Types of Accommodations
The LTC’s Office of Learning Resources (OLR) is the resource for UD students with permanent or temporary disabilities and medical conditions to receive academic, testing, housing, dietary, or parking accommodations. This includes accommodations for service animals and emotional support animals.
1) You must complete the Accommodations Request Process to receive any accommodations. Accommodations will be determined based on your individual circumstances.
2) The information on this page describes different types of accommodations but is not all-inclusive. Your individual accommodations will be determined based on what is appropriate for your circumstances. Click on an accommodation type to see more information.
Accommodation Types
Academic accommodations may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Alternative Testing
- Access to Instructional Material Used in Class
- Tape Recording of Classes
- Note taking Support
- Assistive software, or other technology
- Ability to take breaks as needed
- Alternative formats for classroom materials and textbooks
- Change of classroom to an accessible location
- Copies of materials electronically displayed in class (not instructor’s private notes)
- Faculty facing the class when speaking and/or wearing an assisted listening device
- Permission to audio record lectures (student must provide their own device)
- Preferential seating in the classroom
- Use of sign language interpreters/C-Printers or similar transcription service
- Course Substitution/Waiver
The Office of Learning Resources operates a Testing Center,* where accommodations may include any of the following if you have completed the Accommodations Request Process and been approved:
- Provision to take breaks
- Distraction-reduced environment
- Extended time
- Use of assistive technology for accessing and completing exams
- Scribes
If you are approved for testing accommodations, you may use your accommodations for quizzes, tests, midterms, and final exams. You will need to schedule all exams online andin advance by following the Alternative Testing Guidelines.
*OLR proctors and administers exams ONLY for UD students approved for testing accommodations through OLR.
Thanks to Ryan's Dream, the OLR has assistive technology resources for studying, testing, and other academic needs. Additionally, the OLR has advanced assistive technologies for hearing, physical, speech, and vision-related disabilities. To receive any technology or equipment accommodations, you must complete the Accommodations Request Process.
Accommodations may include:
- Speech-to-text and other specialized software
- Recording devices and other electronic equipment
- Adjustable tables for classrooms
- Video magnifiers
If approved for software and certain technology accommodations, you will meet with the Disability Services Technical Support Specialist. During that meeting, the Specialist will install any prescribed software and will provide training on any technological equipment.
Technology Resources
- Get training on assistive technology programs and general access programs on UD's Hoonuit site
- Get started with the technology you will use as a UD student
To receive a course substitution, you must complete the Accommodations Request Process and be approved based on your disability. You must complete all academic and internship requirements for the degree(s) you are pursuing, but is some cases, your disability may warrant substitution of a class or series of classes. Note that a course requirement is not waived, it is substituted by another course of equal academic rigor that meets the academic standards of the department in which the substitution was requested.
In some instances, however, a course substitution would NOT be considered an appropriate accommodation. These include:
- The class is an integral part of the program, major, or minor; substitution would jeopardize the integrity of the particular program.
- The substitution could not fulfill the competency required for a particular degree.
- Your supporting documentation of your disability does not support the need for such accommodation.
If you are approved for the accommodation of a course substitution, a recommendation will be sent to your Dean's Office. You must work with your Academic Dean, Department Chair, or Academic Advisor to finalize decisions regarding whether or not the substitution requested is essential to the program. If a you cannot meet the essential requirements of your specific program despite other appropriate accommodations, you may be considered unqualified to pursue that particular course of study. If that happens, academic, career, and personal counseling resources are available at UD to assist you with pursuing another course of study.
The deadline for applying for disability housing and dietary accommodations for the upcoming academic year is January 15 for returning students and May 15 for new students. You must complete the Initial Accommodation Request form by these dates. Late requests will be reviewed in the order in which they are received and will be limited by housing availability.
Examples of Housing accommodations may include the following:
- Accessible features in living environment
- Limited number of roommates
- Attendant Care
- Close proximity to campus
- Dietary supports related to eating disorders, chronic illness, or food allergies
- Service & Support Animals
- Technology for emergency notifications i.e. strobe light for fire alarm
- All housing accommodation decisions are made with respect to medical necessity, regardless of your personal preferences. A recommendation from a diagnostician alone does not guarantee a housing accommodation. Determinations are made by the Housing Committee, which includes representatives from Disability Services, the Office of Housing and Residence Life, the Health Center, and other consultants as necessary.
To receive a parking/transportation accommodation, you must complete the Accommodations Request Process and be approved. If approved for parking, the Office of Learning Resources will make a recommendation to Parking Services. Possible parking/transportation accommodations include the following:
- An exception to the University's published parking policies, such as granting a campus parking permit to a first-year student.
- A Medical Transportation Assistants through LYFT
- A UD Handicap parking permit (to apply for one; you must also provide proof of a current state-issued handicap permit).
- Campus Shuttle (available without approved accommodation)
The University of Dayton's Office of Housing and Residence Life has a No Pet Policy, however, the University does recognize service animals and emotional support animals. Accommodations for either type of animal require students to complete the Accommodation Request Process* and be approved.
Service Animals
- Service animals are allowed to accompany students in all areas where they are normally allowed to go. According to the The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations, a service animal is “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability….” and “… emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks.” While registration is not required, OLR encourages students to let them know about their service animal so they can assist with any issues that may arise.
Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
- An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is not considered a service animal and is subject to additional restrictions. An ESA provides therapeutic contact to improve physical, social, emotional, and/or cognitive functioning to a person. An approved ESA is allowed in a student's residence (in their room or the common spaces within the residence) and must remain under the student's control at all times. Emotional support animals approved for the residential setting are not permitted in any other building at UD. In order to be considered for an Emotional Support Animal, students must request this as a formal accommodation. Part of the accommodation process includes securing information from the student and their current provider. Once the student submits a request, please call the office to schedule an appointment. Students can use the EAS Release form to share information regarding what is needed from a current provider. OLR will also ask for verification of rabies vaccination where appropriate and a photo of the animal. If approved for a support animal, students must sign this Housing Contract Addendum.
Additional Information
Housing for Medical & Disability Needs
The learning environment and residential living are central to the University of Dayton experience.
All housing accommodation decisions are made with respect to medical necessity, regardless of your personal preferences. A recommendation from a diagnostician alone does not guarantee a housing accommodation. Determinations are made by the Housing Committee, which includes representatives from Disability Services, the Office of Housing and Residence Life, the Health Center, and other consultants as necessary.
- The deadline for applying for disability housing and dietary accommodations for the upcoming academic year is January 15 for returning students and May 15 for new students.
- You must complete the Initial Accommodation Request form by these dates.
- Late requests will be reviewed in the order in which they are received and will be limited by housing availability.
Jan 15
Deadline for Current students to submit a housing accommodation request to the OLR
Please be sure to submit accommodation requests on time to the OLR.
May 15
Deadline for new students entering this Fall to submit a housing accommodation request to the OLR.
If you need Attendant Care in order to live independently in campus housing, you may also need additional housing accommodations. You are financially responsible for the cost of attendant care and must also work with the University to ensure you adhere to the guidelines for Attendant Care. Reach out to the Office of Learning Resources for additional information about guidelines.
All university housing has air conditioning and Housing and Residence Life has established cleaning procedures to reduce exposure to common allergens. If you have issues or concerns with cleaning procedures, see University of Dayton Facilities Management web page on residential maintenance issues or to place a work order.
You may bring different personal devices such as a HEPA air filter, a humidifier, dehumidifier, etc., to help keep your learning and residential environment as comfortable as possible.
Dining Services offers a variety of supports and services to accommodate allergies and other dietary needs.
- Nutritional brochures are available in the dining areas.
- If you have questions about general nutrition, food allergens, or special dietary concerns, it is important to contact University of Dayton’s Administrative Dietician at 937-229-2441 or visit the Dining Services website.
- If you need assistance managing your dietary condition, you may additionally contact the Health Center’s Director of Nursing at 937-229-3134 or visit the Health Center website.
- Dining Services are located within approximately 50 yards of each residential hall. Within the residence halls, you will have access to a microwave and in-room refrigerator.
- The University of Dayton has also implemented NetNutrition. NetNutrition is an online tool that can help you make decisions to meet your nutritional goals and/or select food items based on allergies as well as general nutritional values.
- Dining Services has established the A+ Room, or "Allergen-Friendly Kitchen", which is available for students with food allergies and/or intolerance. Students must meet with Dining Services Administrative Dietitian and have documented medical need, to gain access to this secured area.
If the combination of the above supports through Dining Service do not meet your dietary needs, you are welcome to contact the Office of Learning Resources to discuss other options.
If you need assistance with medical injections, the Health Center can be an important resource.
- In some cases, the injections are best managed through a local neurologist. If assistance is needed, the Health Center may facilitate a referral. Once the referral has been completed, it is recommended that you make an appointment with the neurologist to establish yourself as a patient prior to the need for an urgent visit.
- If your treating neurologist/ physician made the decision that you need to access to injectable medications, their office may fax the complete order (including diagnosis, medication dosage, route, frequency) to the Health Center. Once a complete order is received, the Health Center will evaluate the request to determine if the ordered injection is appropriate for administration on campus.
- If you have a need for additional information about medical management of your condition while on campus, please feel free to contact the Health Center's Director of Nursing at 937-229-3134 or visit the Health Center website.
Many students find they can store their medications in their residence. If you find there is a need to maintain a larger supply of your medications, you can work with the Health Center to discuss storage options.
- The Health Center has information about local pharmacies that may deliver to the university.
- If you have a need for additional information about medical management of your condition while on campus, please feel free to contact the Health Center's Director of Nursing at 937-229-3134 or visit the Health Center website.
The University of Dayton's Office of Housing and Residence Life has a No Pet Policy, but there are two types of accommodations that would allow you to have an animal on campus and/or in your campus residence: 1) Service Animal and 2) Emotional Support Animal (ESA). Accommodations for either type of animal require you to complete the Accommodation Request Process and be approved.
It is important that you take responsibility for your own safety!
For any emergency, the first step is to contact Public Safety at 937-229-2121, Campus Phone 92121 or 911. **Please program these numbers into your cell phone**
- If you have a medical condition that may be impacted by an emergency, you should develop an emergency plan or a strategy in advance.
- If you have concerns about development of an emergency evacuation plan, contact the Environmental Health and Safety/Risk Management office at 937-229-4503.
- When reporting the emergency, state your location, specific needs, and type of emergency and any additional information such as you use a wheelchair, a respirator, or have breathing, stamina, or health related impairments.
- Ensure you are familiar with University of Dayton Emergency Response Procedures Guide and the University of Dayton's Emergency Evacuation Plans for campus buildings.