Careers in Communication
Our graduates have a wide variety of career options awaiting them. Knowledgeable, skillful communicators are an asset in many industries, including advertising, business, education, electronic media, government, journalism, public relations, social and social services.
Industries a Communication major might pursue
Trying to get people to cooperate to accomplish an organization's goals can be very difficult. To complicate matter, many employees are required to work with people they might never meet, people in different zip code and time zones, or on different continents. Managing people requires a keen attention to interpersonal relationships, group decision-making, persuasion, cultural differences and conflict management. Students in the communication management concentration have the opportunity to take multiple internships, study abroad in a variety of places around the world and joining UD's Phi Beta Chi professional fraternity. Recent grads have taken jobs in organizational management, sales, human resources, hospitality management, customer relations and training and consulting.
Journalism is the process of researching and gathering information to communicate it to the public by way of writing or speaking. Careers in journalism include reporter, editor, copy editor, sports writer, columnist, corporate information specialist, researcher, technical writer, publisher, acquisition editor, media consultant, web designer, documentary producer and many others.
Areas of communication which supplement a journalism degree include oral communication, interviewing, public speaking, print communication, interpersonal communication, editing, nonverbal communication, persuasion, listening, oral interpretation, media theory, public relations, media relations, technical writing and announcing.
Professional journalists are sought by newspapers, television and radio stations, wire services, magazines, web publishers, book publishers and nonprofit organizations and corporate communication offices. With a diverse curriculum, we provide an excellent education in the theory, history, ethics and practice of communication. This prepares student for careers and leadership in a wide variety of professions.
The broadcasting field is and has been experiencing significant changes. One of these changes or new trends specifically combines radio and television with interactivity and computers. There are more jobs available off-camera and off-microphone than on-air positions. On-air job competition is high, while the initial pay is low. Starting positions are typically found at small town local production facilities, rather than networks.
Careers in media production/radio-television/broadcasting include broadcasting station manager, film/tape librarian, director of broadcasting, community relations director, film editor, unit manager, news director, news writer, transmitter engineer, advertising sales coordinator, technical director, traffic/continuity specialist, media buyer, market researcher, announcer, actor, disc jockey, news anchor, comedy writer, public relations manager, casting director, producer, business manager, researcher, account executive, floor manager and talk show host.
Communication courses which supplement a career in electronic media/radio-television broadcasting: oral communication, print communication, public speaking, interpersonal communication, introduction to mass communication, studio and field production, media research, media criticism, advertising, media law, interviewing, and acting.
Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. Successful public relations professionals have a deep understanding of the interests and concerns of their client's many stakeholders. They must know how to effectively address those immediate concerns while also predicting and preparing for future issues and trends.
Public relations professionals may work for Fortune 500 companies, international agencies, nonprofits, government organizations, and in many other capacities. Recent graduates have taken jobs all over the country at a variety of places including Cision, Xerox, Panasonic, Weber Shandwick, and Think Media Studios.
Students in the public relations concentration have the opportunity to take multiple internships, study abroad in a variety of places around the world, and meet and learn from professionals by joining UD's chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America. Through courses taught in the public relations concentration, students will learn how to research, design, pitch, and ultimately implement and evaluate a campaign for a real world client.