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Brand Guide

University Logos

Consistently using University logos strengthens our national recognition and allows all programs and departments to benefit from UD's established reputation.

Chapel (Institutional) Logo

The chapel logo is the official institutional logo of the University of Dayton. It features the most recognizable symbol of UD and emphasizes our Catholic, Marianist identity. The circle containing the chapel alludes to the importance of both inclusive community and holistic, integrated learning in the mission and work of the University.

There are three approved logo formats: primary, vertical and horizontalSwipes of the primary, vertical and horizontal logos

In general, the chapel icon and words "University of Dayton" should always appear together. There are specific situations in which the chapel icon may be used on its own; however you must obtain prior approval from University Marketing.

Individual offices, programs and departments should not maintain logos or marks outside the chapel logo. Units can personalize the logo for their area by using a secondary or tertiary lockup. 

Chapel Logo Information

All proposed uses of University of Dayton trademarks on products must receive prior written approval, which will be given at UD's sole discretion.

Submit Logo Request

All proposed uses of University of Dayton trademarks on products must receive prior written approval, which will be given at UD's sole discretion.

Design Requirements

All uses of University of Dayton trademarks and logos must comply with the University's brand guidelines; logo color, clearspace and size requirements; and logo usage guidelines.


University of Dayton trademarks and logos may not be altered in any way. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Never change the fonts.
  • Never change the color, except for the approved variations.
  • Never use a pattern in the logo.
  • Never change the layout of the logo.
  • Never stylize the logo.
  • Never use the wordmark (text) on its own. It should always appear with the chapel icon.
  • Never stretch or skew the logo.
  • Never use the logo on a background that clashes or makes it unreadable. 
Appropriate Designations

All uses of University of Dayton trademarks on products must incorporate the appropriate trademark designation symbols, that is, either ® or ™.

Use with Other Names or Marks

University of Dayton trademarks and logos may not be used in conjunction with the name and/or trademark of any other entity without the prior written permission of that entity and the University of Dayton's trademark team. The University of Dayton's approval will be contingent on the other entity granting permission as well.

If permission is granted by the trademark team to use both a UD trademark/logo and another entity's trademark, the UD trademark/logo must be distinct and separate from the other entity's trademark, and UD's trademark/logo must not be overshadowed or otherwise diminished in comparison to the other entity's trademark.

Such dual use – of a UD trademark/logo in conjunction with another entity's trademark – will only be approved where there is a compelling institutional interest in allowing such a use.


UD trademarks and logos may not be used in any way that suggests or implies the University of Dayton's endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties or views, or religious organizations and beliefs (other than Catholicism and/or the Marianist tradition).  Exceptions may be made where there is a compelling institutional interest in allowing such a use; such exceptions must be granted in writing by the trademark team. 

Nondiscriminatory Use

UD trademarks and logos may not be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups based on age, race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, sex/gender, sexual orientation, disability, genetic information, military status, veteran status, familial status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, ordinance or regulation, or in any other way that would be a violation of the University of Dayton's nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy and associated processes.

Unacceptable Use

The University of Dayton will not approve the use of UD trademarks and logos in connection with products or designs that present an unacceptable risk of liability or could be harmful to the mission or image of the University.  Such unacceptable uses include but are not limited to the following:

  • Alcohol-related products;
  • Tobacco-related products;
  • Illegal drug-related products;
  • Gambling-related products;
  • Sexually-suggestive or sexually-explicit products or products that include sexually-suggestive or sexually-explicit language;
  • Products that could be used to injure or kill;
  • Art or design(s) depicting or implying the use or endorsement of illegal drugs; tobacco products; gambling; firearms or other weapons; racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements; profanity; or sexual acts;
  • Any products with statements impugning other universities or designed in such a way as to impugn other universities.
Student-Athlete Requirements

Any and all uses of the names, numbers, and/or images of University of Dayton student athletes must comply with University policies and NCAA regulations. 

There are four approved color variations: full color (red/blue), single color (blue), black and knockout (white).

Examples of the logo in the 4 color variations

Please be aware that the knockout (white) logo is not an inverted black logo. If you are using the knockout (white) logo, you must request the separate white logo file.

As a quick trick for checking if the logo color is correct: Our faith is our guiding light, so the chapel and cross should always be the lightest element in the design.

The primary logo should be used whenever possible. It works particularly well in horizontal spaces but can appear in square spaces, as well.

The minimum width for the primary logo is 1.5" or 110px.

The clear space for the primary logo should be the height of the "U" and "D."

Visuals of the minimum width and clear space


Request Primary Logo

The vertical logo works best in square or vertical spaces. It also works best for embroidery (on shirts, hats, etc.).

The minimum width for the vertical logo is 0.75" or 55px.

The clear space for the vertical logo should be the height of the "U" and "D."

Visuals of the minimum width and clear space


Request Vertical Logo

The horizontal logo can be used in narrow spaces, if the primary logo won't fit.

The minimum width for the horizontal logo is 2" or 145px.

The clear space for the vertical logo should be the height of the "f" in the word "of".

Visuals of the minimum width and clear space


Request Horizontal Logo

Secondary logo lockups pair the University logo with secondary entities, such as schools, centers, institutes and departments. Secondary lockups can be created with the primary and vertical logo; unit names may not be added to the horizontal logo.

The full-color (red/blue) version is the preferred option, but single-color usages work well for signage, embroidery, etc.

The secondary vertical lockup works best for embroidery on shirts, hats, etc.

Secondary Primary Lockup

Unit names appear below the University's name, flush left. Depending on length, the unit name can span one, two or three lines. 

The minimum width for this lockup is 1.75" or 126px. The clear space should be the height of the "U" and the "D."

The lockup can be two color (red/blue), all blue, all black or all white. In all color variations, the chapel and cross should be depicted in white.

Secondary lockup with primary logo - example

Secondary Vertical Lockup

Unit names appear below the University's name, centered to the logo. Depending on length, the unit name can span one, two or three lines.

The minimum width for this lockup is 1" or 72px. The clear space should be the height of the "U" and the "D."

The lockup can be two color (red/blue), all blue, all black or all white. In all color variations, the chapel and cross should be depicted in white.

Secondary lockup with vertical logo - example

Request Secondary Lockup

Tertiary lockups allow the University's name to be grouped with both a unit and subunit name. Subunits may use a secondary or tertiary logo.

Tertiary Primary Lockup

Unit and subunit names appear below the University's name, flush left. Depending on length, the unit name can span one, two or three lines. 

The minimum width for this lockup is 2" or 145px. The clear space should be the height of the "U" and the "D."

The lockup can be two color (red/blue), all blue, all black or all white. In all color variations, the chapel and cross should be depicted in white.

Visual of the tertiary logo requirements

Tertiary Vertical Lockup

Unit and subunit names appear below the University's name, centered to the logo. Depending on length, the unit name can span one, two or three lines.

The minimum width for this lockup is 1.25" or 90px. The clear space should be the height of the "U" and the "D."

The lockup can be two color (red/blue), all blue, all black or all white. In all color variations, the chapel and cross should be depicted in white.

Visual of the tertiary vertical logo requirements

Request Tertiary Lockup

The campaign wordmark depicts the name of the campaign with diagonal cuts and lines, which illustrate the idea of taking off. The wordmark can be used on its own or paired with the University chapel logo.

For visuals and specs, view the campaign brand guide.

This former version of the chapel logo should no longer be used; the transition period has ended.

Former chapel logo and wordmark

Athletics Logo

The Dayton Flyers logo and Rudy Flyer mascot are only to be used on materials promoting the athletics division and Dayton Flyers teams, unless written permission is granted by University Athletics and University Marketing. The institutional logo should be used in all other cases.


University Marketing and Communications

300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1303