An excellent foundation.
Philosophy – the pursuit of wisdom – deals systematically with values and concepts central to our lives as individuals and social beings.

Who we are. What we do.
We explore the rational bases of many areas of inquiry such as science, social science, politics and religion.
In conjunction with the Marianists of Bangalore, our faculty are given the opportunity teach in the B.A. program there. The program is major in philosophy and a minor in religious studies.
Our department hosts a chapter of the national philosophy honor society, Phi Sigma Tau.
We present three awards each year to undergraduate students majoring in philosophy, as well as an interdisciplinary award in conjunction with the Core Program.

Two of UD’s top student leaders, President Aila Carr-Chellman and Vice President Stuart Schramm, are former Core fellows.

Adam Kocoloski ’04 credits an interdisciplinary degree in philosophy and physics for laying the foundation for his software engineering career.