Getting Involved
As a student in the English Department, you have the opportunities to get involved in student organizations, various publications and special literary events.
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor society)
Membership in Sigma Tau Delta is a great way for English majors to connect and get more involved on campus, and it offers scholarships, service and publishing opportunities on the national and international level. For more information on Sigma Tau Delta, visit http://www.english.org/sigmatd/. Eligibility requirements are:
- Three semesters of course work
- Two courses in English language or literature beyond the composition requirement
- A minimum GPA of 3.5
- Ranking in the highest 35 percent of one's class
To find out more about UD's chapter or to sign up, contact the Department of English at english@udayton.edu or call 937-229-3424.
Orpheus is the University of Dayton's literary and artistic magazine published twice a year entirely by students. As an expression of visual media and literature, Orpheus promotes the arts through its publication, chalk murals, talent shows, and poetry readings. Students contribute their own work, which can include painting, photography, essays, short stories, poetry and more. Orpheus offers many areas of involvement. Students may work as editors, in magazine publicity, and in sales.
Word for Word is the semi-annual newsletter of the department. Each issue covers departmental news, including new faculty and programs, as well as the accomplishments of our faculty, graduate students, undergraduate students, and alumni. Typically published at the end of each Fall and Spring semester, our newsletter is written and edited by selected English majors, under the supervision of department faculty and staff.
If you have suggestions for a story that we might add to our next issue, please send an email to english@udayton.edu.
Published each Fall and Spring semester, Line By Line: A Journal of Beginning Student Writing recognizes outstanding work created by students in the First- and Second-Year Writing Program at the University of Dayton. Submission is open to all students in ENG 100, ENG 200H, ENG 200, ASI 110 or ASI 120. The mission of Line by Line is to showcase exemplary student writing and digital composition, give students the opportunity to have their work shared publicly, and serve as a permanent repository for the wide variety of writing and scholarship that is happening in UD’s Writing Program.
For more information, please visit the Line By Line web page.
Since 2002, the Department of English at the University of Dayton has annually or biennially hosted LitFest, a creative festival of literary arts that brings the UD and Dayton communities together in a celebration of diverse and accessible poetry. From its inception, the coordinators of LitFest have sought to showcase both well-known and up-and-coming writers who highlight the diversity of the American poetry scene. LitFest has enabled us to bring poets and scholars of local, regional, and national reputation to campus to work with students, faculty, and Dayton community members-including a diversity of writers such as The Lambda Literary Foundation's Emerging Writers, Janet McAdams (Alabama Creek/Scottish/Irish, 2009), Jeff Gundy (Midwestern Mennonite, 2009), Henry Oso Quintero (New Mexican mestizo, 2007), Ai Ogawa (Japanese, Choctaw- Chickasaw, Black, Irish, Southern Cheyenne, and Comanche, 2005), Marge Piercy (Jewish, 2004), Jimmy Santiago Baca (Chicano, 2003), and Quincy Troupe (African American, 2002). We have also included a very popular, student-oriented "Slam" as part of LitFest, contracting several well-known, local Slam/Performance poets to coordinate the event and related workshops. Engaging and connecting readers and writers of all kinds with this work and with each other has been a major goal of the festival, and the involvement of both undergraduate and graduate students and of local and regional writing communities has been a hallmark of the LitFest tradition.
The Dayton Literary Peace Prize, inaugurated in 2006, is the first and only annual U.S. literary award recognizing the power of the written word to promote peace. The Dayton Literary Peace Prize invites nominations in adult fiction and nonfiction books published within the past year that have led readers to a better understanding of other cultures, peoples, religions, and political points of view. Both awards carry a $10,000 cash prize.
For more information, please visit the web site of Dayton Literary Peace Prize