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Aerospace Materials Sustainment

UDRI researcher Dan McCray primes an aircraft wing during repair.

Life-Extending Materials Research

UDRI’s Aerospace Materials Sustainment researchers specialize in developing materials and process (M&P) technologies in the intertwined areas of adhesives, composites, and aerospace specialty materials and transitioning those technologies to Air Force users. Our goal is to improve sustainability and affordability for aerospace applications, and we support a variety of customers within the government and the aerospace industry.

Our technical efforts range from projects evaluating and developing new and evolving M&P technologies to projects implementing M&P technologies on actual Air Force platforms. Much of the work is classified and requires our personnel to hold security clearances.


  • Accelerated curing of specialty aerospace coatings and elastomeric materials
  • Adhesive bonding: autoclave and vacuum bag only
  • Autoclave, vacuum bag, and resin infusion processing of composites
  • Chemical analysis of polymers: EDS and FTIR
  • Development of specialized tests
  • Mechanical testing of materials
  • Microscopic analysis-optical and SEM
  • Prebond surface preparation of metal and composite materials for coating adhesion and structural bonding
  • Spray and manual application of specialty aerospace coatings
  • Thermal analysis techniques of polymers: DSC, DMA, TMA, and TGA

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Top: UDRI researcher Dan McCray primes an aircraft wing during repair.


University of Dayton Research Institute

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0101