Education includes both traditional programming and exploring new avenues to educate the entire campus community in gender equity-related work.

Women's History Month
Recognized each year during the month of March, Women's History Month celebrates the contributions of women to events in history and in society today. The Women's Center collaborates with a number of offices, departments and individuals to create special events and activities for UD students, faculty, and staff.

UD Men for Gender Equity
The UD Men for Gender Equity Initiative is an opportunity for men to increase their gender equity knowledge, skills, and strategies to affect positive personal and departmental change and enhance institutional inclusive excellence. We seek to build a network of male-identified allies among the faculty and staff who will commit to taking an active role in gender equity at UD.

Salary Negotiation
Negotiating salaries and benefits is a challenge for individuals at all stages of their careers. We facilitate Start Smart Workshops designed for students about to enter the job market to learn strategies and skills to negotiate their starting salaries. We also provide an online Work Smart module for those already in the workforce to learn ways to negotiate for a new job, raise, or promotion.

Body Positivity
In our media-saturated culture, we are surrounded by images of the “ideal” body type and when we don't fit these expectations, can feel negative about our own appearance. We seek to challenge this negativity by creating a safe space for dialogue about reframing our purpose, treating ourselves with compassion, and celebrating who we are.