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Post-Grad Volunteering

What are you doing after graduation?

Before you jump head first into the corporate world or get stuck behind a desk,

think about a year of volunteer service!

Students at Beyond UD Fair

Beyond UD Fair and Panel Supper

More than 2 dozen volunteer programs will be here for the Beyond UD Fair this year. Come and check out as many tables as you can. Tuesday, October 1, 3:00-5:30pm, KU Ballroom.

Beyond UD Fair and Panel Supper

Students at Beyond UD Fair

More than 2 dozen volunteer programs will be here for the Beyond UD Fair this year. Come and check out as many tables as you can. Tuesday, October 1, 3:00-5:30pm, KU Ballroom.


To make the right volunteer choice, it's essential to get reliable information and speak to informed people. You can find good resources and supportive people right here on campus.

  • Nick Cardilino can help you get started. He can explore with you your reasons for considering a volunteer year, your service and location preferences, and help to match you with some organizations that offer what you're looking for. He can also put you in touch with UD grads who are presently volunteering and some who have returned.
  • Every fall, the Beyond UD Fair brings representatives from dozens of post-grad volunteer programs to campus for you to speak to.  You'll get a ton of information without feeling any pressure to commit. Don't miss it!
  • The Beyond UD Panel Supper annually features a panel of 4-6 former and current volunteers with a wide variety of experiences. Some have volunteered overseas; others in the U.S. Some have served in faith-based programs; others in government-run or civic programs. Some have lived in community with other volunteers; others have lived alone or found their own roommate. Each will speak for about 5 minutes about their experience. The rest of the evening is open to questions from all of those who come to learn more about volunteering.

Campus Ministry's Center for Social Concern

Liberty Hall
300 College Park Ave.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408
CSC Website