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OhioLINK, SearchOhio and Interlibrary Loan

Your research doesn’t have to stop at our shelves. UD students, faculty and staff have access to materials from three major borrowing networks and can make requests through these websites for free delivery:

  • OhioLINK: a consortium of Ohio’s college and university libraries
  • SearchOhio: a consortium of Ohio’s public libraries
  • Interlibrary loan: a means of borrowing physical and digital resources — including books and full-text journal articles — from a network of libraries that share resources.

Our staff is available to assist with borrowing from these systems. View more information and frequently asked questions on Porches (UD login required).

For Other Libraries and Organizations

For OCLC member institutions, submit requests to symbol DAY. For libraries that do not use OCLC, please contact for assistance submitting your request.

  • There is a $5 charge for domestic loans of physical materials from UD’s collection to any institutions that are not members of OhioLINK or the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) or do not participate in a reciprocal agreement with Roesch Library. International loans of physical materials are $35.
  • Books and government documents from the general collection are loaned for eight weeks. One renewal is accepted, subject to local needs. Reference books may be loaned at the discretion of a reference librarian and may be subject to restrictions.
  • Circulating copies of theses and dissertations are available for loan within the United States and Canada. The library does not make digital copies of theses for lending purposes. However, many digitized theses are available in the Libraries’ institutional repository, eCommons.
  • Audiovisual materials may be loaned within the United States and Canada with no renewals.
  • Microfilm reels and microfiche are available for loan within the United States and Canada with no renewals. The library does not lend ultrafiche or ERIC microfiche.
  • Articles, conference papers and book chapters may be photocopied. There is a $15 charge for all copies made for institutions that are not members of OhioLINK or SOCHE or do not participate in a reciprocal agreement with Roesch Library. This fee covers up to 30 pages. For copy requests exceeding 30 pages, the bound journal volume may be loaned within the United States and Canada with no renewals. 
  • Items from University Archives, the graphic medicine collection, leisure reading collection, popular romance collection, science fiction collection and the U.S. Catholic Special Collection are not available for interlibrary loan, nor are Marian Library audiovisual materials, juvenile materials, pamphlets and folios.

Requesting libraries assume responsibility for borrowed material as dictated by the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, Section 4.9. OhioLINK libraries are governed by OhioLINK policies.

Make an Interlibrary Loan Payment