User Guidelines and Policies
The University Libraries is committed to maintaining an atmosphere conducive to research and study. These user guidelines and policies have been established to inform operations, collections, services and spaces. As groups and individuals use the Libraries, they should conduct themselves and their activities in a manner that supports others’ abilities to do the same. If activity in the Libraries is found not to be consistent with this commitment, Libraries employees may take corrective action. People who wish to communicate about activity that does not reflect this commitment may share their concerns at any service desk, or call 937-229-4234.
Bicycles, scooters, rollerblades and skateboards of any style are prohibited from being used inside Roesch Library. Park your bicycle or scooter outside on the rack and secure it with a lock. Register your bike for free with Public Safety.
To promote a productive research and study environment, phone and internet conversations (e.g., Google Hangout, FaceTime, Skype, etc.) should take place in areas least likely to disturb others, and notifications and incoming calls should be set at a quiet level or silent. If users are unaware that conversations or notifications are disturbing others, a library staff member may intervene. If users wish to call staff attention to disruptive behavior, they can go to any service desk or call 937-229-4234.
In an emergency, call Public Safety at 911 from UD campus phones or 937-229-2121 from all other phones. Yellow emergency call boxes are located near the elevators on floors 3, 4, 5, 6.
General Weather-Related Information
- If classes are canceled and campus offices are closed for the whole day, the University Libraries will open at 10 a.m. and remain open until normal closing time.
- On days when the campus closes offices early or cancels evening classes, the Libraries will remain open until normal closing time.
- When the University delays opening, the Libraries will follow the University’s lead. If the University closes during an intersession when no classes scheduled, the Libraries also will close.
- The Libraries website will post hours as part of its emergency announcement feature.
Tornado Alerts
Communication of tornado alerts on campus may include campus patrol car sirens; public-address systems; telephone notification; text messages; e-mails; and local radio or TV warnings.
During a tornado warning, occupants of the Libraries are advised to take shelter as directed. Shelter is available on the ground floor of the east end of Roesch Library; in the interior spaces and hallways of the Learning Teaching Center; in the tunnel connecting the LTC to Albert Emanuel Hall; and in the hallways on the ground floor of Albert Emanuel.
Fire Alarms
If the fire alarm sounds, all must proceed immediately to the nearest exit using the stairways on the east and west ends of the building. Do not use the elevators. Persons unable to exit the building via the steps should be directed to the nearest stairwell; staff should notify administration or first responders of the person’s location. Emergency fire personnel will help the person leave the building safely.
A distance of 50 feet or more from the building is considered safe. Only Public Safety staff or an individual with assigned authority can give permission to re-enter the building.
The University Libraries support campus and community events and welcome announcements for activities on bulletin boards in the stairwells and on study floors. Boards are maintained by library staff; signage may be removed at library staff members’ discretion. Posting on doors, walls, or windows or in elevators, stairwells, or bathrooms of campus buildings is not permitted. Campus departments wishing to have signage in Roesch Library, such as on easels or in lobby displays, may call the dean’s office at 937-229-4265 for approval. University Libraries event information has priority on digital signage in the Libraries. Email libraries staff with questions.
Due to limited staffing, the Libraries are unable to accept book donations for Roesch Library's general collections at this time.
Donations to our special collections are still welcome, but require prior approval. Please contact the collection area directly if you wish to donate materials that fit the scope of our special collections: Marian Library, University Archives and Special Collections, or the U.S. Catholic Collection.
The Libraries are pleased to accept donations of books and other materials in good physical condition that support the research and teaching mission of the University. All donated materials will be evaluated in accordance with the Libraries’ general collection development policy for newly purchased materials. Upon receipt, donated materials become the property of the Libraries and will be reviewed by appropriate library personnel. Materials that are in poor physical condition, duplicate existing holdings, or fall outside the scope of the general collection development policy may be disposed of through sale, donation, exchange, or discard.
Due to space limitations and the cost of processing donations, the Libraries reserve the right to decline gifts. The gifts liaison must be contacted prior to donating any materials to the libraries. Donations brought to the library without prior notification will be declined, and no formal acknowledgment will be sent.
Before bringing a donation to the library, donors should box all materials and contact the gifts liaison to discuss any special circumstances concerning their donation.
Donors who wish to donate materials for the general collection may contact the gifts liaison, Christina Beis.
University Libraries also welcome monetary gifts to support collections, programs, and facilities. Please see our Give website for more information.
Donating to Special Collections and the Marian Library
Several of the Libraries’ collections handle their gifts directly. People who wish to donate to the U.S. Catholic Special Collection, University Archives and Special Collections, or the Marian Library must contact them directly to make provisions for their donation.
Guidelines for Donating Materials to the General Collection
Library staff share donors’ concerns that gift materials will actually be used at the Libraries. Therefore, people considering donating to the library must contact the gifts liaison before donating materials to the library. In general, the following materials are not appropriate gifts for the library and will be subject to disposition (exceptions immediately follow this list):
- Materials not published within the last 2 calendar years
- Materials which duplicate existing holdings (including standard editions of classic works)
- Textbooks and workbooks
- Newspapers and popular magazines
- Mass-media paperbacks
- Musical scores and recordings
- Photocopied materials
- Damaged and/or brittle materials
Exceptions to these guidelines include but are not limited to popular Catholic newspapers and magazines, textbooks used by Catholic schools, other materials that reflect the U.S. Catholic experience, and certain musical scores and recordings. Donations that fall into these categories may be appropriate for some of our special collections. Donors who wish to donate Catholic materials should contact the U.S. Catholic Special Collection. For non-Catholic materials, donors should email University Archives and Special Collections.
Retention and Circulation of Gifts
Under normal circumstances, gifts to which the donor has attached conditions, such as those concerning retention, housing, classification and use, will not be accepted for inclusion in the Libraries collection. University Libraries determine the retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to the use or disposition of gift materials. Under normal circumstances, the Libraries will not accept gifts when their physical condition does not allow normal library shelving and use. Under normal circumstances, the Libraries also will not accept gifts on which a donor places restrictions that will negatively affect the use of the materials. Exceptions may be made, particularly in terms of rare or archival materials. Contact University Archives and Special Collections with inquiries about donating these types of materials.
Acknowledgment and Receipt
University Libraries make written acknowledgments of all gifts accepted. The letter of acknowledgment notes the number of volumes received but does not include a list of the items or estimates of their values. On request, the Libraries will provide an itemized written acknowledgment for tax purposes; however, the Libraries are not permitted to assign a cash value to gifts. Donors who want an itemized donation acknowledgment must submit a list of donated titles with each donation.
The Libraries will not notify donors of each title’s disposition or return items not added to the collection unless prior arrangements have been made.
Tax Issues
All material gifts to University of Dayton Libraries are considered noncash charitable donations. In accordance with United States tax regulations, the Libraries will not appraise the value of gifts in kind. Each donor is responsible for determining his/her/their personal tax obligations and whether a gift requires appraisal. Any tax deduction over $5,000 will require a professional appraisal, for which the donor will be responsible. Donors should consult their tax adviser in all cases, as the tax code regarding charitable donations is revised frequently. Information also is available on the Internal Revenue Service website.
Please note: Once a gift enters the processing workflow, the Libraries can no longer accommodate an appraiser; therefore, donors considering a tax deduction should have their collection appraised prior to making the donation.
Relevant IRS Publications
- Publication 526 - Charitable Contributions
- Publication 561 - Determining the Value of Donated Property
- Form 8283 - Noncash Charitable Contributions
- Instructions for Form 8283
- Form 1040 Schedule A - Itemized Deductions
Food and drink is permitted in many areas within University Libraries. The Libraries seek to balance user needs and comfort with protecting collections and technology. To maintain clean study spaces and prevent damage to materials, furnishings, and equipment:
- Avoid bringing foods that could disturb fellow library users.
- Accept food deliveries only at the designated entrance.
- Place waste and packaging in the large trash receptacles.
- Clean up spills, crumbs, and other food remnants. Paper towels are available in all restrooms. If a spill requires a greater response than paper towels, please inform a staff member at a service desk.
Certain library collections need special protection; as such, food and drink is not permitted in University Archives, the Marian Library, and all other special collections. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Please take responsibility for your behavior and have respect for the library, your fellow students, and the custodial staff. For further assistance, go to a service desk or call 937-229-4234.
Lost or stolen Flyer cards should be reported to Campus Card Services as soon as possible at 937-229-2456 or by logging in to ”My account," choosing “Patron/Card Information,” and marking your card as lost. In the evening or on weekends, lost or stolen cards can be reported to any dining services manager or supervisor. The owner of a lost or stolen ID card is financially responsible for all library materials borrowed on the card before its loss is reported to Campus Card Services.
All borrowers are liable for fees whether or not mailed or emailed notices and invoices are received.
Set your Flyer Card to Lost
The University of Dayton Libraries support the University’s curriculum, student and faculty research, and to a lesser extent, leisure reading and general information through the acquisition and provision of print and electronic collections. Some research and non-curricular needs may be met through OhioLINK borrowing, document delivery, or interlibrary loan. The Libraries’ main collections are enriched by the unique holdings of the University Archives and Special Collections, the Marian Library, and the U.S. Catholic Special Collection. These distinctive collections, largely donor-supported, provide access to unique primary and secondary materials related to the history and records of the university, the city of Dayton, and the University’s Marianist and Catholic traditions.
When selecting resources, the Libraries adheres to the intellectual freedom principles found in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read Statement, and supports academic freedom as defined in the 1940 AAUP Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, which is also referenced by the University faculty handbook. The Libraries are committed to providing collections that present a variety of viewpoints and diverse perspectives on topics that may be considered controversial. The Libraries do not exclude materials because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. The Libraries understand that authors, creators, or collectors may, intentionally or inadvertently, misstate facts, reach erroneous conclusions, or make claims that may, in fact or in perception, be hurtful to individuals or lead future researchers astray. The appearance of a resource in the Libraries’ collections does not mean that the Libraries advocates or endorses the ideas found in the resource. The mission of the Libraries is not to verify or validate the contents of all of the resources it acquires, but to make resources available for review, rebuttal, substantiation, support or further inquiry, as well as correct known errors issued by publishers. Claims and counterclaims are the essence of what is protected as intellectual and academic freedom and the Libraries have no role mediating these interchanges. The Libraries’ policy is that materials acquired by the Libraries stand as published. Resources will only be removed in accordance with the Libraries’ policies on deaccessioning materials.
University Libraries Policy on Materials Retention reviewed and approved by UD Legal Affairs, 9/27/2024
University Libraries licenses electronic library resources (research databases, journals, e-books, video, etc.) from scholarly publishers and academic content providers on behalf of current University of Dayton faculty, staff, students, and other authorized users. These resources support research, instruction, and related activities. Usage is governed by U.S. copyright law and by specific license agreements that dictate how and by whom they may be used.
We encourage responsible use of these resources for research and educational purposes. Certain uses may be considered irresponsible and could violate copyright law or license agreements, risking the loss of access for both individual researchers and the University and incurring legal penalties.
Prohibited Uses of Electronic Resources:
- Sharing of usernames and passwords or authorized access codes
- Sharing electronic resources with people other than current UD faculty, staff and students
- Large-scale systematic downloading of articles or other information
- Use of robots, spiders, or artificial intelligence platforms and software to access, search and/or systematically download content
- Modifying or creating a derivative work of the licensed (non-Creative Commons) materials without the permission of the licensor
- Removing, obscuring, or modifying any copyright or other proprietary notices included in the licensed materials
- Posting copyrighted materials on publicly accessible websites or listservs
- Resale or commercial exploitation of licensed information. This includes providing licensed content to external employers (i.e. through internships and/or other forms of external student employment)
Consequences of Misuse of Electronic Resources
Within University Libraries’ license agreements, publishers reserve the right to suspend access to content for individual users and/or the entire campus. Violating the terms of use for an individual electronic resource puts the entire University of Dayton community at risk of losing access temporarily or permanently and incurring legal penalties. Therefore, users are advised that questions about appropriate uses of licensed content should be directed to the University Libraries (at before beginning new projects.
While falling asleep is not a violation of policies per se, it can be a discourteous use of high-demand study and research spaces; it also can be disruptive, particularly if a person is noisy or occupying a disproportionate amount of personal space or positioned in a manner that a Libraries staff member deems immodest. If sleeping in the Libraries has become a habit, or if it is disturbing the work of others or has the potential to do so, Libraries staff may intervene. If patrons wish to call staff attention to disruptive behavior, they can go to any service desk or call 937-229-4234.
University Libraries use social and online media (e.g. website, University blogs, social networking sites, email, etc.) to engage the University of Dayton community in books, services, materials, and programs. The Libraries recognize and respect differences in opinion. Comments, posts, and messages are welcome; they are the opinion of the author only. Publication of a comment does not imply endorsement or agreement by the University of Dayton or the Libraries. Comments that violate these guidelines or contain the following will be removed:
- Obscene, discriminatory, or racially insensitive content
- Personal attacks, insults, or threatening or inflammatory language
- Potentially libelous statements
- Plagiarized materials
- Private, personal information published without permission
- Comments unrelated to the content of the forum
- Hyperlinks to material not related to the discussion
Submission of a comment establishes the acceptance of the guidelines and an agreement to adhere to them.
Content originating from University Libraries employees is not moderated. Employees are permitted to post directly to University Libraries social media outlets without approval. If you have any questions or comments about these guidelines or would like make the Libraries aware of a concern or a potential violation, email library staff.
Roesch Library welcomes visitors and visiting scholars with educational and research needs not being met in a neighborhood library. While collections and services are staffed and funded to serve the scholarly needs of the University of Dayton faculty, students, and staff, we strive to provide reasonable access to the collections, computers, and facilities for all users. We do make a distinction between access (library use) and borrowing (home use) privileges. UD students, staff, and faculty have priority for all services and computers. As a depository of government publications, Libraries staff will make accommodation for users needing access to online U.S. government publications. Accommodation could include asking others to relinquish library computers. The University maintains the right to limit access to the Library when it determines such limitations are warranted (e.g., when its policies are violated, when security measures so require, etc.).