consequently, his devotion to Mary has deepened and henceforth, the themes of his calligraphy and painting were related to Mary. He has done calligraphy works on Mary's Magnificat on scrolls. This litany is his composition, written in Chinese paint brush. He also painted this Marian image as a gesture of thanksgiving and praise to the Triune God for having gifted us, Mary , the Immaculate Mother. Here is a selection of his illustrations.

chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother

1. Mary, Immaculate Mother,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Immaculate Mother, chosen daughter of the Father

2. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Chosen daughter of the Father,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, true mother of the Son, Jesus

3.Mary, Immaculate Mother, True mother of the Son, Jesus,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Temple of the Trinity

4. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Temple of the Trinity,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Woman crowned with twelve stars,

5. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Woman crowned with twelve stars,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle Virgin

6. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle Virgin,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Model of Faith

7. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Model of Faith,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Splendor of the Church,

8. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Splendor of the Church,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Helper of those who seek,

9. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Helper of those who seek,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Immaculate Mother, Blessed among women,

10. Immaculate Mother, Blessed among women,

pray for us.

Chinese text: ary, Immaculate Mother, Virgin humble and docile,

11. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Virgin humble and docile,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle and noble

12. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle and noble,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, Compassion of the people,

13. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Compassion of the people,

pray for us.

Chinese text: Mary, Immaculate Mother, teach us the Way

14. Mary, Immaculate Mother, teach us the Way,

listen to our prayer.

Listed below is the entire Litany.

God, our Father in Heaven,
Have mercy on us.

God our Son, redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.

God, the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.

Response to the following: Pray for us.

1. Mary, Immaculate Mother
2. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Chosen daughter of the Father
3. Mary, Immaculate Mother, True mother of the Son, Jesus
4. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Glory of the Holy Spirit
5. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Temple of the Trinity
6. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Seat of Wisdom
7. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Woman crowned with twelve stars
8. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Woman of rainbow brightness
9. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Woman clothed with the sun
10. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Fountain of beauty
11. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Rose of Sharon
12. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Sunray from Heaven
13. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Chaste Virgin
14. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle Virgin
15. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Model of Faith
16. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Bulwark of Hope
17. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Bearer of Love
18. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth
19. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Splendor of the Church
20. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Joy of the angels
21. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Helper of those who seek
22. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Champion of God's people
23. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Advocate of the poor
24. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Blessed among women
25. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Consoler of those who sorrow
26. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Hope for the dying
27. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Path of Glory
28. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gate of Heaven
29. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Virgin humble and docile
30. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Gentle and noble
31. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Mirror of Holiness
32. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Queen of all nations
33. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Compassion of the people
34. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Star of the sea
35. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Mediator of grace
36. Mary, Immaculate Mother, a name so swee
37. Mary, Immaculate Mother, Heart that was pierced

Response to the following: Listen to our prayer.

38. Mary, Immaculate Mother, listen to the cry of your childre
39. Mary, Immaculate Mother, teach us the Way
40. Mary, Immaculate Mother, protect us from danger
41. Mary, Immaculate Mother, show us the Beatitudes

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;
Have mercy on us.
PRAY FOR US, O Mary, Immaculate MOTHER



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