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School of Business Administration

Accreditation & Assurance of Learning

The University of Dayton School of Business Administration (UD SBA) is accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Additional specialized AACSB International accreditation is held by the UD SBA Accounting Program.

Meeting AACSB standards is a measure of the highest excellence and standards in curriculum, faculty, staff, facilities, and student body. To achieve accreditation, business and accounting programs must satisfy the expectations of a wide range of quality standards relating to the strategic management of resources, interactions of faculty and staff with students in the educational process, and achievement of competencies in degree programs.

As part of our accreditation, we maintain a strong Assurance of Learning program that allows us to use well-documented, systematic processes for determining and achieving our degree program competencies.  Competencies are the educational expectations for our degree programs. They specify the intellectual and behavioral competencies our programs will instill in graduates.

Undergraduate Program Competencies and Objectives

Competency 1: Our students will be knowledgeable of core business concepts.

  • Objective 1: Our students will demonstrate knowledge of core concepts in business disciplines.
  • Objective 2: Our students will articulate awareness of how an intercultural world affects business decision-making.

Competency 2: Our students will be ethical decision-makers.

  • Objective 1: Our students will apply an ethical decision-making model such as Catholic Social Teaching or sustainability to offer potential solutions to ethical dilemmas that arise in business practice.

Competency 3: Our students will be entrepreneurial with their approach to problem-solving.

  • Objective 1: Our students will develop potential solutions to business or societal problems by identifying opportunities that draw upon a multi-disciplinary creative approach.

Competency 4: Our students will be proficient in applying practical business skills.

  • Objective 1: Our students will serve as effective group members who contribute to team success.
  • Objective 2: Our students will demonstrate ability to use technology to retrieve, structure, or analyze data to conduct research and make decisions.
  • Objective 3: Our students will demonstrate ability to communicate effectively.

MBA Graduate Program Competencies

Competency 1: Students will have an ability to address business problems based on application of effective analysis/use of decision-making tools.

Competency 2: Students will be able to integrate and apply knowledge from various perspectives and viewpoints to business strategy, problems and practice.

Competency 3: Students will be able to effectively use skills appropriate to managing and leading.

Competency 4: Students will demonstrate understanding of importance & scope of ethical behavior in personal/professional context.

MBAN Graduate Program Competencies

Competency 1Students develop Understanding and Skills in Data Management, able to design and manage organizational data acquisition, storage, retrieval, and display technologies to meet business objectives.

Competency 2Students develop Skills in Analytics, abilities in using modeling and analysis methodologies to yield insights supporting effective organizational operations and decision making.

Competency 3Students develop Skills in Organizational Problem Solving, effectively interacting with users and decision-makers in problem diagnosis, alternative generation, analysis, solution-finding, and solution implementation.

Competency 4Students develop Skills in Communication, effectively communicating data and analytics results and insights within the organization.

Competency 5Students develop an Understanding of Ethical Issues, abilities to evaluate and apply ethical principles in using data and analytics in support of organizational decision-making.

Master of Professional Accountancy Graduate Program Competencies

Competency 1: Our students will be ethical accounting and business professionals.

Competency 2: Our students will have accounting (as broadly defined) research competence.

Competency 3: Our students will be critical thinkers.

Competency 4: Our students will have data analytics skills.

Master of Finance Graduate Program Competencies

Competency 1: Our students will develop in-depth knowledge of the fundamental financial concepts.

Competency 2: Our students will understand the importance and scope of ethical behaviors in both a personal and professional context.

Competency 3: Our students will think critically in devising financial solutions.

Competency 4: Our students will effectively conduct quantitative analysis.


School of Business Administration

Miriam Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2226