Preview Day
Your Journey Starts Here
Discover why our more than 8,000 students are ranked among the Top 25 Happiest Students in the nation and see why our campus quickly feels like home.
Join us at a Preview Day event this fall — these special events are designed to support your college search journey. Explore our unique academic programs, meet our Flyer family and explore our beautiful campus. Connect with our recruitment and admission team for tips and information about the admission process and financial aid.

You're Invited
We're Ready to Help You Soar
Preview Days are designed to introduce UD to prospective students. Throughout the event, you will learn about the admission process, explore academic programs, meet faculty, staff and students and discover for yourself why more than 8,000 students call the University of Dayton their home away from home.
Learn about the admission and financial aid process and connect with an admission counselor to get your questions answered.
Meet faculty and staff and learn more about our 80+ academic programs, featuring overviews from:
- College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business Administration
- School of Education and Health Sciences
- School of Engineering
- Discover Programs (for undecided students)
... and more!
Explore our beautiful campus with guided tours beginning every 45 minutes. You will have a chance to see a first-year residence hall on the tour.
Check out campus classrooms and lab spaces for an in-depth look at your focused area of study.
From Campus Ministry and study abroad to sustainability and our Multi-Ethnic Education and Engagement Center, come meet current students and discover what UD has to offer.
Don't miss your opportunity to learn more about these unique UD offerings:
- Student success and support
- University Honors Program
- UD Sinclair Academy
Can't Make it to a Preview Day?
We understand — you're busy! If you can't make it to a Preview Day event, please feel free to schedule a campus visit when it's convenient for you. Get a sneak peek of our beautiful campus in our Campus Tour video.
Visit Campus
Why UD?
There is incredible value in being a Flyer. In addition to a top-ranked education, students thrive in the supportive UD community, gain hands-on experience and have amazing outcomes.