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Education Field Office

Experiential Learning for Future Teachers


The department of teacher education provides opportunities for students to explore their interest in teaching out in the field as soon as freshman year. Many of our courses have a field experience component that helps shape the student and prepare them for their student teaching/clinical experience (internship).

For field experiences, students will have the opportunity to learn at urban, suburban, and rural school settings in a public school, charter school, and/or private Catholic school.  

There are numerous opportunities for teacher education students at the University of Dayton to apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired during their time as a student and they are prepared for their future with confidence and ready to make an impact on today's students. 

About student teaching/clinical experience (internship)

  • All student teaching/clinical experience (internship) assignments are arranged by the Education Field Office.
  • Student teachers (interns) will not be placed in a school district they attended, or the school district where they live.
  • Student teachers (interns) are placed in a variety of districts (urban, suburban & rural) within a 30 mile radius of the University. This includes public school districts, Catholic schools and high-needs schools (as defined and required by the State of Ohio).
  • Students do not need to contact schools until notified to do so by the Education Field Office coordinator.
  • Credit is given only for student teaching (internships) assigned by UD through the Education Field Office and supervised by University faculty.
  • This is truly your time to shine as a student teacher completing your final clinical experience! You have worked so hard and we are here to support you in every way! 

Students share their experiences...

"The opportunities we have to grow in our professional dispositions over our time at UD are unmatched.  We take what we learn in the classroom and directly apply it during our field experiences, allowing us to grow as real world educators year round. 

We receive top notch instruction from top notch professors who always make sure to link instruction to field experience.  One does not succeed without the other, and their inherent connection is constantly implemented into our learning."

"One of the reasons that I love the education program at UD is because of how early they get us into the classrooms. By going into the classroom as early as freshman year, it really helps you figure out what you want to do within education. Placing us in different classroom settings all throughout our time in school made me even more excited to become a teacher. 

The teacher education program has done a great job preparing me for a future career in education. Specifically, the professors have been so supportive.  They genuinely care about you as a person and an educator. As I prepare to be a teacher, I am most excited to implement all that UD has taught me. Community was truly demonstrated on this campus, both inside and outside of the teacher education program, and I want my future students to feel the same sense of community in my classroom!"

"Field experiences have allowed me to enter into different educational spaces in order to get a full understanding of the teaching environments that I may find myself in later in the program or after graduation. I had a limited view of education when I entered in the teacher education program, only being in private Catholic schools all of my life. Entering into the public school spaces and understanding exactly what it means to be a teacher in our society has helped me to become a better student, a better educator, and a better version of myself. 

I always like to say that instructors, advisors, and everyone else in the teacher education program are my biggest cheerleaders.  In discerning my call to be an educator, there have been questions and doubts, but there are people who support me and help me to discern what path is the right one for me.  I am most excited about forming relationships with my students in my preparation to become a future teacher. Relationships are the backbone to ensuring that students receive the quality education that they deserve."

"I often think of UD especially during stressful times. I feel as if UD gave me the tools to not only be a good Intervention Specialist, but to be a good pillar of the school where I work. Yes, I am always here for the students in an academic sense, but UD showed me that as we are helping build well-rounded students, we also have to be well-rounded teachers. This means wearing whatever "hat" I need to put on for that day and rolling with the punches. I truly believe the time that I had in the field at UD helped me become the teacher I am today.  Even though I may only be a second-year teacher, I feel that I have plenty of years of experience that prepared me for this role."


Department of Teacher Education

Fitz Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2966