Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Internships in Sociology and Social Work
Sociology Internship
The Sociology Internship (SOC 495) is a supervised work experience related to course work in sociology in appropriate government, social service, and private organizations. It is designed to allow students to receive academic credit for work experience. This work may be done in any of a variety of agencies or organizations. The internship experience serves as a transition between the world of the classroom and the world of work. The internship gives students an opportunity to relate their academic study to work situations and provides more information on which to base a career choice. Students have worked in direct service with clientele like recent refugees, family services, and survivors of abuse. Some students have chosen to conduct research, in which they collect, and analyze data for various local agencies and organizations.
Community Experience in Social Work
Many sociology majors have also chosen a minor in social work. Both clinical and administrative placements in the field of social work are possible for sociology graduates with this minor. Community Field Experience in Social Work is a 200 hour, supervised field experience with individuals and/or families in an agency setting. Students can be placed in settings where they can work with at-risk youth, older adults in residential and community centers, and the homeless. Popular placements include the East End Community Center, The Other Place, Building Bridges, YWCA Shelter services, and the Elizabeth New Life Center. Students also participate in seminars that focus on basic social work knowledge, values, skills, application to graduate school (MSW), and guides to entry-level employment in human services. This course is designed for students interested in graduate school, and for students who desire future employment in the social services field.
For more information, current students can visit UD's internship site