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Presenter, Facilitator and Participant Information

Presenter, Facilitator and Participant Information

Logistics of a Presentation:

1) Session participants are greeted by student facilitators and graduate co-chairs and welcomed to find a seat. Placemats with "starter" questions are at each table.  The questions are designed to get some conversation going before the presenter begins.  Some of these are very basic, “Why have you come to this session?”, “What do you hope to hear?” etc.  One or two additional questions specific to the topic may stimulate discussion.

2) The evening begins with introductory remarks and prayer, and then dinner is served. During dinner, student facilitators continue to lead their table in getting to know one another and opening up initial questions and conversation about the topic of the night.

3) The speaker(s) are introduced and present for 30-40 minutes. If applicable, media equipment is used to enhance the talk.

4) After the presentation, session participants are encouraged to engage in conversation about any number of questions, thoughts, and challenges resulting from the presentation. Presenters generate a list of 5-7 questions for the student facilitators to refer to. At this time, presenters may sit with a group of students for the small group discussion or travel around the room if they wish.

5) If time allows, the presenters answer general questions and conclude with the large group.

Prospective Presenters and Facilitators

Faculty Members:

If you are interested in proposing a topic for a session, please contact Elizabeth Montgomery. We provide a modest stipend with gratitude for our faculty presenters.

We are also looking for students who would be good facilitators for table discussions.  If you would like to nominate a student or two, don't hesitate to contact us as well


Are you interested in becoming a table discussions facilitator? Facilitation skills are vital for many of your involvements: in the classroom, extra-curriculars, and a future career. We train facilitators every year. You will be given resources throughout the year and specific discussion questions for each session you facilitate. Each session you facilitate, you will get a free catered meal, develop valuable skills working with small groups, and engage in interesting substantive conversations with peers and faculty members.

Facilitator Responsibilities & Qualifications

Facilitator Responsibilities

  1. Attend one two-hour training workshop in September or early October.
  2. Attend a 30 minute preparation/set-up session at 6:00pm on the day of the session facilitate.
  3. Facilitate discussion with 6-8 participants per session... at 1, 2, or 3 sessions over the year depending on your schedule.
  4. Recruit other students to attend the session as participants.
  5. Participate in evaluation and assessment of each session. 

Facilitator Qualifications

  1. Be sophomore status or above the year you will serve.
  2. Have some prior small group leadership experience.
  3. Be interested in leading discussion about religion, beliefs and ideas with a potentially diverse group of students on important topics.

If you are interested in being a facilitator, please e-mail for more information.


Campus Ministry

Liberty Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0408