School of Law Disability Process
School of Law Students
The School of Law Admissions Office considers an applicant with a disability in the same manner as any other applicant. There is no separate admissions application process for a student with a disability.
The procedure for documenting a disability and requesting an accommodation is outlined in the School of Law’s Policy for Students with Disabilities, Appendix F-1.
The School of Law follows the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) disability guidelines when determining eligibility for academic accommodations and utilizes consultation services from OLR. Learn more about Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE).
NOTE: MPRE requirements regarding documentation of disability/medical condition for law school may be different from the requirements you have followed in K-12 and college settings.
- You must make your request for accommodations through the OLR's Accommodations Request Process.
- If you request accommodations you must make those needs known to the School of Law’s Dean of Students and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs as soon as possible, but only students who seek reasonable accommodations for their disabilities need to make their disabilities known.
- You will also need to meet with the School of Law’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to finalize and implement any accommodations for which you are approved.