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Prayer to Our Lady of Coromoto

Prayer to Our Lady of Coromoto


Beautiful Lady Mary, Virgin Mother of the Redeemer, with you we praise and glorify the Father in the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. We beseech you that, just as in Coromoto you guided the steps of the Indians towards the baptismal grace, you may now capture the heart of the Venezuelans, and bring them to the renewal of their faith.

Virgin of Coromoto, patron of Venezuela, bless the evangelistic action of the Church in our Country so that she might be fortress and defense of the faith of your children, and beginning of a renewal of the Christian customs.


Bella Señora Maria, Virgen Madre del Redentor, contigo alabamos y glorificamos al Padre en el Espíritu Santo por Jesucristo. Te suplicamos que, así como en Coromomto guiaste los pasos de los indios hacia la gracia bautismal, cautives ahora el corazón de los venezolanos y los conduzcas a la renovación de la fe.

Virgen de Coromoto, patrona de Venezuela, bendice la acción evangelizadora de la Iglesia en nùestra Patria para que sea fortaleza y defensa de la fe de tus hijos y comienzo de una renovación de las costumbres cristianas.

Photograph of the statue of Our Lady of Coromoto at Dominican Church in Havana, Cuba

Photograph of the statue of Our Lady of Coromoto at Dominican Church in Havana, Cuba. Courtesy of Steve Holler.

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