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Intervention Services

CADRE Consultations

CADRE consultations are designed for students who are referred through the office of community standards and civility and are thirty minutes in length. Students meet one-on-one with a staff member in CADRE.

Students, staff, faculty or parents with questions or concerns about a student’s substance use may meet with a licensed chemical dependency counselor or certified health education specialist for a confidential consultation. 

Alcohol and Drug Check-Ups

Check-ups are individual meetings between a student and a professional staff member in a nonjudgmental, confidential setting. Check-ups provide an opportunity to discuss and examine substance use patterns and learn about risk reduction techniques and abstinence. 


Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO is an interactive web survey that allows students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. The assessment is self-guided and takes about 10 minutes to complete.


Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO is an interactive web survey that allows students to to enter information about marijuana use and receive feedback. The assessment is self-guided and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Substance Education Program

The Substance Education Program (SEP) is an intervention that provides information on substance use and related consequences. The program assists students in understanding personal values and making choices that align with their goals and values. SEP consists of one group session.

Alcohol and Other Drug Screening

The alcohol and other drug screening is an opportunity for a student to meet with a licensed chemical dependency counselor, discuss their substance use history, and evaluate their choices and decisions moving forward. This screening supports early identification and intervention.

Referral to Treatment

The Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs Resources and Education does not provide any type of treatment services for students. Any student who requires a higher level of care will be referred to an off-campus provider


Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs Resources and Education

Adele Center
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2610