Lent 2024
Pilgrimage of Hope
During the season of Lent, we take a step back to consider God’s active presence in our lives no matter the struggles or challenges we face. Follow Campus Ministry on Instagram for some Lenten inspiration helping us walk a journey of hope! Take a moment to consider how the lenten traditions of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving can be a part of your lenten journey.
Find encouragement for your Lenten journey with these events...
Journey with us!
- Join us for a short prayer and reflection as we prepare for Lent and burn last year's palms to make this year's ashes for Ash Wednesday. Friday February 9th, 2024 3:30 PM. Courtyard between Chapel of the Immaculate Conception and St.Mary's hall.
ASH Wednesday
- February 14th. Mass at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. at Holy Angels Church; and 12:30 p.m. at Curran Place.
- An interdenominational Christian worship service with ashes will be offered at 5 p.m. in the Kennedy Union Torch Lounge.
A Soup-er Bowl Night of Lenten Reflection!
- Get ready to enchant your taste buds as our fantastic Campus Ministers whip up some delicious soups! Join us for a soup showdown where you get to vote for your all-time favorite bowl of goodness. Plus, we will chatting about our lent journey !
- Friday, February 16th from 6pm-8pm
- Adele Room 106
- Contact Mary Bryan for more information (bryanm5@udayton.edu)
- Sign up here
"Sacred Journeys: DACA, Migration, and Stations of the Cross" -Lunch Dialogue
- Small group discussion on a faith-based approach to immigration
- March 7, 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. in Liberty Hall RM08
- Chicago-based artist Jacqueline Romo, creator of the Passion of the Monarca Migrante will kick things off with a brief discussion on the connections among Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection, the immigrant experience, and Catholic Social teaching.
- Register on 1850. Only open to UD faculty, staff and students.
- Lunch is provided
"Journey of the heart:Lenten encounter"
- Artist Jaqueline Romo will use her Passion of the Monarca Migrante Stations of the Cross to connect Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection and the immigrant experience for a dynamic dialogue and learning experience
- March 7, 6:30 p.m. in the Adele McGinnis Room, followed by Mass at 8 p.m.
- Light snacks are provided.
"3 o’clock & Cafecito"
- It's 3 O'clock somewhere! In a 24hour period the Marianist around the world are praying for the needs of the world at 3:00PM. A sign of community, unity and as a way to bringing our needs to God trough this prayer. This means that someone is praying for you and your needs hour. Join us this lent season to pray!
- Prayer will be Spanglish/Billingual (we will have the prayer in written form)
- Every Tuesday 3:00-3:15 PM in between Immaculate Conception Chapel and St.Mary's Hall
- Coffee will be provided
- More information: Andres Lopez alopez1@udayton.edu or Arumi Ortiz aortiz1@udayton.edu
Arroz and Gandules
- WEPA mi gente! On every Friday during Lent, we refrain from consuming meat to empathize with those who face hunger daily. Join us as we explore our Latin-American flavors and embrace meatless Lenten recipes to enrich our Fridays. Let's embark on this playful journey juntos!
- Every Friday 5:30-6:30PM in Liberty Hall 08
- Food will be provided
- More information: Andres Lopez: alopez1@udayton.edu or Arumi Ortiz aortiz1@udayton.edu
Weekly Lenten Prayer Experience
- Come as you are and explore different prayer styles throughout the duration of Lent!
- Every Monday in Lent from 5pm-5:30pm
- Adele Campus Ministry Office
- Contact Mary Bryan for more information (bryanm5@udayton.edu)
- Cross the bridge and rise to answer the call to follow God! During the Rise retreat, you will learn more about how to respond to God’s loving invitation through the ups and downs of life. Learn what it means to be an everyday disciple of Jesus through this personally reflective yet community-oriented time away from the everyday bustle of campus.
- Dates: February 16-18
- Open to: First-Years and Sophomores
- Register by February 12th
- Participants will be provided with weekly content that invites them to engage in at least thirty minutes of personal prayer while also meeting with a spiritual companion once a week for the duration of 5 weeks. Begins the week of February 11. 2024 and concludes the week of April 1, 2024.
- Open to: Undergrad students only.
- Register by February 8th
Bread for the journey
- As the U.S. Catholic Church encourages us to reconnect with our Eucharistic life as the communal Body of Christ, we invite you to gather with your friends or family to make and share in a simple meal with bread and reflect on the blessing of the Eucharist that nourishes us on our pilgrimage of hope.
- Kits will be distributed after Masses on February 18 and March 3.
- Location: Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
- Contact jwallace3@udayton.edu for more information.
Residential halls:
Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Join us for Exposition focused around hope in the Resurrection. In the midst of suffering and difficulty, we are called to take up our cross and embrace the hope of Christ.
- Monday, March 4th from 9pm - 10pm
- Marycrest Chapel
- Contact Noelle Collis-DeVito (collisdeviton2@udayton.edu) No RSVP necessary
Marycrest L1:38: The Paschal Mystery- "Hope in the Midst of Suffering"
Join us for a discussion on the Paschal Mystery of Jesus and how we can find hope and joy even in the hardest of times.
- Monday, March 11th from 9pm - 10pm
- Marycrest Campus Ministry Office
- Contact Noelle Collis-DeVito (collisdeviton2@udayton.edu)
Stations of the Cross in Marycrest
Join us as we prepare our hearts this Lent.
- Monday, March 18th from 9pm - 10pm
- Marycrest Chapel
- Jordan McCormick (mccormickj5@udayton.edu)
Palm/passion sunday
- March 24 10am and 6pm ONLY
- Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper (March 28) at 7:00pm
- Good Friday Service (March 29) at 3:00pm
- Easter Vigil (March 30) at 8:45pm
- Easter Sunday Mass (March 31) at 10:00am only. No other Masses in the Chapel on that day.
Weekly Prayers
- Sundays: 10am, noon, 6pm and 8:30pm.
- On Palm Sunday (March 24), since students will be on Easter Break, Masses will only be at 10am and 6pm
- Weekdays: 12:30pm
Interdenominational Worship
- Sundays: 5:00pm in the Chapel in Virginia W. Kettering Hall
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: 11:00am-noon
- Wednesdays, 4:30-5-30pm
Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration
- Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00-6:00pm
- Fridays, 1:00-3:30pm
- Thursdays at 9:15pm
Give Alms
Date and Time: Ongoing
Location: https://marianistdonations.givingfuel.com/udgives
Description: Join us in the Lenten Almsgiving Collection which serves those most vulnerable through Marianist Programs in India and Africa. Money collected will be given to Our Lady of Nazareth School in Kenya, MIRACLE in Malawi, The REDS program in India, Chaminade Health Care Center in India and Rural Health Care Center in Togo. All five programs serve the needs of the poor through education, encouragement, and meeting basic needs.