Library Policies
Policies & Guidelines
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The Zimmerman Law Library is open to law school students, faculty and staff, and is generally open to undergraduate students, lawyers, judges and the public. However, the University has the discretion to limit access where circumstances warrant.
To protect books and furnishings, eating is not permitted in the law library. Drinks are allowed in "authorized" cups. Check the display at the library's entrance or ask a staff member for details. Chairs and tables should not be moved from their present positions.
Show courtesy and respect for the rights of others using the library facilities. A quiet atmosphere must be maintained at all times.
General Circulation Procedures
The open-stack arrangement of the law library permits easy access to the collection. Most materials are for reference within the Library in order to ensure that the collection is available to all patrons. Books should be reshelved with their spines placed upwards. The library staff will revise the stacks regularly.
Assistance with the use of library materials and facilities is provided by the public services staff. Help is also given with reference and research questions. The staff cannot provide any interpretation of the information contained in the materials.
Circulating materials may be checked out by all University of Dayton faculty and students with a university ID. Circulating volumes, mainly treatises, may be checked out at the Circulation Desk for three weeks. Reserve materials circulate within the library for two hours at a time and some may be checked out for overnight use two hours before closing. Reserves in the Reserve Room (room 212P) do not have to be checked out if they are used exclusively in the Reserve Room.