UDSL students and faculty: please consult the Law Library's Canvas site for more detailed instructions regarding access and use of the Law Library's resources, particularly electronic resources.
Many of the listed resources below are paid subscriptions that are only available to UDSL faculty and students. Direct access to public databases is provided at the below links; for paid subscriptions the links will provide general information only. For access to the subscription databases please consult the Law Library's Canvas site.
Lexis and Westlaw
Lexis Sites
- Courtroom Cast: Courtroom Cast offers audio and video files in a searchable database. The AudioCaseFiles are recordings of selected judicial opinions. These files may be downloaded or accessed on any mobile device. Browse by subject or search by keyword to locate cases. Note that the edited opinion may or may not contain the same language of the edited opinion in your required textbook. Courtroom Cast also provides streaming videos of courtroom trials, hearings and oral arguments as well as training clips of courtroom highlights with expert commentary and analysis.
- Law360: Has publications from 11 news bureaus across the U.S. and receives over 900,000 law firm and industry newsletters each day.
- Lexis +: A collection of case law, statutes and regulations, news sources, public records, company profiles and documents. (Resource Login Page)
- Lexis Nexis Digital Library: Provides access to eBooks that the library also has available in print.
Westlaw Sites
- Westlaw: Provides access to cases, news sources, journals and other legal resources. (Resource Login Page)
- West Academic Study Aids: An online subscription based service that provides electronic access to hundreds of study aids and allows you to take notes, highlight, "mark up" your study aids and create a list of favorite study aids for easy access.
Major Legal Databases
- Aspen Learning Library (formerly Wolters Kluwer Study Aids): An online subscription based service that provides electronic access to hundreds of the most popular study aids (Examples & Explanations, Emmanuel Law Outlines & Crunch Time, Casenote Legal Briefs, etc.). Allows the ability to highlight and take notes.
- Bloomberg Law: Provides comprehensive access to up-to-date legal content as well as daily business news and market information. Includes legal citator, cases, statutes, news, commentary and analysis, docket searching and transactional information.
- CALI Lessons: Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction; more than 270 interactive lessons and tutorials.
- Please Note: CALI has banned all accounts affiliated with Hotmail email addresses. Users with such accounts can email CALI with an alternative email address or create a new account. Creating a new account will cause a user to lose all access to previous lesson information. For more information, read the notice from CALI.
- Elgar Online : includes reference works, scholarly monographs, research handbooks and companions covering a wide range of subjects including environment and energy law, human rights, intellectual property, regulation and governance and technology & information law.
- Electronic Journal Center: Full text articles dealing with politics, political science and law (via OhioLink)
- Gongwer Ohio News Service: provides detailed coverage of every Bill in the Legislature, closely tracks the activities of the Executive and Judicial branches, and monitors ever-important state election.
- Hannah (Ohio Capitol Connection): Hannah News Service is a database that has Ohio Legislative History from 1989 - present, including testimony on prior bills, which is useful for determining legislative intent. It also provides current Ohio bill tracking.
- Hein Online: Online searchable, legal research collection includes Law Journal Library of U.S. and foreign titles providing comprehensive coverage, Congressional Record bound volumes, U.S. Reports, state statutes and session laws, legal classics, world famous trials, the United Nations and League of Nations Treaty Series, U.S. Treaties, the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations and various, specialized collections.
- Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law: The Portal brings together digitized collection materials from the Law Library of Congress along with primary sources on the Web, and links to Tribal websites. This site is open access.
- LLMC (Law Library Microform Consortium): LLMC is a non-profit cooperative of libraries dedicated to the twin goals of preserving legal titles and government documents, while making copies inexpensively available digitally.
- Making of Modern Law
- The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative, and International Law, c. 1600-1926
- The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926
- The Making of Modern Law: US Supreme Court Records & Briefs, 1832-1978
- The Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources 1, 1600-1970
- The Making of Modern Law: American Civil Liberties Union Papers (ACLU) I: 1912-1990
- The Making of Modern Law databases require no password when accessing the databases on campus via a computer with University of Dayton network connection.
- The Making of Modern Law databases require no password when accessing the databases on campus via a computer with University of Dayton network connection.
- Online Legal Information Resources (OLIR): Free online primary legal resources for U.S. states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, U.S. federal government and Canada (compiled by the AALL Advancing Access to Justice Special Committee).
- Proquest Congressional: Digitized Congressional Committee prints and CRS reports in one place, cross-searchable with other congressional digital modules.
- Quimbee: Provides access to a searchable database of case briefs, video lessons, practice exams with model answer and a bank of multiple-choice exam questions
- Spaced Repetition/Law in a Flash: Access to digtital Emanuel Law in a Flash flashcards. Don't use it to learn new information - use it to review information already covered. Cards are for review after you've learned a concept in class.
- Verdict Search: Find out about the case most relevant to your practice, with complete details on awards and settlements; injuries claimed; experts, attorneys, insurers and judges involved; and more.