SEHS faculty research & publications
The achievements of the School of Education and Health Sciences stem from our faculty's quest for knowledge and continued dedication to scholarship, teaching and service.
Research & publications
Expand the sections below to learn more about SEHS faculty who produce research & publications:
- Elana Bernstein, Ph.D.
- Douglas Cook, Ph.D.
- Madison Cloud Crandall, Ph.D., BCBA
- Susan C. Davies, Ed.D., NCSP
- Alan Demmitt, Ph.D.
- Spencer B. Gauert, Ph.D.
- Brenda Gerhardt, Ph.D.
- Scott E. Hall, Ph.D.
- Graham Hunter, Ph.D.
- Clare Liddon, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Laura T. Miller, Ph.D.
- Meredith Montgomery, Ed.D., LPCC-S
- Greg Smith, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Michele M. Welkener, Ph.D.
- Matthew Beerse, Ph.D.
- Michelle Cox, DNP, RN
- Jennifer Dalton, DCN, RDN, LD
- Corinne Daprano, Ph.D.
- Gerry J. Gallo
- Rebecca Gonter-Dray, Ed.D., RDN, LD
- Erica Hunter, DNP, RN
- Jon K. Linderman, Ph.D., FACSM
- Lauren Miutz, Ph.D.
- Sabrina Neeley, Ph.D., MPH
- Brian Olson, D.C.
- Eddie Pelka, Ph.D.
- Haozhou Pu, Ph.D.
- Kimberly Ritterhoff
- Peter J. Titlebaum, Ed.D.
- Daniel Yang, Ph.D.
- Shauna M. Adams, Ed.D.
- Jackie M. Arnold, Ph.D.
- Treavor Bogard, Ph.D.
- Connie L. Bowman, Ph.D.
- Kenneth Butler, Ph.D.
- Jennifer Christman, Ed.D.
- Tom Falk, Ph.D.
- Catherine Lawless Frank, Ed.D.
- Colleen E. Gallagher, Ph.D.
- Lindsay A. Gold, Ph.D.
- Novea McIntosh, Ed.D.
- Jeremy Mills, Ph.D.
- Rochonda L. Nenonene, Ph.D.
- Mary-Kate Sableski, Ph.D.
- Vanessa Winn, Ph.D.
Faculty Research Briefs
Assistant professor Aaliyah Baker, Ph. D. discusses her research interest areas: Black families' decisions to homeschool their children, anti-racist leadership and moral courage as it relates to human rights.