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Confirmation Preparation for UD Students

We are glad that you are interested in Confirmation preparation at the University of Dayton. This preparation process is an opportunity to grow in your faith, to grow in your ability to share about your faith, and to grow in your knowledge about some important lessons about spirituality in the Catholic tradition.

The process takes place each academic year; the group meets once per week for six weeks leading up to the Sacrament of Confirmation. These sessions are flexible, and topics are determined based on group interest and prior understanding of the Catholic faith. 

This process is available to all current students, faculty and staff who have been baptized in the Catholic Church. If you are interested in being confirmed at the University of Dayton, please contact Katie Mathews, Campus Minister for Liturgy and Sacraments.


Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408