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Rosa Mystica devotion

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Rosa Mystica devotion

Q: What is the mission of the Rosa Mystica?

A: The world association of the Rosa Mystica devotion especially promotes communion and penance to be celebrated on October 13 (message of August 6, 1966). However, already on July 13, 1947, Mary asked Pierina to disseminate a new devotion called Rosa Mystica. Every thirteenth of the month is to be commemorated as a Marian day, consecrated to prayer and penance for offenses committed by priests and religious against our Lord. The twelve days preceding it should be considered preparatory days with special prayers.

Statue of Rosa Mystica showing the white, red and gold roses.

July thirteenth has a special importance. Religious congregations and institutes will honor this day through special prayers: The Mass, Communion, rosary and an hour of adoration. Mary links special prayer intentions to the three roses she wears instead of the three swords of previous apparitions: the white rose stands for prayer for perseverance of religious vocations; the red rose indicates prayer and sacrifice in penance for offenses committed by religious/priests; the golden rose symbolizes prayers of penance in favor of the Judas-priests, traitors to the cause of Christ.

In still another apparition Mary asks for the veneration of her Immaculate Heart in religious congregations. For December 8 (every year) she decrees an hour of grace for the whole world, to be celebrated at noon. During the same apparition she asks for a statue modeled according to the characteristics of the Rosa Mystica (12/8/1947).


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