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Bachelor's Plus Master's

The Bachelor's Plus Master's Program Helps You Stay on Track

Earn your Master's degree in an accelerated program and enjoy a deeply discounted graduate tuition rate!

The School of Engineering offers a Bachelor's-Plus-Master's (BPM) program for students who wish to pursue either greater specialization in a major area or to complement the undergraduate program with a related graduate-level concentration. The BPM program allows students to use up to six credit hours of graduate coursework to satisfy both bachelor's and master’s degree program requirements while receiving discounted graduate tuition rates. Students who are highly motivated have been able to complete both degrees in five years with proper planning and go on to top industry positions with salaries well above the national average.

You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be accepted into this accelerated graduate program.


As a junior or senior enrolled in the School of Engineering with a GPA of 3.0 or above, you are eligible to apply for this program.


Anytime after completing your 60th undergraduate credit hour but not later than the middle of your final semester.


Bachelor's Plus Master's Application

Acceptance Agreement

If you received an official email from the Dean's Office that you were accepted into the BPM Program, you will need to complete the Agreement before you are officially confirmed into the BPM Program. Complete the Bachelor's Plus Master's Program Agreement


Please contact our graduate studies program coordinator, Brenda Clawson-Flannagan, or your department chair or program director.

What master's degree are you eligible to apply for if you are currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in...

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electro-Optics*, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering, Systems Engineering

* This major may need additional courses to qualify for the master’s program.

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in civil engineering, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering, Systems Engineering

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in computer engineering, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electro-Optics*, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering, Systems Engineering

* This major may need additional courses to qualify for the master’s program.

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electro-Optics, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering, Systems Engineering

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Electro-Optics*, Engineering Management, Engineering Mechanics, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Renewable and Clean Energy Engineering, Systems Engineering

* This major may need additional courses to qualify for the master’s program.

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in engineering technology, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Engineering Management, Materials Engineering, Systems Engineering

If you are pursuing an undergraduate degree in physics, then you are eligible to apply for a master's degree in:

Electro-Optics, Materials Engineering

Highlights of BPM in Engineering

  • Allows students to use up to six credit hours of graduate coursework to satisfy both baccalaureate and master’s degree program requirements while receiving deeply discounted graduate tuition rates 
  • Students who are highly motivated have been able to complete both degrees in five years with proper planning and go on to top industry positions with salaries well above the national average
  • Become a full-time graduate student after the completion of your bachelor's degree
  • Courses in energy, polymers, bioengineering, corrosion, composites, nanomaterials, combustion, environmental, management, electro-optics, robotics and petroleum
  • Some students may qualify for graduate assistantships that pay full tuition and a stipend while a graduate student

  • Multidisciplinary faculty funded through government and industry
  • Advanced research opportunities available at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the University of Dayton Research Institute

Baylor M. Franck - Bachelor in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Electrical Engineering

"I found it very convenient for quickly achieving a master's even while working full-time as it took me one year to complete. Would recommend it to any student completing a master's as it should take no more than four semesters to complete even if working full-time. Lots of flexibility to try several different areas within EE and professors/admins are more than willing to go the extra mile to help out with the best possible path for you." 

Baylor is now working full-time at NASIC while pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Dayton.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will be allowed to register for up to two 500-level courses using the undergraduate level that will be applied to both your undergraduate and graduate programs (double-counted). With the approval of your academic adviser and once you've completed 60 credits at the undergraduate level, you may register for your courses.
  • These courses will remain on your undergraduate transcript but will be double-counted towards your graduate degree. You may not "move" these courses from your undergraduate transcript to your graduate transcript. Your graduate transcript will note: "X semester hours of graduate program requirements were satisfied as an undergraduate student."

  • If NOT receiving Employee Tuition Remission: Yes, you may, but only two will "double-count."
  • It is imperative that you work with your undergraduate and graduate advisers to ensure that you're registering for the courses at the correct level. When registering for classes, there is a selection for "Level." If the course is part of your M.S. program and will NOT count towards your undergraduate program, then you will register at the  "GR" level. This has nothing to do with your current level. You could be an undergraduate student taking courses for a future M.S., in which case, you will register at the GR level. The code indicates which degree that course will count for, not what your current level is.
  • If registering for more than two 500-level courses as an undergraduate student, you will need to reach out to Financial Aid to ensure your billing is correct.

You will not be able to register for graduate courses online. Instead, follow these steps.

  • Send an email to your undergraduate adviser and graduate adviser for their review/approval of the "Add" request
  • Subject: BPM student registration request for 500-level course at UG (or GR) level
  • Include the student ID, term, course number and CRN
  • Once approval is received, your adviser should forward your request to who will complete the registration process with your adviser approvals.

No. Tuition Remission can be used only for the courses used to complete your undergraduate degree.

  • The graduate application can be found here.
  • You may select a start date immediately after your undergraduate graduation, or if you graduate in spring, you may elect to start the next fall
  • You must maintain a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 to be accepted into the Graduate Program
  • If you are accepted into the Graduate Program, you MUST confirm your acceptance here.

  • The BPM tuition is deeply discounted from the regular graduate tuition costs. It is often 1/2 the cost of your undergraduate tuition.
  • The BPM discounted M.S. tuition will expire after four consecutive semesters. Waivers may be requested for internships and co-ops.
  • There is no limit to the number of graduate courses that you can take with the discounted tuition within four consecutive semesters.
  • If registering for more than (2) 500-level courses as an undergraduate student, you will need to reach out to Financial Aid to ensure your billing is correct.

  • Some students who are highly motivated are able to complete both degrees in five years with proper planning.
  • You have up to seven years to complete your M.S. program as part of the BPM program if you need to take time for your job or family. However, the discounted tuition is available only for four consecutive semesters. 


School of Engineering Associate Deans

Kettering Laboratories
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0254