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Encountering Faith; Transforming Life

${ Lent poster. Images of college students praying, doing social service like cleaning a garden and a student being baptized  }

Hope in the glory of God

Lent is a journey, but you don’t have to walk it alone. In the midst of sacrifice and reflection, we are invited to hope, a hope rooted in Christ’s love, revealed through the cross, celebrating the Eucharist, and our community. This Lent, find moments of renewal and community through our various prayer practices and events

Single set of open quotes

"Whoever hopes in you, O my God, will never be disappointed."

~Blessed Adele de Batz de Trenquelleon, letter no. 27.6

${ Students engaging in conversation about social justice with campus minister at Bergamo Center }

Act on Your Faith

God calls everyone to work to make the world a better place. There are a LOT of ways to do this. Check out SERVICE Saturdays, the REAL Dayton, BreakOut trips, Table of Plenty, Summer Immersion trips and more through our Center for Social Concern.


Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall, Room 101
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408

Share Your Prayer Requests

Please add your prayers to our Chapel book of intentions.

Submit Prayer Requests