Core Program
About the Core Program
The Core Program is a highly innovative program that ties together several disciplines into an integrated learning experience. By studying a variety of disciplines in an integrated program, students have the advantage of understanding the connections between disciplines, how narratives develop, and the ways in which important human values change and emerge in diverse cultures.
Core Program Graduation
In their junior year, Core Program participants are honored with a special graduation ceremony. For more information, please visit the Core Program office in the Marianist Hall Learning Space, Room 203.
About the Core/Philosophy + JD Program
Core students who major in philosophy are now eligible to apply to a program that allows driven, high achieving students the capacity to matriculate directly into the University of Dayton School of Law after completing three years of undergraduate work at UD.

We’d love to meet with you. Schedule an academic appointment by calling our office at 937-229-5369 or email us at