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Urban Teacher Academy

Preparing teachers for today's urban schools

Urban Teacher Academy student teaching in an urban classroomThe University of Dayton Urban Teacher Academy is a certificate program for students with an interest in urban teaching. The program prepares you to be a culturally competent educator who can understand and respond to the needs and challenges of urban students, families and schools.

How to earn an Urban Teacher certificate

Students enrolled in any undergraduate Teacher Education licensure program at the University of Dayton can register for classes in the Urban Teacher Academy. To qualify for the Certificate in Urban Teaching, register for the following two courses:

  • EDT 318 (Junior Seminar): Yearlong class (fall & spring semesters) with field placement, 40-60 hours in the classroom.
  • EDT 418 (Senior Seminar): Yearlong class (fall & spring semesters). Fall semester includes a teaching methods block, field experience (80 hours/Adolescent to Young Adult Education; 120 hours/Early Childhood Education) in urban school with mentor teacher. Spring semester includes full-time student teaching/internship (10-15 weeks) in mentor teacher’s classroom.

Field placement

Once you've registered for EDT 318 and EDT 418, you'll receive a field placement in an urban school. You'll also be assigned to highly qualified veteran teachers who work at your assigned school. As an Urban Teacher Academy student, you'll attend your regular UD courses during your junior and senior years, in addition to Academy seminars, which help builds your knowledge about urban environments.

Options after graduation

A contract between the University of Dayton and Dayton Public Schools assures UD graduates an opportunity to secure a teaching position within the district after graduation. Successful students from the Urban Teacher Academy and UD's Lalanne program are also given priority on job placements within Dayton Public Schools.

Academy graduates who accept a teaching position within Dayton Public Schools receive ongoing program support from our Urban Teacher Academy faculty during their first three years of teaching.

You also have the opportunity to continue your urban training through the Lalanne program at the University of Dayton, where you'll receive two years of mentored teaching experience in an urban Catholic school while living in community and earning your master’s degree from the University of Dayton. Learn more about the Lalanne program >>


Department of Teacher Education

Fitz Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2966