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Student Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations are a great way to connect with like-minded students, build essential career skills and even participate in competitions or networking events. 

All engineering student organizations are open to all students.

Student Orgs
Aero Design Team

The UD Aero Design Team competes annually in a design competition where the team designs, builds and flies a remote-controlled airplane, learning skills key for professional aerospace careers.

Contact: Sid Gunasekaran, adviser,

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. A great place for students and professionals to collaborate in the aerospace industry.

Contact Sid Gunasekaran, adviser,

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE)

AIChE is the world's leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with nearly 40,000 members from 93 countries. UD's student chapter of AIChE provides a wide range of opportunities to Chemical Engineering students including professional development events, service outings, mentorship programs, and more! The student chapter also has a CME Car team in which students can apply their technical and innovative skills to design and build a small car powered by a chemical reaction. The CME Car team competes with their car at the Regional AIChE Conference every year.Take the next step in your future as a chemical engineer! 

Contact: Kevin Hinkle, adviser,

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The ASCE student chapter provides civil engineering students with the opportunity to begin a relationship of professional association through activities such as regional competitions, monthly meetings, social events and a golf outing.

Contact: Kenya Crosson or Elias Toubia, adviser,


The UD ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning Engineers) chapter is a student group within the larger national ASHRAE Organization. UD ASHRAE members attend monthly meetings and learn from industry experts about energy efficiency practices, renewable energy technologies and much more.

Contact: Andrew Chiasson, adviser,

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.

Contact: Tim Reissman, adviser,

Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Club

The Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Club aims to educate our members about the biomedical field and how they can get involved. We also strive to give back to the community, using our specific expertise.

Contact: Allison Kinney, adviser,


Eta Kappa Nu

Eta Kappa Nu is a unique membership organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering fields. Members consist of students, alumni and other professionals who have demonstrated exceptional academic and professional accomplishments.

Contact: Guru Subramanyam, adviser,

Grand Challenges Scholars Program

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges for Engineering globally serves people and society for the “continuation of life on the planet and a more sustainable, secure, healthy and joyful world" and has sparked a global movement for engineering. The Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) is a combined curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular program with five competency areas (Research/Creativity, Multidisciplinarity, Business/Entrepreneurship, Global/Multicultural, and Social consciousness) designed to prepare undergraduate students to address major global challenges facing society. Over 100+ participating universities around the world, including UD, have created their own unique realization of how students can engage with these competencies.

Contact: Markus Rumpfkeil, program director, 

Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers  (IEEE)

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers is dedicated to connecting students with electrical and computer engineering and technology majors with cutting-edge technologies and career options relating to their fields.

Contact: Amy Niedhard-Doll, adviser,

Institute of Industrial Systems Engineers (IISE)

IISE is the world's largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity. Founded in 1948, IISE is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the application, education, training, research and development of industrial engineering.

Contact: Yooneun Lee, adviser, 

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

UD ITE is a student organization created to promote the education and professional development of students interested in transportation engineering and planning. This organization introduces students to the many facets of transportation engineering by inviting speakers or by visiting agencies and project locations.

Contact: Deo Eustace, adviser,

It Flies

The It Flies group's purpose is to interest undergraduates and graduates in aircraft design and flight simulator experience and design.

Contact: Sid Gunasekaran, adviser,

Makers Club

The Makers Club provides students with a platform to innovate and learn by building.  After safety training is completed, members are encouraged to engage in personal, curricula affiliated or service projects.


Mars Rover Team - UD

The University of Dayton Mars Rover Team gives students the opportunity to work on a multidisciplinary team towards a common goal. That goal is to design, build and program a rover that will be successful in an annual international competition.

Contact: Tim Reissman, adviser,

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

NSBE is dedicated to the academic and professional success of Black and African-American engineering students and professionals. NSBE offers its members leadership training, professional development activities, mentoring opportunities, career placement services and more. Contact for more details.

Advisers: Alison Ekpelu and Gerica Brown



Omega Chi Epsilon

Omega Chi Epsilon is the National Honor Society for Chemical Engineering. The Society promotes high scholarship, encourages original investigation in chemical engineering and recognizes the valuable traits of character, integrity and leadership. It serves both undergraduate and graduate students and fosters meaningful student-faculty dialogue.

Contact: Kristen Krupa, adviser,

Optica (formerly OSA)

Optica, advancing optics and photonics worldwide, is the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, students and others interested in the science of light. Optica’s renowned publications, meetings, online resources and in-person activities fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate scientific, technical and educational achievement.

Contact: Imad Agha, adviser, 


Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM), Inc. is a non-profit professional association for LGBTQ+ people in the STEM community. With over 100 student chapters at colleges/universities and professional chapters in cities across the United States and abroad, oSTEM is the largest chapter-based organization focused on LGBTQ+ people in STEM.

Contact:  Laura Bistrek at 

Phi Sigma Rho

Phi Sigma Rho, Gamma Chapter at the University of Dayton is a social sorority for women in engineering and technical majors. Through Phi Sigma Rho, our sisters develop the highest standard of personal integrity, strive for academic excellence and build friendships that last a lifetime.

Adviser: Shawnee Breitenstein



Pi Tau Sigma

Pi Tau Sigma is the international mechanical engineering Honor Society. Formally installed in 1977, the Dayton Delta Nu chapter consists of members who are in the top percentile of their junior and senior classes. These members are on track for future success and are committed to the field of mechanical engineering.

Contact: Dave Perkins, adviser,

Redline Robotics Club

The goal of this student-led club is to allow students the opportunity to design and fabricate their own combat robot to compete in local, regional, and even national events while having fun and building connections with other students.  Their mission is to provide students with the resources and training to design and compete with a combat robot at various weight classes in an educational and supportive environment.  This club allows students to gain interdisciplinary skills as they explore alternate branches of engineering.

Adviser: Sean Cahill, 


RE-volv is a San Francisco based nonprofit organization dedicated to crowdfunding solar energy projects for other non-profits around the country. UD's RE-volv Solar Ambassador Program trains ambassadors in crowdfunding, solar policy, community engagement and project management to benefit a local community partner.

Contact: Kevin Hallinan, adviser,

RoboCup Soccer Team: Robotic Flyers

RoboCup was founded in 1997 with the main goal of developing by 2050 a Robot Soccer team capable of winning against the human team champion of the FIFA World Cup. After more than 15 years of RoboCup, the concept has expanded into other robotics competitions such as Rescue (robots and simulation), @Home (assistive robots in home environments), Sponsored and @Work (industrial environments), as well as RoboCup Junior leagues for young students.


Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE)

The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) is an international professional member society that provides information and conferences on new materials and processing technology. For student members at the University of Dayton, this gives an opportunity for aspiring engineers to gain experience working hands-on in competitions that deal with building composite bridges for flexure testing and using 3-D printing to make plastic columns for compression testing.

Contact: Don Klosterman, adviser,

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

SASE was founded to prepare Asian heritage scientists, engineers and technologists for success in the global business world, celebrate diversity on campuses and in the workplace, and to provide opportunities for members to make contributions to their local communities. Membership is open to all.

Adviser: Gerica Brown



Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Baja Club

The Baja Club provides a source for undergraduate engineering students to develop collaboration skills and apply engineering ethics and practices from the classroom to design a competitive off-road vehicle, allowing for further growth by taking part in real-world learning that carries above and beyond the engineering curriculum at the University of Dayton.

Adviser: Sean Cahill, 
Club contact: 

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

The University of Dayton SHPE Student Chapter is one of many SHPE chapters within the National SHPE network. We strive to empower all of our members to  realize their full potential and to excel both in their academic and professional careers within all STEM fields.

Advisers: Alison Ekpelu and Julieta (Juli) Phillips



Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)

The mission of SME is to acquire and distribute manufacturing knowledge among its members and the broader manufacturing community.

Contact: Jamie Obermeyer, adviser,  

Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light.

Contact: Imad Agha, adviser, 


Society of Sales Engineers (SSE)

The goal of this student-led organization is to create a network of like-minded students that are interested in the field of sales engineering!  Blending formal and fun is our motto as we combine the organization’s goals with the desire to build a social community.  Events include guest speakers, interactive sales workshops, industry visits, leadership talks, national sales competitions, and a myriad of social gatherings.

Contact: Sean Cahill, adviser,


Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE is one of the largest professional networks of women in the nation and on campus. As an extracurricular, professional and service organization, they empower women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering. Through training and development programs, networking opportunities, community building activities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities, and much more, SWE helps women reach their full potential in the field of engineering.

Adviser: Beth Hart, 



Solar Splash Team

Solar Splash is the World Championship of Collegiate Solar Boating and it takes place over a five day competition. Students learn to use solar energy for transportation purposes and get hands-on experience with sustainable energy, energy management, and the importance of efficiency and good design.

Contact: David Perkins, adviser, or 

Structural Engineers Association of Ohio (SEAoO)

The Structural Engineers Association of Ohio, University of Dayton chapter, is an organization created to keep up with the innovations, as well as learn specific topics related to the structural engineering field. Our fellow student members stand out thanks to a strong sense of commitment, passion, conduct, tenacity and a great thirst for knowledge always keeping in mind our Marianist values. 

Contact: Joseph Saliba, adviser,


Sustainability Club

A service and social action club with an emphasis on food, water, and waste on campus, and in the Dayton community. 


Tau Alpha Pi

Tau Alpha Pi is the national honor society for engineering technology. The purpose of Tau Alpha Pi is two fold 1) to recognize high standards of scholarship among students in engineering technology programs, and 2) to promote and encourage scholastic achievement by offering outstanding engineering technology students membership in the society.

Contact: Susan Scachitti, adviser, 

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi is a universally recognized Engineering Honors Society regarded with high esteem. Students with Junior or Senior status of any engineering discipline who have reached the scholastic requirements and have shown exemplary character are invited to join. We focus on academics, service, networking, and social events. Our events include service projects in the community, student/professor networking events, spaghetti dinners, trivia nights, pumpkin carvings, and free pies on pi day.

Adviser: Laura Bistrek, 



UD3D is a student run 3D printing club whose purpose is to further educate students on the topic of consumer grade additive manufacturing and prototyping. This club is designed to help students to learn how to build, run, and successfully operate consumer grade 3D printers. Potential project topics and events include but are not limited to recyclable filament research and development, maker space and additive manufacturing plant tours, and design competitions.

Adviser: Sidaard Gunasekaran, adviser, 



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