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Magisterial Documents: Redemptoris Donum
John Paul II, Redemptoris Donum, Apostolic Exhortation to Men and Women Religious
on their Consecration in the Light of the Mystery of the Redemption
March 25, 1984
The full document is available on the internet.
Brief Introduction
The document highlights religious consecration in the light of the mystery of Redemption. John Paul II deduces that from this perspective, consecrated life includes a trinitarian, paschal and eschatological dimension. The document explores the theology, spirituality, and apostolic dimension of the consecrated life.
Core Marian Passages
17 Message of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
On the feast of the Annunciation in this Holy Year of the Redemption, I place the present exhortation in the heart of the immaculate Virgin. Among all persons consecrated unreservedly to God, she is the first. She-the Virgin of Nazareth-is also the one most fully consecrated to God, consecrated in the most perfect way. Her spousal love reached its height in the divine Motherhood through the power of the Holy Spirit. She, who as Mother carries Christ in her arms, at the same time fulfills in the most perfect way His call: "Follow me." And she follows Him-she, the Mother-as her Teacher of chastity, poverty and obedience.
How poor she was on Bethlehem night and how poor on Calvary! How obedient she was at the moment of the Annunciation, and then-at the foot of the cross-obedient even to the point of assenting to the death of her Son, who became obedient "unto death"! How dedicated she was in all her earthly life to the cause of the kingdom of heaven through most chaste love.
If the entire Church finds in Mary her first model, all the more reason do you find her so-you as consecrated individuals and communities within the Church! On the day that calls to mind the inauguration of the Jubilee of the Redemption, which took place last year, I address myself to you with this present message, to invite you to renew your religious consecration according to the model of the consecration of the very Mother of God.
Beloved brothers and sisters! "God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." Persevering in fidelity to Him who is faithful, strive to find a very special support in Mary! For she was called by God to the most perfect communion with His Son. May she, the faithful Virgin, also be the Mother of your evangelical way: may she help you to experience and to show to the world how infinitely faithful is God Himself!
I. Introduction (1-3)
"And Jesus, Looking Upon Him, Loved Him" (3)
"If You Wish To Be Perfect..." (4)
"You Will Have Treasure in Heaven" (5-6)
Religious Profession Is a "Fuller Expression" of Baptismal Consecration (7)
A Covenant of Spousal Love (8)
The Economy of Redemption (9)
Participation in the Self-emptying of Christ (10)
Chastity (11)
Poverty (12)
Obedience (13)
Witness (14)
Apostolate (15)
Message of the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord (17)
© This material has been compiled by Danielle M. Peters, S.T.D.
Copyright is reserved for The Marian Library/International Marian Research Institute.
Most recently updated in 2019.