The LTC’s Office of Learning Resources (OLR) is a resource for incoming and current students with disabilities and/or medical conditions to receive academic, testing, housing, dietary, or parking accommodations for permanent and temporary disabilities. This includes accommodations for service animals and emotional support animals.
Requesting Accommodations
For an incoming or current student with a temporary or permanent disability and/or medical condition, students must complete the following Accommodation Request Process for any academic, testing, housing, dietary or parking accommodations at UD. This includes accommodations for service and support animals.
- Complete the Initial Accommodation Request form online.
- Schedule an appointment with the Office of Learning Resources by calling 937-229-2066.
- Provide documentation to support the student's accommodation request(s).*
*Documentation may be provided before, during, or after the appointment.
Step 1: Initial Accommodation Request Form
Complete the Initial Accommodation Request form, with the student's contact information, details about their disability or medical condition, and any specific accommodation(s) they are requesting. Students can upload supporting documentation into this form.
Step 2: Appointment(s)
A Students appointment will be an interactive discussion where they work with one of the OLR's experienced Access Coordinators to determine reasonable accommodations. Student's need to clearly describe their disability and/or medical condition and explain how the requested accommodation(s) will mitigate any barriers for them academically and/or non-academically.
When to Schedule an Appointment
- Housing and Dietary Accommodations: Incoming students, online accommodation request for housing and/or dietary accommodations must be received by the OLR by May 15. Schedule a telephone appointment within two weeks of this request. (Requests made after the deadline will be considered, but any approved accommodations may be limited by housing availability.)
- Parking Accommodations: Incoming students, schedule a telephone appointment in May, June, or July.
- Academic and Other Accommodations: Incoming students, schedule an appointment as close to the beginning of the semester as possible. Note that appointments at the beginning of the semester fill up quickly, so don't wait to schedule!
Note: Incoming students may also contact the OLR to discuss information during the summer, but students will still need a meeting at the beginning of the semester.
- Housing and Dietary Accommodations: Current students, online accommodation request for and/or dietary accommodations must be received by January 15. A student's appointment must be completed within two weeks of this request. (Requests made after the deadline will be considered, but any approved accommodations may be limited by housing availability.)
- Parking Accommodations: Current students, schedule an appointment as soon as they are approved.
- Academic and Other Accommodations: Current students, schedule an appointment as close to the beginning of the semester as possible or, if the request is made mid-semester, as soon as they are approved. Note that appointments at the beginning of the semester fill up quickly, so don't wait to schedule!
Step 3: Documentation
Student's options for providing supporting documentation to the Office of Learning Resources are:*
- Upload it when the Student completes the Initial Accommodation Request form online.
- Fax: 937-229-3270
- Email:
View Documentation Information and Guidelines here
*Documentation may be provided before, during, or after the appointment.
The OLR is dedicated to keeping all personal student information confidential and complies with the standards set by the Family Education Records and Privacy Act (FERPA), applicable federal and/or state law and university practice. Student disability information is maintained by our office in a secure environment.
The OLR is dedicated to keeping all personal student information confidential and complies with the standards set by the Family Education Records and Privacy Act (FERPA), and all applicable federal and/or state law and university practices. Student disability information is maintained by our office in a secure environment.