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Center for the Integration of Faith and Work

Integrating Faith and Work


The Center for the Integration of Faith and Work was established in 2009 in order to provide a range of activities and programs that surface the religious and spiritual dimensions of the workplace concentrating particularly on the riches of the Catholic and Marianist Traditions.

In concert with the University of Dayton's sense of religious mission in the professions, the Center engages in and contributes to a national and international discussion regarding the integration of faith and work.

This website highlights Center opportunities for an enlightening and sustained encounter with the contemporary spiritual/ethical/moral thought and its relevance to present-day business culture. There are many ways for visitors to the site to correlate personal experience with specific topical areas as well as to examine spiritual traditions related to personal and professional interests.

Our Center provides academic programs, seminars and symposiums, and interdisciplinary reflection as well as opportunities to participate in prayer and cultural activities. We want to be a trusted resource for the melding of your faith and your work in your life. We look forward to conversations with you about opportunities in each of these areas for your own professional and personal development.

Browse the pages, attend a seminar, enroll in a course, or ask for assistance. We are confident and hopeful that your use of our resources will deepen your understanding of and commitment to a sense of personal and corporate calling in your profession.

Blessings on each of us.

Jay Janney

Director, Center for the Integration of Faith and Work
Professor, Department of Management and Marketing


School of Business Administration

Miriam Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2226