Language of the Universe
"Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." –Shakuntala Devi

Department of Mathematics
See what our department has to offer
Mathematics is the study of shape and form, of numbers and patterns, of concrete examples and abstract generalizations. As a discipline mathematics is not easy to categorize. It is an art: there is great beauty in its execution and exposition. It is a science: it is extremely rigorous and it has an experimental aspect. It is pure: within mathematics one can create a whole universe and explore its properties. It is applied: many of the best ideas of mathematics arise from attempts at solving everyday problems, and some of its most pure concepts have surprisingly practical applications. It is a philosophy: mathematics is grounded in ideas. Most of all, mathematics is alive. Although mathematics has engaged human thought for millennia it is still today a vibrant and growing area of human endeavor with new and important discoveries.
It is the goal of the Department of Mathematics not only to provide students with a firm foundation in the concepts and skills of mathematics, but to instill in them an appreciation for the beauty and power of the subject.

High regard for a pair of University of Dayton mathematics professors + a generous donation in their honor = more opportunities for mathematics majors to attend conferences and organize student activities.

A University of Dayton professor who taught mathematics for nearly four decades is being remembered with a new scholarship in his name that will continue his legacy at the University for many years to come.

University of Dayton faculty aren't always aware of their lasting impact on students' lives. But Harry Mushenheim, mathematics professor emeritus, learned of his influence on former student Dr. Pieter Wiersema '74 when the latter donated $10,000 to the department of mathematics in Mushenheim's honor.