Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering (M.S.)
Student Resources
We work closely with alumni and private business leaders to supply ongoing opportunities and to continue the cycle of education and service in the engineering community. Our faculty members have specific areas of expertise and talents. Let us know how we can support you.
Fellowships, Grants and Assistantships
The Renewable and Clean Energy program has a limited number of research and teaching assistantships available to students. The assistantships range from full tuition plus stipend to hourly wage. Approximately 50% of RCL students receive some type of assistantship. These assistantships are rarely awarded to students prior to enrollment. In most cases, students are offered research and teaching assistantships based on in-class performance and a demonstrated interest in a research topic. Currently, RCL students have research assistantships in geothermal energy, energy-efficient manufacturing, building energy informatics. Other students work in the energy field off campus. Currently, RCL students work with local HVAC design companies, energy engineering companies, Montgomery County and other private and public sector employers.
SOCHE will award up to 15 three-year fellowships to new doctoral students studying engineering or computer science at one of the three member institutions — the Air Force Institute of Technology, the University of Dayton or Wright State University. These fellowships support full-time, research-based doctoral study and will be awarded to candidates with exceptional demonstrated capability and aptitude. Awards include a stipend of $27,500 plus full tuition for three years of study and research. Candidates will be invited to visit the three SOCHE campuses before the awards are announced.
SOCHE Scholarships are full-tuition scholarships available for both part- and full-time graduate students in engineering. For highly qualified, full-time doctoral students, opportunities exist for full-tuition with yearly stipend. Applications for the SOCHE Scholarship will ONLY be accepted online. Supporting documentation may be submitted to your home institution.
Ohio Space Grant Consortium Fellowships are competitively awarded fellowships to graduate students pursuing degrees in one of the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) at Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) universities. Awardees are required to participate in university research projects and present results at the annual OSGC Research Symposium.