Titles of Our Lady
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Titles of Our Lady
Hail Mary! Titles of Our Lady
– Florent E. Franke, M.D.
Used with the permission of the author's estate per written authorization from Bob Hitt.
Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Honor of the Two-thousandth Anniversary of Her Nativity
Hail, Mary! Six Thousand Titles and Praises of Our Lady
– Florent E. Franke, M.D.
Originally Printed for Private Distribution
Webster Groves, Missouri
During my recuperation from a gall-bladder operation at St. Mary's Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1945, I began collecting titles of Our Lady. In 1950 I published a small pamphlet of 555 titles, which I had compiled from the Raccolta, a book listing prayers indulgenced by the Church. My pamphlet, Titles of Our Lady, had an Imprimatur from Archbishop Ritter, of St. Louis. I sent a few copies to Pope Pius XII, the reigning pontiff at that time, and received a cordial letter in reply. This was an incentive to enlarge the collection. Until recent years I discarded all titles without an Imprimatur. Since then I have included titles of Mary found in the Documents of Vatican II, and other sources from high ecclesiastical authority.
The object of the collection is to make Mary better known and loved. Pope Pius X said: "Can anyone fail to see that there is no surer or more direct road than by Mary to unite all mankind in Christ, that we may be holy and immaculate in the sight of God?" (33-137). Mary is the chosen daughter of the Heavenly Father, mother of the Divine Son and spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is the Queen of Heaven according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. If God honored her so highly, we need not hesitate to honor her, provided we do not give her divine honor which belongs to God alone. From on the cross, Christ gave her to us as our Mother. She is able and ever ready to help us. Since this is approximately the two-thousandth anniversary of her birth (the exact date is debatable), it seems to be an appropriate time to publish this collection of her titles and praises.
The titles listed in this collection are not all of equal significance.. Of greatest importance are those from the Scriptures and the Liturgy of the Church. Many of the titles are found in the prayers and writings of canonized saints. Other titles come from shrines of the Blessed Virgin. Some of the shrines are sites of apparitions, such as Lourdes and Fatima. Other titles have been derived from devotional pamphlets and books. They express, in a variety of beautiful ways, the role of Mary in our salvation. Some of the titles are subject to misinterpretation. For example, the Blessed Virgin is invoked by the Church under the titles of "Advocate," "Auxilatrix," and "Mediatrix". According to Vatican II, no creature is to be classed with the Incarnate Word and Redeemer. "But just as the priesthood of Christ is shared in various ways, both by sacred ministers and by the faithful, and as the same goodness of God is in reality communicated diversely to his creatures, so also the unique mediation of the Redeemer does not exclude but rather gives rise among creatures to a manifold cooperation which is but a sharing of this unique source." (87-82)
The titles are divided into categories, each indicating some particular role or attribute of Mary. If there are not many titles of one kind, they are listed under "Miscellaneous." An introduction precedes a few of the categories. Within each category the titles are arranged alphabetically, followed by their reference and page numbers. Several categories are divided into two alphabets. The first consists of titles whose first word corresponds with the key word of the category. The second alphabet contains all other titles in that category. A uniform system of capitalization and punctuation was adopted.
Each title has a reference number, followed by the page number. The reference numbers refer to the books and other references from which the titles were taken. A list of the references, with bibliographic information, can be found in the back of the book.
I am particularly indebted to my wife, Margaret, and my daughter Eileen, who spent countless hours editing, checking and proofreading, to make this collection suitable for publication. A thanks is also due my granddaughter, Catherine Smythe Silvey, for her professional advice on the layout of the book. To my nephews, William and Michael Conrad, experienced printers, who volunteered to print my collection of titles for publication, I owe special gratitude. Also the facilities of The Clarion Printing Company Inc. of Columbia, Illinois, owned and operated by the Conrad family, were generously placed at my disposal. To everyone who has contributed to the production of this book, as well as to all the family and friends who have contributed through the years by their interest, prayers and encouragement, I am sincerely grateful.
Florent E. Franke, M.D.
Categories of Mary's Titles
A Chronicle of Mary's Life | Advocate | Comforter | Daughter | Glories of Mary | Heart of Mary | Hope | Immaculate Conception | Lady | Mary | Mary as a Child | Mediatrix | Mistress | Model | Mother | Name of Mary | Our Means to Heaven | Patroness and Defender | Queen | Symbolical | Vessel or Tabernacle | Virgin | Woman | Miscellaneous
Holy Mary. 6-12
Mother of God. 6-16; 87-86.
Elect and predestined from all eternity. 6-7.
Daughter of God the Father. 10-5; 5B-362.
Mother of God the Son. 6-7.
Spouse of the Holy Ghost. 10-5.
Expected by the patriarchs. 6-7.
Foretold by the prophets. 6-7.
Desired by all nations. 6-7.
The joy of Israel. 6-8.
The glory of Jerusalem. 6-8.
Immaculate Conception. 66E-24.
The new Eve. 1-12.
The purest, the fairest, the holiest of all things created. 6-14.
A pilgrim in the world. 5E-604.
Angelic betrothed of Joseph, the Just. 10-40.
The Blessed Virgin. 10-30.
Our Lady of Nazareth. 10-30; 72-45.
Our Lady of the Annunciation. 10-7.
The virgin who is to conceive and bear a son whose name will be called Emmanuel. 87-87.
Our Lady of the visitation. 10-7.
Our Lady of Bethlehem. 10-30.
Our Lady of the nativity. 10-7.
Mother of the Infant Savior. 10-9.
Our Lady of the presentation. 10-7.
Our Lady of the purification. 10-7.
Illustrious exile in Egypt's land. 10-40.
Mother of the Crucified. 6-18; 5D-655.
Sorrowful mother. 6-18.
Stricken mother on Calvary's mount. 10-40.
Queen of martyrs. 6-19.
Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. 20-257.
Our Lady of the Cenacle. 6-11.
Queen of apostles. 6-19.
Widow of Ephesus, perpetual Eucharistic adorer. 10-40.
Daily communicant at the Beloved Disciple's mass. 10-40.
Our Lady of the assumption. 10-7; 72-116.
Our Lady of the coronation. 10-7.
Queen of angels and men. 6-19.
Queen of the Church militant. 10-21.
Queen of the Church suffering. 10-21.
Queen of the Church triumphant. 10-21.
Mother of the Church. 88-5; 10-19.
Mother of perpetual help. 6-16.
Advocate of sinners. 6-7.
Our intercessor and advocate at the hour of death and judgment. 6-7.
A sign of sure hope and solace for the Pilgrim People of God. 87-95.
Who needs an advocate? All of us need an advocate before God. We were born with original sin. Many of us have committed serious sins since our baptism. All of us have committed venial sins, offending God. At the time of our death and on judgment day we will have to give an account to a Just Judge. Some of us because of our grievous sins may despair. If we do so, we are foolishly placing limits to the infinite mercy of God. In his boundless generosity he has provided his own Son to plead for us from the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." If some fear the majesty of the Godman, he has provided his own mother, a creature like us, only spotless, to be the advocate of even the most wretched and abandoned sinners if they turn to her in their affliction and place themselves in her care.
Jesus was obedient to her on earth and He will grant her requests in heaven. St. Alphonsus, in his book on the Glories of Mary, cites a declaration by Mary to the Venerable Sister Mary Villani, "After the title of Mother of God, I rejoice most in that of Advocate of sinners." How comforting it is to us poor sinners to have as our advocate, the one most powerful before the throne of God, his own sweet mother. In every Hail Mary we ask Mary's intercession. Besides the rosary, let us employ other means to honor her in a special manner, such as being enrolled in the scapular and wearing it every day. There are many devotions to the Blessed Mother. Choose those which you have an opportunity to carry out with devotion, be it great or small. It may be the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, the Magnificat, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin or only a Hail Mary. Perhaps you can join the Legion of Mary or the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin. Most particularly you will please the Divine Son and his Mother by frequent or, if possible, daily mass and Communion. Often it is not as difficult as it would seem. It may mean going to bed an hour earlier and missing a television or radio program or a late show, so you can get up an hour earlier. Would you not make such a sacrifice if you were promised a great fortune or good health for many years? Yet what you receive in Holy Communion is incomparably greater. You receive the Lord who possesses all and who becomes your guest. For some people, choosing a home close to the Church may enable members of the family to get to Mass and Communion often during the week.
Take a stop towards Mary; she will take many towards you. You need her, she wants you. God himself assured victory to Mary and her children. He said to the serpent in Paradise, "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers." Mary is prophetically foreshadowed in that victory over the serpent which was promised to our first parents after their fall into sin. In Baptism you directly or through your sponsors renounced Satan and all of his works. This placed you on Mary's side, the winning side since God guaranteed her the victory. Our position in this life is not secure, since we may fall into sin, so let us with full confidence and assurance stay close to Mary so that we will not sin, or if we do sin, that we will repent and be restored to God's favor. Satan has been rebuffed and defeated innumerable times by Mary and she is ever ready to help you, if you give her the opportunity. Pray daily that you may have the grace to call on her in your time of need.
Advocate. 87-91.
Advocate and mistress of all the faithful. 513-783.
Advocate and peacemaker with God. 64-40.
Advocate and protectress of those who desire to arrive at great purity for receiving Holy Communion. 5E-509.
Advocate and refuge of sinners. 16-105.
Advocate before the Father. 20-269.
Advocate for the miserable. 4-212.
Advocate in heaven. 6-7.
Advocate in the presence of our Judge. 64-50.
Advocate of all. 4-193.
Advocate of Eve and the whole human race. 20-85.
Advocate of penitents. 10-13.
Advocate of sinners. 6-7.
Advocate of the most hopeless cases. 63-133.
Advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners, if they but come unto thee. 6-7.
Advocate of the poor. 45-4.
Advocate of the unfortunate. 12-20.
Advocate of the universal Church. 50-22.
Advocate of the world. 4-327.
Advocate with our Lord. 6-7.
All-powerful advocate. 34-292.
An advocate who is able to save all. 4-179.
Dear advocate and mediatrix with Jesus Christ. 37-38.
Glorious advocate. 10-6.
Good advocate. 4-194.
Great advocate. 6-7.
Great intercessor for all Christians 50-6.
Intercessor for the entire world 16-11.
Intercessor of our race. 45-7.
Intercessor of the faithful. 50-762.
Mighty advocate. 6-7.
Most gracious advocate. 6-7.
Our own beloved advocate. 4-183.
Perpetual advocate with the Eternal Father. 4-117.
Powerful advocate at the Throne of the Most High. 6-7.
Suppliant for sinners. 70-120.
Sweet advocate. 4-193.
Tender advocate. 4-185.
Wise advocate. 4-195.
A comfort in age. 34-133.
A comforter in every pain. 24-239.
A sign of sure hope and solace for the Pilgrim People of God. 87-95.
Comfort of Christians. 70-115.
Comfort of mourners. 44-8; 9-6.
Comfort to the sorrowful. 16-64.
Comforter of the afflicted. 6-7.
Comfortress. 34-251.
Consolation of afflicted souls. 1 2-1 02.
Consolation of the human race. 10-22.
Consolation of all the souls in purgatory. 64-53.
Consoler. 28-119.
Consoler rare. 10-38.
Ever the aid and consolation of those who suffer. 12-11.
My comfort, sure and true. 34-102.
My consolation. 6-7.
Our comfort in life. 6-7.
Our consolation in the hour of death. 64-34.
Our unfailing comfort. 6-7.
Solace of our pilgrimage. 10-39.
Solace of the miserable. 10-22.
Solace of the wretched. 6-7.
Tender comforter. 28-119.
The one who carries to earth and to men the abundance of sweet consolations. 12-99.
A daughter of Israel. 20-135.
A daughter of the tribe of Judah. 28-19.
A daughter who shall be blessed among women. 58-153.
A daughter wonderful in all her doings and in all her life. 58-153.
A mere creature and a true daughter of man. 58-120.
Affectionate daughter. 5B-550.
Ann's daughter. 52-32.
Beloved and chosen daughter. 5D-65.
Blessed daughter. 58-518.
Cherished daughter. 5E-645.
Daughter and handmaiden of the most high King. 77-14.
Daughter ever blest. 52-32.
Daughter of a mighty Father. 10-8.
Daughter of Adam by nature 50-551.
Daughter of Jerusalem. 10-7.
Daughter of men. 70-20.
Daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne. 34-349.
Daughter of the Church and our sister as well. 94-43
Daughter of the Light Eternal. 10-16.
Daughter of the Prince. 5B-516.
Daughter of the Sovereign King. 75-50.
"Daughter of Zion" who was to give the world the universal Redeemer. 94-6.
David's daughter, who hath brought forth life to the world. 70-16.
Dear daughter. 6-12.
Dearest daughter of the heavenly Father. 50-20.
Exalted daughter of Sion. 87-87.
First-born daughter and the first disciple of the Incarnate Word. 5D-18.
First-born daughter by adoption. 4-639.
First-born daughter of grace and life. 5E-597.
Glorious daughter. 52-4.
God's loved daughter and mother and bride. 24-248.
Heavenly daughter. 58-319.
Illustrious daughter of the House of David. 12-27.
Ineffable daughter. 5B-175.
Kind daughter. 52-12.
Most chaste and most holy of the daughters of Eve.2C-340
Most faithful daughter. 58-517.
Most fortunate daughter. 58-518.
Most holy daughter. 58-554.
Most luminous daughter of light. 34-124.
Most obedient daughter. 6-14.
Most pure daughter. 6-14.
Perfect daughter of the heavenly Father. 5D-84.
Purest and holiest daughter. 20-33.
Sole and only daughter not of death but of life. 206.
The firstborn daughter of the new law of grace. 5D-4.
The most beautiful daughter of all the children of Eve. 34-223.
The most dutiful of all daughters. 28-17.
The one and only daughter of life. 4-288.
Thou art fair and comely, 0 daughter of Jerusalem. 29-25.
Well-beloved daughter. 6-15.
A preeminent and altogether singular member of the Church 87-86.
Above all the angels, immaculate, pure, at the right of the King thou shalt sit evermore. 44-11.
Adorned with all the gifts of the Holy Ghost. 20-5.
After her Son, exalted by divine grace above all the angels and men. 87-94.
After the completion of her earthly life, Mary was assumed body and soul into the glory of heaven.14-90
All chaste and serene. 9-3.
All of the glory of the King's daughter is within, in golden borders, clothed round about with varieties. 36-215.
Already in the first moment of her conception, filled with such an abundance of graces as to surpass the graces of all the saints. 91-10.
Among the saints, she is the most holy. 5E-642
Beautiful as the sun. 4-324.
Beautiful surpassingly. 1-568.
Beloved daughter. 5E-643.
Beloved of God. 4-428.
Beloved spouse of the Spirit of God. 6-7.
Blessed among women. 6-7.
Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 36-222.
Blessed art thou who believed. 88-5.
Blessed Mary ever a virgin. 8-31.
Blessed from generation to generation. 20-50.
Blessed one. 4-450.
Blessed root of glory. 16-68.
Bride of heaven. 20-22.
Bride of the blessed Trinity. 58-204.
Bride of the Holy Ghost. 6-7.
Bride of the Spirit with his sevenfold gifts. 6-7.
Bright as the sun. 2C-61.
Brightest glory of the human race. 10-13.
Called blessed by all generations. 14-18.
Celestial glories round thee blaze. 44-31.
Charity without measure. 4-397.
Cherished spouse of the Holy Ghost. 5E843.
Chief support of the primitive Church. 58-226.
Chosen from the ages. 20-7.
Chosen spouse of the Holy Spirit. 11-15.
Coadjutrix in the work of human redemption. 87-91.
Compared with thee, the Powers are weakness.20-17.
Conflagration of love. 28-237.
Constancy without parallel. 4-397.
Co-Redemptrix. 87-91.
Daughter of God the Father. 6-7.
Daughter of King David. 85-4.
Daughter of the Eternal Father. 6-7.
Delight of the Holy Trinity. 10-31.
Descendant of kings, patriarchs and prophets. 10-11.
Desired of all nations. 6-7.
Divine prodigy. 58-57.
Elect and predestined from all eternity. 6-7.
Endowed with all perfections and the whole range of infused virtues. 58- 1 84.
Ever glorious and blessed Mary. 36-138.
Every manner of honor, of grace, of merit and of glory is found in Mary. 16-78.
Exalted above all the choirs of angels and orders of saints. 20-14.
Exalted above all things save only God himself. 91-5.
Exalted by divine grace above all angels and men. 87-94.
Exalted by God above all the choirs of angels. 6-7.
Exalted in heaven above every living creature. 6-7.
Expected by the patriarchs. 6-7.
Fair daughter. 4-83.
Fair spouse of Jehovah, whose Son is thy child. 24-68.
Fairest amongst all the daughters of Jerusalem. 4-139.
Fairest among women. 10-12.
Fairest thou where all are fair. 1-568; 29-108.
Faithful handmaid. 16-40.
Faithful to grace in the highest degree. 73-86.
Favorite daughter of the Father. 87-86.
First of all God's creatures in heaven. 11-106.
Flower of God's choosing, that shall never fade. 3-152.
Forth-bringer of God. 70-116.
Full of grace. 87-88.
Full of the Holy Ghost. 58-156.
Gentlest of the gentle. 6-7.
Glorious and perpetual Virgin Mary. 87-86.
Glorious Mother of God. 36-239.
Glory of angels. 44-8.
Glory of God. 4-616.
Glory of our race. 34-23.
Glory of the Christian people. 6-7.
Glory of the priesthood. 10-22.
Glory of the works of the Almighty. 58-665.
God's garden of delights. 4-347.
God has chosen and pre-elected her, and has made her to dwell in his tabernacle.36-239.
God's masterpiece. 24-105.
Great lady at the right hand of her Divine Son. reigning through all the ages of eternity. 5E-658.
Great princess.4-273.
Greatest and most sublime of all creatures. 4-219.
Greatest work of the Divine Majesty. 10-16.
Hail Mary, full of grace. 1-224.
Handmaid of the Lord. 6-14.
Heavenly phoenix. 4-418.
Heavenly princess. 58-558.
Heir of a royal line which goes back to Joachim, to Solomon, to David, to Jesse, to Abraham, to Adam. 12-29.
Herald of Jesus. 10-11.
Higher than the angels. 20-17.
His companion for all eternity, possessing such a likeness to Him, that none greater can be possible between a God-man and a creature. 5E-643.
Holy, holy, holy Mary. 37-6.
Honor, glory and firmament of our Church. 4-83.
Honored with the glory of maternity. 20-55.
Humble because she was all for God. 76-49.
In Mary all created perfections, but in a most excellent manner and degree. 73-70.
In thy conception, 0 Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate. 77-7.
Incomparably greater than all other creatures. 4-451.
Jesus is omnipotent of himself; Mary is all powerful through her Son. 73-70.
Joseph's spouse. 70-117.
Joy of paradise. 4-616.
Joy of the blest. 10-6.
Joy of the universal Church. 6-7.
Light of the faithful. 4-566.
Lily of spotless whiteness. 3-156.
Loveliest whom in heaven they see. 29-107.
More beautiful than the sun. 4-214.
More fair than morn's refulgent rays that flame in eastern majesty. 44-34.
More glorious than the Cherubim. 20-23, 24.
More glorious than the supernal spirits. 34-227.
More honorable than the Seraphim. 20-24.
Most glorious Virgin Mary. 40-168.
Most perfect woman. 58-92.
Most pure and holy of all creatures. 3-150.
Mother and spouse of God. 58-205.
Mother of the Eternal Son. 6-8.
Mother of the only begotten Son of the Eternal Father. 6-8.
New Eve. 70-119.
Noble daughter, most beloved of our common Lord. 4-340.
0 wonder, who, after all wonders, art still the most wonderful. 20-17.
Omnipotent in prayer. 6-8.
Omnipotent through grace. 68.
Paradise of delights. 4-273.
Paradise of God. 4-274.
Partaker of perpetual benediction. 20-5.
Patroness of graces. 4-189.
Peerless and singular creature. 58-66.
Perfect beatitude. 14-90.
Powerful vanquisher of all heresies. 6-8.
Prepared for himself by the Most High. 20-7.
Preserved from the inherited guilt of original sin. 14-14.
Purest, holiest, fairest of creatures. 10-14.
Purest humanity. 19-3.
Ravisher of hearts. 4-65.
Reparatrix. 70-120.
Rose of all roses. 3-152.
Sagacious woman. 4-125.
Saint of saints. 6-8.
Seat of all divine graces. 20-5.
Seat of wisdom. 6-8.
Servant of the Spirit. 87-39, 40.
She by herself is more like to her Son than all the saints together. 5E-642.
She obtains a splendor and eminence surpassing the excellence of all created things. 91-10.
Singular and chosen creature. 5E-133.
So lowly in thine own eyes, but so great in the eyes of the Lord. 4-373.
Sovereign of angels. 9-3.
Splendor of all heaven. 34-204.
Spouse and temple of the Holy Ghost. 5E-581.
Spouse of the Blessed Trinity. 58-204.
Spouse of the Canticle of Canticles. 10-12.
Spouse of the divine Spirit. 6-8.
Spouse of the Holy Ghost. 6-8.
Spouse of the Most High. 58-304.
Supereffulgent star. 4-85.
Sweeter than honey. 4-214, 215.
The all-holy one. 94-34.
The chosen one, who is to be acceptable above all creatures. 58-151.
The crown and joy of all of the saints. 20-13.
The daughters of Sion beheld her and declared her most blessed, and queens have praised her. 36-237.
The desired of nations. 11-18.
The exaltation of humanity. 20-17.
The fairest of all creatures. 4-428.
The fruit of benediction. 58-152.
The glories of Mary for the sake of her Son. 94-23.
The glory of Jerusalem. 6-8.
The glory of paradise. 4-428.
The great honor of our people. 6-8.
The greatest of women and none can compare. 34-14.
The Holy One who will be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. 36-228.
The honor of our race. 10-11.
The honor of the martyrs. 20-13.
The honor of us all. 4-428.
The immaculate virgin mother of God, after completing her earthly course, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory. 14-85.
The joy of Israel. 6-8.
The joy of our country. 4-428.
The most illustrious glory and ornament, and most firm guardian of the Holy Church. 20-13.
The one blessed beyond all others. 94-34.
The one without the slightest stain. 94-34.
The praise of the prophets and apostles. 20-13.
The sacred Spirit's fruitful spouse. 36-207.
The Spirit's chosen spouse. 24-136.
The true and only spouse of the Holy Spirit. 73-71.
The victor in all the battles of God. 51-132.
The Virgin Mary is taken up to the heavenly chamber, in which the King of Kings sits upon his starry throne. 36-257.
There is an infinite difference between God's servants and His mother. 91-10.
Thou art blessed and venerable. 83-571.
Thou hast begotten life and glory for all generations of men. 4-84.
Thou has far excelled every other work of God. 20-17.
Thou hast found grace with the Lord. 36-227.
Thou lookest down on the lofty seats of the Thrones. 20-17.
Thou wast far purer than any other creature. 20-17.
Through grace perfectly free from every stain of sin. 20-7.
Thy rank taketh precedence before the rank of the Principalities. 20-17.
Treasure of goodness. 4-215.
Unsurpassed in sanctity. 58-102.
Veiled glory in this lampless universe. 34-384.
Victor over the serpent. 70-121.
Victress in all God's battles. 16-119.
Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. 92-6.
Whom all generations shall call blessed. 34-7.
Without equal among things created. 58-205.
Woman clothed with the sun. 4-65.
Woman on whose head is a crown of twelve stars, that is a crown of all the saints. 21-21.
Wonder of wonders. 6-8.
Wonderful woman. 58-98.
Worthy throne for the Divinity. 10-15.
A haven of safety from the storms of trials and temptations. 28-89.
A heart encircled by thorns which seemed to have pierced it like nails. 82-68.
A heart pierced by a seven-fold sword of anguish. 11-80.
A limitless treasure of mercy and compassion for us.12-84.
A mother's heart full of pity for the erring. 34-361.
Adorable heart pierced by so many swords of sorrow. 6-8.
Adorned with a most pure and tender heart. 77-2.
All-courteous heart. 7-14.
An expressive symbol and reminder of the virgin's interior qualities. 28-90.
Anxious heart. 6-8.
At the hour of my death, the surest anchor of my hope. 1-541.
Benign and compassionate heart. 4-41.
Blessed heart. 6-8.
Blessed Virgin, who in thy sweetest heart, didst keep as a precious treasure the words of Jesus, thy Son. 1-545.
Channel whereby we receive all graces needful for our salvation. 6-8.
Chaste heart. 5D-476; 34-146.
Compassionate heart. 63-44.
Dove-like and affectionate heart. 5D-54.
Dove-like heart of the loving mother. 5D-11.
Earthly resting place of the sacred and divine Heart of Jesus. 28-89.
Fair as the spotless lily. 24-94.
Faith and love unutterable. 2C-47.
Faithful in joy and sorrow. 24-95.
Fountain of Love Divine. 24-94.
Full to overflowing with charity, sweetness and tenderness for us, poor sinners. 6-8.
Generous heart. 6-8.
God chose it amongst all creatures to be the abode of His Son. 28-89.
Heart full of all grace and sweetness. 1-541.
Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate towards our miseries. 6-8.
Heart full of joy and tears. 24-94.
Heart most amiable on which the adorable Trinity ever gazes with complacency. 6-8.
Heart most like to the heart of Jesus, of which thou art the perfect image. 6-8.
Heart most pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 6-8.
Heart most worthy of love. 6-8.
Heart of a mother and heart of a woman. 12-79.
Heart of a virgin and heart of a martyr. 12-79.
Heart of love most tender. 24-131.
Heart of Mary -- crystal pure. 24-151.
Heart of Mary, mother of God and our mother. 6-8.
Heart of Mary, pierced with grief. 6-8.
Heart of the Immaculate Virgin. 51-84.
Heart of the tenderest of mothers. 63-34.
Heart so afflicted. 6-8.
Heart so full of anguish. 6-8.
Heart so troubled. 6-8.
Heart sunk in the bitterness of desolation. 6-8.
Heart surrounded with the thorns which ungrateful men place therein at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. 63-110.
Heart that didst love God more than all the Seraphim. 1-541.
Heart that is filled with grief. 51-84.
Heart the holiest, the purest, the most perfect, that the Almighty hath formed in any creature. 1-541.
Her heart is united with these secret transports which in Jesus are unfathomable depths. 20-179.
Her stainless heart enfolding held Redemption's saving flood. 34-113.
Home of the Word Incarnate. 24-94.
Humble heart of a virgin. 11-15.
Immaculate heart. 7-24.
Image of the adorable Heart of Jesus. 1-541.
Immaculate heart of Mary. 88-6.
Invincible heart. 5D-706, 5E-171.
Less sublime than the Heart of God, but it is unique in heaven and earth. 12-113.
Longing heart. 5D-54.
Lovable heart, burning with the living fire of love. 6-8.
Magnanimous heart. 5D-622.
Mary's loving heart. 34-376.
Mary's pure heart. 28-90.
Mary's virginal heart. 20-170.
Masterpiece of God's omnipotence. 64-25.
Maternal heart. 87-89.
Modeled on Jesus' own. 24-95.
Most affectionate heart. 6-8.
Most afflicted heart of Mary, pierced by the word of sorrow. 63-123.
Most amiable and kindest heart. 5D-710.
Most ardent and pure heart of our queen. 5D-16.
Most faithful heart. 5D-762.
Most holy and pure heart. 6-8.
Most holy heart of our good mother. 51-14.
Most lovable heart. 6-8.
Most loving heart. 16-72.
Most pure and innocent heart of Mary. 58-534.
Most pure heart of Mary, in which grows the beautiful lily of virginal purity. 63-123.
Most prudent and chaste heart. 5D-752.
Most sacred heart of the blessed and ever Virgin Mary Immaculate. 6-9.
Most sacred heart, transfixed with so many swords of grief. 6-9.
Most sincere and loving heart. 5D-114.
Motherly heart. 6-9.
My consolation in sorrow. 1-541.
My mother's heart protects you with God. 12-102.
My place of retreat from the enemies of my salvation. 1-541.
My refuge in affliction. 1-541.
Next to the Heart of Jesus, object of my tenderest devotion. 1-541.
O heart full of all grace and sweetness, throne of love and mercy, image of the adorable Heart of Jesus. 1-541.
O heart most amiable, the delight and admiration of the angels and the saints. 1-541.
O heart of Mary, ever Virgin. 1-541.
Our comfort in trouble. 6-9.
Our haven in persecution. 6-9.
Our help in need. 6-9.
Our present help in every danger and especially at the hour of death. 6-9.
Our refuge in time of trouble. 6-9.
Our solace in the midst of trial. 6-9.
Our strength against temptation. 6-9.
Overflowing heart. 2C-171.
Pain-scarred, valorous heart. 24-157.
Perfect mirror of God's majesty and goodness. 28-89.
Pious and humble heart. 5D-102
Precious treasury, wherein the Blessed Virgin kept the words of Jesus. 6-9.
Pure and candid heart. 5D-426.
Pure and compassionate heart. 50-586.
Purest and dove-like heart. 5D-11.
Purest heart of the heavenly mother. 5E-464.
Purest heart of this great queen so full of wisdom. 5E-144.
Queen by her heart, as she is queen by her human destiny. 12-113.
Queenly and magnanimous heart. 5D-40.
Refuge of the human race. 63-120.
Road leading to Jesus. 6-9.
Sacred heart in the passion of thy Son, was cruelly pierced by the sword foretold by the holy and aged Simeon. 16-88.
Safe harbor from the tempests which beset us on every side. 89-25.
Safe refuge in that very fountain of mercy. 6-9.
Sensitive heart. 6-9.
Sincerest heart. 5E-143.
Sinless heart of Mary. 2889.
Sinless mother's heart. 63-37; 74-2.
So filled with tenderness and compassion for us, that no one ever endured as much from his own sufferings as Mary has endured from the afflictions of others. 16-59.
Spotless heart and true. 34-19.
Spotless tabernacle of the Holy Ghost. 28-89.
Stainless heart. 6-9.
Stricken with grief and sorrow. 24-94.
Sweet heart of Mary. 6-9.
Tender heart, filled as it was with extraordinary charity and compassion for the afflicted. 20-171.
Tender, kind and loving heart. 5E-178.
Tenderest of mothers' hearts. 28-89.
That didst endure for love of us the bitter dolors at the foot of the cross. 1-541.
That didst procure more glory to the most holy Trinity than all of the saints together. 1-541.
That mirror fair is Mary's heart. 34-115.
That ocean of love which is her heart. 2~248.
The altar of her heart. 20-177.
The angel Gabriel hailed it "full of grace." 28-89.
The Godhead's shrine. 24-94.
The earthly resting place of the sacred and divine Heart of Jesus. 28-89.
The greatest of hearts after the Heart of Jesus. 12-113.
The heart of the Savior's mother. 24-156.
The heart of your most holy mother. 23-15.
The heart that sin has never marred. 34-115.
The home of love. 24-221.
The spotless tabernacle of the Holy Ghost. 28-89.
The tender heart of the Mother of God. 20-171.
The very heart of the Mystical Body. 2C-179.
The way which leads to Jesus. 6-9.
This heart which has loved with a mother's love an Infant God and which loves with the same maternal love all of the children of men. 12-113.
Thou, whose remembering heart to the forgotten was ever the one shield that naught could break. 24-133.
Throne of love and mercy. 1-541.
Throne-room. 11-33.
True heart. 63-38.
Unconquered but lacerated heart. 5D-589.
Unique in heaven and earth. 12-113.
Worthy of the veneration and love of all the angels and of all men. 6-9.
Wounded heart. 5D-37.
A refuge and a help for sinners. 6-9.
A refuge and refreshment in our labours and weariness. 20-223.
A safe refuge. 28-97.
A sign of sure hope and solace for the pilgrim people of God. 87-95.
After God, our hope and consolation in this place of exile. 6-9.
A sweet hope. 6-9.
Aid of the lost. 6-9.
All hope of life and of virtue. 4-157.
All my hope. 63-129.
Asylum of all who are oppressed by temptation, calamity or persecution. 4-122.
Asylum of sinners. 10-22.
Beacon of hope. 24-122.
Bright star of our hope. 34-133.
Certain salvation of Christians. 4-1 10.
Certain salvation of thy faithful servants. 4-1 1 3.
City of refuge. 5E-58.
Guide of hope. 24-131.
Harbour of refuge. 10-8.
Haven of the tempest-tossed. 10-22.
Help to the helpless. 16-64.
Hope and light of all who trust in thee. 45-8.
Hope and pardon of the culpable. 12-102.
Hope and support of the unhappy. 10-15.
Hope of all Carmelites. 36-42.
Hope of all in temptation. 64-43.
Hope of all who follow Jesus will. 34-261.
Hope of Christians. 70-117.
Hope of life. 24-8.
Hope of my soul. 4-110.
Hope of sinners. 16-81.
Hope of the despairing and the guilty. 77-9.
Hope of the desperate. 6-9.
Hope of the Church in the dangers which beset her from within or without. 64-46.
Hope of the godly. 16-76.
Hope of the hopeless and sinful. 6-9.
Hope of the miserable. 4-117.
Hope of the most abandoned. 4-192.
Hope of the pilgrim. 63-239.
Hope of the world. 10-11.
Hope's steadfast star. 34-401.
In me is all hope of life and virtue. 36-223.
Mother Mary is the hope of mankind. 76-47.
My greatest hope. 16-13.
My solace here below. 4-113.
My sole hope in my tribulations. 12-68.
Only refuge of those who have offended God. 4-122.
Our anchorage of trust upon life's sea. 24-131.
Our deliverer. 20-85.
Our greatest, surest hope. 64-50.
Our haven. 24-69.
Our hope in death. 6-9.
Our hope in sorrows and afflictions. 64-44.
Our life, our sweetness and our hope. 16-65.
Our one most sacred and most certain hope before God. 77-10.
Our only hope, most sure and sacred in God's sight. 6-9.
Our refuge. 4-257; 24-224.
Port of safety. 10-13.
Port of the shipwrecked. 10-13.
Privileged asylum. 10-36.
Public infirmary, in which all who are sick, poor and destitute can be received. 4-121.
Rainbow and hope to the Poor Souls. 10-10.
Refuge and advocate of poor sinners. 6-9.
Refuge and consolation of all who turn to thee. 64-63.
Refuge and hospital of sinners. 4-120.
Refuge and sanctuary of sinners. 5E-60.
Refuge in grief. 10-8.
Refuge in time of danger. 70-120.
Refuge of all who comfort seek. 34-365.
Refuge of sinners. 6-9.
Refuge of the afflicted. 6-9.
Refuge of the children of Adam. 5E-375.
Refuge of the human race. 63-50.
Refuge of the sick poor. 4-121.
Refuge of the unfortunate. 5E-665.
Refuge, protection and defense of all men. 58-223.
Refuge without fear. 20-278.
Safe harbor for travelers. 6-9.
Safe refuge of the penitent sinner. 6-9.
Safety of nations. 10-13.
Safety of the world. 10-38.
Salvation of all who call on her. 4-268.
Salvation of the world. 4-110.
Secure anchor of our hope. 10-19.
Secure haven of those who are in danger. 4-273.
Secure haven of those who are sailing in the sea of this life. 4-273.
Secure refuge of sinners. 6-9.
Sole hope of the poor. 12-74.
Sole refuge in grief. 20-229.
Sole sanctuary, where sinners find refuge. 16-9.
Source of sweet hope. 6-9.
Succor of those who are abandoned. 4-113.
Sure hope of all who seek her help in dangers of body and soul. 64-4.
Sure hope of salvation and eternal life. 64-5.
The cause of my hope. 16-13.
The help of that which is lost. 6-9.
The hope not only of the just but also of the guilty. 64-44.
The hope of malefactors. 4-83.
The hope of my salvation. 4-113.
The hope of the unhappy. 12-31.
The only fitting refuge for Christ and His least. 34-123.
The only hope of those who are in despair. 16-59.
The refuge of abandoned creatures. 4-45.
The portal of a city of refuge. 5B-249.
The relief of sinners. 58-272.
The safest refuge and most faithful helper of all who are in danger. 20-13.
The safety of all. 9-7.
The singular refuge of the lost. 4-192.
The sinner's great hope. 44-11; 9-8.
The whole hope of our salvation. 4-174.
Universal refuge.35-38.
A bough in which no blur of either kind, original or wrought, hath touched the Virgin rind. 44-12; 9-9.
A soul immune from stain. 89-4.
Adorned with the radiance of a singular holiness from the first moment of her conception. 94-20.
All fair and stainless in thy conception. 6-10.
All fair art thou my beloved and there was never a stain of Adam's sin in thee. 44-9.
All immaculate. 68-10.
All pure. 68-10.
All spotless is she, who alone was found worthy God's Mother to be. 24-117.
Alone, holy, who excepting God, is higher than all. 89-3.
Alone of all our mortal race, thou wast preserved from sin's least trace. 44-20.
Always blessed. 89-3.
As a lily in the midst of thorns, so is my beloved among the daughters of Adam. 44-26.
At all times pure. 89-4.
Blessed the clay out of which thou wert wrought, so utterly free from original blot. 44-8.
Born pure and stainless, beautiful and full of grace.5B-264.
Chaste lily sin could never blight, the serpent's head was crushed by thee. 44-31.
Clean from all stain. 6-10.
Completely free from every stain of sin and entirely beautiful and perfect. 89-6.
Conceived free from original sin. 6-10.
Creature who was preserved from original sin, in view of the merits of the Savior. 88-5.
Earth entirely untouched. 20-6.
E'en in conception, no earthly taint darkened thy soul. 34-366.
Ever sinless virgin. 6-10.
Ewe without spot, that hast borne the Lamb That took flesh of thee, even Christ. 20-23.
Exempt in the womb from the taint of the fall. 1-668.
Fair by nature and entirely free from all stain. 20-7, 8.
Fair, unsullied form. 24-81.
Fenced from all snares of the malignant serpent. 20-6.
Formed without stain. 70-116.
Fountain ever clear. 20-6.
Free from all contagion of sin. 89-3.
God selected and prepared her. 44-4.
Holy and stranger to all stain of sin. 89-3.
"Holy to the Lord" when life's first gossamer thread was spun. 34-210.
Immaculate. 70-117.
Immaculate and remote from all stain of sin. 16-84.
Immaculate Eve. 10-15.
Immaculate flower. 24-196.
Immaculate, free from stain of sin as is no other human being whom God has made. 20·275.
Immaculate one. 34-80
Immaculate Virgin. 6-10; 87-90.
In thy conception, 0 Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate. 77-7.
Incorrupted earth which God blessed and was therefore free from all contagion of sin. 16-62.
Incorruptible branch the worm of sin has never injured. 20-6.
Innocent and most innocent. 20-8.
Innocence which was never wounded. 209.
Land wholly intact. 89-3.
Like a lily in the midst of thorns, so among Adam's daughters is my beloved. 44-8.
Lily among thorns. 89-3.
Maiden Immaculate. 34-89.
Mary possessed grace from the beginning. 14-48.
Mary, virgin soil, untouched by the curse. 16-26.
Mary's absolute sinlessness. 20-128.
Most immaculate among all creatures. 5D-328.
Mother of God conceived without stain of original sin. 89-6.
My fair, my spotless one. 20-229.
Nature yielded to grace. 20-7.
Never subject to the one accursed. 89-3.
No shade of Adam's sin sullied thee. 44-18.
Of sin's foul touch inviolate.44-26.
Offspring not of wrath but of grace. 89-3.
One most pure. 24-272.
Only Mary, the Mother of God, was free from every sin. 16-75.
Our tainted nature's solitary boast. 19-3.
Preserved by God immune from all stain of original sin. 89-5.
Preserved from the guilt which hath come on us all. 1-668.
Product of a sinning sea, yet preserved so spotlessly. 34-57.
Pure and spotless creature. 58-167.
Purer than the angels and at all times pure. 89-4.
Purest of creatures. 10-9.
Purity without stain. 37-230.
Reproachless, most sweet paradise of innocence.20-6.
Sinless mother of thy Son, the mighty Lord of the universe. 16-63.
Sole unblemished one of our race. 10-7.
Soul immune from sin. 89-4.
Spotless beauty of her who was to be the Mother of God. 34-345.
Spotless, blessed lady. 10-9.
Spotless, holy and most distant from every stain of sin. 20-8.
Spotless mother. 10-9.
Spotless virgin and sinless mother. 48-14.
Stainless styled. 34-354.
Superlatively immaculate, pure in every way and at all times. 11-32.
That spotless woman who always appeared beautiful and without stain in the eyes of God. 16-44.
The flesh of the virgin, taken from Adam, did not admit the stains of Adam. 20-7.
The Immaculate Conception. 3-151.
The one and only daughter not of death but of life. 89-3.
The only one of human mold, immaculate, all-beautiful. 44-23.
The pure and guileless soul. 20-218.
The rod in which was neither knot of original sin nor rind of actual guilt. 6-10.
The sinless one. 84-271.
The spotless one. 11-27; 24-262.
The Virgin Mary is called Immaculate, for in nothing was she corrupt. 16-86.
Thou art all fair, 0 my love and there is not a spot in thee. 36-222.
Thou wert free from the stain that has sullied the earth. 44-6.
Undefiled and immaculate soul. 20-225.
Unimpaired and ever unimpaired. 893.
Unspotted by sin. 27-57.
Victorious over the infernal serpent from the first moment of thy being. 6-10.
Virgin mother, who wast never defiled with the slightest stain of original or actual sin. 6-10.
Lady is a title of respect for a woman. Mary is the Lady of Ladies, deserving our greatest respect and admiration. She is the mother of the God-man, the Queen of angels and saints. Even the devils in hell are subject to her. But matching her dignity is her ability and desire to draw us to her Divine Son. She is not distant but close. She knows and anticipates our needs and is ever ready to help us. Nor is her love entirely disregarded by her children. Witness the innumerable churches and shrines dedicated to her. The greatest artists have devoted their talents in painting and sculpture to honor our Lady. Countries, cities and homes are placed under her protection. Islands, rivers and towns bear her name. Pilgrimages have been made over the centuries to her shrines, sometimes but a few pilgrims or on other occasions they may number over a million. She is God's Lady. She is our Lady.
Lady. 5B-559
Lady among the handmaidens. 91-5.
Lady and mistress of the universe. 6-10.
Lady and queen of my whole house, of my relatives, of my interests and of all of my affairs. 64-63.
Lady and queen of the angels and saints, of patriarchs and prophets, of apostles and martyrs, of confessors and virgins. 82-214.
Lady and sovereign of the Seraphim, of all the administering spirits, the angels and the entire universe of creatures. 5E-655.
Lady beautiful and fair. 24-107.
Lady dear. 34-216.
Lady elect of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.10-20.
Lady exalted. 6-10.
Lady fair. 34-26; 24-224.
Lady fortunate. 24-9.
Lady full of grace. 34-217; 34255.
Lady full of the joy of salvation. 20-16.
Lady garbed in priestly white. 24-255.
Lady, giver of bread. 34-317.
Lady in white and blue. 24-231.
Lady love. 56-131.
Lady Mary. 24-163; 34-37.
Lady Mary, luminary. 24-254.
Lady more powerful than all hell together. 1 1 -1 1.
Lady most chaste. 70-118.
Lady most courteous. 7-1.
Lady most perfect. 34-66.
Lady most tender. 6-10
Lady most venerable. 70-118.
Lady most worthy of all love. 6-10.
Lady of all creation. 58-223.
Lady of all hearts. 10-28.
Lady of all who dwell on earth. 91-5.
Lady of calm thoughts. 34-216; 34-288.
Lady of divine pity. 6-10.
Lady of Fatima, Virgin most pure. 63-1 19.
Lady of heaven. 5E-62.
Lady of litanies. 34-51.
Lady of Maryknoll. 24-229.
Lady of mildness, love and goodness. 64-27.
Lady of our land. 34-18.
Lady of pain. 34-198.
Lady of silver. 24-229.
Lady of the angels. 5E-252.
Lady of the golden chain. 34-141.
Lady of the lilies. 24-52.
Lady of the way. 10-9.
Lady of the whole world. 5D-136.
Lady of worth. 34-245.
Lady ruler of all who dwell on earth. 91-5.
Lady ruler of angels and men. 91-13.
Lady slim and lovely. 24-67.
Lady who art the light. 34-87.
Lady who conceived in faith and in your blessed womb the salvation of us all. 14-104.
Lady worthy of all love. 4-236.
A lady more brilliant than the sun. 23-7.
A lady of immense goodness and mercy. 59-55.
Beautiful lady. 34-314.
Beloved lady.5C-189.
Blessed lady of the Annunciation. 56-79.
Blessed lady of the Coenaculum. 6-10.
Celestial lady. 28-37.
Compassionate lady. 16-93.
Dear lady of my love. 34-295.
Dear lady of the Sacred Host. 34-188.
Dear lady of vocations. 50-5.
Dearest lady. 4-590.
Dutiful lady. 5D-1 88.
Fair lady of the Eucharist. 34-188.
First lady of heaven and earth. 80-1.
Golden lady. 34-164.
Good lady. 4-616.
Great and glorious lady. 6-10.
Great lady and queen. 5E-563.
Great lady of heaven. 5E-337.
Great lady of the world. 5E-148.
Heaven's leading lady. 34-112.
Image and flowering of the Church as she is to be perfected in the world to come. 94-34.
Immaculate lady. 5C-164; 77-4.
Incomparable lady. 5D-63.
Kindest lady.5D-333.
Kindly, gracious lady. 24-67.
La Conquistadora. 94-53.
Legitimate and peerless lady and sovereign. 5E-655.
Lovely lady. 24-2.
Loving lady. 5D-150.
Maternal lady with the virgin grace. 34-66.
Most amiable lady. 79-14.
Most assiduous lady. 5D-58.
Most beautiful lady. 58-27.
Most benign and gracious lady. 4-247.
Most benign and loving lady. 4-94.
Most bereaved lady. 34-134.
Most blessed lady. 5E-512.
Most blessed lady and mistress. 5E-487.
Most dear lady. 6-10.
Most exalted lady. 58-400.
Most faithful lady. 5D-92.
Most glorious lady. 28-47.
Most gracious lady. 4-30.
Most holy lady. 5C-324.
Most humble lady. 5D-766.
Most lovable lady and queen. 11-35.
Most loving lady and mother. 5E-594.
Most merciful lady. 4-216.
Most prudent lady. 5C-397.
Noble lady. 6-10.
Our blessed lady, my mother. 6-10.
Our blessed lady of graces. 4-374.
Our blessed lady, who lived more by the life of grace than by the life of nature. 28-79.
Our blissful lady. 34-357.
Our lady, always calm, always strong, always so silent. 20-145.
Our Lady at Alotting. (Bavaria) 72-70.
Our Lady at Wexford. (Ireland) 72-28.
Our lady called "Sultana of Heaven" by the Arabs. 10-29.
Our lady consoler of the afflicted. (Kevelaer, Germany) 72-72.
Our Lady del Carmine or Santa Maria della Bruno. (Naples) 10-23.
Our Lady del Parto or San Agostino. (Pome) 10-23.
Our lady, deliverer of slaves. 6-10.
Our Lady della Quercia (of the oak). (Viterbo, Italy) 10-23.
Our lady, first fruits of the redemption. 10-29.
Our lady, flower of humanity. 10-29.
Our lady, help of Christians. 10-29.
Our lady, help of those in their death agony. 27-92.
Our lady in Cana. 76-29.
Our lady in heaven.6-l0.
Our Lady, "La Naval." (Philippines) 72-157.
Our lady, mediatrix of all graces. 27-92.
Our lady of a happy death. 6-10.
Our Lady of Aberdeen. (Scotland) 10-25; 72-31.
Our lady, mother of grace. 6-10.
Our lady, mother of the good shepherd. 27-92.
Our Lady of Africa. 6-10.
Our lady of all help. 72-49.
Our Lady of Andoralla. (Chile) 10-26.
Our lady of angels. 72-130.
Our lady of anguish. (Patroness of Seville) 10-24.
Our Lady of Ardenburg. (England) 10-29.
Our Lady of Atocha. (Madrid) 10-24.
Our Lady of Auriesville. (New York) 10-26.
Our Lady of Bandora. (Shrine near Bombay, India) 10-26.
Our Lady of Banneux. 66C-1.
Our Lady of Barking. (England)lO-29.
Our Lady of Beauraing. (Belgium) 66F-30; 10-25.
Our Lady of Begona. (Spain) 10-24.
Our Lady of Bethlehem. 10-30.
Our Lady of Bourguillen. (Switzerland) 51-85.
Our Lady of Bradley. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Bradstaw. (Isle of Thanet, England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Broadstone. (Kent, England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Campocavallo. (Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of Canterbury, or Undercroft. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Caparoce. (near Pome) 10-23.
Our Lady of Cavadunga. (Spanish shrine) 10-24.
Our Lady of Ceira. (Coimbra, Portugal) 10-27.
Our lady of charity. 72-135.
Our Lady of Chartres. (France) 87-72.
Our Lady of Chatham. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of China. 34-54.
Our lady of Christian social service. 10-29.
Our Lady of Cobre. (Cuba) 59-281.
Our lady of compassion. 10-29.
Our lady of conquest. 72-116.
Our lady of consolation. 10-24.
Our lady of consolation of widows. 10-30.
Our Lady of Constantinople. 10-30.
Our lady of contemplation. 10-30.
Our Lady of Copacabana. (Bolivia) 72-139.
Our Lady of Coromoto. (Venezuela) 72-152.
Our lady of courtesy. 7-1; 34-94.
Our Lady of Crazan. (Shrine in Poland) 10-25.
Our Lady of Czenstochawa or Clarenburg. (Poland) 10-25.
Our Lady of Czestochowa. (The Black Madonna of Poland) 72-85.
Our Lady of Czestochowo. (St. Joseph's Hill, Eureka, Missouri) 47-25.
Our Lady of Dadizelle. (Belgium) 10-25.
Our Lady of Damascus. 10-30.
Our Lady of Damietta. (Egypt) 10-31.
Our lady of deliverance. 6-10.
Our Lady of Didinia. (Cappodocia) 10-31.
Our Lady of Divine Providence. 6-10.
Our lady of dolours. 28-279.
Our Lady of Dordrecht. (Holland) 10-31.
Our lady of dull students. 10-29.
Our Lady of Edessa. (Asia Minor) 10-30.
Our Lady of Einsiedeln. (Switzerland) 10-25.
Our Lady of Ephesus. 10-30.
Our lady of eternal help. 34-261.
Our Lady of faith. (Leige, Belgium) 1~25.
Our Lady of Fatima. 63-110; 23-14.
Our Lady of Fertile Rocks. (Ireland) 10-30.
Our Lady of Filermo. (Near Malta) 10-31.
Our Lady of Galloro. (Pome) 72-97.
Our Lady of Genauano or Good Counsel. (Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of Genesta. (Near Genoa, Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of Glastonbury. (England) 10-28.
Our lady of good counsel. 6-10.
Our Lady of Good Healing. (Normandy) 10-30.
Our lady of good hope. 6-10.
Our lady of good studies. 10-29.
Our lady of good success. 3-155.
Our Lady of Good Tidings. (Near Rouen, France) 10-30.
Our Lady of Grace. (Southhampton, England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Grace of Berzee. (Belgium) 86-card.
Our Lady of Granganor. (East India) 10-29.
Our Lady of Guadalupe. (North Spain, 580 A.D.) 72-39.
Our Lady of Guadalupe. (Mexico City, 1531 A.D.) 6-10.
Our Lady of Guidance. (Manilla, 1511 A.D.) 10-26.
Our Lady of Hal. (Brussels) 10-25.
Our Lady of Hardenberg. (Germany) 10-27.
Our Lady of Heiloo. (7C.) 10-26.
Our Lady of Helbron. (Germany) 10-27.
Our Lady of Hofstrada Maria. (Iceland) 10-26.
Our lady of hope. 90-20.
Our Lady of Hope. (Pontmain, France) 72-56.
Our lady of intercession. 6-10.
Our Lady of Ipswich. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Jarinus. (Hungary) 10-26.
Our Lady of Kazan. (rare icon in Russian church, Silka) 10-29.
Our Lady of Kevelaer. (Germany) 10-27.
Our Lady of Knock. (Ireland) 10-26.
Our Lady of La Kuen. (shrine near Brussels) 10-25.
Our Lady of La Salette. 6-10.
Our Lady of Las Lajas. (Columbia) 72-143.
Our Lady of Laus. (France) 72-50.
Our Lady of Le Puy. (France) 72-58.
Our Lady of Lincoln. (England) 10-29.
Our Lady of Locarno or del Sasso. (Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of Loreto. (ltaly)10-23.
Our Lady of Los Reyes. (Seville, Spain) 10-24.
Our Lady of Lourdes. 6-10.
Our Lady of Louvain. (Belgium) 10-25.
Our Lady of Lujan. (Patroness of Buenos Aires, Argentina) 10-26.
Our Lady of Luxemburg. 10-26.
Our Lady of Luzendorf. (Austria) 10-26.
Our Lady of Madu. (Ceylon) 10-25.
Our Lady of Mariazel. (Austria) 10-26.
Our Lady of Marienthal. (Germany) 10-27.
Our Lady of Matara. (Ceylon) 10-25.
Our Lady of Matarieh. (Egypt) 10-30.
Our Lady of Martyrs. 34-281.
Our Lady of Maryknoll. (U.S.A.) 10-30.
Our Lady of Melchthal. (Switzerland) 10-25.
Our Lady of Meliapoor. (India) 10-30.
Our Lady of Mercy. (Spain 1691) 10-24.
Our Lady of Miracles. (Rome) 10-24.
Our Lady of Montserrat. (Spain) 10-24.
Our Lady of Montaigue. (Belgium) 10-25.
Our Lady of Montallegro. (near Genoa, Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 6-10.
Our Lady of Mount Olive. 10-30.
Our Lady of Muswell. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Nazareth. 10-30; 72-45.
Our Lady of New Orleans. 72-120.
Our Lady of New York. 34-213.
Our Lady of October. 24-102; 34-49.
Our Lady of Ootacker. (Belgium) 10-25.
Our Lady of Grope. (Savoy) 10-30.
Our Lady of Ostrabrama. (Poland) 10-25.
Our lady of peace. 24-11; 34-51.
Our Lady of Pellevoisin. 66B-1.
Our Lady of Perig, or Seven Stars. (Valencia, Spain) 10-24.
Our lady of perpetual help. 6-10.
Our lady of perpetual succour. 28-95.
Our Lady of Petchenza. (Lapland) 10-26.
Our lady of pity. 6-10.
Our Lady of Plymbridge. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Pocszajow. (Poland) 72-87.
Our Lady of Pontmain. (France) 66H-1; 72-56.
Our Lady of Pottery. (Belgium) 10-25.
Our lady of power. 10-34.
Our lady of prompt succor against conflagrations. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against contagious diseases and epidemics. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against inundations. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against lightning and tempest. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against the enemies of ourcountry.38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against the enemies of the Church. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor against the evil spirit. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor against the revolt of self-will. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor at the hour of death. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor for enlightening infidels. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor for observing the law of God. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for obtaining a lively faith. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for obtaining and persevering in charity. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for obtaining contrition. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for obtaining perseverance in virtue and good works. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for sustaining the hope of Christians. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for the conversion of sinners. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor for the conversion of heretics. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor for the deliverance of the souls in purgatory. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor in every accident. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor in every affliction. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor in every spiritual necessity. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor in every temporal necessity. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor in every temptation. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor in the occasion of sin. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor in time of war. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of afflicted families. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor of all who are devout towards the Infant Jesus. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor of all who invoke thee with confidence. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor of laborers in the Lord's vineyard. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of navigators. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of Our Holy Father, the Pope. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of the shipwrecked. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of the sick and poor 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of those aspiring to the holy priesthood and the religious life. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of those who combat for the faith.38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor of those wishing to reenter the path of salvation. 38-27.
Our lady of prompt succor of travelers. 38-28.
Our lady of prompt succor. Patroness of Louisiana. 10-26.
Our lady of prosperity. 10-29.
Our Lady of Providence. 28-37.
Our Lady of Quinche. (Ecuador) 72-150.
Our Lady of Quintisola. (Tivoli, Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of Ransom. (Barcelona) 6-10; 10-29.
Our Lady of Reading on the Thames. (England) 10-28.
Our lady of ready help. 72-118.
Our lady of remedy. 10-31.
Our lady of reparation. 6-11.
Our Lady of Roab. (Hungary) 10-26.
Our Lady of Rossana. (Calabria, Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of St. John of the Lakes. (Mexico) 72-121.
Our Lady of St. Mary Major. (Rome) 72-104.
Our Lady of Schiedam. (Holland) 10-31.
Our lady of seven joys. 28-116.
Our Lady of Sichem. (near Louvain, Belgium) 10-25.
Our lady of silence. 67-12.
Our Lady of Siluva. (Lithuania) 72-89.
Our Lady of Soledad. (Solitude) (Spain) 10-24.
Our lady of solitude. 59-281.
Our lady of Solovietoki or the Purification. (White Sea) 10-26.
Our Lady of sorrows. 93-11; 6-11.
Our lady of Sorrows of Quite. (Ecuador) 55.
Our Lady of Sospoli. 10-26.
Our Lady of South Park. (Lincolnshire, England) 10-28.
Our lady of spring. 34-115.
Our lady of suffrage. 27-92.
Our Lady of Targa. (Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of Tears. (Spoletto, Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of Telgate. (Westphalia) 10-27.
Our lady of the agonizing. 10-30.
Our Lady of the Annunciation. 10-7.
Our Lady of the Apparitions. (Madrid) 10-29.
Our Lady of the Assumption. 72-116; 10-7.
Our lady of the atonement. 10-29.
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Blessed Valley. (Laus, France) 72-50.
Our Lady of the Bowed Head. (Vienna) 72-78.
Our Lady of the Branch. (Antwerp) 1(125.
Our Lady of the Broad Street. (Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of the Bush. (Portugal) 10-27.
Our Lady of the Candlemass. (Canary Islands) 72-103.
Our Lady of the Cape. (Canada) 72-115.
Our Lady of the Cenacle. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Coronation. 10-7.
Our Lady of the Crib. 10-29.
Our lady of the cross. 10-29.
Our Lady of the Crown. (Palermo, Italy) 1024.
Our Lady of the Dale. (Derbyshire, England) 10-28.
Our lady of the dawn. 10-29.
Our lady of the dew. 72-37.
Our Lady of the Dove. (Near Bologna, Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of the Eraser. "La Borradora." (Ecuador) 72-146.
Our Lady of the Eucharist. 34-188.
Our lady of the expectation. 10-7.
Our lady of the fields. 24-194.
Our Lady of the Forest. (Portugal) 10-27.
Our Lady of the Forsaken. (Valencia, Spain) 10-30.
Our lady of the fountain. 10-26.
Our Lady of the Grotto. (Seville) 10-24.
Our Lady of the Holy Ghost. 43-194.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. 94-54; 72-116, 117; 72-121.
Our Lady of Kremlin. 18-55.
Our Lady of the Lily. (Navarre, Spain) 10-24.
Our lady of the little ones. 34-116.
Our lady of the martyrs. 94-53.
Our lady of the May. 34-172.
Our Lady of Mentarella. (Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of the milk. (Nuestra Senora de la leche, 1565, shrine at St. Augustine, Florida). 10-26.
Our Lady of the Mines. (Juneau, Alaska) 10-29.
Our lady of the missions. 10-29.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. 63-65.
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament. 74-4.
Our Lady of the Most Holy Sacrament. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Mountain. (Esquiline Hill, Italy) 10-23.
Our lady of the nations. 10-29.
Our Lady of the Nativity. 10-7.
Our lady of the night. 28-36; 34-334.
Our Lady of the Park, (Cornwall, England) 10-28.
Our Lady of the Passion. 10-7.
Our Lady of the Peak. (France) 72-58.
Our Lady of the Pillar. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Portico. (Rome) 10-24.
Our Lady of the Precious Blood. 24-197.
Our Lady of the Presentation. 10-7.
Our lady of the purification. 10-7.
Our lady of the refugees. 34-84.
Our lady of the rosary. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. 63-56.
Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Rose. (Lucca, Italy) 10-24.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. 6-11.
Our Lady of the Scapular. 33-85.
Our Lady of the Sea. (Las Palmas, Canary Islands) 10-26.
Our Lady of the seven dolors. 28-71; 28-27.
Our Lady of the Snow. (Maria Magiaoro, Italy) 10-23.
Our Lady of the Sorrows of Carmel. 82-127.
Our Lady of the Spire. (Germany) 10-27.
Our Lady of the Star. (Portugal) 10-27.
Our Lady of the Storm. (Cowie, Scotland) 10-26.
Our Lady of the Swoon. (Jerusalem) 10-26.
Our Lady of the Tabernacle. 10-30.
Our Lady of the Underground. (Grand Cairo) 10-30.
Our Lady of the Valley of Josaphat. 10-30.
Our Lady of the Visitation. 10-7
Our lady of the way. 27-90.
Our lady of the wayside. 10-29.
Our lady of the well. (Rome) 10-23.
Our Lady of the White Friars. (England)l0-28.
Our lady of the woodlands. 54-Xll.
Our Lady of Thelford. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Tongres. (Belgium) 72-63.
Our Lady of Tortosa. (Phoenica) 10-26.
Our Lady of Treves. (Germany) 10-27.
Our lady of victories. 59-321; 51-95; 40-123.
Our Lady of Vladimir. (Russia) 72-92.
Our Lady of Walcourt. (Belgium) 10-25
Our Lady of Walsingham. (England) 10-28; 72-10.
Our Lady of Warwick. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Woolpit. (England) 10-28.
Our Lady of Zamboanza. (Philippines) 10-26.
Our Lady of Zapopan. (Mexico) 72-123; 72-127.
Our lady, patroness of vocations. 50-5.
Our lady, queen of all saints and mother of fair love. 27-92.
Our lady, queen of the apostles. 27-92.
Our lady, really and truly the mother of God. 91-5.
Our lady, refuge of sinners. 6-11.
Our lady, spouse of the Holy Ghost. 32-7.
Our lady, star of the sea. 72-110; 72-65.
Our lady, the dawn of Christianity. 67-60.
Our lady, the queen of all saints. 65-30.
Our lady, type of the Church. 10-29.
Our lady, who gave to the world its Lord of Light. 27-14.
Our lady, who is exceedingly generous, so that we can all have recourse to her. 16-78.
Our lady, who should indeed be loved and revered. 59-55.
Our lady with the Holy Infant. 72-130.
Our lady without sin. 34-154.
Our lady, wondrous fair. 24-56.
Our lady's relationship to Christ, the eternal High Priest, overflows into her spiritual motherhood of all priests. 94-45.
Peerless and sovereign lady. 5D-66.
Purest lady. 5E-667.
Servant of the Lord. 94-11.
Sovereign lady. 16-8.
Sweet lady of Carmel. 3-163.
Sweetest lady. 24-60.
Tactful lady. 24-68.
The dear lady of Altotting. (Bavaria) 72-70.
The heavenly lady. 58-551.
The lady ruler of all Christians. 91-5.
The lady ruler of all, the true mother of God. 91-5.
The lady ruler of angels and of men. 91-13.
The lady ruler of every creature. 91-5.
The lady ruler of mortal man, the most holy mother of God. 91-4.
The lady, who commands things and ages and who knows how to put down evils with her virginal foot. 91-13.
The little lady who brings the rain. 72-127.
Unparalleled lady. 5B-562.
Valorous lady. 5E-476.
Mary. 87-88; 88-5; 28-24.
Mary, a daughter of Adam. 87-88.
Mary, a sign of sure hope and solace for God's people in pilgrimage 87-95.
Mary, abode of all virtues. 16-48.
Mary, abode of heaven and earth. 1817.
Mary, abode of the Holy Ghost. 16-91.
Mary, abyss of grace. 16-7.
Mary, abyss of humility. 16-39.
Mary, abyss of light. 16-60.
Mary, abyss of wisdom. 16-60.
Mary, advocate of all sinners. 16-37.
Mary, after God, our only joy. 16-13.
Mary, agent of heaven. 16-46.
Mary, all eyes to our miseries. 10-37.
Mary, all powerful helper. 16-11.
Mary, altar of grace. 16-21.
Mary, altar of mercy. 16-25.
Mary, altar of the new magnificence 16-11.
Mary, always virgin. 37-227.
Mary, anchor of human hope. 16-24.
Mary, ark of life. 16-17.
Mary, ark of the mysteries of God. 16-67.
Mary assumed into heaven. 94-22.
Mary, aurora of the Eternal Light. 16-16.
Mary, aurora of the True Sun. 16-28.
Mary, author of our salvation. 10-39.
Mary, beautiful abode of divine condescension. 16-46.
Mary, beauty of justice. 16-62.
Mary, beloved of mankind. 16-50.
Mary, blessed bridge to God. 16-40.
Mary, Blessed Mother. 24-20.
Mary blest. 4-617.
Mary, blooming rod of Aaron. 16-65.
Mary, blossom and ornament of women. 16-76.
Mary, both virginal and fruitful. 10-36.
Mary, branch of the true vine. 16-91.
Mary, bright cloud in the day. 16-46.
Mary, bright moon of purity. 6-11.
Mary by her sanctity drives away the devils. 16-35.
Mary, cause of our salvation. 10-22.
Mary, center of the whole world. 91-6.
Mary, certain salvation of Christians. 16-59.
Mary, certain salvation of the faithful. 1683.
Mary, channel of divine grace. 16-28.
Mary, chosen daughter of the Heavenly Father. 16-91.
Mary, chosen one among thousands· 16-59.
Mary, chosen queen of the heavenly kingdom. 16-12.
Mary, chosen vessel of God. 16-51.
Mary, comely dove. 10-31.
Mary, comfort in our tears. 16-74.
Mary, comfort of the weak. 1885.
Mary, comfort of the world. 16-45.
Mary, comfort of our pilgrimage- 16-7.
Mary, comforter of the miserable. 16-24.
Mary, compendium of miracles, and the greatest miracle. 16-17.
Mary, conceived without sin. 65-14; 6-11; 77-4.
Mary, conqueror of the devil. 16-21.
Mary, conqueror of death. 16-73.
Mary, courtyard of the Divine King. 16-32.
Mary, crown of virginity. 16-29.
Mary, crown of womanhood· 10-16.
Mary, crowned with stars, who hast the moon for thy footstool and who sittest enthroned above all the choirs of angels. 6-11.
Mary, daughter of Abraham. 94-12.
Mary, daughter of David. 70-17.
Mary, daughter of life. 16-13.
Mary, dear delight. 10-38.
Mary, dear mother of Jesus and mother of us. 6-11.
Mary, delight of all men. 16-30.
Mary, delight of the angels. 16-32.
Mary, deliverance from our bonds. 16-28.
Mary, desire of the predestined· 16-81.
Mary, destined to be a virgin forever and at the same time mother of the Redeemer. 58-20.
Mary, destroyer of heretical malice. 16-8.
Mary, dispenser of divine graces. 16-39.
Mary, dread of the demons of hell. 16-39.
Mary, entrance to life. 16-17.
Mary, ethereal vision whose grace and valor have entirely subdued us. 34-280.
Mary, evergreen vine. 16-31.
Mary, ever virgin. 6-11.
Mary, expectation of the Eternal King. 16-9.
Mary, express image of the God-man. 10-39.
Mary, fairest daughter of Eve. 11-19.
Mary, flower of virginity. 16-35.
Mary, flowery resting place of God. 16-29.
Mary, fortress of the faithful and salvation of the world. 16-24.
Mary, fount of charity. 1016.
Mary, fountain of grace and of every comfort. 16-36.
Mary, fountain of mercy. 16-45.
Mary, fountain of our happiness 16-22.
Mary, fountain of the humanity of the Son of God. 16-67.
Mary, fragrance of heaven and earth. 16-20.
Mary, fruitful blossom of virginity. 16-30.
Mary, fruitful olive-tree in the house of God. 16-83.
Mary, full of grace. 11-18.
Mary, fullness of all good. 16-41.
Mary, garden of sweet-smelling virtues. 16-78.
Mary, garden of the Eternal Father. 16-61.
Mary, gate of freedom. 16-95.
Mary, gate of life. 16-37.
Mary, gateway to salvation. 16-66.
Mary, gentle mother. 24-20.
Mary, glorious resting place of God. 16-48.
Mary, glory of solitude. 16-89.
Mary, glory of the angels. 16-58.
Mary, glory of the blessed. 16-25.
Mary, glory of the Blessed Trinity. 16-73.
Mary, glory of the martyrs. 16-53.
Mary, glory of thy mother. 16-54.
Mary, glory of virginity. 16-27.
Mary, glory of virgins. 16-82.
Mary, goal of God's promises. 16-74.
Mary, golden rose, sweet and beautiful at once. 12-32.
Mary, greater than the heavens. 12-11.
Mary, greatest of all virgins. 16-65.
Mary, guarantee of our confidence. 16-44.
Mary, guardian of the child's innocence. 64-10.
Mary, guardian of Christ. 21-8.
Mary, heaven, temple, throne of the Divinity. 10-37.
Mary, heavenly commissioner. 16-70.
Mary, heavenly helper. 16-90.
Mary, heavenly manna. 16-52.
Mary, heavenly paradise. 16-28.
Mary, heavenly pearl. 16-19.
Mary, heavenly stairway of God to man. 16-58.
Mary, heaven's crystal window. 16-50.
Mary, help in our poverty. 16-85.
Mary, help of aviators. 34-174.
Mary, help of chaplains. 34-47.
Mary, help of Christians. 6-11.
Mary, hope of all. 16-68.
Mary, house of God. 16-53.
Mary, house of wisdom. 16-82.
Mary, humble and poor in everything. 12-73.
Mary, illumination of hearts. 16-81.
Mary, illustrious virgin. 12-27.
Mary immaculate. 94-55; 67-12; 6-11.
Mary, immaculate blossom of life. 16-39.
Mary, immaculate garment of God. 16-81.
Mary, immaculate gate of the Creator. 16-13.
Mary, immaculate lamb. 16-48.
Mary immaculate, mediatrix of all graces. 2A-56.
Mary, Immaculate Virgin. 6-11.
Mary, immense abyss of grace. 16-18.
Mary, inexhaustible ocean of joy. 26-49; 16-49.
Mary, inextinguishable light. 16-26.
Mary, instructor of our religion. 16-15.
Mary, instructress of all. 16-62.
Mary, intercessor of the poor. 16-51.
Mary is a mother and a wall; a wall for protection, a mother to nourish us. 16-9.
Mary is an advocate who intercedes; Jesus is the mediator who pays. 12-105.
Mary is beauty and grace. 12-43.
Mary is one with the risen Christ in body and soul. 94-22.
Mary is the dawning, Christ the perfect day. 27-14.
Mary is the means by which saint and sinner, sanctified or restored through her intercession, have entered the realms of the blessed Jerusalem.64-18.
Mary is the excellent means by which sanctity is attained here below and great glory in the world to come. 64-18.
Mary is the one woman with whom we can fall in love at first sight and not fear that later we shall be disillusioned. 11 36.
Mary is the paradise of joy. 16-76.
Mary is the perfect achievement and work of redemption. 14-89.
Mary is the pillar of clouds, leading us safely along dangerous paths, protecting us from the heat of temptation. 16-46.
Mary is the true and only spouse of the Holy Spirit, "his dove", "his perfect one". 73-71.
Mary, ivy entwined around the cross. 10-37.
Mary, Jesus' mother. 24-13.
Mary, joy of the angels. 16-30.
Mary, joy of mortals. 16-60.
Mary, key of heaven. 16-91.
Mary, kindly, friendly lady. 16-89.
Mary, land of promise. 16-21.
Mary, leader of virginity. 16-58.
Mary, life of Christians. 16-17.
Mary, light of Christians. 16-45.
Mary, light of nations. 16-16.
Mary, light of our path. 16-58.
Mary, light of the blind. 16-18.
Mary, light of the Church. 16-69.
Mary, light of the erring. 16-73.
Mary, lily among the angels. 16-23.
Mary, lily of the valleys. 16-32.
Mary, lily undefiled. 16-30.
Mary, living palace of the King of Angels. 16-12.
Mary, lovely paradise of innocence. 16-90.
Mary, lovely rose of spring. 16-93.
Mary, maiden mild. 6-11.
Mary, marvel of the world. 167.
Mary, mediatrix of all graces. 2C-11.
Mary, meekest of benefactors. 16-85.
Mary mild. 34-324.
Mary, miracle of miracles. 1036.
Mary, mirror and model of chastity. 16-75.
Mary, mirror of confessors. 10-38.
Mary, mirror of virginity. 16-81.
Mary, mistress of kings and nations. 16-75.
Mary, model of chastity. 16-65.
Mary, model of holy Church. 16-78.
Mary, model of women. 16-36.
Mary, more holy than the Seraphim and Cherubim. 16-76.
Mary, most beautiful among the beautiful. 16-19.
Mary, most beautiful of all creatures, 16-94.
Mary, most beautiful Rachel. 16-93.
Mary, most benevolent lady. 16-53.
Mary, most chaste turtledove. 16-33.
Mary, most faithful in nourishing Christ. 16-77.
Mary, most fruitful of women and most inviolate of all virgins. 16-74.
Mary, most happy and sweetest virgin. 16-70.
Mary, most happy virgin, who didst die of the vehemence of the love of God. 6-11.
Mary, most holy. 6-11.
Mary, most holy and immaculate. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious and Immaculate Conception. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Annunciation. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Assumption. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Nativity. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Presentation in the temple. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Purification. 6-11.
Mary, most holy in her glorious Visitation. 6-11.
Mary, Most Holy Virgin. 6-11.
Mary, most humble Queen of heaven. 65-198.
Mary, most innocent lady. 16-75.
Mary, most kind, most merciful mother. 16-44.
Mary, most merciful. 6-1 1.
Mary, most powerful with God. 16-75.
Mary, most precious gift of God. 16-27.
Mary, most pure. 6-11.
Mary, most sacred hope of Christians. 16-74.
Mary, most sorrowful of mothers. 16-66.
Mary, most sweet. 6-11.
Mary, mother and lady of all things. 16-35.
Mary, mother of all. 6-11.
Mary, mother of Divine Innocence. 16-81.
Mary, mother of Divine Light. 16-37.
Mary, Mother of God. 6-11.
Mary, mother of holy hope. 16-86.
Mary, mother of our Maker. 10-37.
Mary, mother of the Lord, figure of the Church. 94-38.
Mary, mother of the Omnipotent God. 16-48.
Mary, mother of the sun of justice. 16-47.
Mary, my assistance and consolation. 16-91.
Mary, my liberator. 4-199.
Mary, my spouse. 16-76.
Mary, my only joy. 16-70.
Mary, my princess. 37-107.
Mary, mystic rose of purity. 611.
Mary, mystical neck of the Church. 16-77.
Mary, nearest approach to Divinity. 16-22.
Mary never had a predecessor, she has not today an equal, she will never have henceforth a peer. 12-24.
Mary, new Eve and mother of life. 16-67.
Mary, nourisher of Him, Who nourishes all. 16-27.
Mary, nurse of Nazareth. 34-97.
Mary, O my sovereign princess. 16-94.
Mary, O queen with power over heaven and earth. 16-22.
Mary, of all creatures the greatest, the most exalted, and the most amiable. 4-236.
Mary of Christmas. 24-28.
Mary of Jesus. 5D-356; 5E-408.
Mary of Nazareth. 10-11; 85-11.
Mary of sorrows. 4-536.
Mary of the angels. 28-107.
Mary of the Annunciation. 28-67.
Mary of the Hebrew race. 34-147.
Mary of the lilies. 24-100.
Mary of the Miraculous Medal. 41-13.
Mary of the mount. 34-166.
Mary of the rosary. 24-179.
Mary of whom Jesus was born. 10-16.
Mary on Calvary. 24-150.
Mary, ornament of humanity. 16-57.
Mary, ornament of the female sex. 16-29.
Mary, our advocate. 6-11.
Mary, our benefactor. 10-15.
Mary, our comforter. 10-15.
Mary, our consolation. 16-18.
Mary, our deliverer. 10-15.
Mary, our guardian. 4-211.
Mary, our heavenly mother. 2A-37.
Mary, our help in danger. 16-79.
Mary, our helper. 6-11.
Mary, our hope. 6-11.
Mary, our lady.SB-436.
Mary, our lovely queen of May. 28-10.
Mary, our mistress. 5E-53.
Mary, our mother. 63-102.
Mary, our mother and the helper of our salvation. 2A-11.
Mary, our only hope after God. 64-60.
Mary, our perpetual joy. 16-68.
Mary, our personal mother. 10-36.
Mary, our queen. 91-2.
Mary, our salvation. 4-220.
Mary, our sweet, loving mother. 3-149.
Mary, our sweetness. 4-99.
Mary, our tryst against danger. 10-37.
Mary, overshadowed by the power of the Holy Ghost. 56-21.
Mary, paradise of delight. 16-45.
Mary, paradise of God. 16-46.
Mary, paradise of heavenly bliss. 16-25.
Mary, paradise of pleasure and immortality. 16-9.
Mary, path for the erring. 16-11.
Mary, pattern of perfection. 16-11.
Mary, peace of the world. 16-52.
Mary, peace-maker of the whole world. 1893.
Mary, perfect joy next to God. 16-68.
Mary, perfectly redeemed. 14-15.
Mary, perpetual fountain of everlasting life. 16-49.
Mary, pierced with sorrow. 34-100.
Mary, pilot through the sea of life. 16-46.
Mary, pledge of our reconciliation with God. 16-21.
Mary, portal of the Son of God. 16-27.
Mary, powerful helper of the poor. 16-76.
Mary, precious vessel of all virtues. 16-44.
Mary, preserver of the treasures of divine grace. 16-38.
Mary, price of our redemption. 16-24.
Mary, promoter of the salvation of men. 16-54.
Mary, protective wall of faith of Christians. 16-60.
Mary, protectress of those who confide in thee. 16-51.
Mary, pure and immaculate dove. 16-90.
Mary, pure vein of life. 16-59.
Mary, purest star. 16-77.
Mary, queen above. 34-19.
Mary, queen of humility. 16-40.
Mary, queen of mothers. 63-101.
Mary, queen of my soul. 10-9.
Mary, queen of our hearts. 2A-139.
Mary, queen of peace. 24-99.
Mary, queen of the apostles. 16-47.
Mary, queen of the Legion. 2A-92.
Mary, queenly virgin. 16-25.
Mary, ransom of captives. 1869.
Mary, ravisher of hearts. 16-43.
Mary, reconciler of the whole world. 16-70.
Mary, redemptrix of captives. 16-8.
Mary, refuge of all poor sinners. 16-78.
Mary, remedy for the evils of the world. 16-16.
Mary, remedy for all the sorrows of the heart 16-24.
Mary, renowned tabernacle of grace. 16-11.
Mary, reparatrix. 34-206.
Mary, resting place of God. 16-84.
Mary, restorer of womanhood. 16-95.
Mary, rock of constancy. 10-16.
Mary, root of our joy. 16-16.
Mary, root of the most precious blossom. 16-86.
Mary, rose of patience. 16-84.
Mary, rose of salvation. 16-35.
Mary, rose without thorns. 1882.
Mary, royal road of the Savior. 16-82.
Mary, ruler over the demons. 16-68.
Mary, safe place of refuge for sinners. 16-23.
Mary, sea of graces. 16-29.
Mary, seal of chastity. 16-65.
Mary, seal of virginity. 16-49.
Mary, seat of the Holy Ghost. 16-69.
Mary, second heaven. 16-89.
Mary, secure haven of mankind, 16-53.
Mary, secure refuge of man. 16-43.
Mary, security for the fidelity of God. 16-44.
Mary, shelter of divine grace. 16-37.
Mary, shelter of justice. 16-31.
Mary, shepherdess. 24-257.
Mary, shield of those who trust in thee. 16-54.
Mary, shining light of the universe. 16-52.
Mary, shining ornament of the Fathers of the Church.16-85.
Mary, ship laden with merits. 16-83.
Mary, singularly remarkable and remarkably singular virgin. 16-31.
Mary, sorrowing, mother of all Christians. 6-11.
Mary, source of our salvation. 16-92.
Mary, source of the Precious Blood. 3-150.
Mary, spikenard of sweetest aroma. 16-58.
Mary, splendid temple of divine glory. 16-82.
Mary, splendid temple of divine grace. 16-35.
Mary, spotless flower of life. 16-19.
Mary, staff of the blind. 16-69.
Mary, staff of wholesome doctrine. 16-15.
Mary, star of life. 16-26.
Mary, stream of goodness. 1840.
Mary, stream of grace. 16-61.
Mary, strength in our weakness. 16-57.
Mary, support in our infirmities. 16-36.
Mary, support of the most degraded. 16-52.
Mary surpassed all martyrs in generosity. 16-92.
Mary, sweet comfort of the sick. 16-22.
Mary, sweet consolation of converts. 16-16.
Mary, sweet smelling balm. 16-28.
Mary, sweetest light of our souls. 16-23.
Mary, sweetest of rulers. 16-84.
Mary, sweetest ruler of my heart. 16-43.
Mary, sweetest shepherdess 24-257.
Mary, sweetest virgin. 16-53.
Mary, sweetness of confiding souls. 16-38.
Mary, sweet-scented rose. 16-83.
Mary, sweet-smelling balm. 1628.
Mary, sword against evil spirits. 16-84.
Mary, tabernacle of purity. 1669.
Mary, tabernacle of the Divine Word. 16-51.
Mary, tabernacle of the glory of God. 16-25.
Mary, teacher of mankind. 16-61.
Mary, temple of mercy. 16-8.
Mary, temple of sanctity. 16-84.
Mary, temple of the Divine Word. 1620.
Mary, temple of the living God. 16-61.
Mary, temple of the mercies of God. 16-44.
Mary, terror of the evil spirits. 16-28.
Mary, the abyss of miracles. 16-39.
Mary, the beloved one, the delight of God. 16-93.
Mary, the best of us. 34-169.
Mary, the blessed and ever-virgin mother of God. 6-11
Mary, the breast of love giving life. 34-169.
Mary, the Christian hymn of praise. 10-13.
Mary, the consoler. 6-11.
Mary, the daughter of Joachim and Anne. 5E-408.
Mary, the distributor of graces. 64-62.
Mary, the divine mother has already by her assistance and prayers obtained heaven for us, provided we put no obstacles in the way. 16-61.
Mary, the first-fruits of the redemption 20-91.
Mary, the great mother figure for the Church. 94-30.
Mary, the holy and undefiled. 20-48.
Mary, the living vine. 16-78.
Mary, the maiden. 7-2.
Mary, the most beautiful of all women. 12-24.
Mary, the most humble and unpretentious of all creatures.5C-163.
Mary, the most pure and most beautiful of the daughters of Adam. 56-21.
Mary, the mother and the ideal woman. 12-42.
Mary, the mother of my risen God. 56-92.
Mary, the pledge of divine mercy. 4-85.
Mary, the prophetess 20-228.
Mary, the queen of love. 16-71.
Mary, the queen of mercy and compassion. 4-246.
Mary, the sorrowful virgin. 6-11, 12.
Mary, the spotless one. 11-27.
Mary, the throne of glory of the Son of God. 16-45.
Mary, the village maid. 34-210.
Mary, the Virgin Mother. 6-12.
Mary, then as Mother of Christ, is mother also of all the faithful and of all the pastors. 88-5.
Mary, thou art both priest and altar. 16-17.
Mary, thy name is filled with blessings 16-87.
Mary, thyself woman trinity. 10-22.
Mary, tower of hope. 16-18.
Mary, treasure-chest of goodness and grace. 16-67.
Mary, treasury of divine love. 16-9.
Mary, tree of life. 16-78.
Mary, unique holiness. 94-20.
Mary, universal joy of the world. 16-85.
Mary, universal mother of poor mankind. 16-12.
Mary, universal protectress of the world. 16-54.
Mary, unsullied lily of purity. 6-12.
Mary, untainted even by the corrupting earth. 56-210.
Mary, valley of benediction. 16-77.
Mary, vein of mercy. 16-10.
Mary, vessel of the Divinity. 16-36.
Mary, virgin fair. 24-73.
Mary, virgin full of immeasurable grace. 16-37.
Mary, virgin full of meekness and humility. 63-128.
Mary, virgin in body and soul. 16-47.
Mary, virgin most renowned. 16-49.
Mary, virgin priest. 6-12.
Mary, virgin soil, untouched by the curse. 16-26
Mary, the wellspring of life. 10-16.
Mary, who saw her Son Jesus, on the road to Calvary, fall. 24-261.
Mary, whose birth was the dawning hope for mankind. 27-14.
Mary, whose brightness illumines the darkness of the world. 16-55.
Mary, womb of divine grace. 16-23.
Mary, wonder of the universe. 16-8.
Mary, wonderful treasury of the Church. 16-9:
Mary, worthy abode of the Son of God. 1690.
Mary, worthy of her Maker. 16-20.
Mary, zither of the Holy Spirit. 16-52.
All-beautiful, O Mary. 90-26.
All-good and all-loving Mary. 63-109.
Ave Maria. 12-114.
Beloved Mary. 58-166.
Beloved spouse Mary. 6-12.
Blessed and venerable, 0 virgin Mary. 7514.
Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, which bore the Son of the Eternal Father. 83-56
Blessed Mary. 6-12.
Blessed Mary, maiden, glory of all maidens. 10-14.
Blessed Mary of Portiuncula. 78-75.
Blue-robed Mary. 24-89.
Chaste Virgin Mary, 16-29.
Dear Mary. 24-36.
Empress Mary. 4-252.
Ever-vernal Mary. 19-3.
Faithful Mary. 37-132.
Glorious and admirable Virgin Mary. 12-31.
Glorious and perpetual Virgin Mary 87-86.
Glorious Mary, full of grace. 6-12.
Golden lady Mary. 34-164.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. 36-254.
Holy Mary, immaculate mother of God. 77-2.
Holy Mary of Guadalupe. 34-197.
Holy Mary of perpetual help. 11-20.
Holy Mary of the street. 28-84.
Holy Mary of the way. 28-84.
Holy Mary, our deliverer. 6-12.
Holy Virgin Mary and most worthy of all praise, for out of thee arose the Son of Justice, Christ our God. 29-109.
Humble, gentle Virgin Mary. 51-111.
Humble Mary. 37-115.
Humble princess Mary. 15-5; 24-143.
Invincible princess Mary. 58-515.
Most august and Blessed Virgin Mary. 1-560.
Most compassionate virgin Mary. 63-63.
Most excellent, most glorious and ever inviolate virgin Mary. 6-12.
Most glorious virgin Mary. 6-12.
Most gracious virgin Mary. 6-12.
Most holy and ever-inviolate blessed Virgin Mary, 6-12.
Most holy Mary, conceived without original sin. 58-525.
Most holy mother Mary. 6-12.
Most loving virgin Mary. 6-12.
Most pious virgin Mary. 4-138.
Most prudent Mary. 5E-40.
My faithful and immaculate virgin Mary. 37-241.
0 clement, 0 pious, 0 sweet virgin Mary. 92-6; 6-12.
O great Mary, O greatest of Marys. 10-31.
0 merciful, 0 loving, 0 sweet virgin Mary. 6-12.
O virgin Mary, there is not in the world, amongst women, one arisen similar to thee. 36-254.
Our most humble lady Mary. 58-542.
Protectress Mary. 4-165.
Queen Mary's soul of light, images the Godhead bright. 34-246.
Resplendent aurora Mary. 5C-393.
Sacred virgin Mary. 4-158.
Saint Mary of Mount Carmel. 33-31.
St. Mary of the angels. 78-75.
St. Mary of the snows. 72-102.
Sorrowful Virgin Mary. 6-12.
Sovereign Mary. 5C-289.
Spotless Mary. 56-6.
Spotless sun, 0 virgin Mary. 63-95.
Sweet and powerful mother Mary. 6-12.
Sweet Mary, full of maiden grace. 34-129.
Sweetest Mary. 6-12.
The divine model, Mary. 12-3.
The emancipator, Mary. 19-13.
The perfect Mary, from whose mold His perfect expression, Christ, would assume a perfect human nature. 19-7.
The phoenix, Mary. 58-547.
The ship of Mary. 58-593.
The virgin's name was Mary. 83-566.
Thou art blessed and venerable, 0 virgin Mary. 83-571.
Thou canst not be named, 0 Mary, without inflaming. 16-82.
Virgin Mary, thou hast been blessed by the Lord on high, before all of the women on earth. 8-30.
Virgin Mary, who didst bear the Lord, the Creator of the world. 29-12; 37-231.
Virgin-mother Mary. 11-30.
You are all beautiful, 0 Mary. 12-30.
Young Mary, the innocent queen. 24-164.
A child whose equal had never been created and never can be. 20-48.
A little handmaid of the Lord among the daughters of Israel. 50-6.
A perfect model to all children. 50-6.
A princess of the lineage of David. 28-19.
A tot demure. 34-28.
A virgin small, immaculate. 34-325.
A young girl. 34-81.
Anna's wonder harbinger. 24-103.
Attentive learner at thy mother's knee. 10-40.
Baby virgin, who soon will crush the serpent's head. 24-116.
Beauteous moon. 6-12.
Beautiful child. 58-344.
Beloved child, adorned with every virtue. 28-20.
Blessed maid. 34-335.
Blossom-crowned maiden. 34-126.
Bright morn; who forerunner of the heavenly Son of Justice, didst bring the first light to earth. 6-12.
Celestial child. 58-338.
Child immaculate. 34-327.
Child Mary. 58-267.
Child of the seed of Abraham. 28-19.
Child queen. 58-269.
Dear child. 6-12.
Diligent student in Temple Court. 10-40.
Dread warrior-child; who in thyself a host, didst put to flight all hell. 6-12.
Elect, who like the untarnished Sun didst burst forth in the dark night of sin. 6-12.
Fairest woman-child e'er seen. 24-116.
Forerunner of the heavenly Son of Justice. 6-13.
Future mother of the Christ. 24-116.
Future mother of the Word. 58-270.
God's own maid. 24-62.
Great child. 58-272.
Hail, O Spirit's little spouse. 24-116.
Heavenly babe. 6-13.
Heavenly child. 58-270.
Heavenly maid. 58-568.
Heavenly princess. 58-318.
Holy and wonderful fruit. 58-156.
Holy babe. 34-136.
Immaculate babe nestling in St. Ann's embrace. 10-40.
Immaculate child. 52-7.
Inestimable treasure. 58-321.
Infant Mary, little maiden, joy of earth. 10-16.
lnfant queen. 58-270.
Joy of my sorrow. 58-321.
Little golden house. 24-116.
Little maid of Nazareth. 34-95.
Little maiden Mary. 24-181.
Little morning star, heralding redemption's sun. 24-116.
Little temple maiden. 34-19.
Maiden, chaste and pure. 34-28.
Maiden, pure and bright. 34-402.
Mary, child of promise. 10-11.
Mary, thy birth has brought joy to the whole world.16-66.
Miraculous child of blessed parents. 12-27.
Most amiable child Mary. 4-350.
Most blessed child Mary. 58-263.
Most holy child. 58-314.
Most humble child. 58-316.
Most humble maiden. 58-548.
Most lovely infant, who by thy holy birth hast comforted the world. 6-13.
Most noble maiden Mary. 58-577.
Most prudent child. 58-519.
Most pure child. 52-20.
Most sweet child. 58-312.
Most wise child. 58-520.
Most beloved infant, adorned with every virtue, immeasurably above all saints. 6-13.
Orphan ward of Zachary, the High Priest. 10-40.
Our little queen. 58-524.
Precious and rich pearl, that didst come forth to the light of the sun, still enclosed within the rough shell of this world. 58-272.
Princess Mary. 58-266.
Princess of heaven. 58-264.
Rosebud. 34-297.
Sacred maid. 36-207.
Sovereign child. 5D-342.
Spotless babe. 28-19.
Sublime infant. 58-272.
Sweetest child. 58344.
Tender child. 58-267.
The alleviation of my labors. 58-321.
The angel's new-born queen. 24-116.
The example of supernal perfection. 58-321.
The mirror for the regulation of my life. 58-321.
The most pleasing offering, the purest victim, who until then had been brought to the altar of the Most High. 50-6.
The spotless infant. 23-20.
This rosy babe was born to usher in Redemption's blessed morn. 34-298.
Thou child all glorious. 34-100.
True child of God. 20-48.
Unknown princess of the world. 58-538.
Unequaled and beloved treasure. 58-319.
Virgin child. 52-32.
White dove of purity. 6-13.
Winsome toddler in Joachim's field. 10-40.
A mediator in our behalf with Jesus Christ. 14-39.
Aqueduct of grace. 70-115.
Arbitratrix. 4-207.
Channel of grace. 10-11.
"Channel" or the "aqueduct" by which the waters of grace flow to man. 64-22.
Channel through which we receive all graces needful for our salvation. 6-13.
Ever-flowing channel of divine grace. 6-13.
Full of grace, not only for herself but for all men. 64-27.
In the communion of saints, she is the intercessor for all of us, the mediatrix of all graces. l4-101.
In the distribution of graces an "almost immeasurable power" was given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 91-11.
Intermediary with the One who knows how to cure all things. 51-4.
Mary, in this position as intermediary, is entirely one of us, as a mere creature, to the one human family. 14-40.
Mediatress between heaven and earth. 16-10.
Mediatress between the judge and the culprit. 4-208.
Mediatress in grace. 2C-167.
Mediatress in the salvation of mankind. 70-48.
Mediatress of all men. 4-327.
Mediatress of angels. 4-328.
Mediatress of peace between men and God. 4-288.
Mediatrix and sole advocate of this world. 58-422.
Mediatrix between God and man. 27-81.
Mediatrix of all graces. 2C-12; 14-16.
Mediatrix of mortals. 58-218.
Mediatrix of salvation. 70-118.
Mediatrix of the entire world. 12-24.
Mediatrix of those who turn to her for their salvation. 58-297.
Mediatrix to the Mediator. 70-91.
Mediatrix universal. 21-8.
Mediatrix with Christ, who alone is the Mediator. 70-53.
Mediatrix with the Son. 16-87.
Most faithful and powerful intercessor. 58-517.
Mysterious canal. 37-16.
Our go-between. 11-77.
Our mediatrix. 14-94; 14-40.
Our mediatrix of intercession. 37-63.
Our mediatrix to the fullest extent possible to a mere creature. 5[)-260.
Our sovereign mediatrix with thy dear Son Jesus. 6-13.
Peace-maker between God and men. 16-57.
Powerful mediator. 6-13.
Reconciler of sinners. 6-13.
So powerful that none of her petitions has ever been refused. 37-62.
Special mediatrix of the human race. 58-240.
The immaculate way which leads us safe to the Heart of God. 6-13.
The most powerful and most sympathetic of all who mediate for us before God. 64-21.
The principal minister in the distribution of grace. 51-23.
The source of graces. 12-31.
Through whom all creation held fast by the madness of idolatry has come to the knowledge of the truth. 70-51.
Through whom angels and archangels are glad. 70-50, 51.
Through whom churches are erected throughout the world. 70-51.
Through whom devils are put to flight. 70-51.
Through whom heaven rejoices. 70-50.
Through whom holy baptism has come to believers, and the oil of gladness. 70-51.
Through whom the apostles preached salvation to the nations. 70-51.
Through whom the dead are raised and kings reign. 70-51.
Through whom the fallen creature is taken up to heaven. 70-51.
Through whom the Holy Trinity is glorified and adored throughout the world. 70-50.
Through whom the nations are brought to repentance. 70-51.
Through whom the only-begotten Son of God has shown forth a light to those who sat in darkness and the shadow of death. 70-51.
Through whom the prophets foretold. 70-51.
Through whom the tempter-devil fell from heaven. 70-51.
Treasure-house and channel of all graces which come to us. 11-41.
Universal mediatrix and dispensatrix of all divine graces. 64-5.
Mistress. 58-559, 6-15.
Mistress and banner-bearer of virginity. 16-29.
Mistress and instructress of the Church. 5E-482.
Mistress and only treasurer of the riches of the Divinity. 58-599.
Mistress and preceptress. 58-258.
Mistress and protectress. 5E-362.
Mistress and queen of all hearts. 37-164.
Mistress and queen of the whole Church. 5E387.
Mistress and sovereign of Africa. 6-15.
Mistress fair of worlds unseen. 44-18.
Mistress filled with clemency. 12-16.
Mistress of all. 58-174.
Mistress of all grace. 34-390.
Mistress of all her bodily faculties and powers 5D-82.
Mistress of all holiness and true perfection. 58-586.
Mistress of all imitators of thy Son. 5D-579.
Mistress of all perfections. 58-364.
Mistress of all prudence and humility. 5C-156.
Mistress of all sanctity. 5D-145.
Mistress of all of the apostles and disciples of Christ. 6-15.
Mistress of all virtue and grace. 5C-191.
Mistress of angels and men. 5D-668.
Mistress of creation. 6-15.
Mistress of every creature. 6-15.
Mistress of faith. 58-385.
Mistress of heaven and earth. 6-15.
Mistress of humility. 5D-734.
Mistress of holy science. 5E-321.
Mistress of mercy and charity. 58-318.
Mistress of nations. 5D-356.
Mistress of our song. 20-231.
Mistress of sanctity. 58-364.
Mistress of the angels. 6-15.
Mistress of the earth. 10-6.
Mistress of the humble. 5E-430.
Mistress of the universe. 58-637.
Mistress of the whole human race. 5D-310.
Mistress of the world. 44-5; 10-6.
Mistress of truth. 58-330.
Mistress of wisdom. 58-606.
A mistress to direct thee. 58-361.
Admirable mistress. 12-3.
Amiable mistress. 63-106.
By angels mistress owned. 29-107.
Charitable mistress. 4-461.
Eminent mistress. 58-435.
Gentlest mistress among all mistresses. 12-24
Good mistress. 37-106.
Gracious and immaculate mistress. 63-134.
Great mistress of obedience. 5E-338.
Great mistress of virtue and of love. 4-461.
Great mistress of virtue full of divine wisdom. 58-536.
Heavenly mistress of all virtues. 5D-710.
Kindest mistress. 50-361.
Legitimate mistress. 5E-596.
Loving mistress. 58-375, 37-216.
Mighty mistress. 6-15.
Model and mistress of perfection. 58-517.
Most exalted mistress. 58-234.
Most prudent mistress. 58-212.
Most pure mistress. 58-562.
Nature's mistress. 24-193.
Our guide and mistress. 6-15.
Powerful mistress. 58-395.
Sovereign mistress of all creation. 58-665.
Sovereign mistress of the Heart of Jesus. 1-540.
Supreme mistress. 58-225.
Sweet mistress. 58-667.
The vicar and mistress of all this world. 28-88.
Thee from eternity God did ordain over his household as mistress to reign. 9-4.
Victorious and triumphant mistress of angels and men. 58-536.
Through her long, hidden life at Nazareth, Mary gives an example to all the world's busy and unsung parents. She is particularly a model for mothers, having been chosen from all women by God the Father to be the mother of His Only Begotten Son. Her perfection must be beyond our imagination for her to hold such an exalted position. She had been termed by the Church "worthy mother of God." According to the poet Wordsworth, she is an "example of all womanhood, so mild, so merciful so strong, so good, so patient, peaceful, loyal, loving, pure." She is a model of virgins whose lives are dedicated to the glory of God. She is a model and pattern for all the holy apostles, martyrs, doctors and confessors. She is a magnetic model, not only pointing out our path but attracting us toward it. May this model and teacher of holiness in all things great or small be our constant inspiration leading to our sanctification.
Accomplished model of every virtue and perfection. 37-191.
Beautiful model. 12-10.
Exemplar actively inspiring imitation, and so found in the Church virginity as a state of life. 14-70.
Exemplar and type of the perfection of redemption. 14-85.
Exemplar of both virginity and motherhood. 87-92.
Exemplar of the virtues blest. 34-326.
Exemplar of virginal consecration to Christ. 94-19.
Example and model. 58-477.
Example of all holiness. 58-329.
Example of all womanhood. 34-333.
Example of life through death. 34-340.
Example of that maternal love by which all should be fittingly animated who cooperate in the apostolic mission of the Church. 87-93.
Example of that worship that consists in making one's life an offering to God. 93-20.
Faultless model. 93-21.
Great exemplar to the whole Church. 94-47.
Great model of zeal and holiness. 20-48.
Heavenly model. 56-79.
Ideal of heroism, and beauty, and tenderness. 34-280.
Image of the Most High. 5D-243.
In her hidden life at Nazareth, she was an example to all the world's busy and unsung parents. 27-67.
In the Visitation, she was the first missionary priest or sister or brother, hurrying to bring Christ to someone who was in darkness. 27-67.
Living image of Christ our Redeemer and Master. 58-32.
Magnetic model, not only does she point out our path, but helps us along that path. 11-80.
Mary has become a model of all Christian virginity. 14-70.
Mirror of Jesus. 34-30.
Model also to each individual in the Church, at every stage of human life and in every particular Christian vocation. 94-47.
Model and a support. 12-62.
Model and exemplar of all virtues. 11-7.
Model and pattern in whose image all men must shape themselves if they wish to be saved. 11-14.
Model and rule for every state. 10-15.
Model and teacher. 34-375.
Model for all molds of sanctity. 11-105.
Model for all of the perfection and holiness and virtues of all his elect. 5D-62.
Model for Christian womanhood. 20-84.
Model for priests. 11-105.
Model for women who live a single life. 94-51.
Model in sufferings and in tears. 12-66.
Model of activity. 10-10.
Model of adorers and servants of the Eucharist. 74-4.
Model of all creation. 11-43.
Model of all feminine freedom. 94-50.
Model of all sanctity and discretion. 50-434.
Model of contemplation. 34-376.
Model of faith and of full response to any call from God. 88-6.
Model of faithful discipleship. 94-31.
Model of following Jesus. 94-47.
Model of human perfection and supernatural holiness. 11-61.
Model of humility. 2A-113.
Model of maidenly reserve. 10-10.
Model of married people. 4-434.
Model of meekness. 10-10.
Model of militants. 51-V.
Model of patience and perfection. 12-73.
Model of patience in grief. 12-52.
Model of perfect purity and self surrender to God and to neighbor. 94-48.
Model of prayer. 94-39.
Model of purity. 6-14.
Model of sanctification. 10-12.
Model of suffering. 11-99.
Model of the Church in divine worship. 93-16.
Model of the Church in the matter of faith, charity and perfect union with Christ. 94-15; 87-92.
Model of the Church's virginal faith. 94-15.
Model of the full assimilation of the teaching of Christ and of his charity. 88-6.
Model of the just. 10-13.
Model of the new evangelical law and its Author. 5D-62.
Model of virginity. 20-83.
Model of the virtues. 87-93; 9348.
Model of virtues for the whole community of the elect. 94-52.
Model of voluntary poverty. 10-10.
Model to be imitated. 94-44.
Most authentic form of perfect imitation of Christ. 88-5, 6.
Most captivating model of the interior life. 51-63.
Most excellent exemplar of the Church in the order of faith, charity and perfect union with Christ. 93-16.
Most perfect model of purity. 11-22.
Moving example to the continent. 20-83.
Notable model. 12-79.
Our exquisite model. 2C-136.
Outstanding example of faithful service to God. 11-66.
Our model and our help. 11-28.
Pattern of maidenhood at home, of kinswomanhood in ministry, of motherhood in the temple. 28-41.
Pattern of perfect fulfillment of the will of God. 11-105.
Perfect example of a holy and perfect life. 5D-177.
Perfect example of awaiting the Messiah with a pure and humble spirit. 94-6.
Perfect example to mortals. 5B-606.
Perfect model for our imitation. 11-6.
Perfect model for the religious. 94-46.
Perfect model of the disciple of the Lord. 93-34.
Perfect model of the imitation of Christ. 94-44.
Prototype of motherhood. 20-257.
Standard for all men. 5D-4.
Sublime spiritual model. 34-292.
Supreme example of loving association with the Savior in his mission of redeeming mankind. 94-25.
The Church's model and excellent exemplar in faith and charity. 87-86.
Mother. 6-15.
Mother, abyss of humility. 10-18.
Mother, advocate and protectress in heaven. 5E-660.
Mother, alike of the Redeemer and the redeemed. 2A-151.
Mother all merciful. 12-105.
Mother and advocate with her divine Son. 5D-595.
Mother and associate of the Savior. 93-28.
Mother and daughter of Him who is the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation. 6-15.
Mother and daughter of the King of kings. 27-27.
Mother and defender. 5E-149.
Mother and dispenser of all good things. 33-62.
Mother and instructress. 58-640.
Mother and lady of all things. 16-35.
Mother and mistress of all sanctity. 5D-145.
Mother and model of adorers. 34-400.
Mother and protectress. 58-347.
Mother and queen of every Christian family. 94-47.
Mother and queen of the Church. 5D-756.
Mother and queen of the holy rosary of Pompeii. 6-15.
Mother and superior. 5E-423.
Mother and teacher. 5E-160.
Mother and virgin. 70-118.
Mother as well as daughter of your God. 12-31.
Mother because of Him whom thou didst bear upon thy breast and whom thou hast nourished with thy milk. 20-87.
Mother benign, who no man didst know. 33-10.
Mother by the millions of her progeny from Jesus unto you and me. 34-275.
Mother courageous. 24-33.
Mother crucified in heart. 10-18.
Mother, daughter and spouse. 5E-134.
Mother enriched while on earth with so many favors that the mind of man can neither comprehend them nor speak of them in their greatness. 12-82.
Mother fairest. 6-15.
Mother filled with goodness. 12-2.
Mother filled with tenderness, like Rebecca. 12-45.
Mother, fount of love. 10-18.
Mother, fountain of patience. 10-18.
Mother full of grace. 77-11.
Mother full of love and sweetness for thy clients and children. 6-15.
Mother full of mercy. 12-8.
Mother full of tenderness. 64-50.
Mother gentlest. 6-15.
Mother, hail, immersed in woes. 6-15.
Mother, highly blessed. 6-15.
Mother, holocaust of divine love. 10-18.
Mother in heaven. 64-12.
Mother in the Holy Family. 63-75.
Mother incomparable. 12-82.
Mother inviolate. 6-15.
Mother-maid. 24-25~.
Mother Mary. 6-15.
Mother meek. 6-15.
Mother mild. 36-136.
Mother mine. 34-213.
Mother, more beloved than all mothers. 12-12.
Mother most admirable. 6-15.
Mother most afflicted. 10-9.
Mother most amiable. 6-15.
Mother most amiable most charming, most lovable. 11-34.
Mother most chaste. 6-15.
Mother most clement. 6-15.
Mother most gentle. 34-110.
Mother most greatly blest. 24-26.
Mother most loving and most merciful. 63-134.
Mother most mighty. 34-110.
Mother most powerful. 10-18.
Mother most pure. 11-28; 6-15.
Mother most sorrowful. 6-15.
Mother most tender. 1-555.
Mother most wonderful. 10-18.
Mother, much beloved. 5D-299.
Mother not of the Redeemer alone but also of the redeemed. 20-247.
Mother of a God who was a man of sorrows. 6-15.
Mother of a man treated more ignobly than the most abject of criminals. 51-73.
Mother of a Redeemer who would ransom me from sin by his passion and death. 11-86.
Mother of a Son so holy. 61-476.
Mother of all believers. 6-15.
Mother of all blessedness. 63-60.
Mother of all help. 72-50.
Mother of all humanity. 17-31.
Mother of all innocence. 58-541.
Mother of all light and counsel. 24-131.
Mother of all mankind. 6-15.
Mother of all men engendering them unto God. 20-273.
Mother of all men, for Christ died for all. 94-27.
Mother of all men, Jew and Gentile. 94-14.
Mother of all men who humbly seek the leaven. 34-22.
Mother of all races. 7-19.
Mother of all saints living and dead. 44-6; 9-5.
Mother of all the faithful. 4-401.
Mother of all the living. 20-286; 94-48.
Mother of all the members of Christ's mystical body. 19-9.
Mother of all of us. 6-15.
Mother of all piety and clemency. 5E-431.
Mother of all purity. 5C-496.
Mother of all the world's children of every race and color. 27-17.
Mother of all virgins. 16-68.
Mother of an omnipotent God. 64-61.
Mother of beautiful love and holy hope. 58-392.
Mother of beautiful love and knowledge. 58-184.
Mother of beautiful love, of sweet fears and of tender words. 12-106.
Mother of Christ. 11-23.
Mother of Christ according to the flesh. 20-86.
Mother of Christ and a mere creature. 5D-362.
Mother of Christ and mother of men, particularly of the faithful. 87-86.
Mother of Christ and our mother in the communion of saints. 93-27.
Mother of Christ from stall to rood. 10-17.
Mother of Christ in his redemptive work. 20~264.
Mother of Christ, of grace divine. 34-365.
Mother of Christ the sovereign Priest. 10-17.
Mother of Christ who is God. 91-10.
Mother of Christ's members. 70-118.
Mother of clemency and mercy. 5E-54.
Mother of comfort. 10-18.
Mother of compassion. 6-15, 16.
Mother of confidence. 6-16.
Mother of consolation. 28-119.
Mother of constancy and perseverance. 11-56.
Mother of courage. 34-9.
Mother of delight. 10-9.
Mother of divine grace. 11-25; 6-16.
Mother of divine knowledge. 6-16.
Mother of divine love. 5C-207.
Mother of divine pity. 6-16.
Mother of divine providence. 6-16.
Mother of each of these myriad beings that follow one another upon this earth. 20-249.
Mother of each of us.20-268, 269.
Mother of Emmanuel. 20-216.
Mother of every grace. 6-16.
Mother of fair love. 6-16.
Mother of fruitful studies. 6-16.
Mother of glory in heaven. 6-16.
Mother of God. 87-86; 6-16; 14-13.
Mother of God and a virgin before and after his birth. 5E-209.
Mother of God and mother of men. 87-96; 63-101.
Mother of God and our mother. 6-16.
Mother of God entirely holy and free from all stain of sin. 87-88.
Mother of God, ever virgin. 87-96.
Mother of God from the first instant of the conception of Christ in her womb. 61-482.
Mother of God, of the Incarnate Word. 5E-380.
Mother of God the Son. 6-16.
Mother of God's children. 35-14.
Mother of God's Lamb. 24-128.
Mother of good counsel. 11-38.
Mother of good hope. 6-16.
Mother of goodness. 6-16
Mother of grace and mercy. 6-16.
Mother of grace and of our salvation. 4-171.
Mother of grace, because we are begotten of her to the life of grace. 28-92.
Mother of him on whom salvation is entirely built, because he is God and man in one person. 14-29.
Mother of him who alone can save us, who alone will be our judge. 20-279.
Mother of him who created all things. 75-50.
Mother of him who is our sweetest love. 58-403.
Mother of him who is the Creator of grace. 28-92.
Mother of him who is the glory of the saints. 5E-488.
Mother of him who is to become man. 58-532.
Mother of him who made thee. 29-13.
Mother of him who was condemned to die an infamous death as a criminal. 4-551.
Mother of him, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. 6-16.
Mother of him whose name is above every name. 10-17.
Mother of holiness. 5E-73.
Mother of holy happiness. 12-46.
Mother of humility. 5E-74.
Mother of innocence, purity and sanctity. 5C-580.
Mother of Jesus Christ and of all Christians. 2A-221.
Mother of Jesus and our mother. 63-114.
Mother of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God. 94-3.
Mother of Jesus glorified. 10-18.
Mother of Jesus of Nazareth. 10-17.
Mother of Jesus our Savior. 12-81.
Mother of Jesus, Son of God. 6-16.
Mother of joy. 20-16.
Mother of justice. 10-18.
Mother of justification and of the justified. 16-35.
Mother of knowledge. 20-105.
Mother of life. 16-81.
Mother of life, the author of our supernatural being. 20-100.
Mother of light. 5E-148.
Mother of loneliness. 34-8.
Mother of love. 67-12; 5B-442.
Mother of love, of sorrow and of mercy. 6-16.
Mother of mankind. 90-5.
Mother of mankind's Redeemer. 11-18.
Mother of man's redemption. 19-8.
Mother of many children. 20-99.
Mother of men and queen of angels. 12-106.
Mother of merciful bounty. 6-16.
Mother of mercy. 6-16.
Mother of mercy and omnipotent by grace. 82-49.
Mother of mercy and wisdom. 5E-245.
Mother of mercy to the heart filled with compassion. 12-102.
Mother of mercy towards the souls in purgatory. 64-52.
Mother of mercy, who is ever solicitous to help us in our misery. 16-75.
Mother of mercy, who so liberally dispensest graces to all who have recourse to her. 64-62.
Mother of mothers. 34-149.
Mother of Omnipotence. 4-217.
Mother of orphans. 6-16.
Mother of our Creator. 6-16; 11-42.
Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. 87-86.
Mother of our God Divine. 34-188.
Mother of our Head. 70-118.
Mother of our Judge. 4-241.
Mother of our King. 24-106.
Mother of our Lord and Savior. 87-96; 28-83.
Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. 6-16.
Mother of our love. 5B-404.
Mother of our redemption and sanctification. 19-3.
Mother of our Savior. 11-44; 6-16.
Mother of our spiritual nature. 10-18.
Mother of our supernatural life. 51-26.
Mother of patience. 58-442.
Mother of peace and love. 28-118.
Mother of perpetual help. 6-16; 11-19.
Mother of perpetual succor. 6-16.
Mother of perseverance. 11-73.
Mother of piety. 5B-31.
Mother of pity. 6-16.
Mother of Providence. 6-16.
Mother of purity and holiness. 20-84.
Mother of reconciliation and of the reconciled. 16-35.
Mother of redeemed humanity. 6-16.
Mother of redemption and of the redeemed. 16-35.
Mother of Salette.24-191.
Mother of salvation. 4-171.
Mother of sanctity. 75-12.
Mother of sinners. 6-16.
Mother of sinners and of the just. 10-17.
Mother of Sion's Son. 34-124.
Mother of sorrows. 94-48; 6-16; 11-69.
Mother of souls. 10-18.
Mother of sweetness and mercy. 37-105.
Mother of that love which grace enables human hearts to return to God. 20-104.
Mother of the agonizing. 63-94.
Mother of the Almighty. 58-204.
Mother of the Author of grace. 5B-276.
Mother of the Blessed One. 4-447.
Mother of the Church. 88-5; 10-19.
Mother of the Conqueror. 5D-724.
Mother of the cross. 24-194.
Mother of the Crucified. 10-18; 5D-655.
Mother of the Desired of Nations. 10-17.
Mother of the Divine King, Jesus Christ. 91-1.
Mother of the Divine Shepherd. 28-76.
Mother of the Divine Son. 45-4.
Mother of the Divine Sufferer. 10-18.
Mother of the Divine Word Incarnate. 5B-56.
Mother of the dying. 6-16.
Mother of the elect. 10-19.
Mother of the eternal Priest, Christ Jesus. 6-16.
Mother of the eternal Prince. 10-17.
Mother of the eternal Word made man. 6-16.
Mother of the Eucharistic Christ. 10-19.
Mother of the fairest of the sons of men. 31-15.
Mother of the faithful. 10-18.
Mother of the family. 5E-465.
Mother of the fullness of Christ. 20-258.
Mother of the God-made-man. 6-16.
Mother of the God of charity. 10-18.
Mother of the God of mercies. 10-19.
Mother of the golden heights. 10-31.
Mother of the Good Shepherd. 10-17.
Mother of the great God, who was ruler and judge of all in heaven and on earth and under the earth. 20-153.
Mother of the hidden Little One, who of the Father was born perfect and is made an infant in her womb. 70-17.
Mother of the Holy Child. 34-70.
Mother of the Holy Family at Nazareth. 94-47.
Mother of the Holy of Holies. 10-17.
Mother of the human nature of Christ. 61-483.
Mother of the human race. 20-248.
Mother of the human race, which the beloved disciple represented. 94-43.
Mother of the immortal King of ages become man. 5D-651.
Mother of the Incarnate God. 20-32.
Mother of the Incarnate Mystery. 34-124.
Mother of the Incarnate Word of the Eternal Father. 14-56.
Mother of the Infant Babe of Bethlehem and our mother. 63-121.
Mother of the infant Church. 10-18.
Mother of the infant Mystical Christ. 20-264.
Mother of the infant Savior. 10-9.
Mother of the just. 20-86.
Mother of the King of ages. 10-17.
Mother of the King of glory. 1017.
Mother of the King of kings and Lord of lords. 10-17.
Mother of the King of our salvation. 10-19.
Mother of the King of the universe. 10-17.
Mother of the Lamb of God. 10-17.
Mother of the Law. 12-52.
Mother of the Legion. 2A-224.
Mother of the Light that shows the way. 34-22.
Mother of the living. 6-16; 93-10.
Mother of the Living God. 10-17.
Mother of the long-awaited Messiah. 85-5.
Mother of the Lord and his holy Church. 5E-253.
Mother of the Lord of the world. 4-236.
Mother of the Man of Sorrow. 51-73.
Mother of the members of Christ. 87-86; 94-28.
Mother of the messianic people. 94-7.
Mother of the Most High. 6-16.
Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. 20-257.
Mother of the natural body of Jesus Christ and also of his Mystical Body. 51-90.
Mother of the never-setting star. 10-22.
Mother of the new evangelical Church. 5E-66.
Mother of the nursery of Heaven. 34-22.
Mother of the poor. 50-533.
Mother of the praesidium home of Nazareth. 2C-184.
Mother of the predestinate. 10-19.
Mother of the Promised One. 10-17.
Mother of the redeemed on account of the universality of her grace. 2A-264.
Mother of the Redeemer. 87-86.
Mother of the Redemptive, the Glorified and the Mystical Body of Christ. 19-11.
Mother of the rosary. 6-16.
Mother of the sacrificed. 24-173.
Mother of the Savior and of the saved. 33-205.
Mother of the Savior of the world. 5E-484.
Mother of the second Adam Jesus Christ. 4-287.
Mother of the sin-stained human race. 24-31.
Mother of the Son of God. 87-86.
Mother of the Son of man. 10-18.
Mother of the Son, the new Man. 20-182.
Mother of the suffering Christ. 17-31.
Mother of the Sun that shineth both on heaven and on earth, even Christ. 20-22.
Mother of the supernatural life in us. 59-230.
Mother of the supreme High-Priest, Christ. 6-16.
Mother of the true God. 6-16.
Mother of the true High-Priest. 24-255.
Mother of the true Light. 58-341.
Mother of the Truth. 34-22.
Mother of the Vine which is the historical Christ. 20-258.
Mother of the wayside. 28-85.
Mother of the whole world. 10-19.
Mother of the Word Incarnate. 88-5.
Mother of the Word made flesh. 10-17.
Mother of the world's ransom. 10-17.
Mother of the world's Redeemer. 85-14.
Mother of those to whom Christ is Father and Brother. 10-38.
Mother of those who are in their agony. 6-16.
Mother of those who ask to be holy. 34-270.
Mother of those who fly. 24-129.
Mother of those who live in Christ. 20-256, 257.
Mother of thy Maker. 42-6.
Mother of true science. 10-18.
Mother of truth and purity. 5C-289.
Mother of two sons, Jesus and mankind. 10-17
Mother of Uncreated Light. 10-17.
Mother of us all. 27-83.
Mother of virtues. 5D-715.
Mother of wisdom. 5E-482.
Mother, our shield. 10-18.
Mother overwhelmed in grief. 6-18.
Mother pierced with a sword of sorrow. 10-18.
Mother pitiful and mild. 10-18.
Mother-queen. 24-253.
Mother secret and hidden. 37-3.
Mother selected from eternity to fill an exalted human role in the Incarnation. 34-289.
Mother so blest. 34-51.
Mother so lovely. 34-51.
Mother sorrowful unto death. 10-18.
Mother standing by the crib of the Mystic Christ. 2A-282.
Mother sublime. 34-51.
Mother, teacher and mistress. 58-259.
Mother that knew not man. 20-25.
Mother, through whom the sword pierced in black midnight seventy times seven. 24-132
Mother to her scapular children. 33-113.
Mother undefiled. 6-16.
Mother, victim of charity. 10-18.
Mother, who alone merited to have as Son, the Son of God himself, born of you. 12-106.
Mother, who as a virgin conceived, brought forth and nursed the Lord. 5E-256.
Mother, who died a thousand deaths for us. 34-194.
Mother, who is able to dry our tears and comfort our desolate hearts. 64-29.
Mother, who teachest true wisdom. 16-32.
Mother, whose virgin bosom was uncrost with the least shade of thought to sin allied. 34-336.
Mother without blot or stain. 34-402.
Mother worthy of the God she was destined to bear. 11-15.
Mamma. 40-123.
A mother befitting the Eternal Word. 20-40.
A mother ever ready to help us. 79-13.
A mother from whom he took his life and became Savior of mankind. 52-20.
A mother to those whom she has adopted by her scapular contract. 33-146.
A mother to us in the order of grace. 87-91.
A Mother, who gives both example and strength to him who knows how to contemplate her. 12-62, 63.
A mother without ceasing to be a virgin. 48-11
A mother worthy of having an incarnate God for a son. 58-64.
A perfectly responsive mother. 94-21.
A sovereign but also a mother. 12-108.
A sublime model and an admirable mistress, an example and a mother. 12-3.
Above all a mother. 12-7.
Admirable mother of the Son. 37-215.
Adopted mother of sinners. 10-22.
Advocate and mother, not only here below but in heaven beyond life, so as to merit through her eternal glory. 12-100.
All-good and all-loving mother. 63-106.
Approachable mother. 34-201.
At the same time mother to all and a mother to each one of us. 12-106.
Attentive mother of divine wisdom. 5D-55.
August mother of God. 6-17.
Beautiful mother. 34-181.
Beloved mother. 6-17.
Beloved spouse and mother. 5E-71.
Beneficent mother mild. 34-131.
Best of all mothers. 37-148.
Blessed and ever-virgin mother of God. 6-17.
Blessed mother. 6-17.
Blessed mother and virgin undefiled. 27-71.
Blessed Mother of God. 94-1.
Blessed Mother of sorrows. 6-17.
Blessed Mother of the Son of God. 13-1.
Blessed, 0 mother, among all women. 12-5.
Blissful mother-maiden. 10-8.
Bounteous mother. 24-161.
Bright mother of our Maker. 36-281.
Bright mother of the blest. 10-9.
Burdened mother. 34-193.
Celestial mother. 20-251.
Charitable mother. 37-155.
Chosen by the Most High for his dwelling place and for his mother. 5C-328.
Chosen from all eternity to be God's mother and ours. 11-15.
Chosen mother of uncreated Charity. 5B-405.
Christ's dear mother uncomplaining. 22-6.
Christ's mother. 87-94.
Clement mother of mankind. 28-27.
Common mother of all of the poor children of Adam. 63-105.
Compassionate mother of all believers. 6-17.
Compassionate mother of mercy. 64-54.
Crucified mother. 4-582.
Daughter, mother, spouse of heaven. 10-9.
Dear Mother. 6-17.
Dear mother of Altotting. 72-71.
Dear Mother of God. 50-6.
Dearest and most clement virgin mother. 6-17.
Destined office as mother of God. 11-26.
Devout mother. 5E-228.
Divine mother. 16-91.
Divinely appointed mother of men. 11-47.
Ecstatic young mother. 7-4.
Empress and mistress of the militant Church, its protectress, its advocate, its mother and teacher. 5E-656.
Especially mother of the faithful. 94-27.
Eternally functioning mother of the Mystical Body of Christ. 19-4.
Eternally-predestined, in conjunction with the Incarnation of the divine Word, to be the Mother of God. 94-21.
Ever glorious and Blessed Mother. 50-22.
Ever humble mother of the Most High. 5D-760.
Ever-nursing mother of our redemption and sanctification. 19-3.
Exalted mother. 5E-528.
Fair mother of Beauty itself. 4-304.
Faithful mother of the Redeemer. 20-268.
Fit to be the mother of God. 16-82.
Fondest of mothers. 6-17.
Fortunate mother. 5C-425.
From all eternity elected mother of God. 6-17.
From Pope to poorest pauper,she is a mother. 11-42.
Fruitful mother of the Redeemer. 20-268.
Gentle mother of orphans. 12-74.
Generous and devoted mother. 50-22.
Glorious Virgin Mother. 6-17.
God-bearer. 87-94.
God's own mother blest. 6-17.
God's sinless mother, Queen benign. 44-33.
Good and tender mother. 6-17.
Good mother, all full of grace and of the unction of the Holy Ghost. 37-113.
Good mother of the predestinate. 37-155.
Good mother, of whom Rebecca was but the type. 37-149.
Gracious mother. 6-17.
Great mother. 91-12.
Great mother and lady. 5E-320.
Grief-stricken mother. 5D-560.
Handmaid and mother. 70-53.
Happy Mary, chosen to be mother of grace and clemency. 36-244.
Happy mother. 12-106.
Heavenly mother. 91-2.
Heavenly mother, mistress sweet. 10-9.
Heavenly queen and mother. 64-58.
Holy Mary, mother mild. 10-9.
Holy mother. 6-17.
Holy Mother of God. 94-94; 11-20; 14-77; 6-17.
Holy, sinless mother of him that was before thee, even Christ. 20-23.
Human mother of the one true and living God. 20-48.
Humble and attentive mother. 5D-331.
Ideal mother. 20-250.
Immaculate Mother of God. 6-17.
Immaculate Mother of God and of Eve's redeemed children. 33-46.
Immaculate Mother of Jesus. 6-17.
Immaculate Mother of Jesus and our mother Mary. 68-53.
Immaculate Virgin Mother of God. 6-17.
In the truest sense a mother. 11-86.
Incomparable mother of God. 33-159.
Instructress and mother of the Church. 5[)-763.
Instructress and spiritual mother of the disciples of Christ. 5D-298.
Invincible mother. 5E-155.
Jesus and Mary, mother and Son. 10-31.
Kind and tender mother. 3-164.
Lady Mary, ever intact virgin and Mother of God. 10-38.
Lady mother of grace. 6-18.
Lily maid and admirable mother. 10-13.
Loveliest of all mothers. 16-47.
Lovelorn mother. 5D-9.
Lovely mother. 2A-216.
Love's mother. 67-22.
Loving and faithful mother. 12-74.
Loving and kind mother. 58-393.
Loving and prudent mother. 58-176.
Loving mother. 6-17; 11-11.
Loving Mother of Jesus Christ. 6-17.
Loving mother of men. 6-17.
Loving mother of the divine Redeemer. 87-91.
Lovingly solicitous mother. 64-29.
Maiden mother of God. 20-16.
Maiden, mother pure. 24-69.
Maiden with child. 36-50.
Maria, mother of our King. 20-231.
Mary, chosen mother of God. 12-61.
Mary, mother mine. 65-250.
Mary, my queen and mother. 12-85.
Mary, our mother. 24-130.
Mary, the mother of beautiful love. 58-403.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus. 2C-202.
Mary, the mother so glad. 34-13.
Mary, the Virgin Mother of God. 91-1.
Mary, then as Mother of Christ is mother also of all the faithful and of all the pastors. 88-5.
Mary, Virgin Mother of Christ the Lord. 24-100.
Merciful Mother of the faithful. 5E-85.
Mighty mother of God and my mother. 6-17.
Mirthful mother. 24-8.
More a mother than a queen. 33-71.
Most beloved mother. 87-86.
Most benign mother. 64-44.
Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. 6-17.
Most chaste Mother of God. 11-30.
Most compassionate Mother of God. 6-17.
Most compassionate mother of the faithful. 4-52
Most dear and afflicted mother. 50-17.
Most diligent mother. 5E-289.
Most dutiful Mother of God. 50-14.
Most fair mother of mercy and grace. 21-32.
Most faithful and fortunate mother. 50-404.
Most fortunate and happy mother. 5B-95.
Most gentle queen and mother. 6-18.
Most holy mother of sorrows. 6-17.
Most holy mother of the Infant Jesus. 5C-509.
Most Holy virgin and mother. 6-17.
Most humble virgin and mother. 50-10.
Most indulgent of mothers. 12-65.
Most innocent mother. 50-11.
Most kind and powerful mother. 91-2.
Most kind mother of mercy. 58-606.
Most loving and beloved mother. 5E-31.
Most loving and worthy mother. 5E-549.
Most loving mother of our Truest and Highest Good. 5D-238.
Most mighty and pitiful mother. 50-6.
Most observant mother. 53-705, 706.
Most patient Mother of God. 50-17.
Most perfect and loving of mothers. 64-25.
Most pious and prudent mother. 5E-550.
Most powerful Mother of God, who is also our tender mother. 89-12.
Most prudent mother of wisdom. 5E-207.
Most sorrowful yet most happy of mothers. 50-19.
Most sweet and kind mother. 58-457.
Most sweet and beautiful mother of beautiful love and charity. 58-405.
Most sweet mother of mercy and grace. 20-14.
Most venerable mother of God. 11-48.
Most watchful mother and shepherdess. 58-1 48.
Most wonderful queen and mother. 2C-204.
Most worthy mother. 6-17.
Mournful mother. 6-17.
Natural mother of Christ. 58-485.
New mother of all men. 94-7.
Noble mother. 4-292.
One Mother, who always understands and who can always help you. 51-84.
Our mother and consolation. 6-18.
Our mother, for by giving us Jesus, she gave us true life. 16-18.
Our mother in faith. 94-11.
Our mother on that first Christmas night through Christ, our brother. 34-400.
Our spiritual mother because we are brethren of her Son. 20-280.
Patient and generous mother. 50-14.
Predestined Mother of the Redeemer. 4-288.
Predestined the mother to be of Him who created earth, heaven and sea. 44-4; 9-4.
Present as mother at the birth of the mystical Christ. 20-265.
Propitious mother. 44-6; 9-7.
Provident mother of the Church. 93-13.
Pure and inviolate Mother Mary ever virgin. 6-18.
Purest, holiest Mother of Jesus. 6-18.
Queen and mother in the ancient land of Pompeii, once the home of paganism. 6-18.
Queen and mother of Christian people. 91-14.
Queen mother of the Prince of Peace. 34-26.
Queen mother of the servants of Jesus. 10-20.
Queen of mothers. 34-82.
Royal mother in Bethlehem's cave. 10-40.
Royal mother of a conquering King. 58-5.
Sinless mother of a fallen race. 10-38.
Sinless mother of the perfect Christ. 11-43.
Sinless mother of thy Son, the mighty Lord of the universe. 6-18.
Solicitous mother of Jesus adolescent. 10-40.
Sorrowful Mother of Christ. 24-187.
Sorrowful Virgin Mother. 6-18.
Sorrowing Mother of our Lord. 34-324.
Sorrowful, grief-stricken mother. 63-123, 1 24.
Sovereign lady and mother. 4-609.
Spiritual mother of the members of Christ. 94-27.
Spotless mother of God. 56-153.
Stricken mother on Calvary's mount. 10-40.
Sweet mother of pity. 3-161.
Sweet, sacred virgin mother. 34-341.
Sweetest mother of providence. 6-18.
Tender and affectionate mother. 5C-449.
Tender and compassionate mother. 16-89.
Tender and gentle mother. 12-61.
Tender mother of Christ. 24-187.
Terrestrial mother. 58-154.
The King's mother. 70-18.
The mother and origin of humility. 5B-548.
The mother of all good things. 4-114.
The mother of all of the living. 50-21.
The mother of dolours. 20-126.
The mother of Jesus in the temple. 20-147.
The mother of justification and the justified. 20-278.
The mother of our loving Christ. 24-128.
The mother of that vital influence which has given life to that Mystical Body. 20-273.
The mother of the family who supplied all with nourishment. 5E-166.
The mother of the Living Flame. 12-87.
The mother of those who live by grace. 20-278.
The Mother, who had given to Christ this passible nature. 5E-44.
The Mother, who loves me exceedingly. 6-18.
The Mother, who remains standing near the cross. 12-64.
The Mother, who suffers. 12-64.
The Mother, who teaches true wisdom. 16-32.
The mother with tender Child. 34-56.
The only one who merited to be called the Mother and Spouse of God. 16-82.
The sinner's patient mother. 10-8.
The Virgin Mother of God who both enjoys royal power and burns with a mother's love. 91-11.
This most glorious lady was the beloved mother of Christ precisely that she might be made his associate in the redemption of the human race. 91-9.
This Mother, who suffered more than any human being has suffered and therefore has triumphed as no other human being has ever triumphed. 51-85.
Thou hast brought forth Him who made thee. 36-223.
Thou shalt become a mother without ceasing to be a chaste virgin. 36-229.
Thou shalt conceive, and bring forth a Son, who shall be called the Son of the Most High. 36-227.
True mother of Him who died for thy salvation. 5E-254.
True mother of the apostles. 5E-227.
Truest of mothers. 34-103.
Universal mother. 94-45.
Valiant Mother of Christ. 24-187.
Victorious mother. 5C-288.
Vigilant mother. 5E-74.
Virgin and mother equally. 12-23.
Virgin and mother, highest and most lowly. 24-132.
Virgin Mary, mother of benediction. 10-39.
Virgin Mary who without any violation of purity was found to be the mother of our Savior. 83-563.
Virgin most spotless and mother most dear. 77-3.
Virgin-mother blest. 28-87.
Virgin, mother, imperial queen. 10-8.
Virgin mother, in whose breast the Triune God once dwelt a guest. 44-25.
Virgin Mother of God, he whom the whole world cannot hold enclosed himself in thy womb, and was made man. 83-571.
Virgin Mother of the Lord Most High. 10-7.
Virgin Mother of the Messiah. 85-3.
Virgin mother of the sovereign King. 10-22.
Virgin-mother perfection's highest crest. 10-14.
Virgin Mother, who brought forth the King of the entire world. 91-4.
Virgin Mother, whose arms cradled Christ-Babe. 34-237.
Virginal and faithful mother. 56-24.
Watchful mother. 6-18.
Wisest of mothers. 34-103.
Worthy mother of the God of all holiness. 11-21.
Worthy mother of the Redeemer of the world. 5E-297.
We see in the gospel of St. Luke that an angel announced the name Jesus was to bear. Similarly the name of John, son of Zachary and Elizabeth, was announced by an angel. It would be surprising, then, if God would leave to chance or human discretion the name of the woman who was the chosen daughter of the Eternal Father, the mother of the Only Begotten Son, and the spouse of the Holy Spirit. According to the Venerable Mary Agreda, an angel appeared to Joachim and Anne, revealing that they would have a daughter and that Mary should be her name. "Our chosen One shall be called MARY, and this name is to be powerful and magnificent. Those that shall invoke it with devout affection shall receive most abundant graces; those that shall honor it and pronounce it with reverence shall be consoled and vivified, and will find in it the remedy of their evils, the treasures for their enrichment, the light which shall guide them to heaven. It shall be terrible against the power of hell, it shall crush the head of the serpent and it shall win glorious victories over the princes of hell." (58-269, 270).
It is important to take advantage of this great help in our many needs. Let us pray that we will ever have the grace to invoke her name, so that we may avail ourselves of the benefits of her assistance. Particularly at the hour of death may her name be on our lips and in our hearts.
A daughter who by divine disposition shall be called MARY. 58-156.
A name of salvation. 4-619.
A name so sweet, so loveable, so mighty. 6-18.
A precious ointment, which breathes forth the odor of divine grace. 4-264.
A remembrance of all her marvelous privileges, particularly of her divine motherhood. 11-9.
A sacrifice to God. 70-39.
A tower of strength which not only delivers sinners from chastisement but also defends the just from the assaults of hell. 4-266.
Abiding joy to the heart. 10-14.
After the name of Jesus, there is no other in which men find so powerful assistance and salvation. 4-266.
Amiable and gracious. 4-263.
An effective weapon against the weakness of our own flesh, the allurements of the world, and the powers of hell. 11-10.
As a celestial vision, it will show you the vanity of the pleasures and short-lived possession of this world. 64-47.
As a ray of love, it will warm and purify your heart and make it capable of the greatest sacrifices. 64-47.
Awesome and holy name of Mary. 12-19.
Beautiful. 11-8.
Beautiful name of Mary. 16-48.
Beloved of God. 11-8.
Beloved name. 4-262.
Better than riches because it can better relieve poverty. 4-263.
Bitterness. 34-200.
Blessed name. 28-26.
Comforts the afflicted. 4-264.
Cannot be pronounced without bringing some grace to him who does so devoutly. 4-263.
Encourages sinners, that they may not abandon themselves to despair. 4-264.
Fellowship in holiness. 70-39.
Filled with divine graces and blessings. 4-263.
For people in the world, a devotion. 12-20.
For preachers, a veneration. 12-20.
For religious, a meditation. 12-19.
For those who suffer, a consolation. 12-20.
Gives particular strength to overcome temptation against purity. 4-267.
Glorious name. 6-18.
Good angels approach nearer to just souls who pronounce her name with devotion. 4-266.
Heals sinners. 4-265.
Help of the living. 6-18.
Holy name of Mary. 2C-265.
Honey in the mouth. 6-18.
In all dangers, a protection. 12-20.
It comforts us in the anguishes of this life. 4-263.
It distills balm. 54-16.
It radiates happiness. 54-16.
Joy in the heart. 6-18.
Key to the gates of heaven. 4-268.
Kin to prophecy. 70-39.
Like a fortified tower in which, if a sinner takes refuge, he will be delivered from death; for it defends and saves even the most abandoned. 4-266.
Like fluent oil, O Mary, is thy name. 9-8.
Maria. 34-79; 34-200.
Marie. 34-200.
Mary. 6-18.
Marye. 34-200.
Miriam. 34-200; 85-5.
Miriam of Nazareth. 85-22.
Melody to the ear. 6-18.
Most holy and most sweet name. 6-18.
Most powerful name. 16-49.
Music to the ear. 10-14.
My defense. 11-10.
Mystic name. 6-18.
Name always sweet to say and sweet to think upon. 12-74.
Name carried by the angels. 12-74.
Name fashioned in heaven. 12-74.
Name of grace and charm. 12-74.
Name of life and hope. 4-269.
Name recommended by the Gospel to men. 12-74.
Name so majestically beautiful and venerable. 91-4.
Name so wonderful. 6-18.
No disorder however malignant, that does not immediately yield to the power of the name of Mary. 4-265.
Nor is there any other name given to men after that of Jesus, from which so much salvation is poured forth. 4-267.
Ocean of the graces and gifts of the Divinity. 58-235.
Ointment of salvation. 16-82.
Our comfort. 6-18.
Our hope in dangers. 6-18.
Our last utterance in death. 6-18.
Our shield in temptation. 6-18.
Powerful and magnificent. 58-269.
Powerful help. 4-266.
Proclaimed in the whole universe. 12-27.
Rebel angels fly from sinners who invoke the name of Mary. 4-266.
Recalls those who have erred to the way of salvation. 4-264.
Sacred name. 6-18.
Safeguard of the living. 6-18.
Salutary to the reborn. 70-39.
Salvation of all who invoke thee. 4-268.
Salvation of the dying. 6-18.
So majestically beautiful and venerable by her maternal grace. 91-12.
So sweet and amiable that it cannot be pronounced without inflaming those who do so with love towards thee and God. 4-263.
So sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. 6-18.
Softens the hardness of the human heart in a wonderful manner. 4-264.
Sublime name. 12-107.
Sweet and holy name. 4-268.
Sweet indeed to her clients during life, on account of the very great graces that she obtains for them.4-269.
Sweet name of Mary. 12-74.
Sweet, pure name. 34-398.
Sweeter than nectar and more precious than any jewel. 91-12.
Terrible against the power of hell. 58-270.
The adornment of modesty. 70-39.
The hallmark of virginity. 70-39.
The illumined. 11-8.
The name of Mary is an indication of chastity. 4-267.
The name of the chosen virgin was "Mary." 12-74.
The name of this most blessed virgin has such efficacy that, if it is only pronounced, the heart will be wonderfully softened. 16-84.
The ocean of the graces and gifts of the Divinity. 58-235.
The sign of chastity. 70-39.
The very breath of life. 6-18.
The virtue of hospitality. 70-39.
This powerful name has in it the virtue of obtaining help for him who invokes it devoutly. 4-266.
Thy name is costly incense rising. 34-54.
What sweetness also in the name of Mary. 12-90.
While time lasts, thy name shall never be forgotten. 29-79.
Your name exhales a perfume that embalms the heart and comforts the soul. 12-74.
Your name is preached in churches and chapels, in cloisters, in fields, in deserts. 12-27.
A bridge of salvation. 16-61.
A guide in our youth. 34-133.
A helper for every situation. 11-41.
A secure means without delusion. 37-46.
A secure road which conducts to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner. 37-125.
A short road which leads us to Jesus in a little time. 37-125.
A short road without danger. 37-46.
Adjutrix. 87-91. (See Foreword).
An immaculate way without imperfection. 37-46.
Assured help of the miserable. 16-102.
Auxiliatrix. 87-91.
Certain pledge of my salvation. 4-277.
Certain salvation of Christians. 4-110.
Channel of all grace that flows from Jesus' Precious Blood. 24-48.
Channel of all our goods. 20-228.
Compassionate helper and deliverer. 64-40.
Direct road. 33-137.
Door through which sinners are brought to God. 4-43.
Established guide of poor mortals here below. 79-22.
Enlightened guide. 37-155.
Gate of life. 20-223.
Guide and protectress. 58-29.
Guide and teacher of the knowledge of Christ. 51-89.
Guide of confessors. 45-5.
Guide of the missionary. 24-248.
Guide of travelers. 10-13.
Guide of the wanderer. 10-8.
Heavenly chariot. 4-239.
Help of all who call on thee. 79-5.
Help of Christians. 1-466; 6-19.
Help to the helpless. 6-19.
Helper in danger's dark hour. 10-12.
Helper of our salvation. 2A-11.
Helper of sinners. 16-23.
Immaculate way. 37-165.
Ladder to Paradise. 4-153.
Link between heaven and earth. 20-39.
Loving aid in all our woes. 34-149.
Loving helper of the Christian people. 6-19.
Mankind's perpetual help. 11-56.
Means and custodian of our salvation. 10-10.
Means and negotiator of the salvation of all ages. 4-167.
Means of ascent to the heavenly kingdom. 16-60.
More powerful than all others to help us gain eternal life. 16-54.
My guide and counselor in this vale of tears. 6-19.
My guide in journeyings. 4-275.
My guide in the pilgrimage of this life. 6-19.
My soul's ladder and way to heaven. 4-270.
Our assistance in salvation. 16-10.
Our guide and our teacher. 11-81.
Our loving guide. 37-232.
Our ready help. 10-19.
Our safest way among life's turbulent waves. 75-37.
Parent of salvation and of the saved. 20-278.
Perpetual help. 24-130.
Portal of all the predestined. 5B-224.
Portal of life and salvation for the sons of Adam. 5B-157.
Powerful aid for help. 37-29.
Radiant bloom that lights life's lonely way. 24-131.
Regulator of our spiritual existence. 20-97.
Resplendent car, in which her clients mount to heaven. 4-239.
Salvation of sinners. 12-112.
Salvation of all who call upon thee. 4-571.
Salvation of the dying. 79-11.
Salvation of the whole world. 6-19.
She does not disdain to serve those who serve her. 16-54.
Stewardess of every grace. 6-19.
Strength of all who stagger under burdens sore 24-122.
Strength to the fearful. 16-64.
The channel by which Christ came to us. 27-81
The channel of pardon. 27-81.
The road and the means to the end. 37-181.
The straight and secure way. 5E-60.
The way of our salvation. 4-239.
The way to go to our Lord. 37-54.
Mary is our queen. She sits on a throne at the right hand of her divine Son to whom all power is given in heaven and on earth. She is queen because her Son is king. She is a queen unrivaled because she resembles the God-Man as much as is possible for any creature. She is queen of the Heart of Jesus. The Son who subjected Himself to her on earth is not less attentive to her in heaven. She is the queen of the heavenly court, of all the angels and saints.
It was said of her, "The Queen stood at thy right hand in gilded clothing, surrounded by variety." For all the graces, privileges and merits of the other saints were united in Mary, according to the Abbot of Celles. The angels, even the greatest, feel privileged to carry out her wishes. The saints in heaven come to her with their requests, that she obtain them from her divine Son. She is the queen of purgatory which is said to have been emptied at the time of her assumption, the occupants accompanying her in her triumphal entry into heaven. She is the queen of the universe, mistress of all creatures.
She is the queen of the Church, and of the apostles. She is the queen of an army of virgins. Thousands of nuns bear her name. She has been acclaimed queen of various countries such as Ireland, Poland and Viet Nam. Religious orders such as the Carmelites, Franciscans, Jesuits and Marists hail her as their queen. Lay organizations such as the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin and the Legion of Mary are named in her honor. She is queen of the patriarchs, prophets, martyrs, confessors and of all hearts. She is the queen of all nature, which obeys her commands. Even the demons in hell are subject to her and the serpent lies in wait for her heel.
Our queen is most beautiful, gracious, gentle, merciful, holy, humble, immaculate and invincible. She is the queen of the scapular and the most holy rosary, by which her devoted children show their affection for her.
A help and protection. 5E-630.
A well-defended fortress in defense of her lovers. 4-89.
Aid of bishops. 92-6.
An invincible warrior in defense of thy servants, fighting against the devils who assail them. 16-77.
Blest guardian of all virgin souls. 28-34.
Bulwark of the faithful. 10-22.
Bulwark of those who confide in thee. 10-22.
Chief patroness of vocations. 50-3.
Chief protectress of the Church. 10-15.
Defender against the evil spirit. 10-36.
Defense against the demons. 5E-630.
Deliverer from all wrath. 70-116.
Deliverer of Christian nations. 70-116.
Fairest patron of mortals. 10-9.
Fortress of the faithful. 4-110.
Fortress of the just. 10-13.
Guardian of our peace with God. 10-36.
Guardian of our way. 10-9.
Guide and patroness of my studies. 6-19.
Heavenly patroness. 22-126.
Helper of all who are in danger. 70-117.
Helper of those in peril. 10-21.
Holy patroness of vocations. 50-9.
Illustrious protectress. 10-7.
Impregnable fortress. 10-15.
Invincible woman, than Judith more bold. 9-7.
Loving protectress of all. 64-39.
Macarena, patroness of Sevilla. 90-20.
Maiden, patron of the May. 10-9.
Mightier than all the powers of hell. 6-19.
Mighty and glorious protector of holy Church. 6-19.
Most blessed patroness of vocations. 50-18.
Most firm guardian of the holy Church. 20-13.
Most gracious patroness of vocations. 50-19.
Most powerful patroness of vocations. 50-13.
My aid. 6-19.
My beloved protectress. 4-230.
My protection. 6-19.
My protectress and advocate. 50-203.
My special patroness. 6-19.
My strength in weakness. 4-275.
Our defense and joy. 4-275.
Our most powerful patroness. 6-19.
Our nation's patroness, all fair. 24-101.
Our protectress against the assaults of the devil. 64-43, 44.
Our refuge, who love thee so well. 44-6.
Our strong defense in battle's hour. 44-28.
Patron of airmen. 24-128.
Patroness of our land. 24-17.
Patroness of the house in which we live. 34-368.
Patroness of the United States. 94-54; 41-18.
Protector and patron of all Christendom. 28-27.
Protector of the children of God. 11-70.
Protector of the Son of God. 11-70.
Protectress. 5C-211.
Protectress from all hurt. 70-119.
Protectress of many kingdoms, provinces, dioceses and cities. 37-7.
Protectress of the bullfighters. 90-20.
Protectress of the Church. 5D-762.
Protectress of the missions. 11-97.
Protectress of the poor and of the afflicted. 5E-665.
Protectress of the Vatican II Council. 88-4.
Protectress, terrible to hell as an army set in battle array. 64-47.
Protects human life from the moment of conception through birth. 94-49.
Salvation of the Roman people. 89-10.
Special patroness of Catholic countries. 5E656.
Terror of hell. 44-6; 4-225.
That powerful rod with which the violence of the infernal enemies is conquered. 4-101.
The guardian of the child in the womb. 94-48.
The serpent's destroyer. 1-672.
The strength of those by sin oppressed. 44-33.
Mary is our patroness. We call upon her to protect, support and care for us. This she is able to do because of her wisdom and power and her interest in us. She loves us dearly and is eager to help us if we will just call upon her. As individuals we seek her as our patroness. So she is called the patroness of vocations, and of studies. She is our protectress against the assaults of the devil, the tower of David, impregnable wall. She is patroness of homes, of all who wear the scapular and of the sodalities. Members with certain hazardous occupations, such as missionaries, airmen and bull fighters, have chosen her as their protectress. She is the patroness of Catholic countries, and of our own United States. She has been called the salvation of the Roman people. She is the mighty and glorious protector of the Holy Church.
Queen. 6-19.
Queen all unrivalled. 34-117.
Queen among sisters. 91-5.
Queen and advocate of us, miserable sinners. 6-19.
Queen and chief of martyrs. 34-148.
Queen and chief patronage dispenser of the merits of her Son. 19-10.
Queen and empress seated upon a royal throne. 91-7.
Queen and lady. 5E-375.
Queen and leader of the white-robed virgins who, in heaven follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes. 11-22.
Queen and mistress enthroned at the right hand of her Son. 5B-270.
Queen and mistress of all that is created. 5E-513.
Queen and mistress of all virtues. 5D-425.
Queen and mistress of angels. 5B-501.
Queen and mistress of the Church. 5E-200.
Queen and mistress of the humble. 5D-325.
Queen and mother in the ancient land of Pompeii. 6-19.
Queen and mother of the Christian people. 91-14.
Queen and mother of us all. 63-136.
Queen and ravisher of hearts. 10-21.
Queen and sovereign. 4-35.
Queen and teacher of virtues. 5C-355.
Queen at the right hand of thy Son. 6-19.
Queen beauteous and immaculate. 34-286.
Queen by the right of self-conquest. 34-340.
Queen clothed in the gold of variety. 5E-647.
Queen conceived without original sin. 6-19; 41-6.
Queen crowned with twelve stars. 10-21.
Queen amid the horror and the agony of Gethsemane and Calvary. 82-60.
Queen exalted by heaven and earth. 10-21.
Queen forever. 82-60.
Queen glorified. 34-252.
Queen, glory of Carmel. 8-34.
Queen, immaculate, sublime. 24-167.
Queen in blue. 24-11.
Queen in golden raiment, wrought about with variety. 20-209.
Queen in Ophir arrayed. 29-78.
Queen Mary. 4-39; 5B-554.
Queen, model of adorers. 10-20.
Queen most fair. 34-399.
Queen most sweet. 24-269.
Queen most worthy of love. 4-247.
Queen, mother and spouse of the King. 4-36.
Queen, not only because she is the mother of God, but also because, as the new Eve, she was associated with the new Adam. 91-9.
Queen of actors. 24-109.
Queen of all. 87-90.
Queen of all fair virtues. 10-21.
Queen of all flowers that light life's weary way. 34-155.
Queen of all hearts. 37-158.
Queen of all nature. 34-390.
Queen of all peoples. 85-4.
Queen of all priests. 34-365.
Queen of all saints. 6-19.
Queen of all that's fair in May. 34-135.
Queen of all the virgin choir. 6-19.
Queen of angels. 6-19.
Queen of apostles. 6-19.
Queen of believers. 5B-383.
Queen of benignant grace. 10-21.
Queen of Carmel. 63-138.
Queen of charity. 10-21.
Queen of chastity. 10-21.
Queen of confessors. 6-19.
Queen of contentment. 10-2!.
Queen of courtesy. 7-1.
Queen of creation. 11-43; 10-21.
Queen of evangelists. 20-244.
Queen of every heart. 6-19.
Queen of every sanctity. 44-26.
Queen of gentleness. 10-21.
Queen of glory. 4-427.
Queen of heaven. 91-1; 6-19.
Queen of heaven and earth. 6-19; 13-1.
Queen of heaven and the lady ruler of the world. 91-6.
Queen of heaven enthroned. 29-107.
Queen of heaven's court. 34-15.
Queen of heaven's Seraphim. 34-295.
Queen of high estate. 10-21.
Queen of holy poverty. 10-21.
Queen of humility. 10-21.
Queen of immaculate birth. 10-21.
Queen of Ireland. 10-20.
Queen of joy. 28-117.
Queen of life. 10-31.
Queen of light. 4-615.
Queen of love. 4-554.
Queen of majesty. 58-577.
Queen of Marists. 24-167.
Queen of martyrs. 11-40; 6-19.
Queen of May. 10-8; 11-110.
Queen of men. 20-231.
Queen of mercy. 11-11;6-19.
Queen of mercy and mother of grace. 93-6, 7.
Queen of mercy in the valley of Pompeii. 6-19.
Queen of mildness. 12-7.
Queen of militants. 51-132.
Queen of mothers. 24-9.
Queen of my heart. 6-19.
Queen of Nazareth. 85-16.
Queen of night. 24-8.
Queen of our grief and our pain. 24-49.
Queen of paradise. 6-19.
Queen of patriarchs. 6-19.
Queen of peace. 6-19.
Queen of peace and forgiveness. 6-19.
Queen of perseverance. 10-21.
Queen of Poland. 72-86.
Queen of prophets. 6-19.
Queen of purgatory. 2A-109.
Queen of purity. 51-57.
Queen of queens. 85-15.
Queen of saints.64-34.
Queen of salvation. 6-19.
Queen of sorrows. 34-53.
Queen of souls. 33-98.
Queen of surpassing greatness. 10-20.
Queen of tears. 34-299.
Queen of the Church. 10-20.
Queen of the Church suffering. 10-21.
Queen of the Church triumphant. 10-21.
Queen of the clergy. 6-19; 11-97.
Queen of the communion of saints. 19-9.
Queen of the courageous. 5D-579.
Queen of the court of God. 10-20.
Queen of the dolorous mysteries. 34-51.
Queen of the earth. 10-21.
Queen of the eternal years. 24-66.
Queen of the festival. 72-118.
Queen of the fount immaculate. 10-20.
Queen of the glorious mysteries. 34-51.
Queen of the heavenly court. 40-168.
Queen of the Holy Family's home at Nazareth. 82-60.
Queen of the human race. 91-4.
Queen of the Jews. 85-3.
Queen of the joyful mysteries. 34-50.
Queen of the kingdom of peace. 10-21.
Queen of the Legion. 2C-188.
Queen of the missions. 24-123.
Queen of the Orders of Friars Minor. 56-196.
Queen of the peace that breathed at Nazareth. 34-26.
Queen of the rosary. 6-20.
Queen of the rosary in the valley of Pompeii. 6-20.
Queen of the seven sorrows. 24-49.
Queen of the shining host. 10-20.
Queen of the stars and stripes. 24-101.
Queen of the true faith. 4-566.
Queen of the world. 91-6; 41-15; 5E-366.
Queen of victories. 6-20.
Queen of Viet Nam. 60-226.
Queen of virgins. 6-20.
Queen of virtues. 5E-429.
Queen of zeal. 10-21.
Queen privileged above the laws of the children of Adam. 5E-642.
Queen regent, because queen mother in the minority of her Son. 21-20.
Queen rich in mercy and magnificence. 6-20.
Queen seated at the right hand of the King. 2C-309.
Queen since she brought forth a Son who, at the very moment he was conceived, was the Word, even as man, King and Lord of all things. 91-8.
Queen so sweet, clement, and so ready to help us in our miseries. 4-36.
Queen undefiled. 34-151.
Queen unrivalled. 6-20.
Queen, "who is always vigilant to intercede with the King whom she bore." 91-6.
A queen of great power. 59-55.
Admirable queen 5E-185.
An ever gracious queen. 24-255.
Angel-queen. 34-295.
August queen of heaven. 6-20.
August queen of sorrows. 6-20.
August queen of victories. 6-20.
Beautiful, glorious, all-powerful queen of Ireland. 66-30.
Beloved Queen. 4-209; 28-77.
Beloved queen in Paradise. 4-423.
Benign queen. 4-135.
Blessed queen. 5D-332.
Blest queen of our hearts. 34-53.
Blissful queen. 48-2.
Bright queen of May. 34-39.
Celestial queen. 5C163.
Dearest queen. 24-250.
Devout queen. 5E-608.
Earth and heaven's fairest queen. 24-219.
Ever humble queen. 5D-732.
Exalted queen of all creation. 58-68.
Fairest Hebrew queen. 34-100.
Fairest queen. 24-263.
Faithful and thankful queen.5E-534.
Gentle queen. 63-97.
Glorious queen. 6-20.
Glorious queen of heaven and earth, in whom the Most Blessed Trinity is well pleased. 50-21.
Glorious queen of martyrs. 6-20.
Glorious queen of the most holy Rosary. 820.
Glorious queen of the world. 27-71.
God's queen. 34-122.
Gracious, gentle queen. 24-56.
Gracious queen of heaven and earth. 5-7.
Great and powerful queen. 5E-55.
Great queen. 6-20.
Great queen and lady. 5E-481.
Great queen and teacher. 5E-123.
Great queen of heaven. 6-20.
Great queen of humility. 5D-152.
Great queen of the angels. 5E-165.
Great queen of the world. 5E-549.
Great queen, who wast assumed so royally into the kingdom of eternal peace. 6-20.
Great queen, who wast assumed to heaven most gloriously, in the company of souls drawn by thy merits out of purgatory. 6-20.
Hail, holy queen. 91-7.
Heavenly queen. 44-4; 5E-32.
Heavenly queen, whose beauty surpasses that of all the angels and saints together. 64-57.
Heaven's bright queen. 44-3; 9-3.
Holy Queen. 6-20.
Holy queen of humble hearts. 53-25.
Holy queen of souls. 59-130.
Humble queen. 5E-402.
Immaculate queen. 6-20.
Immaculate queen, in whom all nations were to be blessed. 6-20.
Immaculate queen of peace. 6-20.
Invincible queen of heaven. 3353.
Invincible queen of the angels. 5E-380.
Jubilee queen. 24-229.
Lady queen. 24-66.
Legitimate and supreme queen. 5E-655.
Loveliest queen. 6-20.
Lovely queen of peace. 24-104.
Magnificent queen and mistress of the heavens. 5E-32.
Majestic queen of heaven. 6-20.
Mary, our queen. 91-1.
Mighty queen of honor and glory. 45-8.
Mistress and queen of the apostles. 6-20.
Mistress and queen of virtues. 5D-651.
Most amiable queen. 4-616.
Most beautiful queen. 4-63.
Most compassionate queen. 10-38.
Most faithful queen. 34-110.
Most high queen of the universe. 6-20.
Most illustrious queen among all queens. 12-24.
Most innocent queen. 58-441.
Most kind queen of heaven. 6-20.
Most meek queen. 58-443.
Most prudent queen. 5E-160; 5C-544.
Most pure and innocent queen. 5D-142.
Most solicitous queen. 5[)-53.
Most sweet queen. 4-43.
Most truly queen. 91-4; 91-14.
Most worthy queen of the universe. 82-215.
Most wonderful queen and mother. 2A-170.
My cherished queen. 12-20.
My queen, most worthy of love. 6-20.
Noble queen. 16-36.
October's queen. 24-225.
Our beloved favor-bearing queen. 75-23.
Our blessed virgin queen. 24-27.
Our charming and beautiful queen. 50-779.
Our earthly queen. 44-18.
Our most kind queen and lady. 5B-601.
Our most loving queen. 4-333.
Our most patient queen. 58-443.
Our princess. 58-573.
Our queen and advocate, who from the first instant of thy conception, didst crush the head of our enemy. 6-20.
Our queen is constantly before the divine majesty, interceding for us. 16-54.
Our queen most fortunate and blessed. 5D-94
Powerful queen. 94-7; 5E-201.
Pure queen. 91-6.
Queenly handmaid acquiescent to Gabriel's message. 10-40.
Radiant queen of love. 34-34.
Risen queen. 20-215.
Scapular queen. 33-80.
Sovereign of angels. 44-4; 9-3.
Sovereign queen of all creation. 50-88.
Sovereign queen of the universe. 6-20.
Stainless queen. 24-2.
Supreme queen of heaven and earth. 5E-386.
The Blessed Virgin (is our lady and queen because of the unique way in which she cooperated in our redemption. 91-9.
The blushing queen of blooms. 34-326.
The Church has honored her with the title of "Queen." 91-6.
The first queen of the Catholic faith. 5D-94.
The fortunate queen. 91-5.
The perpetual queen beside the King, her Son. 91-5.
The queen in a vesture of gold, wrought about with variety. 29-78.
The queen of Jalisco. 72-127.
The queen stood at thy right hand in golden vesture surrounded with beauty. 91-7.
The queen who brings peace. 91-14.
The world's majestic queen. 10-8.
Unconquerable queen. 5D-699.
Virgin and queen of Pompeii. 6-20.
A burning lamp to enlighten our interior and to inflame us with divine love. 35-37.
A choir in the kingdom of God. 10-15.
A cloud to afford thee shade and refreshment. 58-361.
A crusader in the fairyland of God. 21-20.
A field full of grace where God the Father has sown his only Son, as a grain of the wheat of the elect. 37-157.
A firm anchor. 37-13.
A golden star. 34-250.
A human strand in the divine robe of our salvation. 20-246.
A lamp that with soft constant glow lighted earth's sanctuary. 34-247.
A living garden. 28-115.
A lofty mountain. 28-96.
A mirror without blur, reflecting the majesty of God. 5B-468.
A most secluded sanctuary, where you feel penetrated by the spirit of recollection as soon as you enter. 51-63.
A most sweet bait by which to catch men and especially sinners and draw them to God. 4-204.
A mountain in which God was pleased to dwell. 4-324.
A never-failing light. 9-8.
A piece of heavenly earth. 28-114.
A pillar of light to illuminate thy path. 5B-361.
A plane-tree by the water in streets. 29-13.
A purple fire that burned upon the altar of a shrine. 24-32.
A reservoir, a storehouse of divine grace. 11-26.
A rose among thorns. 5E-643.
A rose of unheard beauty. 24-65.
A rose of the plain. 28-34.
A sacred altar. 35-37.
A shield of mercy against the divine justice that hangs over the sinner's head. 5E-48.
A shield to protect us when enemies rage. 34-133.
A sign of sure hope and solace for the pilgrim people of God. 87-95.
A soothing flute. 24-32.
A store house where God has laid up his gifts for the whole human race. 5D-357.
A treasure because God has placed all the gifts of grace and virtue in her as in a treasure chest. 16-47.
A vast river from the ocean of Divinity. 5E-510.
A white dove springing to its nest Divine. 34-343.
Abode of innocence. 28-20.
Abraham's tent. 20-51.
All-responsive harp of the Holy Ghost. 34-123.
Altar of God. 37-193.
Altar of propitiation on which the fire was never extinguished day or night. 4-558.
Altar of the Divinity. 10-10.
Altar of the Holy of Holies. 5B-181.
An enclosed city which opens its gates only to the eternal King. 11-16.
An immaculate mirror of the Divinity. 5E-57.
An infirmary into which all the sick are received, cared for and healed. 34-284.
Arc which rises. 12-17.
Archive of the works of the Lord. 5D-752.
Ark and house of sanctification. 20-5.
Ark of grace. 45-4.
Ark of salvation. 6-20.
Ark of the New Testament. 4-145.
Ark of the Testament, containing the manna, which is the food of the angels. 5C-215.
Ark that for the graven tables of the law was made. 28-114.
Ark that held God's treaty stone. 44-23.
Artful spindle. 24-82.
As a cloud Mary protects us from the ardor of divine justice; and as fire she protects us from the devil. 16-48.
As a vine, I have brought forth a pleasant odor. 36-223.
Aspiring eagle, winging its flight into the impenetrable regions of the Divinity. 58-562.
Aura of the Eucharist. 34-285.
Aureola of pure gold. 12-17.
Aurora of grace. 58-201.
Aurora of the Incarnation. 10-11.
Aurora, source of purity, O Immaculate Mary. 57-10.
Auspicious luminary. 4-119.
Balm of hearts distressed. 24-122.
Balm of the sorrowing. 34-110.
Beauteous bride of Eden's bower. 10-9.
Beauteous, fragrant rose-bud. 34-136.
Beauteous moon, who didst shed light upon a world wrapped in the thickest darkness of paganism. 6-20.
Beauteous morning star. 10-8.
Beautiful and admirable star. 20-61.
Beautiful load-stone of hearts. 4-317.
Beautiful mold of Mary where Jesus was naturally and divinely formed. 51-90.
Beautiful moon. 10-10.
Beautiful star. 16-27.
Beloved dove. 5E-117.
Bitter sea. 4-465.
Blessed plant which hath given to the world so noble and holy a fruit. 4-373.
Blessed root of glory. 16-68.
Blessed spindle. 24-82.
Blest portal of Emmanuel. 44-23.
Blest star whose light is a clear beacon on the troubled deep. 34-89.
Bloom-bearing vine. 36-136.
Blossoming lily on Sion's hill. 10-40.
Blossoming rod. 10-6.
Bow of eternal peace. 4-203.
Bow that God has placed in the clouds, the sign of the covenant that brings peace. 91-13.
Breath of Christians. 4-91.
Bridge of salvation. 16-61.
Bridge to heaven for the entire world. 10-22.
Bright cloud, through which the Son of Man hath come. 20-22.
Bright crown. 20-25.
Bright dawn of the day. 34-110.
Bright light of darkened souls. 10-22.
Bright moon of purity. 10-15.
Bright morn. 6-20, 21.
Bright morning star. 6-21.
Bright orient gate. 9-6.
Bright star of the heavens. 24-68.
Bright star of the ocean. 37-207.
Bright star of the sea. 44-11;9-8.
Bright star shining. 34-390.
Bright star whose beams no storms efface. 44-33.
Brightest aurora effulgent with the rays of the sun of the Divinity. 5E-642, 643.
Brightest star of heaven. 34-123.
Brilliant city of God, whose foundations are in the holy mounts. 20-4.
Brilliant star of purity. 6-21.
Burning fagot. 28-26.
Bush seen by Moses, which burnt without being consumed. 4-556.
By day in a pillar of a cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire. 4-147.
Camp of angels. 28-115.
Cedar of chastity. 10-6.
Cedar of Libanus. 4-324.
Cedar of Mount Lebanon. 10-31.
Celestial balm. 1-670.
Celestial dew that gives me refreshment in my pains. 4-275.
Celestial gate. 24-161.
Celestial ladder by which the King of heaven descended to earth, and man ascended to heaven. 28-20.
Celestial river by which the waters of all graces and gifts are conveyed to poor mortals. 16-53.
Censer of the sweetest incense. 10-38.
Chariot in which our souls go to God. 10-36.
Chosen lily of the House of David. 34-223.
Crystal fountain of faith. 90-25.
Crystalline tablet on which was written the evangelical law. 5E-57.
Citadel of Sion. 5B-30.
City exalted. 9-6; 44-8.
City of God. 5E-144; 16-62.
City of Jerusalem. 5E-52.
City of refuge, the safety of all. 44-9; 33-48.
Clear, bright star of holiness. 20-25.
Closed gate in the House of the Lord. 75-14.
Closed gate which was open only for the God of Israel. 5B-139.
Cloud raining the Just One. 28-115; 34-391.
Consecrated cloud. 70-27.
Couch of Solomon. 5C-163.
Crimson rose of the land of Jacob. 10-31.
Crushed rose that grew on Golgotha. 34-305.
Cypress of Mount Sion. 4-324.
Daniel's mystic mountain. 28-114.
Dawn of day. 4-84.
Dawn of destiny. 34-100.
Dawn of grace. 58-457.
Dawn of the Sun of Justice. 10-19.
Dawn that brings the perfect day. 24-122.
Dearest Sulamite. 5D-101.
Dial of Achaz. 10-7.
Door of heaven. 10-13.
Door of the Heart of Jesus. 10-12.
Door where Our Savior entered in. 24-34.
Dove, bearing in thy beak the olive-branch of peace that tellest us of salvation from the spiritual flood. 20-24.
Dove, blessed omen of a safe harbor. 20-24.
Dove in the cleft of the rock. 10-10.
Dove of Noah, which brought the olive-branch of universal peace to the Church. 16-57.
Dove of simplicity. 70-116.
Dove of the ark. 28-20.
Earth unsewn that flowered forth fruit that saves. 70-51.
Earth untouched and virginal. 70-116.
Earthly paradise. 28-20.
Eastern gate, by which the High-Priest, Jesus Christ, enters the world and leaves it. 37-193
Eden of the New Adam. 20-219.
Eden, wherein hath sprung that tree of life whereof if any man eat he shall live forever. 20-24.
Effulgent hall of light. 10-7.
Elect, who, like the untarnished sun, didst burst forth in the dark night of sin. 6-21.
Enclosed garden in which the River of Life springs up. 34-367.
Entranced spindle. 24-83.
Ever green and fruitful. 70-116.
Exalted above the hills. 34-290.
Exalted like a cedar in Libanus and as a cypress tree on Mount Sion. 29-13.
Expiatory altar of the world. 10-37.
Fair chastity's lily. 10-12.
Fair city ruled by King Divine. 44-26.
Fair flower by the water brooks. 84-274.
Fair garden free from every thorn. 44-25.
Fair lily of our fallen race. 34-106.
Fair olive-tree on the plains. 4-249.
Fair olive-tree, planted in the house of God and cultivated by the Holy Spirit. 16-85.
Fair rainbow and bush which the patriarch saw. 1-669.
Fair tree, bearing fruit of life-giving joy. 20-16.
Fairest ornament of the New Jerusalem. 10-13.
Faithful anchor in the storm of life. 16-10.
Fathomless ocean of grace. 6-21.
Fenced city. 33-49.
Field, in which Jesus Christ, the treasure of God the Father, is hid. 4-377.
Field of hidden treasure. 10-39.
Fig tree covered with fruit. 12-32.
Figure of the Church, bride of Christ. 94-13.
Fire carrying fire. 4-556.
Flawless mirror of God's perfections. 10-7.
Fleece heaven-dewed 'mid arid ground. 44-23.
Fleece of heavenly rain. 70-116.
Flower of beauty. 24-131.
Flower of Carmel. 33-9.
Flower of flowers. 34-172.
Flower of God. 10-8.
Flower of grace. 10-8.
Flower of heaven. 16-10.
Flower of the field. 10-15.
Flower which always turns toward the sun. 4-629.
Flower which budded forth the Savior. 10-10.
Flowered stem, blessed branch which was to bear the divine fruit of the Eucharist. 12-29.
Flowering rod of Aaron. 20-50.
Flow'ret from the desert place. 24-21.
Foamy ocean star. 10-9.
Fount of all grace. 16-20.
Fount of heavenly joy. 16-75.
Fount of wisdom. 10-12.
Fountain and spring of faith. 10-12.
Fountain ever clear. 89-3.
Fountain of living water that irrigates the whole earth. 4-274.
Fountain of meekness and mercy. 10-16.
Fountain of mercy and healing. 81-3.
Fountain of the gardens. 10-31.
Fountain of true pity. 24-133.
Fountain of virtue and of grace. 58-597.
Fountain sealed. 70-117.
Fragrant lily of all holiness. 90-25.
Fragrant rose of the heavenly court. 63-128.
Fragrant tree. 12-17.
Fresh and clear like the morning dew. 24-241.
Fruitful vine. 13-1.
Full aqueduct, that others may receive of her plenitude 4-158, 159.
Furnace of divine love. 10-11.
Garden of delights. 12-34.
Garden of God wherein the lily grew. 34-23.
Garden of joy and health. 10-38.
Garden of life. 34-366.
Garden of pleasure. 10-6.
Garden upon which descended from the Father the rain of benedictions. 70-16.
Gate august of heaven's High King. 10-7.
Gate impearled of heaven. 34-123.
Gate of heaven. 6-21.
Gate of liberty. 10-21.
Gate of life. 6-21.
Gate of morn, whence the world's True Light was born. 1-568.
Gate of paradise. 45-4.
Gate of the east. 1-670.
Gate of the saints. 10-6.
Gate sublime of heaven's High King. 6-21.
Gate through which hath passed the King. 6-21.
Gate through which Light has arisen upon the world. 20-268.
Gem of earth. 34-202.
Gem of God. 34-23.
Gentle spindle. 24-82.
Gideon's fleece. 10-6; 1-669.
Glorious city of the Eucharistic Christ. 10-19.
Glorious fruit. 58-147.
God's Eden. 70-22.
God's fairest star. 34-32.
God's garden of delights; for he there found every kind of flower and all the sweet odors of virtues. 16-85.
God's olive tree. 70-117.
God's own flower. 34-136.
God's own garden fair with blossoms. 10-37.
Golden key of paradise. 24-40.
Golden urn and candelabra. 20-50.
Golden vessel filled with manna. 10-38.
Good cloud. 70-27.
Gracious flower. 34-248.
Groundstone of the Great Mystery. 10-7.
Guiding light. 34-140.
Guiding star. 58-245.
Hall, whence light shone through the gloom. 6-21.
Hallowed land, whose sacred state to priestly rites was consecrate. 44-26.
Harbor of love. 24-76.
Headstone of humanity. 10-7.
Healing balm of integrity. 70-117.
Heart of the Legion. 2C-47.
Heavenly dove. 4-202.
Heavenly ladder upon which souls ascend to God. 64-18.
Heaven's effulgent gate. 10-10.
Heaven's flower. 24-22; 24-218.
Holy and celestial Jerusalem. 58-37.
Holy city and tabernacle of the Incarnate Word. 58-167.
Holy city with twelve gates, opening up toward all directions of the world. 5E-54.
Holy tree. 12-32.
Honeycomb by Sampson found. 44-23.
Hope rainbow in the firmament. 34-178.
House of gold. 6-21.
House of gold of purity. 34-365.
House of gold whose snow-pure beauty is supreme. 34-178.
Humble spikenard. 58-542.
Immaculate ewe-lamb. 10-37.
Immaculate jewel of humanity. 10-7.
Immaculate lily of purity. 63-87.
Impregnable tower. 20-4.
Impregnable wall. 44-9.
Incarnate music whom God loves the most. 34-123.
Incorruptible dove. 20-88.
Incorruptible wood of the ark. 70-117.
Inexhaustible ocean of grace. 20-229.
Inexhaustible spring of praise. 10-38.
Inextinguishable lamp. 20-88.
Israel's lily. 34-34.
Jacob's ladder. 20-51.
Judith thrice blest. 10-7.
Key of heaven. 34-283.
Ladder to heaven. 16-11.
Lamp for darkened breast. 24-122.
Lamp unquenchable. 70-118.
Land of benediction. 10-19.
Land overflowing with milk and honey. 4-248.
Land wholly intact. 89-3.
Lantern of gold, wherein Light's Center burned. 34-23.
Life-giving fountain. 10-21.
Light cloud of heavenly rain. 70-118.
Light of Nazareth. 10-31.
Light of the grave. 1-673.
Like a green olive she became, so that all the doves of grace came and lodged in her branches. 28-41.
Like a pillar of smoke, with the odors of myrrh and frankincense. 20-65.
Like a slender, spotless lily. 56-79.
Like lilies distilling their fragrance. 34-161.
Like the choice Libanus and the cedar tree. 34-161.
Like the exquisite orchid which blooms in the swamps of tropical jungles. 28-19.
Like the golden vessels of Tharsis. 34-161.
Like vials that pour out perfumed oil. 34-161.
Lily among thorns. 16-38; 70-118; 11-22.
Lily chaste and rare. 24-207.
Lily fair. 28-35.
Lily full of whiteness. 12-17.
Lily of Christ. 24-164.
Lily of Eden. 10-15.
Lily of Israel. 10-12.
Lily of Nazareth. 34-337.
Lily of purity. 6-21.
Lily of the springtide. 24-131.
Lily of the valley. 10-15.
Lily so lovely, as white as the snow. 24-79.
Little bark. 5D-239.
Little dove. 28-60.
Little morning star heralding redemption's sun. 24-116.
Little white moon. 34-194.
Living mold of God. 10-39.
Living symbol of a holy nation. 12-27.
Loadstone of hearts. 4-205.
Loadstone of those engulfed in worldly waves. 10-38.
Lofty and sublime cedar. 12-32.
Loom of the Incarnation. 70-118.
Loved star of the sea. 24-250.
Lovely lily of God. 28-19.
Lovely rose. 4-282.
Lowly as lilies in a wooded vale. 24-21.
Magnet for Divinity. 19-4.
Mansion of God. 9-5.
Market place for the salutary exchange. 70-53.
Martyr's earliest rose. 6-21.
Mary's humility became a heavenly ladder by which God came into the world. 16-65.
Mary, ladder of men to God. 16-63.
Meekest dove. 5C-328
Mighty fortress. 11-70.
Mildest dove. 5C-355.
Mirror of divine perfections. 10-10.
Mirror of holy purity. 6-21.
Mirror of justice. 6-21.
Mirror of justice, because she reflects all the virtues. 11-8.
Mirror of the Divinity. 58-218.
Mirror without stain. 6-21.
Model spindle. 24-83.
Moon Mary. 5D-364.
Moon of the Immense Light. 5E-666.
Morning star. 6-21.
Morning star of a new day. 34-22.
Morning star to all the weak. 34-365.
Most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel. 13-1.
Most blessed lantern. 34-134.
Most faithful dove. 4-202.
Most glorious lily. 10-22.
Most humble dove. 58-343.
Most innocent dove. 58-543.
Most noble foundation after Jesus Christ. 2A-127.
Most pure fleece of heavenly rain. 70-53.
Most pure turtle-dove. 4-572.
Most sincere sheep. 5E-138.
Mother Church. 94-14.
Mother dove. 24-44.
Mold of God. 51-90.
My flowers are the fruit of honor and riches. 36-223.
My shield. 34-133.
Mystic rose in the flowering garden of the Church. 6-21.
Mystic rose of God. 24-166.
Mystic rose of heaven. 34-22.
Mystical and divine city. 5E-56.
Mystical city of God. 5E-430.
Mystical city of refuge. 58-34.
Mystical rose. 6-21.
Mystical rose of God's love. 11-69.
Mystical rose of purity. 10-15.
Mystical rose of the heavenly gardens. 34-392.
Mystical rose which broke into bloom upon Nazareth hill. 28-113.
Neck of the Mystical Body. 70-119.
Never-fading wood. 70-119.
New city of Mary. 5E-54.
New Eve, fountain of grace. 10-22.
New-risen flame of Israel's deliverance. 44-21.
New star of hope that hath risen in these latter days above the valley of ruin. 6-21.
New star that shone over Israel's head. 44-6; 9-5.
Noble chariot. 10-13.
Noble star risen out of Jacob, whose ray enlightens the whole world. 20-61.
North star. 58-61.
Ocean of grace. 58-425.
Ocean of greatness. 2C-108.
Ocean of humility which was able to contain and embrace the Incomprehensible and the Immense himself. 58-456.
Ocean of love and compassion. 81-3.
Olive tree of the Father's compassion. 70-119.
Ornament of the holy Church. 4-615.
Ostensorium for the worshipping Magi. 10-40.
Our beacon light. 24-239.
Our invincible Judith. 53-679.
Our mirror alike and example. 33-75.
Our most beautiful Rachel, the purest Mary. 50-597.
Our silver and ceaseless-sung constellation. 34-121.
Palace of light. 6-21.
Palm tree full of glory. 12-32.
Palm tree in Cades. 29-13.
Paradise fenced against the serpent. 70-119.
Paradise of God. 10-11.
Paradise of innocence and immortality. 70-119.
Paradise of the New Adam. 10-12.
Paradise planted by God. 70-119.
Pearl of grace. 10-8.
Peerless rose of paradise. 34-65.
Perfect and immaculate dove. 4-316.
Perfect flower of God's purest grace. 34-342.
Perfect rose. 34-15.
Perfume of faith. 70-119.
Perfumed stem. 12-17.
Pillar bright. 34-131.
Polar star. 37-145.
Port of salvation. 68-9.
Portal and mediatrix of those who were to profit of the passion and redemption of mankind. 5D-662.
Portal of bliss to man forgiven. 28-34.
Portal of eternal mercy. 14-59.
Portal of God. 1-669.
Portal of heaven. 10-8.
Portal of the sky. 6-21.
Powerful rod with which the violence of the infernal enemies is conquered. 16-23.
Precious and rich pearl. 58-272.
Prefigured in Esther delivering her people from oppression. 28-20.
Priest and altar. 10-10.
Public hospital for sinners. 10-38.
Pure as the crystal waters of paradise, reflecting the image of the God-head. 28-20.
Pure flower of Adam's race. 10-8.
Pure lily, emitting such fragrance for the delight of the Creator and for mortals. 5E-69.
Purer than crystal streamlets as they flow. 24-21.
Purer than foam on central ocean tossed. 28-21.
Purest dove. 5E-71.
Purest flower of heaven. 34-204.
Purity's cell. 10-6.
Purity's shrine. 44-8; 9-6.
Queenly flower. 10-8.
Queenly purple mantle of the King of heaven and earth. 20-23.
Rainbow of peace perpetual. 44-23.
Rainbow round about the throne. 4-203.
Red rose of charity. 6-21.
Redemption's dawn-light. 34-180.
Redundant fount. 10-38.
Refulgent hall of light. 6-21.
Resplendent aurora. 10-10.
Resplendent moon of purity. 63-91.
Rich and shady mountain of God, whereon pastured the True Lamb. 20-24.
Rich as a house of gold. 37-134.
Rising morn of purity. 6-21.
Rod of Aaron which flowered without having been watered. 20-59.
Root from which would bud forth the flower of Jesse. 11-16.
Rose ever blooming. 70-120; 20-8.
Rose full of celestial sweetness. 3-156.
Rose full of fragrant perfume. 10-22.
Rose in whose gentle bosom God was laid. 34-23.
Rose mother of God. 20-23.
Rose of eternal freshness. 6-21.
Rose of heaven. 10-38.
Rose of Jericho. 34-366.
Rose of mystic beauty. 10-9.
Rose of paradise, transplanted into this valley of tears. 6-21.
Rose of Sharon. 10-9.
Rose of spotless beauty. 6-21.
Rose of the cross. 10-8.
Rose wherein the Word Divine became incarnate. 10-37.
Rose without a thorn. 10-8.
Sacred refuge of this heavenly Jerusalem. 5E-54.
Safe and sure road to Christ. 11-13.
Samson's sweet honey-comb. 1-669.
Sea of goodness and compassion. 6-21.
Sea of grace and light. 5D-437.
Sea of sorrow. 6-21.
Seal and mark of true devotion. 10-13.
Sealed fountain. 10-15.
Secure haven of peace and port of salvation. 64-39.
Secure port of the shipwrecked. 64-30.
Septre of the orthodox faith. 10-22.
Shield of the oppressed. 10-10.
Shut gate. 20-209.
Sincerest dove. 5D-39.
Single-hearted dove. 5D-7.
Sinless, beautiful star of the sea. 10-8.
Soaring flame. 12-17.
Soaring Tower of David, peak of the royal house. 34-123.
Solomon's throne. 10-6; 9-5; 44-7.
Sparkling sapphire. 12-17.
Spikenard of the Spirit's sweetness. 10-37.
Spiritual table of faith. 10-22.
Spotless dove of beauty. 70-120; 20-8.
Spotless dove of purity. 10-15.
Spotless sun. 10-10.
Staff of the blind. 10-22.
Stainless lily. 20-22.
Stainless seed in sin-bearing sod. 10-14.
Star of guidance. 24-21.
Star of Jacob. 10-6.
Star of our hope and trust. 34-171.
Star of promise in the midst of evil. 6-21.
Star of the deep. 63-125.
Star of the night. 34-110.
Star of the ocean, radiance pure and sweet. 34-120.
Star of the pathless sea. 10-9.
Star of the sea. 6-21; 11-13; 36-50.
Star of the sea leads all her faithful servants into a safe harbor. 37-154.
Star of the wave. 10-7.
Star on the horizon of the sea. 12-20.
Star that bore the Sun. 70-120.
Star that heralds morn. 24-122.
Star that shines in the sky. 12-24.
Star to guide us. 11-13.
Star which leads to the haven of peace. 12-20.
Star which smiles on the lost mariner. 12-20.
Starlight of this earthly strife. 79-3; 10-9.
Strange spindle, of her very substance the warp is placing. 24-82.
Sun of the Church. 5E-204.
Sweet balm of all our sadness. 10-16.
Sweet day star. 10-8.
Sweet flower. 10-8.
Sweet fount of life. 10-7.
Sweet fount of love. 29-38.
Sweet fountain of gentleness. 10-12.
Sweet fountain of the Precious Blood. 3-155.
Sweet honeycomb. 10-6.
Sweet little rose of Sharon. 34-100.
Sweet morsel of Sampson. 44-7; 9-5.
Sweet star of life's dark sea. 4-617.
Sweet stem of that rose, Christ, who from the earth suck'st our poor prayers, conveying them to him. 28-97.
Sweetest odor of Israel. 34-223, 224.
Sweetest rose of all. 34-158.
Temple divine. 44-8.
Terrestrial paradise of the New Adam. 10-19.
Terrestrial paradise, that virgin and blessed earth from which Adam and Eve, the sinners, have been driven. 37-29.
That closed door through which no man shall pass, because the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered in by it. 20-246.
That happy ark, in which those who take refuge will never suffer the shipwreck of eternal perdition. 16-25.
That myrrh, fragrant and choice, which produced a perfume and a fruit, Jesus. 12-99.
That noble star risen out of Jacob, whose ray enlightens the whole world. 20-61.
The ark of the true manna, Mary most holy, mother of the Word. 58-144.
The awe-inspiring loom of the Incarnation, whereon in a way unspeakable was woven the garment of the hypostatic union with the Holy Spirit as weaver. 70-53.
The bark and star. 12-22.
The bearer of the flames of divine love. 4-560.
The cabinets of the secrets of God. 37-182.
The channel, as the saints declare, through which the blessings of heaven flow to mankind. 64-27.
The cloud that shall drop the dew of heaven for the refreshment of mortals. 58-157.
The dawn which precedes and reveals the Sun of Justice, who is Jesus Christ. 37-33.
The divine cellarer. 10-19.
The divine shepherdess. 10-10.
The eastern gate, whereof Ezechial speaks, always shut and full of light, which closing on itself brings forth from itself the Holy of Holies. 70-29.
The echo of God, that says nothing, repeats nothing, but God. 37-168.
The fairest flower of mankind. 11-21.
The field mentioned in the Gospel in which was hid the great Treasure. 28-92.
The figure of the new People of God. 94-13.
The figure of the synagogue. 75-17.
The flame. 24-32.
The flower of virginity. 16-29.
The flower that has opened its blossom only for heaven. 20-173.
The flute. 24-32.
The fold. 28-115.
The fount, all virgin pure. 24-122.
The four rivers' fountain watering paradise of old. 28-115.
The furrow in which the bread of mankind took growth. 20-173.
The Godhead's dove. 34-254.
The golden book of the Lord. 16-55.
The good tree bringing forth good fruit. 34-391.
The great King's gate. 10-8.
The great sign in heaven. 58-539.
The heaven from which the manna, signifying Christ, fell upon the world. 28-314.
The holy city of the new Jerusalem, prepared and adorned as a bride, descending from heaven. 5E-43.
The holy dove. 20-218.
The image and first flowering of the Church as she is to be perfected in the world to come. 94-22.
The jewel of the earth. 20-88.
The key to the store-house of God's graces. 11-80.
The light of day. 12-31.
The lily and the rose. 2C-221.
The living ark, the most holy Mary. 58-326.
The Lord's cloister. 10-8.
The moon at night, the dawn at break of day, and the sun at mid-day. 4-92.
The moon Mary shining as the sun, on account of her likeness to Christ. 58-39.
The morning star which is to announce the rising of the sun of justice. 2A-258.
The morning star which would announce the dawn of a new and better day. 11-16.
The mount upon whose heights we breathe the pure invigorating air of sanctity. 28-96.
The mountain of the house of the Lord. 34-290.
The mysterious and loving tree, engendered by the eternal line of kings. 12-96.
The mysterious ring that united heaven and earth. 16-29.
The new earth and the new heaven. 5E-43.
The new Eve, who put her absolute trust not in the ancient serpent but in God's messenger. 87-92.
The new Israel. 94-14.
The new People of God. 94-14.
The ocean star by which we sail and gain the port of rest. 36-281.
The orb that shines on ocean's way. 24-122.
The pearl who couldn't be priced. 24-164.
The pillar of clouds leading us safely along dangerous paths, protecting us from the heat of temptation. 16-46.
The purest of gems that the world has e'er seen. 34-181.
The rainbow thou art, thro' the deluge that shone. 9-5; 44-7.
The rod foretold in story, which sprang of Jesse's kin. 34-202.
The root of which Christ is the flower. 20-268.
The rose that God's hand had sown. 24-164.
The royal throne which angels surround. 20-50.
The shining star that rises above the wide horizon by her example and merits. 11-13.
The ship in which man is rescued from the waves of temptation. 75-37.
The sun that gives us light. 20-173.
The symbolic temple of Mary surpasses in excellence the temples of the saints. 12-24.
The tablet of the true law, written in his own Being. 5C-215.
The taintless cloud. 5C-568.
The tree which has produced the mysterious flower announced for the salvation of the world. 12-96.
The true garden, locked and sealed to preserve the waters of grace. 50-783.
The true tree of life, which has borne Jesus Christ, the Fruit of Life. 37-192.
The unploughed field. 20-25.
The unspotted mirror of God's holiness. 64-57.
The ventricle through which is circulated from his Sacred Heart the life-giving blood of the Mystical Body. 19-10.
The virginal ark. 58-326.
The way of the Savior. 64-18.
The whitest of lilies-lily of the Eternal Father. 28-20.
There is a bough in which no blur of either kind, original or wrought, has touched the virgin rind. 9-9.
This heavenly sun, with which the rays of the Divinity break upon the world. 5B-192.
Thou cedar tree of chastity. 44-25.
Thou second rainbow seen. 34-100.
Threshold of mercy. 10-13.
Throne from which our Lord dispenses all grace. 4-83.
Throne of divine wisdom. 11-58.
Throne of God's grace. 10-21.
Throne of mercy. 16-37.
Throne of the hidden God. 10-20.
Throne of the King. 70-120.
Thy chastity's figure, the fragrance of balm. 9-6.
Tower of David. 6-21.
Tower of ivory. 6-21.
Tower of strength. 11-71.
Tower unassailable. 70-120.
Treasure chamber of heaven. 10-37.
Tree of life, most holy Mary. 5E-106.
Tree of life planted in God's fair garden. 10-38.
Tree that bears the Fruit of Life. 33-145.
True morning star, bathed from the first in beams of redeeming grace and heralding the dawn of salvation. 2C-65.
True mystical city of Jerusalem. 5E-46.
True vine bearing the Fruit of Life. 10-22.
Two anchors of salvation, Jesus and Mary. 4-33.
Undug well of remission's waters. 70-121.
Unfading tree. 89-3.
Unfailing fountain, satisfiest the thirsty soul with sweet waters. 20-23.
Unfathomable sea of divine grace. 10-21.
Unshakable tower of ivory. 11-72.
Untilled earth. 20-25.
Unwatered vineyard of immortality's wine. 70-121.
Valley where the lily bloometh. 10-17.
Vast ocean of goodness. 10-15.
Veritable tree which bore the first Fruit of Life. 10-19.
Vermillion rose. 10-12.
Vine always growing. 4-330.
Vine blossom laden. 33-9.
Vine full of flowers. 20-25.
Vine heavy with grapes. 12-32.
Virgin root of flower Divine. 44-33.
Warehouse of every grace. 10-16.
Well of the living and active water, namely the gifts of the Holy Ghost. 16-48.
Well overflowing with waters. 20-25.
White dove of peace. 6-21.
White dove of purity. 5-21.
White lily of the Trinity. 10-12.
White rose of Nazareth. 24-172.
Wonderful dial, Ezechias of old, beheld when the prophet his destiny told. 9-7.
Wonderful ocean of grace and knowledge. 5D-88.
Workshop of the Incarnation. 70-121.
Wounded deer. 5D-8.
Wounded dove. 34-27.
Your shrine, little Jesu benign. 24-59.
A chosen vessel exceeding all men and angels in purity. 4-296.
A dwelling-place and a tabernacle for the Eternal Word. 5B-265.
A dwelling undarkened by sin. 9-5.
A dwelling worthy of a God. 4-291.
A fit habitation for Christ. 20-7.
A heavenly vessel. 4-296.
A king's palace. 20-114.
A living house of gold and ark of the convenant. 56-171.
A living monstrance. 56-171.
A magnificent tabernacle housing an infinite guest. 27-5.
A spiritual and most singular vessel of honor and devotion. 56-171.
A temple of purity. 4-295.
A well-closed garden, closed to darkness and death. 24-96.
A well-closed garden, closed to every vain desire. 24-96.
A well-closed garden, closed to mortal feet and eyes. 24-96.
A well-closed garden, closed to Satan and to sin. 24-96.
A worthy habitation for thy Son. 6-21.
Abode of the king. 93-24.
Acceptable resting place and sanctuary. 5E-658
An immaculate home. 75-43.
Ark of God. 20-229.
Ark of gold. 34-390.
Ark of holiness. 93-24
Ark of Noah. 20-4.
Ark of the covenant. 6-21; 44-7.
Ark of the testament. 5B-181.
Ark that bears Divinity. 34-57.
Ark which housed the God of the covenant. 34-249.
August and living temple of the most adorable Trinity. 6-21.
Bearer of life. 4-171.
Beautiful garden in which God has planted all the flowers that adorn the Church. 4-274.
Beautiful temple. 16-12.
Beloved sanctuary of the Holy Ghost. 12-100.
Blessed and divine tabernacle. 20-225.
Blessed vessel. 24-116.
Blest chalice. 34-43.
Blissful cloister. 20-19.
Bridal chamber of the Word. 93-24.
Chaste temple of the Holy Trinity. 6-21.
Chosen bark. 34-303.
Chosen dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit, his ciborium, his spiritual vessel. 11-62.
Chosen sanctuary of the Most High. 29-80.
Created temple of the Creator. 70-115.
Deity's shrine. 1-668.
Delightful abode of thy sovereign Lord. 10-15.
Divine and life-giving receptacle. 20-223.
Divine tabernacle of God. 58-207.
Dwelling and habitation of the Spirit. 70-23.
Dwelling of the Illimitable. 70-50; 21-16.
Dwelling-place of God. 20-223; 70-58.
Dwelling-place of Him whom no other dwelling can contain. 20-88.
Dwelling-place of the Holy Ghost. 28-43; 24-116.
Dwelling worthy of a God. 4-291.
Earthly temple of the Word made flesh. 68-40.
Earth's first tabernacle of the unborn little Lord. 15-5.
Enclosed garden, into which the hand of a sinner never entered to gather its flowers. 4-274.
Fair shrine, where the Trinity loveth to dwell. 1-670.
Fair tabernacle of this world. 34-249.
Fleshy tabernacle of God with men. 85-14.
From the fabric of human nature no more perfect temple could be erected. 27-4.
Gemmed monstrance of the Holy One. 34-178.
Glorious vessel of devotion. 10-12.
God's earthly temple. 27-4.
God's tabernacle. 75-9.
God's vessel. 70-117.
Habitation of the Eternal Word. 10-5.
Habitation of the Most High. 10-15.
Habitation of the Son of God. 58-147.
Holy city of Mary. 58-233.
Holy of Holies. 20-114.
Holy shrine where love eternal liv'd in lowliness. 34-88.
Holy tabernacle. 5B-24.
Honorable vessel. 11-64.
House built by Wisdom. 70-117.
House of Mary. 37-143.
House of the Most High God. 20-24.
House of the predestinate. 37-143.
Immaculate ark. 34-193.
Immaculate sanctuary of the Most High. 10-11.
Immaculate sanctuary of the Word of God. 10-7.
Inexhaustible vessel, from which flows the oil of mercy, igniting all lamps. 16-82.
Inner sanctum where God was made priest. 34-123.
Living and incorruptible ark. 5D-514.
Living tabernacle of Eternal Wisdom. 74-3.
Living tabernacle of the Divinity. 6-21.
Living temple of the Deity. 70-118.
Living temple of the Most Holy Trinity. 6-21.
Magnificent mansion of the Most High. 58-466.
Maiden, in whose blest womb the very Godhead worthily made stay. 34-87.
More than a vessel of precious metal. 56-171.
Most agreeable dwelling of the Holy Ghost. 10-10.
Most legitimate shrine and tabernacle of the Most High. 5D-464.
Most pure temple of the Holy Trinity. 6-21.
Mysterious ark. 58-328.
Mystical ark Mary. 58-325.
Mystical ark which contained the new and true Noah. 5B-272.
Mystical city of Mary. 58-469.
Ostensorium of the Word Incarnate. 10-19.
Our dwelling in thee is as all those that rejoice, O holy mother of God. 29-82.
Palace wherein is that spiritual bridal chamber. 20-24.
Paradise of the Most High God. 6-21.
Perfectly suitable dwelling place for Christ. 70-85.
Place of Him who is not held by place. 20-124.
Precious vessel of untold graces. 10-12.
Pure ark of the law. 1-669.
Pure paten. 34-43.
Purity's cell. 1-670.
Receptacle in which and from which the Son of God received his immaculate flesh. 11-64.
Resplendent house of God. 10-37.
Richly laden and prosperous vessel. 5E-117.
Royal dwelling. 75-46.
Sacred dwelling of the King of heaven. 4-277.
Sanctuary and living temple of the Holy Ghost. 6-21.
Sanctuary and repose of the Holy Trinity. 37-4.
Sanctuary of the Divinity. 37-193.
Sealed closet of God. 9-5.
Shrine which once had housed and nourished the Divine. 24-105.
Spacious habitation. 58-52.
Spiritual abode of the most spiritual souls. 37-134.
Spiritual and true ark of the new covenant. 5B-327.
Spiritual vessel. 6-21.
Spotless vase. 10-38.
Stately palace of the King. 20-24.
Tabernacle created by God himself. 20-7.
Tabernacle made by God, in which He alone entered to accomplish the great work of the redemption of man. 16-25.
Tabernacle Mary. 58-207.
Tabernacle of him who created thee. 10-5.
Tabernacle of the Holy Ghost. 75-12.
Tabernacle of the Holy Trinity. 63-99.
Tabernacle of the Incarnation. 10-11.
Tabernacle of the Lord. 93-24.
Tabernacle of the testimony. 75-9.
Temple, beautiful and pure. 21-5.
Temple in which God has been received. 20-88.
Temple indestructible. 70-120.
Temple of countless praises. 63-100.
Temple of glory. 20-25.
Temple of God. 6-21.
Temple of Jehovah. 10-12.
Temple of light without shadow and without blemish. 92-6.
Temple of the glory of God. 4-277.
Temple of the Holy Spirit. 87-86; 93-24.
Temple of the Lord. 29-28.
Temple of the true Solomon. 10-19.
Temple that can never be destroyed. 20-124.
The exalted Jerusalem. 58-202.
The golden altar of mercy, at which sinners obtain pardon. 4-180.
The indissoluble temple. 21-16.
The life-giving receptacle of Our Lord. 20-219.
The living ark of the living God. 39-17.
The living chalice of the Son of God made man. 94-47.
The living city of the Lord God. 20-221.
The living shrine housing hidden beauty of a love divine. 34-159. (or Love Divine). The Lord's own temple. 10-7.
The most beautiful temple ever known. 27-5.
The most Blessed Virgin who contained Christ as manna in the ark of her womb. 4-145.
The mystical city of His habitation. 5E-666.
The new and perfect ark of the covenant, the living tabernacle of the divine presence. 94-10.
The new Jerusalem. 58-201.
The permanent dwelling of the Spirit of God. 93-24.
The precious vessel full of grace. 19-7.
The resting place of the Son of God. 21-20.
The temple of Incarnate Wisdom. 20-205.
The throne of chastity. 20-205.
The vessel and chamber containing all mysteries. 16-74.
The vessel to which honor is due. 11-64.
Thou hast contained Him who cannot be contained. 4-276.
Throne of God. 37-193.
Throne of grace. 75-37.
True ark of the New Alliance. 10-12.
Unprofaned temple. 10-38.
Vase of blissful grace. 1~9.
Vessel blest. 34-124.
Vessel full of grace. 11-62.
Vessel of all perfection. 50-593.
Vessel of election. 20-8.
Vessel of gold that holdest the manna that came down from heaven. 20-23.
Vessel of honor. 6-21.
Vessel of singular devotion. 6-21.
Vessel rare of God's election. 10-8.
Virginal ark. 58-326.
Virginal sanctuary. 10-38.
Worthy dwelling place for Thy Son. 77-15.
Worthy sanctuary of the Son of God. 11-35.
Virgin. 88-5.
Virgin all excelling. 6-22.
Virgin alone faithful, in whom the serpent has never had part. 37-65.
Virgin and queen of the holy rosary. 6-22.
Virgin betrothed to a man Joseph, of the house of David. 25-67.
Virgin blessed above all things. 37-234.
Virgin blessed by the Holy Ghost. 34-129.
Virgin bright. 6-22.
Virgin by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. 34-275.
Virgin chaste and pure. 24-69.
Virgin clothed with the Sun. 10-14.
Virgin daughter of Sion. 10-10.
Virgin endowed with a purity which compels our admiration and imitation. 11-35.
Virgin ever blessed. 6-22.
Virgin ever meek. 34-92.
Virgin ever pure. 34-202.
Virgin first among the pure and fair. 10-14.
Virgin foretold by the Jewish prophet Isaiah. 85-12.
Virgin free by grace from every stain of sin. 4-309.
Virgin full of sweetness. 4-459.
Virgin greater than heaven and earth together. 2C-107.
Virgin holy and merciful. 6-22.
Virgin holy and undefiled. 77-9.
Virgin immaculate. 6-22.
Virgin in the Cenacle. 2C-15.
Virgin in the flesh she brought forth her first-born Christ. 20-264.
Virgin in thy conception, thou didst after child-bearing remain a virgin. 20-268.
Virgin, innocent, without blemish, all immaculate, inviolate, spotless, holy in soul and body. 70-52.
Virgin inviolate - prefigured by the blest land of Eden before its surface was torn by furrows. 70-17.
Virgin meek and lowly. 34-145.
Virgin mild. 24-138.
Virgin most bountiful. 10-14.
Virgin most clement. 6-22.
Virgin most compassionate. 6-22.
Virgin most diligent. 6-22.
Virgin most fair. 34-187.
Virgin most faithful. 6-22.
Virgin most holy, above all angels and saints in paradise. 6-22.
Virgin most humble. 6-22.
Virgin most meek and mild. 10-14.
Virgin most merciful. 6-22.
Virgin most obedient. 6-22.
Virgin most powerful. 6-22.
Virgin most preachable. 11-50.
Virgin most prudent. 6-22.
Virgin most pure. 6-22.
Virgin most pure, of immaculate birth. 1-665.
Virgin most renewed. 6-22.
Virgin most resigned. 6-22.
Virgin most sorrowful. 6-22.
Virgin most sweet. 3-152.
Virgin most venerable. 6-22.
Virgin most wise. 10-6.
Virgin mother enthroned near Christ. 10-16.
Virgin mother gifted above all God's creatures. 10-37.
Virgin Mother of God, conceived without original sin. 20-9.
Virgin Mother of the Messiah Jesus. 85-3.
Virgin of a happy death. 33-213.
Virgin of all virgins best. 6-22.
Virgin of all virgins blest. 83-307.
Virgins of all virgins fairest. 20-131.
Virgin of Bonany. 69-18.
Virgin of charity. 72-134.
Virgin of Chiantla. 65-249.
Virgin of David's royal blood. 10-8.
Virgin of forgiveness. 6-22.
Virgin of Isaiah. 85-24.
Virgin of Nazareth. 93-24; 87-88.
Virgin of pardon. 6-22.
Virgin of reconciliation. 6-22.
Virgin of Sion. 10-14.
Virgin of sorrows. 6-22.
Virgin of Tepeyac. 66-26.
Virgin of the grotte. 10-14.
Virgin of the Miraculous Medal. 2C-335.
Virgin of the poor. 18-39.
Virgin of the rocks. 72-149.
Virgin of the root of Jesse. 10-31.
Virgin of the rosary of Pompeii. 6-22.
Virgin of the sanctuary. 10-14.
Virgin of the scapular. 33-83.
Virgin of virgins. 6-22.
Virgin of virgins, all chaste and serene. 44-4; 9-3.
Virgin of wonders. 40-1.
Virgin on high. 33-75.
Virgin, pattern of obedience. 10-14.
Virgin productive, yet mother unstained. 44-11; 9-8.
Virgin pure and fair. 34-401.
Virgin pure and undefiled. 34-70.
Virgin purest, brightest, rarest. 63-141.
Virgin queen. 28-105.
Virgin queen immaculate. 24-101.
Virgin-ruler of paradise. 6-22.
Virgin sad and sorrowful. 16-48.
Virgin, sinless bloom of sinful race. 10-14.
Virgin so good. 34-73.
Virgin so tender. 2A-182.
Virgin spouse. 19-11.
Virgin, spouse of the Holy Spirit. 7-20.
Virgin, sprung from soil terrene, yet robed in peerless purity. 44-18.
Virgin, thou of virgins fairest. 6-22.
Virgin, truly admirable and most worthy of all honour. 20-58.
Virgin truly full of grace. 16-77.
Virgin undefiled. 29-93; 34-149.
Virgin unique. 2A-33.
Virgin who destroyest all heresies. 6-22.
Virgin who produced the family of the Blessed.
Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. 33-146.
Virgin who surpasses Eden's garden of delights. 70-51.
Virgin who was elected to be the mother of the Most High. 6-22.
Virgin wise. 34-139.
Virgin without equal. 20-83.
A humble, unknown virgin in the tiny village of Nazareth. 11-16.
A virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus. 85-12.
A virgin brought forth Him who is God and man. 83-571.
A virgin brought forth yet a virgin remained. 44-11.
A virgin conceives. 20-144.
A virgin even as a mother. 14-63.
A virgin forever. 29-12; 56-20.
A virgin hath borne the Savior. 29-104.
A virgin in body, in mind, in intention. 20-58.
A virgin spiritually and physically, solely and entirely at God's disposal. 14-69.
A virgin wondrous mild. 24-138.
A youthful virgin. 24-1 34.
Admirable virgin. 16-46.
Afflicted virgin. 4-531.
After her shall virgins be brought to the King. 36-215.
All-holy virgin. 93-26.
All-merciful virgin. 66-30.
All-powerful virgin. 51-130.
Amiable virgin. 16-17.
An espoused virgin. 75-18.
August virgin. 33-152.
Beautiful virgin. 26-197.
Benign virgin. 34-284.
Benignant virgin. 37-229.
Blessed Virgin. 87-86.
Blessed virgin, full of grace. 16-109.
Blessed virgin in whose pure womb the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God was formed. 64-16.
Blessed virgin, more beautiful than the angelic army. 10-37.
Blessed virgin of Massabielle. 10-16.
Blessed virgin of the rosary. 28-31.
Blessed virgin, our ordinary resource. 24-66.
Crown of virginity. 20-124.
Ever-glorious and blessed virgin. 64-21.
Ever sinless virgin. 16-42; 37-207.
Ever-triumphant virgin. 51-46.
Ever-victorious virgin. 51-81.
Ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. 94-34.
Exalted virgin. 4-46.
Fair vestal of the Paraclete. 10-13.
Faithful virgin. 6-22.
First confessor of virginity. 10-22.
Fruitful virgin. 10-15.
Gentle virgin. 2A-9.
Glorious and blessed virgin. 6-22.
Glorious and immaculate virgin Mary. 6-22.
Glorious virgin. 6-22.
Glorious virgin blessed above all created things. 37-162.
Glorious virgin, more beautiful than the Cherubim and Seraphim. 10-37.
Glorious virgin who first wore the sign of virginity and raised the banner of inviolate purity. 16-69.
God's own virgin bride. 34-135.
Good virgin. 34-73.
Gracious virgin. 6-22.
Great virgin. 4-198.
Guide and mother of virgins. 5E-393.
Hail, virgin, wisdom's fairest shrine. 44-20.
Holy and inviolate virgin. 6-22.
Holy and merciful virgin. 6-22.
Holy virgin. 88-4; 14-54.
Holy virgin, good mother. 6-22.
Holy virgin, the whole of whose glory is within, and who during her entire life loved retirement and prayer so much. 37-142.
Humble and devout virgin. 5E-321.
Humble Jewish virgin in Nazareth. 11-19.
Immaculate and most wise virgin. 34-135.
Immaculate virgin, consummate in virtue. 10-2:
Immaculate virgin, most pleasing to the Lord. 77-5.
Immaculate virgin, through whom was repaired what was lost in Adam. 34-227.
Incomparable virgin. 6-22.
Ineffable virginity. 37-230.
Inviolate virgin. 29-65.
Lady virgin. 65-168.
Loving virgin. 6-22.
Mighty virgin. 6-22.
Model of virginity for virgins. 16-68.
Most blessed and glorious ever virgin Mary. 9-9.
Most blessed virgin. 6-22.
Most blessed virgin immaculate. 6-22.
Most blessed virgin of Mount Carmel. 33-85.
Most blessed virgin of the Pillar. 6-22.
Most chaste virgin queen. 5E-245.
Most happy virgin, who didst die of the vehemence of the love of God. 6-23.
Most holy virgin. 87-93.
Most holy virgin immaculate. 6-23.
Most holy virgin, who wast pleasing to the Lord. 6-23.
Most illustrious virgin. 6-23.
Most pitiful virgin. 50-18.
Most pure and immaculate virgin. 6-23.
Most tender virgin. 6-23.
Mother of virgins. 5E-393.
Patient and loving virgin. 50-12.
Pearl of virgins. 10-16.
Peerless virgin. 10-31.
Perpetual virgin. 10-31.
Pure and spotless virgin. 6-23.
Purest and humblest of virgins. 20-78, 79.
Purest of all virgins. 6-23.
Purest virgin, most praiseworthy and most worshipful. 20-25.
Purest virgin, yet partaker of the joys of motherhood. 42-6.
Remarkable Jewess known and praised everywhere as the Blessed Virgin. 85-3.
Royal virgin. 4-394.
Sacred virgin. 6-23.
Singular and miraculous virgin. 37-23.
Sinless virgin. 26-157.
Source of virginity. 70-120.
Special patroness of virgins. 70-27.
Spotless virgin. 11-51; 20-219.
Standard-bearer of virgins. 4-434.
Sweet blessed virgin, my august sovereign. 63-106.
Sweet virgin whom I love. 12-28.
That virgin who was to conceive and bear a son. 20-209.
The attentive virgin. 93-16.
The first who offered her virginity to God. 4-571.
The perpetual virgin. 11-32.
The virgin crushes the head of the serpent; her battalions advance to their foretold victory over the adverse forces. 2C-165.
The virgin in prayer. 93-17.
The virgin named most wise. 24-53.
The virgin presenting offerings. 93-18.
The virgin, who gave birth to the Only-begotten, has nurtured God and man. 70-16.
The virgin who is to conceive and bear a son, whose name will be called Emmanual. 87-87.
The virgin who will give to men the Son of God. 34-327.
The virgin with the bird. 54-5.
Thou virgin first and last. 63-126.
Uncorrupted virgin. 4-309.
Undefiled treasure of virginity. 70-121.
Untainted virgin. 34-135.
Virginal propitiatory. 10-14.
Virginal queen of virgins. 34-366.
Virginal tabernacle. 10-14.
Weeping virgin. 72-91.
Wisest virgin, full of grace. 16-82.
Wonderful virgin. 16-31.
A humble woman of Judea. 34-230.
A woman clothed with the sun as if completely filled with the Divinity. 75-38.
A woman crowned with twelve stars, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet. 37-230.
A woman descended from Adam and Eve. 5E-451.
A woman encompasses the Creator in her flesh. 12-36.
A woman more holy than all the hierarchies of heaven, and who bore in her womb the Creator of the angels and of the heavens. 5C-193.
A woman of strength, who experienced poverty and suffering, flight and exile. 93-34.
A woman so great and so royal by birth. 34-14.
A woman so valiant and victorious. 5C-287.
A woman unafraid. 27-60.
A woman who walked by faith. 94-26.
A woman, who would give birth to the Messias and who would live in perpetual enmity with Satan. 11-95.
Blessed among women and full of the Holy Ghost. 58-156.
Blessed and unique among women. 11-22.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. 36-254.
Blessed woman. 58-106.
Brave woman. 20-59.
Brave young woman. 94-51.
Chosen amongst all women. 4-275.
Courageous woman. 5C-109.
Crown of women. 20-231.
Exceptional woman. 85-3.
Flower of womanhood. 24-9.
Great and valiant woman. 4-142.
Great silent woman. 51-63.
Heavenly woman. 5E-459.
Incomparable woman of the scripture. 10-11.
Invincible woman. 5E-202.
In the courts of the mandarins there is no woman like to thee. 34-54.
Like a mighty fortress, the valiant woman. 11-70.
Loveliest of women. 34-353.
Magnanimous woman. 5E-240.
Most dear amongst women. 20-224.
Most humble of women. 12-82.
Mysterious woman. 5E-445.
No woman can be compared with you. 12-24.
No woman surpasses her. 12-113.
0 woman, honor of all women, the best, the greatest the world ever possessed. 16-46.
Of all earth's women, most beauty-laden. 34-146.
Peerless woman. 5E-155.
Perfect type of woman in the double sense of: femina et muller. 12-14.
Perfect womanhood. 34-247.
She is the woman of the seven swords. 20-174.
Single in her virtues among all the women of the world. 34-235.
Strong and unconquered woman. 5C-297.
Strong woman, clothed with beauty and fortitude. 5D-135.
Summit of womanhood. 11-10.
That strong woman on whom the heart of her husband confidently relied. 58-535.
That woman, of all women the most blessed. 2C-262.
That woman who gave birth to the Word of the Eternal Father. 58-99.
That woman whose vessels are filled with the oil of divine grace. 16-69.
The believing woman by whose faith the unbelieving Adam and all his posterity are saved. 4-565.
The chosen woman, clothed in the strength of fortitude and beauty. 58-442.
The greatest woman ever to bless this sordid earth with the sandals of her feet. 85-3.
The ideal and perfect woman. 46-18.
The immaculate and most happy among women. 5E-204.
The just woman. 11-57.
The most beautiful of women. 2A-288.
The most perfect woman. 5D-132.
The one woman with whom we can fall in love at first sight and not fear that later we shall be disillusioned. 11-35, 36.
The only woman ever to combine in herself the incompatible glories of virginity and motherhood. 11-5.
The price of this woman is as something coming from afar. 58-588.
The promised woman. 11-93.
The strong woman whose domestics are sheltered by double garments. 58-166.
The tenderest and gentlest woman that ever existed. 2A-182.
The woman by whom is to be taken from our race the curse which lies upon it. 20-77.
The woman envisioned by St. John the beloved in his Apocalypse. 11-44.
The woman, foretold from the beginning, crushing the serpent's head. 2A-141.
The woman in St. John's Cana and Calvary narratives. 94-7.
The woman who is the Mother of God. 51-131.
The woman who is the sworn enemy of Satan. 49-12.
The woman whose Son Jesus has come to earth to undo what the devil has done. 49-12.
Treasure among all woman. 12-27.
Unequaled, most lovely and giving of woman. 34-121.
Valiant woman. 51-74; 58-604.
Woman. 87-90; 6-15.
Woman above all women glorified. 34-336.
Woman clothed with the sun and beauty unfurled. 34-120.
Woman in mortal flesh called and elevated to the throne and council of the most Blessed Trinity. 58-293.
Woman most loyal 11-55.
Woman of faith. 94-39.
Woman of might. 34-124.
Woman of tenderness. 34-124.
Woman saddest. 34-62.
Woman singularly to be venerated. 20-58.
Woman so full of clemency. 58-96.
Woman of sorrows. 2C-181.
Woman spoken of by the prophet. 12-36.
Woman unutterably fair. 34-123.
Woman who walked home on the arm of John (after the crucifixion). 7-14.
Woman without peer. 28-75.
Woman wrapped in silence. 67-12.
Womankind restored at last to grace. 34-205.
Wondrous woman ever in travail. 34-22.
A beginning to the restoration of heaven and the sanctification of the world. 58-272.
A creature infinitely pure and exquisite. 2A-182.
A creature so lovable. 5C-358.
A creature who was altogether a prodigy and a summary of wonders. 5E-140.
A diligent pilgrim towards the heavenly and eternal city. 93-34.
A dwelling, the most illustrious for sweetness, for graces and for virtues. 37-134.
A faithful copy of the original. 5E-49.
A force, a power for us, because she excels in lifting us. 12-105.
A frail and tender maiden. 56-80.
A friend to counsel thee. 58-361.
A fullness of innocence and holiness. 91-10.
A gift which only infinite love could have devised and given. 34-294.
A girl in contemplation bent. 24-88.
A graduate of the school for virgins in the temple of Jerusalem. 34-348.
A haven in all troubles and difficulties of body and soul. 11-87.
A heaven from the first of thy existence. 58-144.
A heaven that contains the Sun. 34-178.
A helper in need and tribulation. 79-13.
A holy place. 37-165.
A human being descended from Adam. 61-476.
A joyful sign to the Church of the answer to its constant prayer, "Come, Lord Jesus." 94-23.
A listening girl encompassing the Word. 24-88.
A little and humble handmaid of God. 37-35.
A living and faithful reproduction of her most holy Son. 5D-437.
A living image of Christ, our Redeemer and Master. 5E-32.
A loyal servant of heaven.34-183.
A martyr not by the sword of the executioner but by the bitter sorrow of her heart. 16-66.
A martyr in spirit. 21-68.
A martyr of patience. 16-40.
A mere creature in mortal flesh. 58-584.
A mere creature that has come from the hands of the Most High. 37-11.
A mighty champion who will defend us against all of the wiles of the evil one and guide us to her son. 27-8.
A militant in heaven. 51-19.
A militant who influences all men without exception. 51-14.
A most rich treasury in which he has laid up all that he has of beauty and splendor, of rarity and preciousness, including even his Own Son. 37-15.
A most wise teacher. 5C-353
A new creature from the heaven of the divine mind. 58-203.
A partner in the divine mysteries. 2C-149.
A perfect example of a creature not only free from all taint of sin but also full of all grace. 27-84.
A perfect mold wherein we are to be molded in order to make her intentions and dispositions ours. 37-215.
A perfect setting for a perfect jewel. 27-5.
A physician, divinely mild and full of healing power. 24-266.
A pilgrim in the world. 5E-604.
A place so high and so holy, which is guarded, not by one of the Cherubim like the old earthly paradise, but by the Holy Ghost himself, who is its absolute Master. 37-193.
A pledge, a security for our reconciliation with God. 16-58.
A pledge of God's love for us. 11-76.
A precious vase that held each day new offerings of blossomy. 34-247.
A priestess bearing the sacrament in loving veneration.34-93.
A prodigy of humility. 58-418
A protectress to shield thee. 58-361.
A rich harvest of grace. 20-49.
A salutary remedy. 45-14.
A seal upon my heart, because your love is as strong as death. 37-162, 163.
A second Eve who brought forth Emmanuel. 20-9.
A secondary but universal meritorious cause of our supernatural life. 20-279.
A sign of motherly kindness, the living image of the mercy of God. 11-85.
A sinless creature and without measure superior to all the highest seraphim. 5E-338.
A song of love inspired by the Holy Spirit. 94-44.
A soul that was pure and noble beyond all earthly measure.20-245.
A special means of grace. 2A-11.
A spouse so worthy and so amiable. 6-13.
A star thou art, which shinest with a radiance kind, upon each weary heart. 34-212.
A stronghold of God. 58-233.
A sublime example. 12-79.
A teacher and an instrument of divine wisdom. 58-480.
A teacher of the spiritual life for individual Christians. 93-20.
A throne of nobler gold, silver pure and queenly strong, His infinity to hold. 34-246.
A treasure. 37-225.
A vast abyss of humility and love. 5D-17.
A wonder of physical and spiritual beauty. 15-8.
A work only surpassed by God. 4-318.
A world in herself. 11-91.
A world of marvels. 2C-108.
A young maiden of the Temple of Jerusalem. 56-21.
Above all of the angels and saints. 12-13.
Abode of all divine graces. 89-3.
Above all those who have been outstanding in the world by their charms and attractions. 12-13.
Above the world, below thy Son. 28-67.
Abyss impenetrable. 37-6.
Acceptable above all creatures. 58-151.
Adam's deliverance. 70-115.
Adjutrix. 87-91.
Administratrix of divine charismata. 10-36.
Administratrix of the sacrament of human rendemption. 10-36.
Admirable above others. 20-58.
Admirable creature. 37-5.
Admirable instructress. 5D-437.
Admirable treasurer of God. 58-225.
Adorer of the Incarnate Word. 10-19.
After God, our supreme joy. 11-38.
After God, the most beautiful and the greatest marvel of the universe. 12-25.
All beautiful, and radiant with the utmost in human perfections. 27-4.
All blessed. 68-10.
All chaste. 70-115.
All fair, 0 Mary. 6-13.
All fair to see, her robe of golden cloth, a robe of rich embroidery. 29-79.
All generations bless thee. 58-273.
All good. 70-115.
All gracious. 34-373.
All holy. 68-10.
All merciful. 34-361.
All mercy, all kindness. 11-83.
All nations recognize and praise thy grace and beauty. 58-273.
All perfect. 20-8.
All powerful in her intercession in obtaining pardon and succour for the unfortunate sons of Adam. 12-20.
All powerful with One Whom here on earth she greeted by the loving name of Son. 34-18.
All sweetness. 12-81.
All the grace of the way and the truth. 5D-20.
All the saints are but rays of this sun, and streamlets flowing from this ocean. 58-404.
All worthy of praise. 68-10.
Almoner of all graces. 64-25.
Alone the chosen one and the perfect one.5B-204.
Altar and sanctuary.5B-406.
Always a militant. 51-18.
Always beautiful, always good, always strong. 12-75, 76
Amazingly beautiful and holy creature. 85-14.
Ambassadress. 20-23.
Amiable and courteous. 4-215.
Amiable and heavenly creature. 5D-365.
Amiable and sublime creature. 34-230.
Amiable in the eyes of God, and of the angels and of the world. 58-605.
An abyss of graces. 2C-108.
An enemy of pomp. 2A-289.
An eternal thought of God. 6828.
An everlasting glory. 10-16.
An example to all the rest of creation. 5B-420.
An extraordinary union of graces. 5E-44.
An ideal of heroism, and beauty, and tenderness. 34-280.
An invincible warrior in the defense of her servants. 16-77.
An object of delight for God and angels and men. 11-34.
An object of terror to the powers of hell. 2C-105.
An ocean of greatness. 2C-108.
An old world's fondest dream. 34-100.
An overflowing and inexhaustible vessel of grace. 16-62.
An unbounded power in the realm of grace. 2C-317.
Angelic betrothed of Joseph, the just. 10-40.
Announced by the choir of prophets. 12-27.
Apostle par excellence of her Divine Son. 20-265.
Arbiter and dispenser of the treasures of God. 6-13.
Arbitress of our destiny. 10-13.
Archetype of purity and innocence. 70-115.
Archive of all the treasures of the Incarnate Word. 5D-55.
Archive of grace. 5D-80.
Assemblage of grace. 10-21.
Assistant of her divine Son. 5D-335.
Associate in the labors of the Divine Redemption. 91-10.
Associate of the Redeemer. 93-21.
August princess. 37-160.
August sovereign. 37-195.
August temple of the most Holy Trinity. 37-240.
Aurora, source of purity. 63-93.
Bearer of light. 20-87.
Beautiful and full of grace. 58-264.
Beautiful and sweet in thy delights. 29-62.
Beautiful as the moon. 58-126.
Beautiful as the turtle dove. 4-572.
Beautiful beyond compare. 2A-288.
Beautiful "dawn" which is always illumined with divine light. 4-316.
Beautiful gift of God. 20-218.
Beautiful in every way. 68-10.
Beautiful Jewish maiden. 67-5.
Beautiful love. 5D-15.
Beautiful one. 58-564.
Beauty of Carmel. 6-13.
Beauty of the world. 10-31.
Begetter of reconciliation and of the reconciled. 20-278.
Beginning, middle and end of our felicity. 10-13.
Beginning of our salvation. 5E-665.
Beloved and most loving mother. 58-590.
Beloved bride of the Holy Ghost. 82-214.
Beloved of angels. 11-35.
Beloved of God. 11-34.
Beloved of men. 11-35.
Beloved one of her Lord, loved more than all of the saints and angels together. 4-40.
Beloved spouse and mother. 5E-138.
Benefactress of men. 58-189.
Benevolent neighbor to the women of Nazareth. 10-40.
Best human fulfillment of Christ's command "Be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect." 11-8.
Beyond the saints who highest are, within the courts of heaven. 34-212.
Blessed among all creatures. 5E-667.
Blessed and extolled of all nations. 10-31.
Blessed art thou more than all thy kind. 34-129.
Blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord. 14-61, 62.
Blessed assurance. 20-278.
Blessed by the Holy Ghost by whose power you gave birth to the world's Savior. 75-33.
Blessed by the just because you hear their prayers, free them from temptation and increase grace in their souls. 75-33.
Blessed Dame in the high heaven. 10-37.
Blessed finder of grace. 10-11.
Blessed fountain, overflowing with unfailing joy. 20-16.
Blessed, free of blame. 34-69.
Blessed maid. 24-71; 24-206.
Blessed of all generations. 10-8.
Blessed those who heard and kept the word of God, as she was faithfully doing. 87-89.
Blessed Virgin, who by thy fiat hast saved a lost world. 16-66.
Blest are those who hear the word of God and keep it. 94-20.
Blest one. 34-80.
Blissful bearer of thy Maker. 34-87.
Blossom-crowned maiden. 34-126.
Breadth unspeakable. 37-6.
Breath of heaven. 34-319.
Bride of Christ. 94-7.
Bride of the Canticle. 70-115.
Bride of the Father. 70-115.
Bride of the Lamb. 58-52.
Bride of Yahweh. 94-5.
Bright mirror of all virtues. 6-13.
Brightness of Everlasting Light. 34-28.
Brilliant light of sanctity. 63-97.
Busy one of Paradise. 10-22.
By nature fairer, more beautiful and more holy than the Cherubim and Seraphim. 20-8.
By nature more beautiful, more graceful and more holy than the Cherubim and Seraphim themselves and the whole host of angels. 89-3.
Careful housewife of Nazareth. 2C-141.
Careful teacher. 5D-323.
Carrier of the olive branch. 10-13.
Cause of all blessings. 5D-348.
Cause of joy in heaven. 11-60.
Cause of joy on earth. 11-61.
Cause of our joy. 6-13.
Cause of our salvation. 51-68.
Cause of universal joy. 28-19.
Celestial princess. 58-525.
Cellarer of the whole Trinity, for she pours out and gives the wine of the Holy Spirit to whomsoever she wills and to the extent that she wills. 2C-198.
Champion of the divine faith. 5D-94.
Channel of every grace which Jesus Christ has won. 2A-12.
Cherished being. 34-235.
Chief miracle of God's omnipotence. 10-14.
Child bride. 34-362.
Child-bearing maiden. 33-9.
Child of Adam, the God made father of the world. 10-39.
Child of virtue. 24-7.
Choicest blossom. 34-124.
Chosen among all creatures as the model of the new evangelical law and its Author. 5D-62.
Chosen and beloved one among the children of Adam. 5E-50.
Chosen and only one among creatures. 58-536.
Chosen before the ages. 70-115.
Chosen by the God of mercy to give to the world the Redeemer of the human race. 6-13.
Chosen dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit, his ciborium, his spiritual vessel. 11-62.
Chosen for the greatest sacrament of the divine Omnipotence. 58-159, 160.
Chosen for the mother of the Only begotten. 58-58.
Chosen from the beginning. 20-58.
Chosen lady in whom our Lord found repose. 4-274.
Chosen mother of the divine Son. 50-20.
Chosen of heaven. 34-353.
Chosen one. 28-35.
Chosen treasure.20-25.
Clean, pure, abounding in grace, and, above all, she is the mother of mercy. 58-249.
Closest of all creatures to God. 11-20.
Closest of all to God's heart. 11-14.
Clothed in variety. 11-105.
Clothed with divine grace as with a garment. 70-52.
Clothed with the purest gold of the Divinity. 58-473.
Clothed with the Sun, with crescent 'neath thy feet and the fair star-gems glistening in thy crown. 24-21.
Coadjutrix of Christ, our Lord. 58-238.
Coadjutrix of salvation. 5D-665.
Coadjutrix of the admirable works and mysteries of our redemption. 5C-353.
Coadjutrix of the Lord in his labors for the redemption of mortals. 5D-241.
Co-helper in our redemption. 27-81.
Come over to me all of you that desire me, and you shall be filled with my fruits. 36-223.
Comely as Jerusalem. 10-16.
Commander-in-chief. 51-30.
Comandress of the Catholic faith. 5D-94, 95.
Companion and co-partner in the works of the redemption. 5C-373.
Companion and helper of our Lord in his passion. 5D-228.
Companion of the Redeemer. 10-15.
Compassionate and courageous. 94-50.
Compassionate heart of Mary Immaculate. 75-27.
Compassionate with the little and the poor. 12-7.
Completely without reproach. 68-10.
Conceived of the Spirit Holy. 34-145.
Conqueror of all heresy. 94-39.
Conqueror of evil and death. 90-26.
Conqueror of the infernal serpent from the first instance of thy existence. 6-13.
Consecrated to God. 70-52.
Cooperator in our justification. 4-166.
Cooperator with the Redeemer. 51-17.
Cooperator with your Son in the work of our redemption. 51-132.
Cooperatrix of the Incarnation. 28-21.
Co-redeemer, that is, the co-operator with Christ in the redemption of the world. 51-115.
Co-redemptress of the world. 6-13.
Co-redemptrix of the human race. 6-13.
Consolation of the saints. 4-616.
Consort in the work of our redemption. 10-36.
Consummate teacher. 5D-4.
Counselor most venerable. 34-365.
Counselor of the world. 11-39.
Counterpart of Jesus, thy son. 10-13.
Courage of sinners. 24-7.
Court of the Eternal King. 70-115.
Co-worker of salvation. 28-309.
Creation's pride. 34-169.
Creator of poetry. 12-105.
Creature most pleasing and acceptable. 5B-166.
Creature so pure and immaculate. 5D-733.
Crown of all miracles. 20-5.
Crown of virginity. 70-115.
Crowned with sovereignty.34-249.
Cure of hearts. 20-229.
Custodian and dispenser of all the graces which her divine Son merited for us through his death on Calvary. 11-25.
Custodian of all the treasures gained by her Son as God, on account of his infinite merits. 5D-665.
Daily communicant at the Beloved Disciple's mass. 10-40.
Dear Madonna. 34-396.
Dear spouse.37-164.
Deity's shrine. 10-6.
Delicate and tender maiden. 5C-163.
Delight of all of the citizens of heaven. 45-5.
Delight of God the Father. 10-31.
Depository of the Divinity.S8-590.
Descendant of David. 14-16.
Descendant of the shepherdess Ruth. 10-11.
Disciple of Christ. 5D-5.
Dispensatrix of all grace. 33-61.
Dispensatrix of all the treasures of heavenly grace.5B-223.
Dispensatrix of the treasures of the Divinity. 58-240.
Dispenser of all gifts without exception. 28-88.
Dispenser of all good things. 4-113.
Dispenser of all the goods which God grants to us miserable sinners. 79-12.
Dispenser of all the graces Jesus purchased by his death and by his Blood. 2A-141.
Dispenser of divine mercy. 4-257.
Dispenser of God's graces. 11-79.
Dispenser of Our Lord's Blood. 2A-111.
Dispenser of the gifts of God. 10-36.
Dispenser of the gifts of the Redemption. 70-116.
Dispenser of the merits of her Son. 41-16.
Dispenser of the treasures of heaven. 6-13.
Dispenser of the treasures of thy Son. 6-13.
Dispenser of the vast stores of heaven through her Son. 27-84.
Distinguished among the heavenly citizens. 75-46.
Distinguished and chosen among all creatures. 58-69.
Distributor of all graces. 51-89.
Distributor of every grace. 11-7.
Divine luminary. 58-264.
Divine oracle. 5C-399.
Divine princess. 58-271.
Divine prodigy.5B-57.
Divine, triumphant princess. 10-9.
Dwelling-place of all the graces of the Most Holy Spirit. 20-8.
Dwelling place of light. 10-37.
Elect among creatures. 5G155.
Elect, exalted, powerful and full of the Holy Ghost. 58-153.
Elect of Almighty God. 34-139.
Elect of God Most High, to bear his Son and hers. 24-86.
Elect or chosen one of God. 11-14.
Elevated above the archangels. 12-82.
Elevated above the glory, above the honors which the saints possess, higher than the virtues, the benignity, the sweetness and charm of blessed spirits. 12-32.
Emblem of all that is good and pure. 10-16.
Eminently perfect. 20-84.
Empress and mistress of the militant Church, it's protectress, its advocate, its mother and teacher. 58-656.
Empress of all creation. 58-437.
Empress of heaven. 58-667, 58-467.
Empress of the Church 58-421.
Empress of the starry sky. 10-9.
Empress of the world. 58-595.
Engendered from the fruitful race of patriarchs. 12-27.
Enthroned above the starry sky. 6-13.
Entirely beautiful and perfect. 91-10.
Entrusted with all of the treasures of God. 11-47.
Espoused wife of the Lamb. 58-219.
Eternally full of grace. 19-11.
Ethereal vision whose grace and valor have entirely subdued us. 34-280.
Ever spotless and ever blessed. 20-9.
Exalted above all of the works of God. 58-457.
Exalted above the angels. 70-116.
Exalted above the choirs of angels unto heavenly kingdoms. 91-12.
Exalted and blessed spouse. 58-87.
Exalted as the angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, confessors and virgins. 75-32.
Exalted in dignity according to the measure of his own Omnipotence.SB-588.
Exalted supereminently.5E-224.
Example of patience. 4-582.
Excellent masterpiece of the Most High. 37-4.
Exquisite example of retirement and modesty. 5D-307.
Exquisite model whose virtues we must draw into ourselves. 2C-136.
Exterminator of the enemies of God. 37-19.
Extremely kind and generous to all thy loving children. 79-21.
Exultant with joy. 12-47.
Fair and full of grace. 34-157.
Fair and gentle as the moon. 37-62.
Fair and most dear to God. 20-5.
Fair and royal. 34-248.
Fair and sweet. 36-221.
Fair dawn of destiny. 34-178.
Fair maiden, blessed from heaven. 10-37.
Fairest of the fair. 24-245.
Fairest one. 24-136.
Fairest pattern of maidenhood and maternity. 10-13.
Fairest thou where all are fair. 29-108.
Fairest woman-child e'er seen. 24-116.
Faithful and inseparable spouse. 37-23; 37-127.
Faithful copy of her divine Son. 5E-206.
Faithful handmaid of divine providence. 6-13.
Faithful harbinger of the springtime of grace. 5B-309.
Faithful helper of her most holy Son. 5D-557.
Faithful messenger. 2A-11.
Faithful servant in the Church. 5D-762.
Faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost. 10-31;37-216.
Far surpasses all other creatures both in heaven and on earth. 87-86.
Fashioned of flesh incorruptible. 34-249.
Filled with grace and gifts above those of the highest Seraphim of heaven. 58-181.
First in beauty as in power. 28-83.
First in watchings. 2A-289.
Flame of wisdom. 67-117.
Fondest shepherdess.24-257.
For all weary, thou art rest. 34-319.
Foreknown by the Most High and prepared for his work. 20-58.
Forerunner of the Son of Justice. 10-15.
Forth-bringer of the Ancient of Days. 70-116.
Forth-bringer of the Tree of Life. 70-116.
Fount of love and holy sorrow. 6-13.
Friend. 34-295.
Fruit of benediction. 58-152.
Fruitful spouse of the Holy Ghost. 37-122.
Full of every grace. 6-13.
Full of goodness to the just. 10-13.
Full of grace and consequently of love. 11-68.
Full of grace and all perfection. 5C-298.
Full of grace, for grace is given to other saints partially, but the full plenitude of grace poured itself into Mary. 16-84.
Full of grace for herself. 28-91.
Full of grace for the sake of men. 28-91.
Full of grace, from which many small brooks flow, that moisten the earth, and water the garden of the world. 16-78.
Full of grace, virtue and the heavenly gifts. 6-13.
Full of liberality towards me. 4-98.
Full of light and grace and she bears within herself the Author of light. 50-328.
Full of love for us who are mortal. 6-14.
Full of the unction of mercy and of the oil of compassion. 4-39.
Fullness of all good. 2A-12.
Fully attentive to the needs of others. 94-46.
General of the armies of God. 2A-52.
Generator of charm. 12-105.
Generous to the needy. 10-31.
Gentle and full of grace. 34-21.
Gentle, chaste, spotless maid. 10-9.
Gentle maid of Galilee. 34-1.
Gentle maiden having lodged a God in her womb. 4-256.
Girl, empress and ruler. 91-4.
Glad creature. 20-184.
Glorified more than all others. 12-110.
Glorious example of humility. 75-46.
Glorious heaven. 20-23.
Glorious maid. 6-14.
Glory of Christians. 10-11.
Glory of Libanus. 6-14.
Glory of mankind. 10-13.
Glory of the Christian nations. 28-83.
God bearer. 87-94.
God destined thee his chosen one and made thee mother of his Son. 44-18.
God great and powerful in this creature. 5E-636.
Godlike creature. 58-57.
God's beautiful one. 34-152.
God's handmaid. 24-234.
God's handmaid full of every grace. 24-21.
God's handmaid low. 24-75.
God's holy spouse. 24-16.
God's lovely human bride. 34-125.
God's poor serving-child. 24-70.
God's pride and masterpiece. 34-308.
God's splendid marvel. 36-50.
God's treasure. 4-256.
Good, affable, compassionate and never tired of hearing the long complaints of the afflicted. 2A-288.
Good Anna's promised child of Judah's royal line. 34-100.
Grace and sweetness. 12-34.
Gracious guest in Elizabeth's household. 10-40.
Gracious matron. 10-9.
Grand almoner of Divine Providence. 10-16.
Great chieftainess of the martyrs. 5D-579.
Great militant. 51-14.
Great mistress of humility. 58-580.
Great princess.5B-246.
Great queen and teacher.5E-123.
Great sublime creature of God. 85-35.
Great teacher of humility. 5D-333.
Greater than all heaven's throng. 1628.
Greatest treasure of heaven and earth. 5E-316.
Guarantee of our salvation. 10-39.
Guardian of the Emmanuel. 10-7.
Guardian of the heavenly mysteries. 10-14.
Guardian of the treasures of God himself. 2C-145.
Guiltless in God's sight. 11-108.
Hail, full of grace. 10-5.
Hail Mary, of all things in this world most precious. 20-123.
Hail, O peace of God with men. 16-58.
Hallowed treasury for the wants of all creatures. 20-25.
Handmaid most perfect in God's sight. 10-22.
Handmaid of the Eucharistic Jesus. 10-20.
Handmaid of the Lord. 6-14.
Happy one. 24-119.
Happy parent, chose to bear thy Maker, God's eternal heir. 36-207.
Harbinger of peace. 71-16.
Harbinger of salvation. 45-13.
Haven in all troubles and difficulties of body and soul. 11-87.
He that harkeneth to me shall not be confounded. 36-223.
Health of the sick. 6-14.
Health of the world. 10-13.
Heaven declaring the glory of God. 20-25.
Heavenly commandress. 5E-148.
Heavenly creature affluent with the delights of the Almighty. 5E-69.
Heavenly instructress. 58-523.
Heavenly maid. 58-568.
Heavenly nurse. 5D-144.
Heavenly patron. 34-31.
Heavenly physician. 10-9.
Heavenly princess Mary. 50-288.
Heavenly sovereign. 5E-277.
Heavenly spouse. 58-296.
Heavenly teacher. 5D-177.
Heavenly treasure. 34-227.
Heavenly treasurer of the Heart of Jesus. 63-59.
Heaven's delight. 34-110.
Heaven's light. 34-87.
Heaven's masterpiece, she will be after God our supreme joy. 11-38.
Height incomprehensible. 37-6.
Heiress of the grandeur of kings. 12-27.
Help of the abandoned. 16-96.
Help of the Church. 64-46.
Help of the helpless. 64-30.
Helper for every situation. 11-41.
Helper of all men. 5E-661.
Helper of our redemption. 64-21.
Her bosom is, as the holy Fathers say, the chamber of the divine sacraments where Jesus Christ and all the elect have been formed. 37-194.
Her glory is great and her grace is powerful, surpassing that of the archangels, and the saints, rising to God who is the cause of her grandeur and glory. 12-95.
Her highness. 5C-166.
Her majesty. 58-485, 5C-209.
Her price is from afar and from the end of the earth. 20-59.
Her purity had ever been as spotless as that of the angels. 20-136.
Her will was always attuned to the will of God. 11-22.
Her womb God's citadel. 24-262.
Heroine. 34-295.
Hidden treasure of guilelessness. 20-25.
Highest in heaven but still lowly in heart. 24-133.
Highest sovereign. 5E-108.
Holiest of all creatures. 6-14.
Holiest of all the holy. 27-61.
Holy and pure creature. 58-56.
Holy and singular. 40-2.
Holy and wonderful fruit. 58-156.
Holy both in body and spirit. 20-58.
Holy city. 58-167.
Holy in soul and in body. 70-117.
Holy maiden. 34-57.
Holy one. 24-34.
Holy spinner in the temple. 10-12.
Home of the homeless. 24-269.
Honor of all creation. 58-596.
Honored more fervently than all others. 12-110.
Honored with the dignity of pontiffs. 12-27.
Hostel of the Sun. 28-115.
Hostess. 12-4.
Humble handmaid of the Lord. 88-6; 50-8.
Humble housekeeper. 2C-19.
Humble in heart. 20-27.
Humble maid of Galilee. 34-182.
Humble princess Mary. 15-5.
Humble servant of God. 28-74.
Humble wormlet. 58-350 (Mary's words about herself).
Humblest of all creatures of God. 6-14.
Humblest of the humble. 5E-412.
Ideal holiness. 34-178.
Illustrious exile in Egyptian land. 10-40.
Image of the humanity of Christ. 5D-783.
Imitator of St. Ann's virtues. 10-7.
Immaculate in body and spirit, in faith and in love. 6-14.
Immaculate mirror of the Divinity, admitting no other image. 5E-57.
Immaculate one, enclosed in your virginal flesh Him whom the whole world knows not how to contain. 12-36.
Immaculate, pure, blessed and holy above all creatures.5B-159.
Immaculate treasure-house of the Word of God. 6-14.
Immense treasury. 37-15.
Immortal almoner of graces. 30-186.
In her God was man and man was God. 20-228.
In her is the beauty of life. 2A-196.
In her there was no disease to remedy and no stain to cleanse. 20-190.
In me is all grace of the way and of the truth. 36-223.
In mind and heart, she was most beautiful, spotless; so that never was there a woman like unto her. 75-45.
In the eyes of the mightiest King and his courtiers, excellest all that is not God in dignity and grandeur. 58-273.
In thy beauty and comeliness go on, advance prosperously, and reign. 36-217.
In you are found gathered all good things. 12-32.
Inaccessible to venomous serpents. 28-20.
Incomparable in the charm of her beauty, nobility and grace. 58-577.
Incomparable loveliness. 20-85.
Incomparable mercy. 58-219.
Incomparable sanctity. 28-91.
Indicated by patriarchs. 20-58.
Industrious matron of the Holy Family. 10-40.
Ineffable miracle of the Almighty. 20-5.
Ineffable miracle of the Most High. 2A-10.
Inestimable treasure. 5D-763.
Inferior only to God and superior to all other creatures.5B-264.
Inquiring and contemplative. 94-50.
Inseparable companion of Jesus. 2A-284.
Inspirer of beauty. 12-105.
Instructress and model. 58-226.
Instructress of holy Church. 5D-783.
Intelligent. 94-50.
Intercessor of sinners. 64-30.
Inventrix of grace. 70-117.
Inviolate and altogether holy. 6-14.
Inviolate spouse. 6-14.
Isaiah's "Virgin (who) shall conceive and bear a Son whose name is God with-us." 85-5.
It is by thee every faithful heart is saved. 20-124.
Joined by an inseparable bond to the saving work of her Son. 94-31.
Joined to her Son's saving work on earth. 94-32.
Joy of heaven. 11-58.
Joy of our hearts. 24-80.
Joy of the humble. 10-13.
Joy of the just. 10-13.; 4-43.
Joy of the ransomed. 10-9.
Joy of the saints. 12-33.
Joy of the sick. 64-30; 4-273.
Joy to all mankind, for redemption is nigh. 28-21.
Joy to the angels, for she is to be their queen. 28-21.
Joy to the Blessed Trinity, for she is to be the co-operatrix of the Incarnation. 28-21.
Joy to the saints for she is to be the mother of their Deliverer. 28-21.
Joy unto generation and generation. 10-16.
Keeper and dispenser of all the divine treasures. 5D-328.
Kept safe by angels. 20-58.
Kind and loving. 34-361.
Kindest teacher and mother. 5E-192.
Kingly throne. 70-117.
Kinswoman of God. 10-15.
"La Chapparrita" (the pretty little girl). 72-127 Also, "Our Lady of Zopopan."
"La Negrita" (the little black madonna). 72-131.
Lamb-enthralled. 34-209.
Laughing shepherdess of cloudlets. 34-174.
Law of absolution. 10-12.
Leader and sovereign. 5E-462.
Leaven of mercy, inducing the Most High to grant it. 5E-63.
Legitimate and true teacher and superior. 58-662.
Length immeasurable. 37-6.
Liberal with the liberal and more liberal even than the liberal. 37-162.
Life-giver to posterity. 70-1 1 8.
Light of my soul when it is surrounded with darkness. 4-275.
Like a crystalline tablet on which was written the evangelical law. 5E-57.
Like a dove brooding over the swelling waters. 34-161.
Like the fair tall columns of marble set upon bases of gold. 34-161.
Like the lowliest handmaid, who according to the word of David, keeps her eyes fixed upon the hand of her mistress, awaiting her commands.5C-162.
Lily-maiden. 34-146.
Lily of Eden's fragrant shade. 34-335.
Living counterpart of her most holy Son. 5D-597.
Living example. 5E-631.
Living garden of Eden. 20-24.
Living image and faithful reproduction of Christ. 5D-237.
Living image of his Divinity and humanity. 5C-460.
Living image of the Only-begotten. 5D-62.
Living light of holiness. 6-14.
Living proof of God's love for us. 11-77.
Lonely lady of Judea. 34-61.
Love-fount tender. 20-131.
Love most pure and sweet. 4-283.
Love of men. 24-7.
Loved more tenderly than all others. 12-110.
Loveliest maiden ever the Creator made. 4-588.
Loveliest one. 34-30.
Lovely beyond imagination. 34-294.
Lovely Jewess, the mother of Jesus. 85-37.
Lovely keeper of the stars. 34-174.
Lovely maid. 4-589.
Lover of purity. 4-575.
Lover of souls. 5D-19.
Love's earthly bride. 34-169.
Love's great token. 34-98.
Loving princess. 5D-749.
Lowly hand-maiden. 6-14.
Lowly maid of Nazareth. 24-262.
Lowly maiden of highborn race. 34-321.
Made much higher than the Cherubim and Seraphim.20-22.
Madonna at Galloro. 72-99.
Madonna del Parto 28-33.
Madonna ever hind. 34-109.
Madonna fair. 34-66.
Madonna of all the Americas. 7-18.
Madonna of music. 34-395.
Madonna of Nettuno. 34-108.
Madonna of the exiles. 34-8.
Madonna of the glen. 24-253.
Magnanimous soul 5D-628.
Magnificence of the Most High. 10-19.
Maid of destiny. 24-46.
Maid of Israel. 46-15.
Maid of matchless purity. 24-57.
Maid of Nazareth. 20-270; 34-178.
Maid supremely blest. 34-244.
Maid who art crown'd above. 34-88.
Maid, who at that high call, with truth that match'd thine own humility, didst speak the "yes" the heavens would contemplate. 34-89.
Maiden all compassionate. 34-23.
Maiden blessed. 2C-311.
Maiden, blest star. 34-89.
Maiden by whom the old fierce serpent mourns his loss for evermore. 34-88.
Maiden, chaste and pure. 34-28.
Maiden clothed in white virginity. 24-46.
Maiden fair. 34-165.
Maiden in whose blest womb the very Godhead worthily made stay. 34-87.
Maiden mild. 34-354.
Maiden so meek. 24-16.
Maiden sweet and holy. 34-93.
Maiden, the Father's spouse. 34-88.
Maiden whose holiness hath dazzled the heavenly armies. 20-23.
Maiden, with sorrow laden. 34-403.
Mainstay and groundwork of the Holy Church and of its founders, the Apostles. 5E-55.
Majestic treasure of the whole world. 70-50.
Martyr of love and sorrow. 6-14.
Martyr of martyrs. 4-464.
Martyr of patience. 4-582.
Martyrdom's crown. 10-6.
Martyrdom's palm. 34-41.
Marvel of heaven and earth. 10-11.
Marvel of men. 11-37.
Marvel of the Lord. 10-12.
Marvel of the universe. 10-12.
Marvelous help of Christians. 6-14.
Mary enamoured of her divine Son. 20-125.
Mary shares in the authority of the Eternal Father over his Son's Humanity. 20-121.
Mary, the second heaven. 10-16.
Mary's womb, the treasury of the poor. 16-91.
Masterpiece of God. 34-124.
Masterpiece of grace. 37-81.
Masterpiece of the ages. 10-5.
Masterpiece of the Divine Artist. 11-62.
Masterpiece of the Most High. 10-19.
Masterpiece of the Wisdom of God. 10-5.
Matriarch ere any sea parted from the land. 34-208.
Merciful sovereign. 12-7.
Mercy-seat for the whole world. 20-25.
Mighty maid. 24-29.
Mildest of the mild. 6-14.
Minister of God. 10-10.
Minister of life. 70-118.
Minister of propitiation. 10-36.
Miracle ineffable. 12-24.
Miracle of purity, of love, of devotedness, of immense charity. 2C-341.
Mirror of love. 34-314.
Modest-clean of heart. 34-188.
Modest spouse of a humble workman. 58-5.
More agreeable than the sunrise. 58-204.
More beautiful than the moon. 5-8-204, 205.
More exquisite and admirable than the sun. 58-205.
More faithful than the angels in corresponding to divine grace. 4-331.
More glorious than Paradise. 70-118.
More holy than the Cherubim, the Seraphim and the entire angelic host. 70-118.
More lovely than the lotus. 34-54.
More pleasing to the Creator than the high heavens he made for his habitation. 58-144.
More powerful than all hell together. 11-11.
More powerful than all others as a means of uniting mankind with Christ. 51-89.
More pure and holy than the highest Seraphim. 58-271,272.
More pure than all the exalted spirits in heaven. 58-275.
More pure than the purest of angels. 51-54.
More valiant and powerful than the heavenly hosts of saints and angels. 5B-205.
More wise and perfect in her deeds than the angels. 5C-156.
More venerable than the symbolic ark of the covenant. 58-315.
Most amiable and gracious in the eyes of God and his creatures. 58-236.
Most amiable of creatures. 4-247.
Most beautiful and holy of all mere creatures. 50-20.
Most beautiful aurora, inflamed and refulgent as it were with the fiery clouds of the Divinity, which transformed all things within her. 5C-82.
Most beautiful in countenance, most pure of heart and most holy in soul. 75-45.
Most blessed one. 68-9.
Most blessed soul. 58-167.
Most blessed spouse. 5C-335.
Most chaste spouse. 6-14.
Most compassionate of all the compassionate. 27-61.
Most enlightened in your counsel. 12-31.
Most exact in fulfilling the divine law. 2A-288.
Most excellent, most glorious, most holy and ever inviolate Virgin Mary. 58-614.
Most exquisite treasure of all the universe. 58-264.
Most faithful dispensatrix. 58-225.
Most faithful helpmate.5D-435.
Most faithful minister of Divine Providence. 6-14.
Most faithful of all creatures. 5B-377.
Most faithful servant and friend. 58-134.
Most faithful witness and co-worker. 5D-197.
Most glorious throne. 37-146.
Most gracious and liberal of all pure creatures. 37-135.
Most high, most humble one, above the world, below thy Son. 28-67.
Most high princess. 58-430.
Most highly exalted of all creation. 5D-329.
Most holy and pure of all creatures. 16-85.
Most holy Mary, into whose hands He has pawned his Omnipotence. 58-49.
Most holy place. 37-192.
Most humble and pure princess. 58-414.
Most humble disciple. 58-513.
Most inflamed in your prayer. 12-31.
Most kind helper. 58-254.
Most loving spouse of the Holy Spirit. 6-14.
Most perfect and most holy of creatures. 37-115.
Most perfect disciple. 4-576.
Most perfect in every virtue. 2A-289.
Most powerful and favored of all God's creatures. 50-328.
Most powerful and sympathetic of saints. 19-11.
Most powerful destroyer of heresy. 6-14.
Most powerful in your help. 12-31.
Most profound in humility. 2A-289.
Most profound in your meditation. 12-31.
Most prudent creature. 5D-379.
Most prudent spouse. 5D-133.
Most pure and holy creature formed and conceived in the Divine Mind from the beginning and before all ages. 58-56.
Most pure and spotless creature. 58-167.
Most pure in soul and body. 20-8.
Most pure princess. 5D-84.
Most sensitive in your compassion. 12-31.
Most serene empress. 58.-435.
Most simple dove. 58-524.
Most sweet in her delights. 58-272.
Most vigilant sentinel. 58.-166.
Most wise teacher. 58-541.
Most wonderful of God's creatures. 20-74.
Most worthy spouse. 58-575.
Most zealous princess. 58-476.
My body's healing. 70-119.
My counselor, sincere and true. 63-143.
My graceful chatelaine. 24-229.
My greatest security. 37-198.
My heart and my soul. 37-234.
My joy. 37-234.
My light. 64-63.
My love. 48-10.
My memory is unto everlasting generations. 36-223.
My most generous benefactor. 6-14.
My mother and my lady. 5E-594.
My powerful sovereign. 37-216.
My sister, my spouse, is a garden enclosed, a fountain sealed up. 36-222.
My solace. 34-133.
My soul's saving. 70-119.
My sovereign. 6-14.
My strength. 6-14.
My support in my extreme misery. 37-224.
My sweetness and hope after Jesus. 63-97.
My teacher. 5E-666.
My treasure. 37-234.
My whole life. 6-14.
Mysterious and godlike creature. 5B-57.
Mysterious treasury dispensing unspeakable joy. 20-16.
Mystic church. 5D-354.
Nature's recreation. 70-119.
Nature's restoration. 70-119.
New and wonderful work of the Most High. 5B-267.
New joy of the saints. 5E-665.
New phoenix. 50-475.
Next to God, the joy of the saints. 4-272.
No creature equals her. 12-113.
No creature ever loved as she. 34-260.
No creature in the world was so exalted as Mary, because no creature in the world ever humbled itself so much as she did. 4-549.
None can compare with thee. 16-81.
Not only placeless but also timeless in her love for all of us. 27-18.
Nourished by the holy descendants of priests. 12-27.
Nourisher of God and man. 70-119.
Novelty worthy of the Infinite Wisdom. 5E-648.
Nurse of the new born Church. 10-12.
O blessed and most blessed. 10-31.
O heaven, greater and vaster than the heavens themselves. 16-77.
0 joy unhoped for. 12-24.
O Mary, center of the whole world. 91-10.
Object of divine predilection. 10-15.
Object of our love. 6-14.
Object of terror to the powers of hell. 28-94.
Of all creatures the most amiable, the most beloved, the most loving. 4-560.
Of all creatures the most illumined. 2C-261.
Of all God's creatures the most pure, most fair, most powerful. 28-17.
Of all my friends the best and dearest. 63-143.
Of earth, the fairest creature. 34-123.
Of mortals, honored most. 34-202.
Of purity, the crystal shrine. 34-188.
Offered to God as a sign of gratitude. 70-52.
Offspring of Adam. 87-86.
Omnipotent to save sinners. 16-45.
On her, as on the most noble foundation after Jesus Christ, rests the faith of all generations. 2C-149.
One peerless mortal. 34-41.
One so singular among all creatures. 5E-294.
One who, at our slightest sign, bends over us with a smile, alleviates our pain and wipes the tears from our eyes. 34-280.
One who follows us everywhere. 34-280.
One who was able to contain God. 70-42.
One whom the infinite God himself loves without bound or measure. 5D-358.
One with all human beings in their need for salvation. 87-86.
Only and legitimate disciple of the Lord. 5E-123
Only one, elect as the sun.5B-584.
"Open Sesame" of God's own heart. 28-26.
Ornament and beauty of all the human race. 5E-535.
Ornament of splendor of Carmel. 36-146.
Ornament of angels. 10-21.
Ornament of our Church. 10-39.
Our beloved. 75-23.
Our cardinal link with the Divine High Priest. 19-10.
Our chaste love. 20-231.
Our companion to eternal blessedness. 16-10.
Our constant company. 34-260.
Our co-redemptrix. 6-14.
Our counsel. 16-81.
Our counselor. 28-74.
Our deliverer. 20-85.
Our enlightener, who bore us a Light as a revelation to the nations. 56-30.
Our ever faithful messenger. 34-73.
Our heart's best love. 34-279.
Our leader and mistress. 5E-467.
Our liberator from our calamities. 4-401.
Our life. 11-26; 6-14.
Our Miriam. 85-9.
Our most charming princess. 58-567.
Our most kindly adviser. 88-4.
Our only and heavenly Phoenix. 5E-589.
Our ordinary resource. 34-334.
Our perfecter. 56-30.
Our princess. 5B-573.
Our proximate end. 37-195.
Our purifier, whose heart was pierced by Simeon's prophecy. 56-30.
Our race's most distinguished alumna. 34-348.
Our reconciliation and peace. 64-44.
Our reparatrix. 5C-109.
Our salvation. 34-233.
Our shield. 34-88.
Our sister through ties of nature. 88-5.
Our solace in sorrow. 10-12.
Our support in every tribulation of life. 64-44.
Our sweetness. 6-14.
Our tainted nature's solitary boast. 19-3.
Our unfailing succor in trials. 64-44.
Our universal supplement with Jesus. 10-19.
Outstanding example of faithful service to God. 11-66.
Pacificatrix. 10-36.
Paradise of joy, for God overwhelmed her with the joy of grace. 16-76.
Paragon of chastity. 5D-104.
Paragon of virginity and humility. 45-4.
Pardon of sinners. 24-122.
Participant in his dignity of Redeemer. 58-225.
Peace of God with men. 16-58.
Peerless creature. 5E-30.
Peerless one among lovers for entertaining love without limitation of measure or manner. 513-223.
Peerless queen. 2A-200.
Perfect and only one. 5D-185.
Perfect contemplative. 94-46.
Perfect fulfillment of the will of God. 11-105.
Perfect image of the disciple of Christ, reflected every virtue and incarnated the evangelical beatitudes proclaimed by Christ. 88-5.
Perfect imitator of Christ. 10-13.
Perfect member of the early Church. 10-37.
Perfect militant. 51-14.
Perfect work. 5D-762.
Perfection of justice. 10-37.
Perfectly beautiful in every way. 20-85.
Perfectly faithful to God. 36-37.
Perfectly holy. 11-15.
Perfectly redeemed in body and soul. 14-19.
Personification of "relativity" between man and God. 19-6.
Pinnacle of created perfection. 5D-17.
Pinnacle of sanctity. 5D-58.
Pledge of our pardon. 10-39.
Pledge of our salvation. 10-12.
Plenitude of sanctity. 10-37.
Portal and mediatrix of those who were to profit of the passion and the redemption of mankind.5D-662.
Portress dear. 63-98.
Possessed of all grace and beauty, without being wanting in any. 5B-272.
Powerful princess of the heavens. 10-19.
Powerful rod with which the violence of the infernal enemies is conquered. 16-23.
Powerful vanquisher of all heresies. 6-14.
Preamble of the Christ. 19-7.
Precious child of earth. 34-100.
Prefigured and foretold by the prophets. 10-38.
Priest of the New Law. 10-37.
Princess of heaven. 5E-374.
Princess of the heavenly court. 10-11.
Princess whom God's Spirit chose as bride. 15-5.
Princess whose beauty lured Love's kiss when life began. 34-194.
Privileged soul. 10-15.
Prodigy of holiness. 5D-41.
Prop on which the Holy Church, now and during the ages in which it is to exist, shall rest securely in the midst of the persecutions and temptations of the enemies of the Lord. 5E-352.
Prophetess. 85-31.
Propitiation for sin. 5D-356.
Propitiatory or mercy-seat of the whole world. 16-23.
Protected by angels. 28-20.
Protector of the Son of God. 11-70.
Protectress. 58-173.
Prototype of the Catholic faith and of holy hope. 58-386.
Prudent and wise. 16-55.
Prudent dispenser of the plenitude of her graces and gifts. 5E-142.
Prudent in the fashion of a noble mistress. 12-32.
Pure and chaste. 34-365.
Pure and stainless. 58-264.
Pure as a tower of ivory. 37-134.
Pure as mid-ocean spray. 34-377.
Pure as the mantling snow on Alpine crest. 34-377.
Pure as the milk-white dove that bathes in woodland spring. 34-377.
Pure as the Seraph's thought before the Almighty King. 34-377.
Pure as the snow. 24-48.
Pure as the summer sky. 34-170.
Pure creature, more holy, perfect and agreeable to his eyes than all those he had created or will create to the end of the world, or through the eternities. 5B-180.
Pure in your life, like to a lamb. 12-32.
Pure lily-maid. 3-152.
Pure temple of the Holy Ghost. 34-188.
Purer and brighter than the chaste stars. 20-229.
Purer than the angels. 89-4.
Purer than the sun's rays. 16-28.
Pure stone. 45-15.
Purity personified. 11-27.
Radiant one.34-204.
Radiant with purity. 20-119.
Raised above all things except God. 20-22.
Ransom of captives. 4-273.
Ready help in trouble's hour. 28-83.
Receiver of orphans. 10-22.
Reconciler of sinners. 16-14.
Reconciler of the whole world. 28-20.
Redeemer of captives. 64-30; 4-401.
Redemptrix of souls. 10-39.
Remedy for all sorrows of the heart. 4-584.
Repairer of our calamities. 10-22.
Repairer of our fallen race. 10-34.
Repairer of the human race. 4-401.
Repairer of the lost world. 4-288.
Reparatrix of her parents. 20-7; 70-120.
Reparatrix of the whole world. 10-36.
Residence of God. 10-12.
Resplendent more than all others. 12-110.
Resplendent with the purest sanctity. 34-232.
Responsive and creative. 94-50.
Rest from our mourning. 10-37.
Restoratrix of the human race. 5E-583.
Restorer of peace and reconciler of enemies. 64-45.
Restorer of the lost world. 28-170.
Resurrection of those who fall. 10-22.
Rich and beautiful. 79-21.
Rich in mercy. 70-120.
Riches of the Deity. 34-227.
Rightly to be regarded as the way by which we are led to Christ. 94-25.
Root of our salvation. 4-616.
Royal maiden. 10-9.
Sacred heroine of the valiant people of Israel. 12-27.
Sacred maid. 10-15.
Sacred shrine of sinlessness. 10-22.
Safe response of men. 10-21.
Safeguard of the living. 79-11.
Safety of those who stand. 10-22.
Saint Mary of Mount Carmel. 33-5.
Salvation and expiation of the world. 10-39.
Salvation's fiat. 24-105.
Salvation's way. 34-110.
Sanctified in her mother's womb above all angels and saints. 16-84.
Sanctified soul. 58-185.
Second Eve. 70-120.
Secret love of the Eternal Father for the world. 2C-107.
Secretary of the great counsel. 5E-547.
Secure and most faithful depository. 50-66.
Seed not of enmity but of grace. 20-6.
Seraph of heaven. 34-384.
Servant and slave of the Lord. 37-52.
Servant of her vassals. 5E-47.
Servant of the children of the Church. 58-33.
Set by God to be a vital element of his gracious scheme. 28-11.
Sharer in the work of man's redemption. 6-14.
Sharer of Christ's regal might. 42-10.
She, above all the saints, is most powerful to obtain whatever she wills. 16-52.
She being all love towards those whom she has thus adopted. 4-51.
She, being obedient, became the cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race. 87-88.
She bore the Everlasting. 34-203.
She bore the King Divine. 34-203.
She by herself has smothered and extinguished all the heresies of the whole world. 5C-289.
She comes next to God. 12-113.
She cometh up from the desert flowing with delights, leaning on her beloved. 20-208.
She conceived the Son of God without the operation of man. 14-14.
She co-operated with Christ by her charity to give birth to the faithful in the Church who are members of the Head. 20-279.
She discovered salvation for all and for her own sanctification. 14-14.
She found grace who brought forth the source of grace. 20-48, 49.
She had begotten Eternal Life. 20-266.
She in whom the Deity itself finds so much pleasure and delight above all other creatures.5E-648
She is concerned with the whole human race. 91-11.
She is easily found by them that seek her. 4-63.
She is like the merchant ship; she bringeth her bread from afar. 58-592.
She is universal-according to her own mode, which is to efface herself in Jesus. 34-366.
She knows no failures, what she seeks she finds. 21-32.
She merited for us in her subordinate way, all those graces which Christ has merited as the Head of the body. 20-279.
She next to God surpasses all in purity; 20-228.
She stands beside the right hand of her Son, Our Lord, the only-begotten Jesus Christ. 21-32.
She sums all virtues that may be. 34-334.
She that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array. 2C-61.
She, the primal seat of enmity, must never have any part with sin. 21-26.
She, who clothed her servants in double garments. 50-785.
She who extended her hands to the poor and opened her palms to the destitute. 5D-785.
She who gave Him his rightful place in the very first Christian home. 34-374.
She who girded herself with strength. 5D-784.
She who has given to the world mercy in Jesus. 12-7.
She who nursed her Creator as an infant at her breast. 20-227.
She who obtains for those who attach themselves to her, the graces of fidelity to God and perseverance. 37-131.
She who put forth her arms to greater things. 5D-784,785.
She who rises from the emptiness of this world, steeped in the delights of Paradise. 12-11.
She who together with her Maker recreates the human race, and redeems the souls of men by giving them her Son. 20-178.
She who was to be the habitation of the Son of God.5B-147.
She whom all the tongues of heaven and earth do not suffice to extol. 20-8.
She whose famous life still sheddeth lustre upon all the Churches. 28-19.
She whose heel is to crush the infernal serpent. 20-119.
She whose light was not extinguished in the night of tribulation. 5D-785.
Shrine of the Divine Artificer. 10-7.
Shrine of the Holy Ghost. 10-7.
Shrine of the Trinity. 10-6.
Simple in your heart like a dove. 12-32.
Singular being. 5E-139, 140.
Singular consolation of all the holy souls in limbo. 58-272.
Sinless, rational creature. 20-182.
Sister and mother. 70-120.
So beautiful, so worthy and so perfect a spouse. 52-20.
So beautiful that when one has seen her, one can no longer love anything earthly. 2A-288.
So delicate, yet so glorious. 34-328.
So gentle that Jesus can refuse her nothing. 34-281.
So mild, so merciful, so strong, so good. 34-333.
So modest and yet so mighty. 34-328.
So much has the Most High and powerful God favored this creature, that we, his angelic spirits, are full of astonishment. 5B-27.
So patient, peaceful, loyal, loving, pure. 34-333.
So powerful with God. 79-14.
So simple and so lowly. 34-328.
So sublime in sanctity, that none but Mary was a fitting mother of God. 34-290.
So weak, yet so strong. 34-328.
Solace of our exile. 10-12.
Solace of the world. 64-30.
Sole and universal heiress of all the gifts of nature, of grace and of glory. 5D-668.
Sole dispenser of his graces to ennoble, to exalt and to enrich whom she wishes. 37-28.
Sole repose of men. 10-39.
Solitary in her greatness amid his vast creation. 34-328.
Sorrowful spouse.5D-424.
Soul filled with a wisdom divine, in heart wedded to God. 70-52.
Soul, the most noble, the most pure that ever was, next to the soul of Jesus Christ. 2A-288.
Source from which God's grandest graces spring. 24-131.
Source of every good. 4-112.
Source of immortal life. 10-9.
Source of joy. 11-61.
Source of mercy. 5E-666.
Source of the Precious Blood. 3-150.
Source of true consolation. 10-22.
Source of our happiness. 10-13.
Sovereign above us. 24-246.
Sovereign benefactress. 10-16.
Sovereign, merciful and mild. 34-70.
Sovereign of all Christians. 10-37.
Sovereign of heaven and earth. 37-19.
Sovereign of the angels and of all the universe. 5D-283.
Sovereign of the world. 12-24.
Sovereign princess, to whom all owe subjection in heaven and on earth. 37-240.
Sovereign spouse. 5C-356.
Sparkling jewel of youth. 34-126.
Spiritual abode of the most spiritual souls. 37-134.
Spiritual paradise of God. 10-20.
Spotless bride. 44-18.
Spotless loveliness. 27-22.
Spotless maid, whose virtues shine with the brightest purity. 36-281.
Spotless mirror of God's majesty. 34-28.
Spotless mirror of justice. 11-58.
Spouse and servant of the Holy Ghost. 10-8.
Spouse, chosen among thousands. 5D-299.
Spouse of Christ. 34-273.
Spouse of God. 4-173.
Spouse of St. Joseph. 10-11.
Spouse of the creative Spirit who renovates the nature of man. 20-182.
Spouse of Divinity. 58-219.
Spouse of the Eternal Spirit. 10-5.
Spouse of the Father. 75-12.
Spouse of the King. 4-36.
Spouse of the Lamb, that is Christ. 58-219.
Stainless maiden, springing from David's kingly line. 34-203.
Standard bearer of Christ. 10-22.
Standard for all men. 5D-4.
Stands out among the poor and humble of the Lord. 93-34.
Star above the storm. 34-384.
Star-crowned. 34-70.
Stately prophetess of victory. 34-353.
Stay of widows. 10-13.
Store-house of God, filled with the everlasting joy of eternity. 20-16.
Storehouse of the treasures of heaven. 58-248.
Stranger among the children of Adam, captive in the bonds of mortal flesh. 5E-605.
Strength of martyrs. 45-5.
Strong as a tower of David. 37-134
Stronger than the earth, wider than the universe, for thou has conceived the God the world could not contain. 16-79.
Sublime and spotless. 34-70.
Sublime work of the divine omnipotence. 10-20.
Submissive in the manner of a humble servant. 12-32.
Sum and substance of the decrees of God. 10-22.
Sun of the Church. 5E-204.
Sun without stain. 6-14.
Superabundantly filled with grace by the Holy Ghost. 37-28.
Superior in excellence and dignity to all creatures.5C-192.
Suppliant omnipotence. 51-54.
Supreme among mere creatures. 58-66.
Supreme empress and mistress of those caverns and dwelling-places of our enemies. 58-656.
Supreme glory of the tribe of Judah. 12-27.
Supreme mistress, mother, governess and sovereign of the Church. 5E-225.
Sure pledge of redemption. 5E-265.
Surest help to the knowledge and love of Christ. 51-8.
Surpassed all the martyrs in generosity. 4-399.
Surpassing Eden's Garden. 70-120.
Surpassing the heavens. 70-120.
Surpassing the Seraphim. 70-120.
Sweet and beautiful. 12-78.
Sweet as desert manna. 34-100.
Sweet as Eden's lilies. 34-70.
Sweet benediction in the eternal curse. 34-384.
Sweet charm of salvation 10-12.
Sweet flowering of gracious mercy. 70-120.
Sweet fount of love. 29-32.
Sweet, loving and powerful to enrich our poverty. 5B-249.
Sweet, lowly handmaid. 34-33.
Sweet modest little Nazareth flower. 34-178.
Sweet solace in pain. 34-133.
Sweetest of all creatures. 20-127.
Sweetest picture artist ever draw. 24-122.
Sweetest spouse. 5E-31.
Sympathizer with the children of Eve. 10-12.
Tall Lady of the lilies. 34-78.
Teacher and example of all the believing. 58-379.
Teacher and guide of all the virgins and lovers of chastity. 58-238.
Teacher and mistress of all sanctity. 58-435.
Teacher in the doctrine of eternal life and salvation. 5D-218.
Teacher of all sanctity and perfection. 5C-203.
Teacher of all the creatures. 5D-12.
Teacher of perfection. 5C-502.
Teacher of prophets. 11-95.
Teacher of the Apostles. 45-5.
Teacher of the Church. 5E-60C.
Teacher of the holy Church. 5D-373.
Teacher of virtues. 5C-189.
Temple of the Holy Spirit. 87-86.
Tender maiden, full of grace and beauty. 5G385.
Tender spouse. 58-516.
Terrible to the devil and his crew, as an army ranged in battle. 37-34.
Terrible to the princes of darkness. 4-557.
Terror of demons. 10-13.
Terror of the proud. 45-4.
Testamentary executrix. 5D-665.
That creature, in whom the human nature is freed from its first sin, who is to crush the head of the dragon. 58-166.
The assistant in the principal work for which the Incarnate Word came into the world. 5D-320.
The astonishing virgin who ravished the vision of our wonderful prophet Isaiah 85-35.
The aura of the Eucharist. 34-285.
The aurora sending forth the splendors of the Sun, Christ, true God and man. 5E-53.
The beautiful one. my love, comely. slender and tall. 34-27.
The beautiful temple that was Mary's soul. 27-23.
The begetter of reconciliation and of the reconciled. 20-278.
The beginning of all our happiness. 5E-430.
The beginning of perpetual life. 20-221.
The beginning of the warfare. 21-19.
The beginning, the middle and the end of our happiness. 16-62; 4-243.
The beloved one. 24-120.
The best-beloved of the Most High. 28-91.
The best guide. 15-7.
The Blessed Virgin. our ordinary resource. 34-334.
The bride of the Dove. 34-352.
The bride. the wife of the Lamb. 58-219.
The bride whom the Father has espoused. 20-227.
The bright madonna. 24-90.
The brightest and dearest reflection of God's own holiness. 11-20.
The cause itself of joy. 20-227.
The cause of angel's jubilee. 34-179.
The cause of her own salvation and that of all mankind 4-579.
The cause of the happiness of all men. 5D-370.
The center and focus of all the wonders of the Almighty 5B-202.
The channel of that other outpouring of the Holy Spirit which formed the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. 2A-58.
The chaste spouse of the Holy Ghost. 20-136.
The cheer of those who vigils keep24-122.
The Cherub's glee. 34-210.
The choice of God, 10-38.
The chosen beloved of the Father. 20-272.
The chosen companion of Him who was to redeem the world. 20-272.
The chosen of all mankind. 10-10.
The crystal reflection of our Sun. 34-194.
The Church of the Living God. 2C-111.
The dearest reflection of God's own holiness. 11-20.
The cloister garth which no man trod. 34-210.
The closest of all creatures to God. 11-20.
The companion for the ministry. 20-30.
The corn of heavenly bread. 20-227.
The counterpart of Eve. 20-257.
The creature excelling all others in dignity and grandeur above all understanding and calculation of the created mind. 5B-295.
The dawn of grace. 58-178, 179.
The delight of our eyes. 58-313.
The delight of the just. 5B-272.
The depository and treasure-house of heavenly sacraments. 5D-163.
The disciple of Christ. 5D-5.
The disciple who is the active witness of that love which builds up Christ in people's hearts. 93-34.
The disciple who works for that justice which sets free the oppressed and for that charity which assists the needy. 93-34.
The divine world of God. 10-19.
The dream and the realization of all tenderness. 12-34.
The Eden of ancient, forgotten tenderness. 34-205.
The elect of Almighty God. 34-139.
The emancipator, Mary. 19-13.
The end of my captivity. 4-113.
The end of vices. 16-19.
The espoused wife of the Lamb. 58-219.
The exemplar for us of all Christian life. 12-86.
The fair glass and universal exemplar who shows us the way out of our darkness. 21-21.
The fairest flower of mankind. 11-21.
The figure of the synagogue. 94-13.
The finder of grace. 4-81.
The finest result of the redemptive work of her divine Son. 14-39.
The first after Jesus Christ, true God and true man. 37-81.
The first and most perfect disciple of Jesus Christ in the practice of all virtues. 4-547.
The first and peculiar work of God. 20-7.
The first and specially privileged disciple of her most holy Son. 5D-61, 62.
The first-born before all creatures. 5D-19.
The first-born of God. 4-288.
The first Christopher, the first Christ-bearer. 27-34.
The first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 94-22.
The first in God's design of the work of creation. 20-38.
The first object, out of all humanity. of the love of Christ. 20-121.
The first of mere creatures. 11-25.
The first, the highest and greatest of saints. 46-11.
The first to share from a full heart the joy that is Christ. 27-34.
The formal cause of our regeneration. 21-21.
The fragrance of that world unseen. 24-40.
The friend of mortals. 45-4.
The fullness of a fruitful life. 34-175.
The fullness of helping mercy. 34-175.
The fullness of illuminative wisdom. 34-175.
The fullness of overflowing grace. 34-175.
The fulfillment of prophecy. 6-14.
The future Eve, to whose offspring victory over Satan is promised. 94-5.
The general of the armies. 72-127.
The glorious foreshadowing of the eternal Son. 28-19.
The glory of angels. 12-31.
The glory of the heavens. 6-14.
The governess of heaven. 28-88.
The grand and divine world of God. 37-5.
The great and exclusive mold of God. 37-191.
The great missionary. 33-106.
The great queen and lady of all the universe. 5E-592.
The greater Eve. 11-18.
The greatest among the lowly and poor of the Lord. 94-46.
The greatest glory of Christ because she has received the most from him. 20-121.
The greatest of all the martyrs. 20-125.
The greatest personal friend that Jesus had here on earth. 20-125.
The greatest treasure of the Divinity in the whole creation, next to the humanity of Christ, our Savior. 5C-659.
The greatness of love. 5E-666.
The guiding light for men journeying through life's tempestuous sea of temptation. 28-24.
The harbinger of peace and reconciliation. 28-20.
The hidden treasure of guilelessness. 20-25.
The hidden treasure of modesty. 28-41.
The heroine of the "Stabat," the "Mother of Sorrows." 20-178.
The high mountain on which is to be established and constructed the new law of grace. 5B-518.
The holiest, most authentic and happiest human being. 14-24.
The holiest. the most august of all creatures which God has produced (except Christ). 34-23:.
The holy of holies where saints are formed and moulded. 37-165.
The holy one, and more glorious and pure, and more saintly than all the rest of human kind. 28-20.
The holy one of our race. 11-21.
The Holy Spirit's anguished bride. 4-540.
The honor and adornment of virgins. 45-5.
The honor of the human race. 4-615.
The honor of the earth. 20-84.
The humble maid immaculate. 24-86.
The humble maid of Nazareth. 20-80.
The humblest of all creatures. 20-91.
The ideal that fascinates us. 34-280.
The image and first flowering of the Church as she is to be perfected in the world to come. 87-95.
The ineffable. 12-25.
The inseparable companion of Jesus. 2C-247.
The inspiration of prophets. 11-95.
The instrument and special dispensation of thy Son, Jesus Christ. 79-21.
The instrument of the Holy Ghost. 20-205.
The instrument of the Incarnation. 20-39.
The instrument or the motive power through which the saints themselves have reached their station. 5D-63.
The Jewish people's magnificent boast. 85-4.
The joy and fruition of the blessed. 12-102.
The joy of angels. 5B-272.
The just men and kings bore witness to you. 12-27.
The keeper of the ineffable treasure of heaven. 5C-248.
The law of clemency is on her tongue. 5B-606.
The life of Christians. 16-66.
The life of our hearts. 6-14.
The light of earth, the sovereign of saints. 10-38.
The link between heaven and earth. 20-39.
The living image and portrait in everything of her divine Son. 2C-341.
The living image of the mercy of God. 11-85.
The living mold of God. 2A-4.
The living source of cleansing water. 20-227.
The Lord's humble handmaid. 87-91.
The loss that man in Eve deplores, thy fruitful womb in Christ restores. 36-237.
The love of my soul. 4-231.
The Madonna with her beautiful Babe. 20-1 25.
The magnificence of God. 37-183.
The magnificence of the Most High. 37-5.
The maid of the Annunciation. 28-67.
The martyr's palm by thee is borne. 44-25.
The marvel of God. 11-36.
The masterpiece beyond compare. 34-344.
The masterpiece of the hands of God. 37-32.
The masterpiece of the Holy Ghost. 2C-111.
The means Our Lord made use of to come to us. 37-54.
The miracle of miracles of grace, of nature and of glory. 37-8.
The miracle of purity, of love, of devotedness, of immense charity which was the soul of Mary. 2C-341.
The mirror reflecting all the thoughts, feelings, aspirations, desires and purposes of Jesus. 2C-341.
The model, here below, in prayer. 12-86.
The mold of God. 37-165.
The most acceptable child of God. 2C-168.
The most authentic form of the perfect imitation of Christ. 88-5, 6.
The most beloved of God and his greatest lover. 4-247.
The most conformed of all creatures to Jesus Christ. 20-235.
The most excellent fruit of the redemption. 94-21.
The most exquisite treasure of all the universe. 58-264.
The most exquisitely formed image of Jesus Christ. 2A-289.
The most generous and most grateful of creatures. 20-236.
The most perfect throne in all the world. 27-41, 42.
The most powerful and sympathetic of saints.
The most precious, the most estimable and worshipful of all the creatures. 5E-328.
The most pure of all creatures. 16-85.
The nations shall know her as the Blessed. 58-153.
The new Eve, who put her absolute trust not in the ancient serpent but in God's messenger. 87-92.
The noblest, the most exalted, the purest, the holiest of all things created. 6-14.
The obedient new Eve. 94-16.
The omnipotent answer to prayer. 6-14.
The one chosen by God to retain intact her virginity and yet also selected among all creatures as the mother of the Lord. 5D-93.
The one creature, that could worthily intercede for sin and temper the wrath of the just Judge. 58-443.
The one full of grace. 11-18.
The one in whom the divine Word shall vest himself with human flesh and form. 58-518.
The one person whose virtue is unconquerable by the malice of Satan. 27-82.
The one who gave the world a God and King and called that God her son. 34-262.
The one who perfectly believed and hoped in all the mysteries. 58-386.
The only and legitimate disciple of the Lord. 5E-123.
The only and worthy spouse. 58-512.
The only child of Adam who never for an instant bowed to the reign of Satan. 27-8.
The only hope of the Patriarchs. 4-273.
The only one and without a compeer among creatures.5B-102.
The only one without a peeress. 58-588.
The only Phoenix upon the earth. 58-604.
The only saint whose glorified body, like that of her Divine Son, does not have to await Gabriel's call to the fullness of life. 19-11.
The organ of the Holy Spirit and the representative of the Infant. 5C-416.
The ornament of the heavens. 12-33.
The panegyric of all the ages and of all spheres. 12-25.
The paragon of maternity. 20-257.
The parent of salvation and of the saved. 20278.
The patriarchs desired your birth, 0 Mary. 12-27.
The people of Israel sighed for you. 12-27.
The perfect Christian. 14-37.
The perfect example of creature holiness. 27-8.
The perfect example of the use of circumstances as a help to sanctity. 27-31.
The perfect one. 58-204; 58-405.
The perfect type or representative of redemption in its very essence. 14-89.
The perfect victory of the grace of Christ in the weakness of the flesh. 14-17.
The person who encounters Mary cannot help but encounter Christ likewise. 94-25, 26.
The personification of "relativity" between man and God. 19-6.
The place of delights. 28-20.
The plenitude of grace is thine. 44-26.
The powerful means of our redemption. 5C-97.
The preparation for the Christ. 19-3.
The prodigy of grace and who has filled up the abysses of the guilt of all of the children of Adam. 58-666.
The prodigy of the divine perfections. 58-457.
The promise given to the Patriarchs. 45-5.
The pure beginning of all creatures. 58-457.
The purest and the most holy so that under God a greater purity cannot be understood. 89-4.
The purest, the fairest, the holiest of all things created. 6-14.
The rational paradise of the second Adam. 70-53.
The relation to God. 37-168.
The reminder that God loves us and we must love God. 11-77.
The representative of the believing remnant. 94-6.
The resting place of the Holy Trinity. 58-98.
The riches of my poverty. 4-113.
The rod of Jesse has blossomed; a virgin has brought forth him who is God and man. 83-571.
The royal princess of God, the King. 24-248.
The royal way of virgins. 10-11.
The sacred vine of divine wine. 20-227.
The safe and sure road to Christ, the star which leads us to him. 11-13.
The second or greater Eve. 11-18.
The secret of modesty. 20-30
The scepter of orthodoxy. 21-16.
The Seraph's boast. 34-210.
The soul of blessed Mary. limpid clear as cloudless night, holds the Spirit of the Godhead in immensity and might. 34-247.
The source of the life by which we really live. 20-100.
The source of the Way, Life and Truth. 34-181.
The sovereign of the invisible world of spirits. 20-153.
The sphere of the omnipotence of God. 58-457.
The splendor of virtue. 12-31.
The spring that gives us purity. 20-173.
The spouse of the Divinity. 5B-219.
The steadfast undoer of Eve's folly and our folly. 34-396.
The strength that fortifies our souls. 34-280.
The strong one who in her seed should conquer. 21-19.
The sublime creature dwelling on the confines of the Divinity. 34-280.
The superior of all creatures 58-555.
The supreme among mere creatures. 58-66.
The sure means and the straight and immaculate way to go to Jesus Christ and to find him perfectly. 37-33.
The teacher and the mother of true wisdom. 58-417.
The throne of grace and true mystical propitiatory. 58-326.
The treasure of the Lord. 37-163.
The treasure, the treasurer and the dispenser of divine graces. 16-91.
The true Esther, most holy Mary. 5B-679.
The truth revealed to the prophets. 45-5.
The type or figure of the virgin Church. 14-19.
The typical perfect believer. 94-7.
The unique militant. 51-24.
The utmost limit to which the love of Christ can proceed in mere creatures. 5D-62.
The vastness of clemency. 5E-666.
The vastest, the most efficient, the most universal supernatural power in heaven and on earth, outside the three Divine Persons. 2C-317.
The very flood-tide of grace. 2A-11, 12.
The very heart of the Mystical Body. 2A-149.
The very mercy of God. 6-14.
The very point in the whole history of our redemption at which the saving grace of the living God descends from him into this history. 14-38.
The very treasure of life. 6-14.
The village carpenter's wife. 27-52.
The way by which God has come to us. 33-45.
The way by which Jesus came to us the first time; she will also be the way by which he will come the second time, though not in the same manner. 37-33.
The way by which shall pass to men the various outpourings of his munificent goodness and omnipotence. 2A-11.
The wise prophets announced you. 12-27.
The world of God. 37-193.
Theotokos (Mother of God). 70-3.
There is not in heaven nor on earth a creature worthy to be compared to you. 12-82.
They that explain me shall have life everlasting. 36-224
They that work by me shall not sin 36-223.
This fairest idea of God, whom no other so sweetly delighted 34-121.
This maid supremely blest. 34-244.
Thou, after thy Divine Son, art the certain salvation of thy faithful servants. 4-113.
Thou alone hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world 37-124
Thou art become beautiful and sweet 36-272.
Thou art exceedingly gracious 16-73.
Thou art truly happy. 0 sacred virgin Mary and worthy of all praise. 36-224.
Thou at whose dear breasts the life himself drew life. 3487
Thou beauty 34-384
Thou canst not be thought of by those who love thee without filling their minds with joy. 16-82.
Thou gavest the world by human birth the most desired of heaven and earth. 36-207.
Thou harmony of nature's art. 34-384.
Thou hast all power to change hearts. 4-70.
Thou hast conceived the Creator of all creatures. 20-17.
Thou hast found grace with God abiding grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God all desirable grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God everlasting grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God exceeding grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God greater than any other 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God immovable grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God invincible grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God saving grace. 20-70.
Thou hast found grace with God unfailing grace 20-70
Thou hast, in fact, far surpassed every creature. 91-10.
Thou hast ravished the gaze of the Adorable Trinity. 3-156.
Thou hast that Son as thy debtor, who gives to all and receives from none. 16-54.
Thou hast to the astonishment of nature given birth to the Creator. 20-268.
Thou living form among the dead. 34-384.
Thou lovest us with an invincible love. 4-66.
Thou mirror, in whom, as in the splendor of the sun, all shapes look glorious which thou gazest on. 34-384.
Thou of all creatures art the most noble, the most sublime, the most pure, the most beautiful, the most holy. 16-100.
Thou that bringest a joy that passeth not away. 20-16.
Thou that nourishes joy in the highest. 20-16.
Thou to the sorrowing here beneath hast opened heaven's eternal doors. 16-20.
Thou who, blessed by God, didst merit to bear the Redeemer of the world. 16-56.
Thou who didst bear the God Man. 6-14.
Thou who dost aid the forlorn. 45-8.
Thou who hast placed in this world the Creator and Redeemer, our guide to the kingdom of heaven. 20-123.
Thou who sittest enthroned above all the choirs of angels, nearest to God himself. 6-14.
Thou who with neither toil nor sowing hast made the undying ear of corn to flourish. 20-88.
Thrice holy spouse. 6-15.
Throne, at which all -- just and sinners -- find the consolations of mercy. 4-216.
Throne of glory. 10-22.
Throne of His glory for His Father, because it is in Mary that Jesus Christ has calmed his Father, irritated against men. 37-183.
Throne of honor for the grandest princes of eternity. 37-134.
Throne of the heavenly King. 10-21.
Through thee every creature is rejoiced. 16-75.
Through thee, mankind obtains salvation. 16-75.
Through you are promised to us all delights. 12-32.
Thy fragrance is sweeter than all ointments. 20-224.
Thy garments are as white as snow and thy face like the sun. 20-119.
Thy handmaids are the daughters of princes. 34-54.
Thy instructress. 58-362.
Thy purity surpasses that of the angels and thy compassion that of the saints. 4-562.
Thy soul more purified than the finest gold. 28-20.
Treasure bright, of all delight. 10-38.
Treasure-house and channel of all graces which come to us. 11-41.
Treasure-house of life. 70-121.
Treasure-house of the Lord's graces. 37-232.
Treasure-keeper of heaven. 58-232.
Treasure of all holiness. 10-10.
Treasure of God, where He was pleased to put all He had most precious. 37-163.
Treasure of heaven and earth. 2C-107.
Treasure of immortality. 20-6.
Treasure of the Lord, out of whose plenitude all men are made rich. 37-15.
Treasure of the world. 70-121.
Treasure worthy of veneration, that belongest to all mankind. 20-124.
Treasurer and dispenser of all the goods in heaven and on earth. 5D-668.
Treasurer and dispenser of God's mercies. 6-15.
Treasurer and dispenser of the divine favors. 58-107.
Treasurer and dispenser of the gifts and graces of the Most High. 37-154.
Treasurer and universal dispenser of the merits and virtues of her Son. 37-151.
Treasurer of divine graces. 6-15.
Treasurer of God. 4-390.
Treasurer over the vast property of her Son, which is mercy, for God is mercy. 64-22.
Treasurer whose treasure is Jesus Christ. 2C-198.
Treasury of all graces. 6-15.
Treasury of celestial gifts. 1013.
Treasury of immortality. 70-121.
Treasury well nigh infinite. 84-3.
Tree that bears the Fruit of Life and the true mother who produces it. 33-143.
True model of meditation. 12-86.
True reparatrix. 58-272.
True spouse. 58-343.
Truly blessed one. 20-223.
Type of purity. 10-14.
Unbounded power in the realm of grace. 2A-264.
Undefiled like a dove, all clean, all upright, full of grace and truth. 20-19.
Undefiled treasure of virginity. 70-53.
Unequalled and beloved treasure. 58-319.
Unique in the midst of the elect. 12-24.
Unique in the order of creation. 12-25.
Unique in your humility. 34-178.
Universal depositary of all our goods of nature and of grace. 37-129.
Universal dispenser of all divine graces. 4-390.
Universal dispenser of grace, the full and absolute disposal of the Eucharist and of the graces which it comprises. 2C-307.
Unlearned in the ways of Eve. 70-121.
Untarnish'd by decay. 34-342.
Untouch'd by age. 34-342.
Utterly full of divine grace and loveliness. 2A-288.
Vase of grace. 34-247.
Vast abyss of humility and love. 5D-17.
Vastness of clemency. 5E-666.
Vermilion rose of Trinity. 34-106.
Very treasure of life. 6-15.
Vessel of anguish.34-200.
Victim for the human race. 58-225.
Victor in all of the battles of God. 51-20.
Victorious and triumphant mistress of angels and men. 58-536.
Victorious chieftainess. 5C-293.
Victorious Sulamite. 5C-289.
Virgin and immaculate earth, of which the New Adam was formed. 37-192.
Virginal spouse of the Christ Child's foster father. 10-40.
Virginal wisdom. 9-5.
Virtue rich and fruitful. 24-80.
Visage most resembling Christ. 12-18.
Vision of peace. 5E-46.
Vision of the prophets. 6-15.
Vivifier of posterity. 20-7.
Wayfarer among the mortals. 58-167.
Wedded to God. 70-121.
Well-beloved of God. 90-26.
Well-beloved one. 28-118.
Well-beloved spouse. 6-15.
Well spring of favors. 10-9.
White as untrodden drifts of Alpine snow. 24-21.
Who can never be loved according to her merits. 5D-358.
Who is she that goeth up by the desert as a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, or myrrh, and frankincense, and of all the powders of the perfumer? 36-222.
Who repairest the ill which thine ancestors have caused, and art the means of restoring life to their descendants. 20-58.
Wholly and utterly, purity, kindness, love, faithfulness, patience, compassion and belongs to God alone. 14-80.
Wholly fair, wholly without sin. 14-80.
Whom all creatures should eagerly strive to love. 5D-358.
Whom God himself declared of plenteous grace. 34-91.
Whom the angels love with all of their heavenly powers. 5D-358.
Widow of Ephesus, perpetual Eucharistic adorer. 10-40.
Wife of Joseph, the carpenter. 11-47.
Wise and good counselor. 28-75.
Wise commander. 28-94.
With God, after God but under God, the efficient cause of our regeneration. 21-21.
With her grace none other e'er may compete here below or above. 34-117.
With the honor of virginity, Mary has the joy of motherhood. 20-119.
Within and without adorned in beauty. 34-249.
Without equal among things created. 58-205.
Witness of our toil. 88-4.
Wonder of the Most High. 58-57.
Wonderful and chosen creature. 20-72.
Wonderful being. 58-76.
Wonderful creature. 58-579.
Wondrous girl. 7-3.
Work of God. 34-284.
Workshop of the union of the natures. 70-53.
Worthy associate of the Redeemer. 93-15.
Worthy repairer of the lost world. 16-85.
Worthy teacher of the militant Church. 5E-535.
You are beauty, la belta', and we cannot admire you enough. 12-114.
You are goodness, la bonta', and we cannot praise you enough. 12-113.
You are she who is always named, and you are she who cannot be named at her worth. 12-25.
You are the most great in your humility, the most beautiful in your virginity and the most ardent in your love, the most resigned in your patience. 12-31.
You give to the world the joy of its salvation. 12-48.
You have found grace even in the eyes of God. 12-82.
You, in whose maiden womb was formed long since in Galilee, the fairest of the sons of men. 34-307.
You merit all honor and glory. 12-31.
You preserve the honor of virginity. 12-48.
You who alone brought forth mercy by giving birth to Jesus. 12-12.
You who are so gentle and so compassionate to poor sinners. 12-102.
You who know how to give to the weak, strength, to the captive, freedom. 12-28.
Your firm support. 2C-133.
Your superior and head. 5D-766.
Zealous princess. 58.-476.
Zelatrix of Jesus. 10-19.
1. Rev F. X. Lasance. My Prayer Book. New York: Benziger, 1908.
2. The Official Handbook of the Legion of Mary. Dublin: The Concillium Legionis Mariae.
A - Fourth American Edition. c. 1947.
B - Fifth American Edition. c. 1949.
C - Ninth American Edition. c. 1959.
3. Flowers from the Garden of the Precious Blood. London, Ontario: Monastery of the Precious Blood, 1940, (prayer book).
4. St. Alphonsus de Liguori. The Glories of Mary. Ed. by Rev. Eugene Grimm, third reprint revised Brooklyn: Redemptorist Fathers, 1931.
5. Sister Mary of Jesus (of Agreda, Spain). City of God. Translated by Fiscar Marison. Fifth complete ed. Albuquerque: Corcoran Publishing Co., 1914. Reprinted from the original authorized Spanish edition of 1902. There are five volumes:
a. Words of Wisdom. (No ref.)
b. The Conception.
c. The Incarnation.
d. The Transfixion.
e. The Coronation.
6. Florent E. Franke, M.D. Titles of Our Lady. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1950. (pamphlet).
7. Sr. M. Julian Baird, R.S.M. Lady Most Courteous. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1958. (pamphlet).
8. James A. Varni. Treasury of Indulgenced Prayers. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1940. (pamphlet).
9. Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Office Manual. Chicago: Hansen, 1936.
10.Sr. Mary Theodore, S.S.A. One Thousand Titles of Our Lady. Victoria, B.C.: St. Ann's Academy, 1937. (pamphlet. out of print).
11. R. J. Spitzer, C.S.S.R. The Titles of Our Lady. Liguori, MO: Liguorian Pamphlet Office, 1949. (pamphlet).
12. Thomas a Kempis. The Imitation of Mary. Ed. by Dr. Albin de Cigala. Westminister, MD: Newman Press, 1949.
13. A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. St. Simon Stock's Prayer for the Carmelites. (prayer card). Supposedly St. Simon Stock was reciting this prayer when the Blessed Virgin appeared to him wearing the Carmelite habit. She then gave him the scapular and promised to protect all who wear it.
14. Karl Rahner. Mary, Mother of the Lord. Translated by W.J.O'Hata from original West German edition Maria, Mutter des Herrn. New York: Herder, 1963.
15. Frederick M. Lynk. Mary Our Mother. Techny, IL: Divine Word Missionary Publications, 1955. (pamphlet).
16. B. P. Lent, C.S.S.R. In Praise of Mary. Chicago: Paluch, 1945.
17. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. When Sorrow Comes. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1949. (pamphlet).
18. Don Sharkey. Mary Talks to Us. St. Paul: Catechetical Guild Educational Society, 1953. (pamphlet).
19. Rev. Maurice O'Connor. Mariology Marches On. Huntington, IN.: Our Sunday Visitor Press Pamphlet No. 59.
20. Mother Imogene Ryan, R.S.C.J. The Mother of God. New York: Spiritual Book Associates, 1939.
21. R. Bakewell Morrison, S.J. The Mother of God. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1944. (pamphlet).
22. St. Alphonsus Liguori. The Way of the Cross. (pamphlet).
23. Our Lady of Fatima's "Peace Plan From Heaven." St. Meinrad, IN.: The Grail, 1951. (pamphlet).
24. Brother Cyril Roberts, F.M.S. Our Lady's Praise in Poetry. Poughheepsie, N.Y.: The Marist Brothers of the Schools. St. Ann's Hermitage, 1944.
25. The New American Bible, St. Joseph Edition. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1970.
26. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. Our Lady in the Modern World. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1946.
27. Sr. Mary J. Dorcy, O.P. Our Lady's Feasts. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1945.
28. Students of the College of St. Francis (under the direction of the faculty) Mary's Book of Days, (Mary's Book. vol. 2) Joliet, IL: Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, 1937.
29. The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Psalms translated by Ronald Knox Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1944.
30. Marie Sainte-Cecile de Rome, R.J.M. (Dina Belanger), 1897-1929 Canticle of Love. Trans., from the French by Mary Saint Stephen, 1945.
31. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. How Our Lady May Have Looked. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1948. (pamphlet).
32. Novena to the Holy Ghost. Washington, D.C.: Holy Ghost Fathers, 1948. (pamphlet).
33. John Mathias Haffert. Mary in her Scapular Promise. Second ed. Sea Isle City, NJ.: The Scapular Press, 1942.
34. Brother Cyril Roberts, F.M.S. Mary Immaculate, God's Mother and Mine. Poughkeepsie, NY: The Marist Brothers of the Schools, St. Ann's Hermitage, 1946.
35. St. Louis Mary De Montfort. The Secret of Mary. Bay Shore, NY.: Montfort Publications, 1950. (pamphlet).
36. Carmelite Fathers. Carmelite Manual. New York: Benziger, 1934.
37. St. Louis Grignion De Montfort. True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Translated from the original French by Frederick W. Faber, D.D. Revised ed. Bay Shore, N.Y.: The Montfort Fathers, 1946.
38. Manual of the Pilgrim to the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. New Orleans, LA: Ursuline Convent, 1937
39. Daniel A. Lord, S.J. Our Lady's Assumption. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1934. (pamphlet).
40. St. Therese of Lisieux. Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese Lisieux. Translated by John Clarke, O.C.D. Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1975.
41. Jos. A. Skelly, C.M. The Miraculous Medal. Germantown, PA: The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal, 1915.
42. Maximus Poppy, O.F.M. Regina Coeli Laetare: The Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin. St. Louis: Printed for private distribution, 1950. (pamphlet).
43. Henri-Paul Bergeson, C.S.C. Brother Andre. Translated from the French by Rev. Real Boudreau, C.S.C. New York: Benziger, 1938.
44. The Little Office of the Immaculate Conception. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1963. (pamphlet).
45. Ascribed to St. Bonaventure. Hymn and Psalms to Our Lady. Pittsburgh, PA: St. Augustine's Monastery, 1938. (pamphlet).
46. Wilfred G. Hurley, C.S.P. Honor Mary Thy Mother. New York: Paulist Press, 1934. (pamphlet).
47. Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Czestochowa. Eureka, MO: St. Joseph's Hill, Franciscan Missionary Brothers, 1938. (pamphlet).
48. Andrew W. Neufeld. Mary. New York: Catholic Information Society, 1944. (pamphlet).
49. Bernard J. LeFrois, S.V.D. Remodel Your Home (After Mary's Heart). Techny, IL: Mission Press, S.V.D., 1952. (pamphlet).
50. Edward F. Garesche, S.J. A Month of Devotions to Mary; Patroness of Vocations. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1919. (pamphlet).
51. Emil Neubert, S.M., S.T.D. Queen of Militants. Translated from the French. St. Meinrad, IN: Grail Publications, 1947.
52. Prayers to St. Ann. New York: Paulist Press, 1934. (pamphlet).
53. Patrick J. O'Connor and Paul Vincent. The Immaculate Conception. St. Paul, MN: Catechetical Guild Educational Society, 1954. (pamphlet).
54. How To Be Happy. (from the French) Brooklyn, N.Y.: International Catholic Truth Society, 1936. (pamphlet).
55. Our Lady of Sorrows of Quite. Baltimore, MD: Reparation Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1953. (prayer card).
56. Sebastian Erbacher, O.F.M. Seraphic Days. Detroit: Duns Scotus College, 1940.
57. Association of the Miraculous Medal. Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Perryville, MO: St. Mary's Seminary, 1927.
58. William J. Smith, S.J. Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Knock. New York: Paulist Press, 1954. (pamphlet).
59. Thomas Merton. The Seven Storey Mountain. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1948.
60. Dedication of Viet Nam to Our Lady. (Holy picture, has imprimatur).
61.Waiter Farrell, O.P. and Martin J. Healy. S.T.D. My Way of Life: Pocket Edition of St. Thomas, The Summa Simplified for Everyone. Brooklyn: Confraternity of the Precious Blood, 1952.
62. Ave Maria. Washington, D.C.: Commissariat of the Holy Land, Franciscan Monastery, 1936.
63. Brother Cyril Roberts. F.M.S., compiler. Blessed Mother, Help Me. Poughkeepsie, NY: The Marist Brothers of the Schools, St. Ann's Hermitage, 1947.
64. Under Mary's Mantle. Fourth ed. Clyde, MO: Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, 1949. (pamphlet).
65. Albert J. Nevins. The Meaning of Maryknoll. New York: McMullen Books, 1954.
66. Mary Fabyan Windeatt. Color Books. St. Meinrad, IN: Grail Publications, 1954.
B. Our Lady of Pellevoisin.
C. Our Lady of Banneux.
F. Our Lady of Beauring.
H. Our Lady of Pontmain.
67. Eddie Doherty. Blessed Martin de Porres. St. Paul, MN: Catechetical Guild Educational Society, 1953. (pamphlet).
68. Owen Bennett, O.F.M. Conv. Mary in the Liturgy. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1954. (pamphlet).
69. Theodore Maynard. The Long Road of Father Serra. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1954.
70. Paul F. Palmer, S.J. S.T.D. Mary in the Documents of the Church. Westminister. MD: Newman Press, 1952.
71. Florence Wedge, compiler. Mary's Morning Minute. St. Louis: Queen's Work, 1955. (pamphlet).
72. Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, O.P. Shrines of Our Lady. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1956.
73. Rev. Dominic F. Crane. Titles of the Blessed Virgin. Somerset, OH: Rosary Press, 1916.
74. Communion Prayers with Mary. Huntington, IN: Confraternity of Mary Queen of All Hearts, Victory Noll. No date. (leaflet).
75. E. C. McEniry. O.P. Saint Thomas Aquinas. O.P. Explains Our Lady's Feasts. Columbus, OH: College Book Company, 1945.
76. Anthony J. Paone, S.J. My Daily Bread; a Summary of the Spiritual Life, Simplified and Arranged for Daily Reading, Reflection and Prayer. Brooklyn: Confraternity of the Precious Blood, 1954.
77. Marion A. Habig, O.F.M. Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception. Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1954. (pamphlet).
78. Otto Karrer. St. Francis of Assisi. Translated by N. Wydenbruck. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1948.
79. Joseph W. Printon, C.S.S.R., compiler. Our Mother of Perpetual Help; Novena, Hymns and Prayers. Tenth ed. Chicago: Paluch, 1935. (pamphlet).
80. Fathers Rumble and Carty. Virgin and Statue Worship Quizzes to a Street Preacher. St. Paul: Radio Replies Press, 1943. (Booklet No. 10)
81. Novena to Our Lady, Health of the Sick. Cragsmoor. NY: Daughters of Mary, Health of the Sick Imprimatur, 1945. (leaflet).
82. William Thomas Walsh. Our Lady of Fatima. Garden City, NY: Image Books, Doubleday, 1954.
83. Saint Joseph Daily Missal. Vol. 1. Edited by Hugo H. Hoever S.O. Cist., Ph.D. New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co., 1951.
84. Ralph L. Woods. The Consolations of Catholicism. New York: Appleton-Century·Crofts, 1954.
85. Arthur B. Klyber, C.S.S.R. Queen of the Jews. Liguori, MO: Liguorian Pamphlets, Redemptorist Fathers. Imprimatur, 1960. (pamphlet).
86. Prayer to Our Lady of Grace of Berzee. Imprimatur, 1943
87. The Documents of Vatican II. Waiter M. Abbott, S.J. editor. New York: Guild Press, America Press, Association Press, 1966. (Of particular interest in Chapter 8 of the Constitution on the Church. "The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in the Mystery of Christ and the Church," pages 85-96)
88. Pope Paul VI. "Mother of the Church." Soul Magazine, v. 17, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1965 pg. 4-6 (Chapter of a speech delivered Nov. 21, 1964 by Pope Paul VI at the closing of the third session of Vatican Council II. when he officially promulgated for Mary the title "Mother of the Church.")
89. Pope Pius XII. Fulgens Corona (Radiant Crown) on the Marian Year and the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Encyclical letter, Sept. 8. 1953. Vatican Press Translation Includes Marian Year Prayer, Indulgences and Planned Activities. Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference.
90. The Marian Year, 1954. Excerpts from Fulgens Corona (Radiant Crown), encyclical letter of his holiness Pius XII. New York: Catholic Travel League and Catechetical Guild Educational Society, 1954. (Prayer by Pope Pius XII, p. 25, 26. First centenary of the definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.)
91. Pope Pius XII. On the Queenship of Mary; Encyclical Letter (Ad Caeli Reginam). Issued Oct. 11, 1954. Washington, D.C: National Catholic Welfare Conference.
92. Pope Paul VI "The Holy Father's Plea to Mary." Soul Magazine. v. 17, no. 1. Jan.-Feb. 1965, p. 6.
93. National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Behold Your Mother, Woman of Faith; a Pastoral Letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Nov. 21, 1973. Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, 1973. (pamphlet).
94. Pope Paul VI. Apostolic Exhortation for the Right Ordering and Development of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. (Marialis Cultus) Feb. 2, 1974. Boston: Daughters of St. Paul. (Taken from L'Osservatore Romano, English Weekly Edition, 4-4-74, Official Vatican Translation).