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Transcripts and Diplomas

Obtaining a Transcript

There are two types of transcripts: an unofficial transcript with the School of Law registrar’s signature; and an official transcript in a sealed envelope from the main campus Registrar’s Office.

Unofficial Transcripts

Current students who want an unofficial transcript should visit the Law Porches Online Forms page and fill out the Student Letter Request Form.

For alumni who want a copy of their unofficial transcript please email and include information from both category A and category B:

A.) Verification of any 2 of the following for identification purposes: 

- Student ID number

- Date of Birth

- Last 4 of SSN

- Permanent address in our system

B.) An uploaded photo/screenshot of a photo ID from any of the following:

- Passport

- Driver's license

- Government issued ID

- UD student ID

You may securely upload your screenshot to the UDSL Secure Registrar Folder.

There is no charge for unofficial transcripts, and the process usually takes three to five days.

Official Transcripts

Official transcripts in a sealed envelope (necessary for bar exam applications) may be ordered from the main campus University of Dayton Registrar’s Office. Students may make their requests online, in person or through the mail. Fax and email requests are not accepted.

University of Dayton Flyer Student Servies (Registrar’s Office)
St. Mary's Hall, Room 108
Flyer Student Services
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-1601

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Duplicate or Replacement Diplomas

To request a duplicate or replacement diploma for your J.D., LL.M. or M.S.L. degree, please email with the following information:

  • Name at graduation
  • Name on the diploma
  • Year of graduation
  • Birthday
  • Last 4 digits of your SS#
  • Mailing address for diploma
  • Payment of $30.00 for your duplicate diploma using the UDSL Marketplace

Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing.


Registrar's Office

Keller Hall
300 College Park
Dayton 45469 - 2772