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Litany of Mary

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Litany of Mary

Let us now implore the help of Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, for the work we are about to undertake:

Response for the following: Enfold us in love, pray for us in love

Holy Mary
Most Honored of Women
Mother of Christ
Mother of the Church
Mother of Divine Grace

Mother Mary, bearer of light, enkindle our hearts with the flame of love and the heat of devotion. Amen.

Response for the following: Fill us with grace, pray for us in love

Mother most pure
Mother of Divine Love
Mother most beautiful
Mother of the Savior
Mother of Light

Mother Mary, Mother of Love, fill us with joy as we discover Christ within, the source of all joy. Amen

Response for the following: Fill us with devotion, pray for us in love

Mirror of Justice
Seat of Wisdom
Shrine of the Spirit
Vessel of devotion
Our Lady of the Marian Library

Mother Mary, Vessel of Devotion, fills us with devotion as we melt into the Heart of God. Help us through our devotion to spread Love to all of life. Amen.

Response for the following: Fill us with compassion, pray for us in love

Mother of the Church 
Queen of Families
Educator of our youth
Consolation of the sick and dying
Intercessor of all God’s children

Mother Mary, Source of Compassion, fill us with compassion for all beings and through the compassion of God, enfold and embrace all of life as our own. Amen.

Response for the following: Fill us with joy, pray for us in love

Vessel of selfless service
Most Honored of Women
Bearer of the Word
Mystery of Life
Inspiration of The Mary Page

Mother Mary, Mother of Divinity, help us share in the Joy of creation and Love of life. Help us to feel the Love of Christ in all life. Amen.

Response for the following: Fill us with peace, pray for us in love

Queen of Angels
Queen of Prophets
Queen of Apostles
Queen of the Rosary
Queen of Peace

Mother Mary, Radiant with Peace, fill us with the peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

Response for the following: Fill us with wisdom, pray for us in love

Mother of the Americas
Mother of Europe
Mother of Asia
Mother of Africa
Mother of Oceania

Let us pray:

Mother Mary, Mother of Wisdom, fill us with wisdom to use the gifts that God has given us for the benefit of all humankind. We pray for the growth in Love of all people, the spread of Wisdom, the expansion of Happiness, the increase of Light, and the Birth of Christ into the hearts of all children of God. Amen.


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