Rosary for Our Lady of Sorrows
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Rosary for Our Lady of Sorrows
In honor of Our Lady of Sorrows
September 15, 2008
– Meditations by Bishop Giaquinta from Program of Spiritual Life, 12-13
The sacrifice of Jesus to redeem humanity starts with the Incarnation, “Behold, I come to do Your will.” This sacrifice takes place in the womb of Mary. Therefore, Mary is the first altar and shrine where we have been redeemed.
In the womb of Mary, Jesus offered Himself in the spirit of adoration, of obedience, of self- giving, and of love to the Father and for humanity. In the Eucharist we contemplate the first offering of the Word in the womb of Mary.
Today’s celebration invites us all to unite with the Jesus and Mary, “We offer ourselves to the Father with Jesus, the Incarnated Word, for the sanctification of people on the altar of Mary while praying “My Mother, My Confidence.”
We offer ourselves with Mary, through Mary, and in Mary, and we are consecrated to her immaculate heart. We venerate the Oblation of Mary - the Oblation that she manifested in a very intense way on the day of the incarnation of the Word of God.
Mary is for us a model of virginity, of total obedience, of absolute poverty, and of apostolate in her self-giving to others. She is Co-redemptrix with Jesus.
AFTER THE ROSARY: Take a moment and attend to what stirred in your heart during the meditations and while you prayed.
Ask yourself,
- What place does Mary have in my life? Do I live my offering to the Father as she did?
- What is my greatest spiritual challenge when I encounter the suffering of others?
- What am I doing to gain greater intimacy with Mary, to learn from her how to stand below the cross of others as Mary stood by the Cross of her Son?
- Does the presence of Mary encourage me to imitate her purity, her obedience, her poverty, and her apostolic and co-redemptive dimension?
Conclude by sharing your “stirrings, thoughts and desires” with Mary. Talk to her in your own words!