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Investing in People

By focusing our campaign on these three philanthropic priorities, we will skyrocket our students to new heights and channel the strength of community to improve the lives of all Flyers.

Campaign Results

$400 million is our comprehensive campaign giving goal. 19,250 new Front Porch Society members is our participation goal. 2,800 new volunteer leaders in defined roles is our engagement goal.
${ Group of young alumni volunteers }

Reaching Our Goals

Building Our Culture

Our campaign goals help build a culture to sustain UD's bright future. In addition to raising money, we have a goal to increase the number of new volunteers who strengthen UD with their time and talents.

${ Eric Spina and Deb Tobias at the We Soar campaign launch }

Two Down, One to Go

Goal Oriented!

Our We Soar campaign chair, Deborah Flanagan Tobias ’73, was a guest on President Spina's blog after we achieved our first campaign goal. This dynamic Flyer leads with energy and empathy, and she now has the community on the verge of surpassing all three campaign goals — and continuing to climb.

Making an Impact

Every day, alumni and friends make a difference in the lives of students and strengthen the University. These stories are a few examples of how donors and volunteers help UD soar.

Celebrate With Us

We Don't Just Fly ...

Enjoy our special UD neighborhood-inspired celebration to launch our first comprehensive campaign in more than 20 years!