School of Business Administration
Advisory Councils
Alumni and business professionals provide input and help direct the School of Business Administration through influential programs offered by the Business Advisory Council, the Crotty Advisory Council, The Davis Center for Portfolio Management Council, the Department of Accounting Advisory Council, the MIS Advisory Council, and the OM Advisory Council.
Meeting twice a year, the Business Advisory Council assists the dean and other School administration officials in continuously improving the quality of the School's programs, activities, and long-term strategy. On average, thirty members reside on the board, coming from a wide range of professional and industrial backgrounds.
Meeting twice a year, the Crotty Advisory Council (CAC) assists the director and other entrepreneurship faculty members in continuously improving the quality of the entrepreneurship major as well as the Crotty Center's programs, activities, and long-term strategy. Council members are entrepreneurs or professionals holding high-level positions in the fields of business community development or business services. The activity of the CAC blends the best of academic thought and actual business practices.
This prestigious council monitors the performance of the $65 million Flyer Investments Fund, for which the student members of the Davis Center for Portfolio Management are solely responsible. The Fund is the largest student-managed portfolio in the nation, and the Davis Center represents the epitome of experiential learning as its undergraduates conduct economic analysis and equity research in support of their real-money trade decisions.
The Department of Accounting Advisory Council consists of high-level professionals representing a variety of accounting and business organizations. It assists the department chair, faculty, and other stakeholders in continuously improving the quality of the department's programs and related efforts in activities such as strategic planning, program review, and a variety of interactions with accounting students and faculty in the classroom, student organizations, and experiential activities.
The purpose of the MIS Advisory Council is to support and extend the quality of both the management information systems program at the University of Dayton and information systems within interested organizations. To support this mission, the Council sponsors activities that involve interactions among managers/executives, information systems, professionals, faculty, and students.
The Operations and Supply Management Advisory Council's mission is to serve as the industrial and professional interface and mentor for the operations and supply management major.