Center for the Integration of Faith and Work
On-Going Programs
"A sense of calling brings to the surface a deep and dynamic tension within the Christian life, namely, the tension between the comfort offered in the gospel message and its unrelenting challenge. God's call confirms who I am, but it also confronts who I am. It speaks to us where we are, but it also calls us to where we ought to be." Edward P. Hahnenburg
Student Oriented Programs
MBA 758 Principled Organizations: Integrating Faith, Ethics and Work - A required course offered fall, winter and summer semesters.
Catholic and Marianist traditions of UD’s School of Business Administration call for integrating faith and ethical principles with character and identity so as to prepare accomplished ethical leaders in the business world. Imbuing students with a genuine set of ethical principles is basic.
Our traditions also help students to view work as a calling, a means to develop a leadership model that can build healthy corporate cultures.
The growing interest in spirituality in business, particularly among the mainstream business press and organizations, is a reflection of a search for deeper meaning and wholeness in our work lives.
When a firm’s leadership sees their roles and responsibilities in the context of calling, they will develop core values, purposes, and beliefs that inform and enrich the organization’s culture, engage their associates’ commitment and thereby tend to the common good.
First Year Student Orientation
Three of the twice weekly sessions will cover:
• Marianist History of UD, Campus Ministry Programs & Volunteer Opportunities
• Business Ethics Case Study
• Business as a Calling Theme
Business as a Calling
Business as a Calling Seminar for Undergraduates: Held in the fall and features a prominent business leader describing their views of the role of business and business people in society, its good functioning and the welfare of its people.
Undergraduate Business Core Course Enrichment Project
All business majors must take 14 courses that lay the foundation for their understanding of business and commerce and prepare them to pursue their majors. Thus introductory marketing, accounting, economics, et al.
Our Core Course enrichment project provides faculty with methods, resources and a planning tool to facilitate their incorporation of Catholic and Marianist values in our Business CORE Courses.
The University of Dayton and its School of Business Administration affirm the importance of these values in our mission and vision statements.
The Business Core Course enrichment project is designed to keep our value base before students over course of their four years at UD. They connect the First Year Catholic and Marianist orientation program and the Senior Year Walk the Talk Discussions.
• The University of Dayton and its School of Business Administration affirm the importance of these values in our mission and vision.
• Business Core Course enrichment project is a new tactic to keep value base before students over course of their four years at UD.
• Key courses to assess relevance of our beliefs & values since required of B Students
• Connect First Year BAI program & Senior Year Walk the Talk Discussions
Walk the Talk Luncheons
Opportunities for all fourth year business majors to meet in small groups with business professionals in order to discuss ethics and religion in commerce and in the workplace. We sponsor several Walks per semester.
Faculty Oriented Programs
- Discuss and leverage facets of our Catholic/Marianist Spirit in the School of Business Administration.
- Learning Teaching Forum Program for SBA faculty and staff.
- Faculty and Staff meet Vowed Marianist Luncheons one-on-one, to foster greater understanding of our Marianist spirit and our personal involvement in it.
- Faculty Exchange Series open to faculty and staff, university-wide, describing a facet of our Business as a Calling theme.
- Portion of SBA new faculty/staff orientation devoted to Marianist and Catholic traditions.
- Annual Faculty Staff Prayer Service held at the time of our Christmas social.
- Faculty Development: Seminars and Symposia sponsored in-house and opportunities to attend similar events elsewhere.