Why study history?
Unidentified student group, 1940s, University Archives and Special Collections, University of Dayton.
Why study history?
Unidentified student group, 1940s, University Archives and Special Collections, University of Dayton.
Engaging in Community
Our faculty are involved.
The renovation of the Dayton Arcade adds an important component to the University's partnership with the Dayton community. The Arcade's place in Dayton history brings many research opportunities. Students in Dr. Todd Uhlman's capstone course have helped to excavate the past and explain the legacy of the Arcade. More adventures follow.
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Lasting Legacy
Dr. Haimanti Roy and the partition of India
Watch Dr. Haimanti Roy's Ted-Ed feature on the lasting legacies of the partition of India. Dr. Roy and all of our colleagues in the the History Department aim to teach these legacies as part of our commitment to Anti-Racism at the core of UD's core values of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
University of Dayton historian William Trollinger doesn’t limit his lectures to the classroom.
A University of Dayton historian is working to preserve the cultural heritage of minority communities in Iraq.