Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
Join us as we continue the search for answers. Our faculty and graduate students share a breadth of interests. Their individual expertise results in a department with two primary areas of research interest:
- Environmental/ecological science
- Basic biomedical science
We maintain 15 to 16 full-time students and 16 full-time faculty members. The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are awarded. The success of our program lies with a strong orientation toward bioinstrumentation and the individualized treatment of each graduate student. Graduates from the program are in high demand and are readily employed by academic institutions, industry, government agencies, research institutions and hospitals.
Whether you are pursuing your master's degree or your doctorate, our focus results in your expertise. You have the opportunity to develop advanced knowledge in diverse areas of specialty: cancer biology, neuroscience, immunology, genetics, evolutionary biology, cell biology, applied and environmental biology, developmental biology, microbial metabolism, tissue engineering, physiological ecology, medical microbiology, population biology and wildlife ecology.
An advisory committee of faculty members will work with you to design a program to meet your long-term career objectives.
Information about these programs
We have two primary areas of faculty interest: environmental/ecological science and basic biomedical science. The faculty members in these subspecialties offer the student expertise in molecular biology, immunology, genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, applied and environmental biology, developmental biology, microbial metabolism, physiological ecology, plant metabolism, reproductive physiology, endocrinology, regulation of plant growth, medical microbiology, population biology, and behavioral ecology.
Our programs emphasize scientific knowledge and theory partnered with hands-on experience in the laboratory and in the field. Our students enjoy individualized attention from our faculty and are encouraged to participate in undergraduate research opportunities with them.
Individualized programs are prepared to meet the needs and career plans of those enrolling. The two year M.S. degree is thesis-based and relatively structured in nature. It is designed to either prepare the student for a research career in government, industry, or academics or to continue toward the Ph.D. degree.
The Ph.D. program is organized to fit the goals of each degree candidate. A five member Ph.D. advisory committee designs a program for each candidate to suit the individual’s long-term career objectives.
Applicants to the biology program should submit the following information in addition to the online application. Applicants must identify a Biology
faculty mentor to apply to the Biology graduate program. GRE scores are currently waived and not required.
- Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student, and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
- Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers.
- A resume and personal statement addressing specific areas of interest; professional goals and objectives after earning a graduate degree; and, any prior research experience.
Additional requirements apply for international students. The Department of Biology requires a minimum TOEFL score of 95.
Academic Requirements
All applicants to our program should have a bachelor's degree in biology or a substantially equivalent degree with coursework indicating substantive training in the biological sciences. We prefer students to have coursework including:
- 2 years of chemistry including organic
- 1 year of math including calculus
- 1 semester of physics
- 1 semester of genetics
While there are no specific coursework requirements for admission, the admission committee, in consultation with student's graduate adviser, and the Chair of the Department of Biology may recommend additional training to be completed as a condition of admission.
Applicants who are interested in the biomedical sciences should have coursework that includes physiology, advanced cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, infectious disease and neurobiology.
Applicants interested in the ecology/environmental area should have coursework that includes plant biology, entomology, conservation biology, comparative animal physiology, comparative anatomy, microbial ecology, and invertebrate and vertebrate zoology.
Applicants should have earned a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average based on a 4.0 scale.
Additional Information
Deadlines for admission and graduate assistantship consideration: April 30 for
admission to the subsequent Fall semester and Sept. 30 for admission
to subsequent Spring semester. Students are admitted to the biology program
during the fall or spring term and must be full-time students. Both thesis and
non-thesis options are available at the master's degree level.
Applicants to the doctoral biology program should submit the following information in addition to the online application. Applicants must identify a Biology faculty mentor to apply to the Biology graduate program. GRE scores are currently waived and not required.
- Official academic records of all previously attended colleges or universities must be submitted directly from the colleges or universities to the Office of Graduate Admission Processing. Hand-carried transcripts, official copies marked Issued to Student, and unofficial copies are not acceptable.
- Three letters of recommendation from professors or employers
- A resume and personal statement addressing specific areas of interest; professional goals and objectives after earning a graduate degree; and, any prior research experience.
Additional requirements apply for international students. The Department of Biology requires a minimum TOEFL score of 95.
Academic Requirements
All applicants to our program should have a bachelor's degree in biology or a substantially equivalent degree with coursework indicating substantive training in the biological sciences. We prefer students to have coursework including:
- 2 years of chemistry including organic
- 1 year of math including calculus
- 1 semester of physics
- 1 semester of genetics
While there are no specific coursework requirements for admission, the admission committee, in consultation with student's graduate adviser, and the Chair of the Department of Biology may recommend additional training to be completed as a condition of admission.
Applicants who are interested in the biomedical sciences should have coursework that includes physiology, advanced cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, infectious disease and neurobiology.
Applicants interested in the ecology/environmental area should have coursework that includes plant biology, entomology, conservation biology, comparative animal physiology, comparative anatomy, microbial ecology, and invertebrate and vertebrate zoology.
Applicants should have earned a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative grade-point average based on a 4.0 scale.
Additional Information:
Deadlines for admission and graduate assistantship consideration: April 30 for
admission to the subsequent Fall semester, and Sept. 30 for admission
to subsequent Spring semester. Students are admitted to the biology program
during the fall or spring term.